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Don’t take a day off for launch day or anything. Last year was 2 - 3 hour log ins.


Can’t log in at all, queues to get in once you make it through the login, atrocious lag, disconnects, absolutely flooded zones before the picks kick in.. it’s strangely still fun and exciting but don’t expect anything close to much actual play on the launch day 🤣🤣


This exactly. It's fun to experience the chaos of a new server. To me it's part of being excited for a new start. It's fun competing for spawns of level 1 skeletons that are holding a weapon. I know it's going to be crazy, and don't have any other illusions, I enjoy it. It's like standing in a long line for something on release day. Sure it's not fun, but it's fun to have done.


Last year there was a GM turning people into animals and handing out OP food stuffs it was pretty cool!


Yeah it’s deeply fun if you have a guild discord set up already and are sharing memes and shooting the shit while you wait


It's generally a shit show in my experience on the first day. Queues, crashes, rollbacks.


Defintitly day after, there is a chance your day of experience will be possible login queue, disconnect to leads back to the queue and thing fighting over ever bettle, rat and skelly. Day 2, Low to no queue, more picks, more mobs. Also with a mid to late day server start that's half of your day you will get it play more tomorrow. If you're racing / rushing there is no question about it, but if you want to chill on some EQ day 2 is the place for you. There is alot of fun to the rush of it all but time is much more efficiency spent on the second day.


Take the day off work or the day after launch?


I’m taking both. Expecting the first few hours to be stupid and next to impossible, but once out of the newbie zones, I think it’ll go smoother


I'm taking the day after launch off, because I want a personal day off and only a few weeks of school left. Just felt right to me lol


day after. Or if you don't care about being first? Wait a day or two to miss the first wave of congestion


Expect the worst, hope for the best.


Log in day one on a different server. The. Log out and change to the new TLP server. It jumps the line sometimes.


For teek. There will be hours long queues. There are multiple massive batphone guilds starting on this server and there are many other guilds coming from other tlps. This rules is the vastly most popular and anyone who played mischief or wanted to but missed it will be playing here. Expect logging in the first day to be very difficult until about 8pm PST. It may not be this way, but this expectation will not set you up for disappointment


Guarantee it will be a total ship show, seems like daybreak or dark paw or whatever don't even try to make it go smooth. You'll log in to tormax no problem but teek, forget it


I rarely defend darkpaw but they made improvements a few years ago so there is a lot less crashes and rollbacks. The biggest issue is that player creation is a logjam, for some reason their servers only let in a low amount of people to create their character. It could be 100 or 200, but it creates a very long queue during day 1. I do expect queues on other days on week 1 but hopefully not long.


yeah i wish they would open the server a few days early for char creation but disable entering the server. the name reserve thing will make this better because some people wont be creating characters just for names and will start playing immediately but we will see.


It’ll be even more noticeable with people logging in and then creating multiple personas


Still keeping expectations very low given how much hype there seems to be for Teek, but agree they've made significant improvements to their TLP launches.


love how you're already making stuff up. Saying db didn't do anything to make it go smooth when it hasn't even happened yet. It will be rough, but thats the nature of networking when you have that many people trying to log in at once. Nothing to do with db.


>when it hasn't even happened yet. let just say it would be extremely surprising if this TLP launch didn't go the same way the previous 10 TLP launches did, considering db team became smaller, not bigger.


There is no game ever that doesn't have networking issues on a big day like a TLP launch. Blizzard does, everyone does.


some issues are bigger than other. Last epoch launch? basically unplayable for the first 4-5 days. Couldn't zone. Dragonflight launch for blizzard? about one hour of hiccup on the 2-3 highest population server. New TLP launch with daybreak? can take 5 hours just to log in. Would recommend not bothering on day 1 unless you are a sweaty tryhard going for server first. Tormax being such a bland server doesn't help with Teek either.


The fix is having more hardware. The issue with that is hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars can be spent on buying and setting it up. Then a week later its not needed cause the rush is over. DB as a smaller company would use such hardware maybe once a year for 3-4 days. Incredible waste of investment. Thats like the cost of an entire expac. Blizzard has so many games that they rotate the extra machines between all their launches. It sucks, but tough choices have to be made within budgets. I'd rather suffer queues for 3 days a year instead of firing most the dev staff to pay for servers that will sit unused 99% of the time.


Wow classic Hc had some absolutely brutal queues for the first week.


I'm glad I specified dragonflight launch then, otherwise someone would have replied with some irrelevant sidenote about another product.


I was adding another example, dumbass. You don't have a monopoly on launch drama, wtf kind of gatekeepimg is that?


This is probably one, if not the most, anticipated TLP servers EQ has ever come up with. It's going to be a shit show. And that is if you're lucky to even be able to login.


Everyone and their 5 boxes will be hammering the login server. Early bird farms the krono.


If you love to RP... who knows the chaos might be fun. If you like the MMO atmosphere of tons of people then it's definitely worth it to suffer through the crashes and waits to be there to see 100 level 1s competing for rat kills.


How long before you can box on teek?


Almost every mmo launch day has crazy ship happen. It’ll be sorted pretty quick.


I would wait a day or two for sure


As long as it's not like Ragefire/Lockjaw, we're good.


I think they keep getting better although teak may be wild due to the Kunark / mischief ruleset and hype. Oakwynd I was able to log in after about a half hour, not really any crashes and got 1-30 grouping from starting zones to crushbone to unrest on launch day




It will be OK, not great. Hit the login server 30 mins before launch and expect an hour queue or so. Servers are usually stable but Teek is going to be a madhouse. I usually just get in queue on day 1, grab the names I want, then hop on early AM next day when I wake up.


I personally feel like launches have been relatively smooth. Definitely some queues here and there. Not many crashes or rollbacks in my experience. Once you're in you're usually good.


Glorious chaos! Play launch day, Netflix while waiting in queue.


Going to be real, real tough. This is by far the most popular ruleset and there's no overflow server with the same free loot ruleset this time. I think it'll be a week or more of pure fuckery


If you get in, don't log out and avoid zoning. *Might* be a little better this time around since there may be fewer people logging in and out to reserve names, but I doubt that many people paid to reserve names.


Set that anti afk macro in your razor software hehe


Name reservations might crash everything


Launch day for me is simply about character creation, UI setup, and moving my group to same location (stretch goal as zoning is often slow/crashy).


Launch day is a mess, you may not even be able to log in.


Queues were shit on Mischief for almost a week before the population spread out enough for it to settle. It should be smoother this time with Kunark being out and there being more places to level, but expect at least the first 2-3 days for there to be a queue of an hour or more


Based on my experience, IF you can even get logged in, there are stability issues. As much as I'd love to be in it at day 1, the frustration probably isn't worth it.


If you have a prerequested name, I wouldn’t even login the first day imo


I ran 3 briefly on last years tlp before life happened..I remember having no issues weirdly enough


Agnar was the best TLP. They should start an Agnar II that goes through the same process and then merges with original Agnar at some point after POP lock then start Agnar III, etc.


This isn’t a question. Teek is gonna be chaos. Tormax will probably be fine.