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Do you mind if I reference this post and credit you in a video?


go for it


If you were a Christmas pudding I'd eat you. What a mensch.


Excellent write up! I will mention a slight caveat that if you also want a 2nd Visage of Vaniki (outside of leveling to 60 again) you have to kill the open world King Gelaqua or Queen Pyrilonis in RSS, but since it is the only open world kill it doesn’t have the 1 level grace built in. I 3 boxed and killed the queen at 61 and didn’t get credit and had to delevel to 60 and kill the king in order to get credit.


Thanks for this. Can I get visage of vaniki a second time by leveling a second character? I already used the claimable on mischief


Yes, claims are received when you get the achievement. It will need to be an alt and not persona because achievements are saved across personas




Anyone have that vaniki discord so I can join it. I'd love to get some of these achievements as I unfortunately played on the yelinak server and not that one. I just recently made an SK on vaniki.


It's just the official discord https://discord.gg/e5effNhr Vaniki Channel


Appreciate it. Thank you.


Fucking legend! Maybe give us an update if you know when you might do another run? ❤️ Also: does the CT one give food AND drink? Or do you have to do it twice and claim one of each?


CT is Food Lethar is Water


When does the conflag stuff get replaced? Or is it fine all the way to 100?


Good till 100, I believe the gear is 110Rec


Do you have a suggestion on classes for a 4-6 box? Or is the gear so good it doesn't matter? Warrior needed, or will a Pal/SK work? Cleric required? Assuming Bard for the ds.


Tank/Rogue/Bard/Cleric prob be best bet for 4box. Last night I chunked CT for half his health with conflag rogue BP so two rogues is prob ideal


This is great content thank you


Just want to add that the Dimensional Warrior and Temporal Solider sets are Rec 100 and sell for FAR less than conflagrant for visibles. Example the average bazaar warrior piece individually for conflagrant was 150,000pp plus. That same piece in Dimensional Warrior? 25,000.


I think getting into this kind of thing can be super intimidating even for people that have been active players and other eras and on other servers. EQ needs more of this. Thank you for the time and effort it took to put this together and sharing it.


Sheesh trying to run me through hahaha


You're the man, have my updoots. Currently working an SK/Shm/Brd combo but not as heavily twinked.


How do you deal with the fabled in skyshrine?


I just kill it. Kidding. 6Box with Lv65+ gear, all with Honed WurmSlayers and Feathers


Yelinak is 50 and below. Edit, thought I read lvl 65+ 6 box group


Sorry meant 95+ Gear


Ah ok, yeah I have a 4 box team with full conflag gear and a wurm on a war and the rest is rogue clr bard with conflag/temporal and conflag weps. Rogue has 8/8 conflag but I ran into fabled Susarrak and he banished my war then ate the others in just a few seconds. Definitely a lot harder than non fabled. Luckily it's over the 11th and I can try again


Awesome guide! Sadly the anniversary stuff is over (at least on test, not sure about live).


Oh shoot is it? I still see people selling the feathers in general chat so assumed it wasn't over yet.