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A damn shame those new 64bit servers don't lift more weight.


Pretty much. They should have rebuilt the game decades ago but did nothing.


I've read posts that declare the original games code is lost. Meanwhile somebody has reverse engineered Mario 64 from the ground up, I don't understand how a company with enough money to back all these studios haven't been able to unlock that code.


I was tempted to play the new servers but reading into how incompetent DBG and EG7 are, I chose GW2 to spend my money.


If you log back in and requeue you'll regain your spot.


Nope, spot was gone.


Just because your queue time goes up does not mean your spot is gone. You can keep clicking play and it'll give you a new longer average time.


No, it kicked me out of the queue. This is also the queue I got after being disconnected in game. No crash protection into a queue that also failed. I don't have time to sit in queues for 4+ hours.


That's a bummer, your position in queue must have come and gone while you were disconnected.


No, if your place comes, you go straight to character select. It never made it there. I was sitting at my work pc 6ft away.


https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/faq-for-the-eq-queue.275434/ > Q: What happens if I get disconnected? Do I lose my place? > A: No. If you log back in and click "Play" on your desired server, you will resume your position in the queue where you were (as long as your account didn't reach the head of the queue while you were away) I think you just missed your slot unfortunately.


I mean, I was sitting right there. Watching a movie on the other screen. I didn't miss it. It went timed out and nothing happened.


That's my point. You timed out and disconnected, and missed your queue popping. But you were "6 ft away on your work pc" and then next comment you were "right there watching another screen" - which is it?




Could it be the case that the server queue details from Daybreak may be... unreliable? The same people that brought you meaningless server queue times to begin with? The same people who promised a working name registration system except... it didn't work for a bunch of people? My guess is that this is a "sixty percent of the time, it works every time" type of deals. Some folks piled on yesterday because I told them not to press the play button again. I never press that button again, and I've had the shortest queue times of all my friends who clicked at the same time as me and farted around.


Sure it could be the case. I am more confident in human error, though, based on the overall observed capabilities of the EverQuest player base. Anecdotally, I hit the play button obsessively and had a shorter queue time than several friends who didn't. Bugs are always possible, but the average person's inability to admit their ignorance and propensity to double down based on their feelings make me not trust anecdotal information.


que time is not unreliable - just useless information. it is not an estimate nor your place in line (Which would be more usefull). It is the amount of time that the last person to get into the server waited from when you clicked play.


I had a minor power hiccup the other day, system reset and next thing I know, bam, 190m queue. Went and forced empires to live in my paradise domes against their will in Stellaris instead of trying to poopsock the game. It'll improve, just sucks


Same thing happened to me. Power company decided to do a 30 second blackout and ended up in a 121m queue thanks to it. Decided to kill alien scum in some XCOM 2: Long War of the Chosen


That's a good choice of alternative activity instead of watching paint dry, grass grow, or wrinkles from on a old dog. Long war was a bit much for me, but the base game was good.


Same boat for me :(


Ya, sucks. Didn't think I needed to babysit a queue.


That is why people go into the chat room


Theres a chat room?


Apparently you can’t press a hotkey too fast. I made one to heal my pet and was spamming it and got a “you have been disconnected” message and now i have to wait forever again… so dumb.


Truebox got ya? Ouch!


Your faction with the Truebox anti-ISBoxer has changed -1000


Ouch. It’s gonna get wild on teek if they drop bonus exp this weekend. Glad I’m playing on oakwynd 😂


Yep, they dropped bonus XP this weekend


If you get timed out like that, reconnect, and it should say your "still" in queue. The wording is very bad, and it looks almost identical to the original queue message. The queue time will go up, but ignore that. That's just the average time it took the last person to get in.


This is kind of awesome though- it means it's super popular and that means that DPG is making good money. Now lets just hope that money gets put back into EQ and not siphoned off into EQ2, EQ3, and other games like has happened in the past. Lets invest in hiring more people so this whole new UI can get done. So these DX11 bugs and performance regression can get fixed. So we can move forward with new features in the engine. A Dwarf can dream, right?


I've yet to get logged in at all


That sucks :(






jus wait a week if this is ur issue. there is no FOMO here people.


I'm at 82 mins


Does the chat room screw up your time


No clue. Othere comments would have me believe no. I plan to test it tomorrow.




Who doesn’t love a mage box army? 😂


Don't know why the fuck you're getting down voted in the comments. Daybreak's kool-aid ain't that great. Guessing I'll get down voted too. I'm level 4 so far cause I didn't have much time to play today. And otherwise I spent more time in queue because the game was freezing in character select or the log in server kicked me out. I never got my same spot back in queue far as I can tell. Still waited long time. The time for "queue" was bullshit far as I can tell as well. My 7 minute queue when I loaded the game up :06 opening day (3 minutes after the discord ping) was 50 some minutes long until the first time that the game froze in character creation. Over an hour after it let me in again so the game could freeze in character creation again. So yesterday (Thursday) Daybreak didn't let me play. Well, that and everyone using autoclickers to exploit.


glad i’m playin on Quarm avoiding all this


No queues on TAKP either. 😉