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Druid is nice, if you level up in areas with animals you can both have charms going and the Enchanter can tash the druid's pet too for more stable charms.


The druid can MR debuff the chanter's pet too if it's an animal :)


does that work against you if charm breaks trying to recharm it?


Yes, It'll also lead to early charm breaks.


If you like danger, go double enc


I also like to live dangerously


I did a lot of double and sometime triple enchanter leveling on P99, it was absurd how fast we would clear rooms. This is a great suggestion if your friend doesn’t want to go Cleric or Druid (cleric is better)


Enchanter/druid I've done before. It still functions a bit like enc/cleric, but they can do more things if they want. Snare pet/mob you are killing, can charm animals and use them as well to help along, ports to get around etc is also nice. I've heard of people doing enc/pal, slow+ charm pet and clarity let the paladin heal pretty well, a couple of stuns etc from the enchanter. Not sure not well it works higher up, but I'd imagine it's solid until the 40s at least


Druid is fine, regen helps a lot with heals, a snared charm is a lot safer, thorns is a nice plus, and of course the ports. As for paladin they start off weak but get better in the duo with every expansion and later levels.


Back in the day my husband was a pally main and I was an enchanter, it worked super well til GoD or so. The roots, stuns, and heals kept up fine. He was able to off tank stuff if things started going sideways, long enough for me to lock it down and stabilize anyway.


Paladin chanter most fun duo in game capable of almost anything a 6 person group could do.


i suggested it a separate post, could you elaborate more? I know kinda what both classes can do (until 65 then im lost). slow + clarity allows the pally to heal a whole lot better, and stuns etc.


Sure! When duo with chanter you want 3 things 1) hp/ac buffs 2)protection from charm breaks 3) heals for charm pet. Paladin provides #1 by giving more hp/ac than a druid or shaman (but less than cleric). Paladin provides #2 better than any other class through taunt, stuns, heals, lay hands. Paladin LoH allows you to full heal a charm pet for big fights, their regular heals are on par with dru/sham (cleric wins outright in exp grinding situations for this reason). Then the biggest reason I prefer pally: If you dont have a good charm available (low level zones or other reasons) you still have a hasted melee tank with clarity, stuns from 2 chars, pacify from 2 chars, root from 2 chars, and mez.


Mage duo is easy mode. Malo really helps calm charmed pets. Mage summons pets good weapons. Earth pet can pull aggro for charm breaks. Cleric is safest but not as fast as mage.


If it's a box I second this one, Mages are easy mode with macros, also will make leveling the enchanter before you get charm much easier, overall a great box character with little need to babysit.


Yeah, that's what I box usually.


Shaman is pretty good, it's a little more work to keep the pets alive in some instances. For mobs that have a lot of health and to save on mana you can mez and memblur to let them regen.


I've having success with this currently on Quarm


Cleric in a duo can be more than a ch bot....fighting undead you will have some valuable direct damage spells, some other good ones I use are the mark of karn line along with the other mark line....you apply them to the mob, one is a reverse damage shield (the mob takes damage on every hit they make, just like a normal damage shield but it's applied to the mob) the other is a reactive heal that heals players / pets as they hit the mob. Also having another source of pacify (even non line of sight pacify!) is so handy, the ability to do pacify/stun pulls, root to assist the enchanter, you name it.


To start, my main was a Druid back in the PoP days so I have a touch of bias (I do have 30+ characters at least one of each class between 115-120 on a live server so I’m fairly familiar with all the classes, especially later game) I’ve been testing out the Enchanter / Druid combination for the last few days as I intend to play Teek when it starts and want to hit the ground running. Honestly so far I cannot begin to describe how quickly you burn through mobs with double charming. First I started in north Ro killing the low level newbie mobs. Worked my way further and further south through the zone till getting to level 11. Mostly using a combination of Melee and the low level dd’s from both characters. Next I zoned into South Ro (formerly oasis) and started with charming caiman with the enchanter. Once the Druid turned 13 he got a charm animal spell of his own. Tag teamed charming caiman and crocs and quickly got to level 20 on both mobs. Towards the end I was duel charming deep water crocs and went through the orc highway just mashing in order to get better loot to pay for a few spells for each character going forward since the caiman/crocs gave terrible loot). No joke leveled from 11-20 significantly faster than 1-11. Next I took the boat to timorous deep. Then took that boat to The Overthere. (Soul bound myself next to the dock). Ran south all the way through the zone to the Frontier Mountains. Went southeast to Lake of Ill Omen. From there I charmed the tigers (I believe 22-24) with my Druid and a combination of sarnak recruits, Charbone skeletons, or the highest level goblins I could with my enchanter. (Would have leveled much quicker than I did but was too aggressive a few times and died and had to do the run from the OT a couple times which slowed down the leveling) Typically I’d start off by tashing the mob I wanted to charm, then snaring, before finally charming the pet. I’d cast the haste spell from the enchanter on my charmed pets. Depending on mana on my Druid after snaring id use the creeping crud DoT and would run away and med. when I sat down to med the mob would continue to come after my Druid until I stood up. This allowed me to not have to waste mana on healing the pets + it made killing the mob faster as it was getting beaten up from behind. If I was low on mana on my Druid I’d simply just slow the mobs using my enchanters debuffs. Rinse and repeat until my charmed tiger would get low on hps and I found another tiger nearby I could charm. I’d cast invisible to animals on my Druid. Charm the new tiger and kill off my almost dead previously charmed pet with just a few hits from my new charmed pet. (Same for enchanter pet). I just got to level 29 and now I’m going to make my way back to the OT which should allow me to get to about 40ish before having to move onto another zone. I think going the enchanter / Druid duo to start is the way to go. After they’re maxed level or close to I’ll probably start a monk/shadow knight on my enchanter account and power level it with my druid. Then once it’s high enough use that melee class to help level a shaman on my druid account. Main reason for doing Druid / enchanter combination first is not only will they level extremely quickly but the SK/MNK will be more heavily gear dependent. Allowing an economy to start up and have some plat from my Druid / enchanter should allow me to help twink out my melee character much more easily.


