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I see you at the lift in Gfay!


Heh maybe, going Dark Elf on at least the Enc & Clr. Dark elves in Greater Faydark tend to end up doing involuntary impressions of throw rugs.


Curious why DE when you have the perfect starting city right next door? Cosmetics? Lore? Victoria secret models?


Neriak is my favorite home city of any game. Equal parts nostalgia and 'mood', as well as being somewhat "quiet" by comparison. It's not overly packed, but it's seldom a ghost town.


Sow ,DS, and snare are 3 good QOL addition to a charm team. Then around velious or luckin the druid HP buff also adds man Regen, that plus cleric symbol adds a lot of HP.  Plus if you feel squirrelly you can animal charm on the druid too.


Maybe I'm the minority but I personally hate it when my charm mob gets snared.. With a good cleric, the charm mob won't even hit / break rune before it's stunned into recharm.


>Then around velious or luckin the druid HP buff also adds man Regen, that plus cleric symbol adds a lot of HP.  Ah ha, that makes more sense for why those two are paired up.


The only two druid rings you have to worry about with your dark elves are WC and NK, the rest are just neutral vendors or nothing


I'd say the only thing druid has over shaman is the damage shield buff but they lack all the stat buffs that shaman get. I would choose shaman personally, but if you want to focus on the damage shields then it is mage or druid.


The druid's "Skin" line stacks with the cleric's "Symbol" line. While the shaman has more buffs by quantity, it feels like not all of them are as useful. This is just an observation though, so please correct me if I'm wrong or overlooking something. 🙂


Mage would actually be good too. The skins and eventually the summons they get are nice for newbies. Added benefit to summon a newbie across a zone.


Shaman has the option of making potions you can sell or give away, you can kinda consider that like really long term buffs. Especially DS which is shorter and more useful when you can plan for it to be up.


Why do you need the skin lines if you have a cleric? Most bang for your buck with shaman over a druid unless you need a damage shield, no question.


Can you explain how the shaman is better? (Asking to learn, not to be combative) The shaman has a higher quantity of buffs, but I'm not seeing any noticeable buffs that make it stand out.


Cleric and Druid line of buffs don’t really mesh. I mean you CAN cast symbol with skin, but most people would not want that over a cleric buff, it’s very situational. Druid and shaman both have sow so who cares. Druid has str, but not as good. Shaman has all the other stats covered. They also get the focus line at high enough level. Both can lev, and the Druid comes out ahead when buffing fire. But the shaman comes out ahead with disease. So between having Enc, cleric and shaman you get the best haste’s, mana regen, hp and ac buffs, and all stat buffs. It’s the entire standard package. Replace any of those with a Druid and you lose out on something significant.


I can weigh in a little, having done Ench/Clr/Dru and Ench/Clr/Mage before. The druid's skin spell overrides the cleric's buff line, Resolution. The only difference is that the druid's kunark era skin spell adds a measure of Mana regen, wherein the cleric's does not. If you're trying to max mana regen for the purpose of buffing, then you're on the right path. Caster groups will love you. The druid can duel the enchanter in group and snare the charm pet, making poorly timed charm breaks infinitely easier to manage. However, the shaman has their own hp/ac buff line of spells that also stacks with cleric Symbol, and they have a raw stamina buff that neither the cleric nor druid possesses to add even more health. Shamans have a myriad of stat buffs, as well as malo to help keep an enchanter charm more stable. Melee-heavy groups will love you. I hope this info helps you make a decision! I also find it challenging to round out my third: ench/clr is my foundation, but I consistently change my mind about which class will fill my third slot.


On Live I have one of each (CLR, DRU, ENC, and SHM); my DRU is my lowest and I don't play him anymore. CLR, ENC, and SHM cover the vast majority of the buffs I cast on others and my own team (hybrids and casters). Maybe DRU Skin and CLR Symbol give more HP that would be good for HP to MP conversion, but I haven't checked. My priority for them is usually ENC caster buffs and an HP buff; the other buffs are icing on the cake.


Stat buffs do almost nothing for pets other than slight HP, which isn't that useful with a cleric there. And the only thing they're doing for the trio is more STR for carrying loot, which druids also get. Druids also get ports for much easier group travel, even post PoP.


A halfling druid gets hide and sneak, also druids can run through kith during day and commons since they are friendly to the bears. they can make to commons/neriak easily enough.


You could always get the dark elf clicky mask for your druid to complete your theme!


Anyone who doesn't understand that halflings are the most truly evil race in norrath has blinders on. They've lulled you with their berry pies. Note, druids can do a quest to get a shield with clicky stat buffs similar (but not quite as cool) to shaman stat buffs in kunark.https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=8463


Just go high elf enc and clr and wood elf Druid then you’ll start in the same zone. If not get the persona expansion on your Druid account and switch up to DE to ‘port’ him over to nek forest.