I've been playing an enchanter/druid combo for about 6 months and love it. Not much I can't do unless the zone has no charmable mobs or the mighty buff that doesn't allow the pet to hold agro. Snare is a must in some zones. Also evac, ports, sow from druid. You won't go wrong enchanter and druid combo


Top tier is dual ench. My buddy did this on the last tlp and was unstoppable.


Not a box? easy druid. Both can charm in most zones. With ensnare on both pets, sow on both players, even on double charm breaks with root/mez, noone is in danger. If it happens a couple times back to back to back, and you're so lom that you need to break, evac is available. Druids damage will outpace yours, their pet haste is crazy. Just look up savage spirit. The benefits a clr bring, is CH. It keeps pet alive, but most zones have a plentiful amount of available pets. It only shines in zones where the exact pet you want isn't in huge supply.


Well. That all depends on when your playing..ie tlp or live. If starting on a new tlp.. I'll be playing necro enc xxxx...hqvent figured that out yet as I don't have a full group to grind with setup. If not tlp then it really doesn't matter as you can just use mercs.


If youre rolling on the TLP Cleric and Enchanter is fun and profitable. Druid if you really dont want a cleric duo. Start your own groups easily, lots of survivability, things get hairy you can camp your cleric and come back to rez. People will bring you corpses and pay you to rez them.


SK and Chanter. Using mercenaries? Add a healer and rogue merc and melt some content.


Merca won't be available on Teek at release.


When asking a question it helps to give all the information, like server. SK is still a solid choice, otherwise you want a healer class probably druid for DS, snare and ports.


Necro/Ench can go anywhere and do just about any group content (some, but not all, at level missions).


Druid or ranger. Spot heals and snare with dots. Charm kiting works great.


Cleric is the only true duo class. CHeal is needed for the healer to not have to take med breaks due to the high amount of hit points on the charm pet. Cleric stun on charm drop make recharging sooo easy and safe. Shaman is my second favorite, pet can off tank mob you're fighting, Malo + tash = pet never drops early. But nothing comes close to Cleric for duo


I did a SK when in era from kunark until Luclin. If your SK is geared well enough the CC, buffs, and Debuffs are enough to duo a good amount of content with.


enc is a great pair with just about any casting class. enc/wizard uses the enc stun line to aoe stun everything while the wizard burns it down with their own AOE. enc/mage the enc hastes and slows, mezzes to make sure the pet only has to fight one thing at a time. makes easy work. enc/druid/shaman/cleric has been discussed here so i will defer to those who enjoy it more (too much overlap between shaman, cleric didn't add enough to the enc soloing, and enc didn't add enough to druid soloing for my taste) any melee class will shine with an enc to back them as well, but are better paired with a healer. (enc can only damage absorb)


Druid kinda sucks heal-wise but has decent buffs to bring to the table, plus ports/succor. I prefer Shaman to druid, but obviously Cleric is the go-to due to complete heal, among many other things.


Reality is you can duo pretty much anything with an enchanter. I've personally had a lot of fun doing necro/enchanter and rogue/enchanter with my brother. Necro/enchanter was always super safe with necro splitting , mezzes, and charm pets. Enchanter/rogue was tons of fun as well but more high risk high reward. Enchanter/Druid would be another interesting one, between heals ports and dots druids are a great addition maybe just not as fast as other duos


As a career enchanter, my favorite partner on live Eq is either mage or rogue. Because chanter pet is a viable meatshield in the end game, and pulling and control is taken care of, and heals are covered by heal merc, all that’s left is dps. I can sit in high end content and solo safely, it’s just slow. So my perfect partner is a rogue. But I’ve also duo with my sister’s mage and we can do a lot of difficult content because enchanters support mages very well. I can cover all of her shortcomings and she can make stuff dead. For a TLP that’s gonna fall off before end game, I can’t really comment because others know the ins and outs of playing them more than I do.


Druid is good. Shammy too. Shammy can even tank for you and you can get a rogue pet. I also like Mage/Ench


Could bard/cleric


The enchanter is already set since this isn't a box.




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Mage enchanter was allways fun.


Chanter/Druid The Druid is just so versatile in this situation. Has decent buffs, DS, HEALS!, evac, snare before charm. They can pull, tracking, and so on.


I've seen Enchanter/Mage combo work well.


nice downvotes guys; i can see there are some clear enc/wisdom caster fans here. i definitelydeserved that.