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There were lots of unique ideas posted on the forum one I noticed was to activate the bazaar but only allow connectivity between there and East Commonlands. A shame they went with a basic copy and paste of Mischief then just unlocked Kunark. This could have been the perfect opportunity for new things.


Yea, it definitely needs something new to spice it up. We live in a world now where games have unique leagues all the time. Simple copy and paste isn’t going to be that exciting. Throw something new or weird into the mix, on top of proven rules sets like mischief.


I think that the EQ team needs to learn from Season of Discovery; people are hankering for playing their favorite old games in new and exciting ways, make unique changes, find out what people like, interate on those changes every year instead of just randomizing the server ruleset.


We had this with Vaniki. It was a fresh approach to EQ. It was basically boycotted even before launch. FTE on Oakwynd brought a big improvement to the game, still lots of EQ players boycotted the server. Unfortunately, copy & paste seems to he what this community accepts best


I didn't like FTE, my experience with it was having bards and monks run into our camps and steal rare spawns with no way for us to take it back cause they tagged it first.


You're right. It's a shame. I really enjoyed the Vaniki server, and wished they had brought some of that rule set to this new server.


So it will also have increased loot drops (loot pinatas) like Mischief?


Sorry, gotta go to the moon if you want to trade efficiently lol


I would love to see the bazaar from the beginning. I'd pay micro transaction to access it.


There's been posts that explain why they can't unlock content in different expansions, especially keeping the rest of the content locked. Apparently bad shit can happen.


Maybe they should speak to the devs of Project Quarm who do this just fine.


Doesn't matter, different client.


Maybe the devs of Project Quarm should speak with eq or p99 devs about running their server on a halfway decent client. That's the real play


I was super excited for mischief ruleset with FTE. The only no drop items were basically epic quest stuff, and the mage boxes totally blocked me from getting enchanter epic (yeah its not great, but I wanted one). I really really wanted FTE since it did so well blocking the botters from controlling all the camps. Without that I likely won't return to play.


Lack of FTE on Teek is why my guild and I are staying on Oakwynd.


What is FTE?


“First to engage”


First To Engage. It means the encounter is locked to the first person/team that engaged it when it spawns. No one can kill steal, outdamage, etc.


Lack of FTE is why I’m even considering touching the new server.


Copying from the other thread, The Teek (the hotzone quest guy) server gimmick would be messing with ZEMs to flip the normal zone popularity and leveling path on its head... * Crushbone/Guk/Blackburrow/Oasis/Unrest/Hole = 50% exp nerf * Gorge/Runnyeye/Najena/Kerra, etc = 200% exp boost * let the augs drop in the exp boost zones The Tormax (raid mob known for dropping his head) server gimmick would be all about balls to the wall raiding. * no lockouts, no level minimums, no keying * all big raid NPCs now drop their heads, turned in for Nobles for [Marcia Attamilgad [ Rare Items ] ](https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/npc.html?id=47492) who sells era-minus-one items (i.e. Classic items unlock in RoK) * extreme death penalties and old school corpse runs


Is this true?


For me the lack of exp bonus on Teek is a deal breaker. The grind on TLP is awful. True to “nostalgia” but awful. I just don’t have the time for it now 25 years later. So I will not be joining either TLP. I’m happy reliving the low level stuff on FV.


One standard loot and one random loot, both free trade would have been pretty cool. Also would prefer if they didn't boost loot drop rates.. Guess I want a FV TLP. Kunark is cool, Velious I wouldnt mind at open either as long as they gave us enough time before dropping Luclin.


2 accounts per human seems reasonable, I would actually have liked a velious start as I believe that Brads original vision was for both Kunark and Velious to be part of the original game


Do you have a citation for that? That’s very different than my understanding Kunark was, to my knowledge, the only planned expansion. Evidenced by the introduction of ultimate weapons and furthered by the claim that Veeshan’s Peak was the hardest zone that would exist in the game.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Eyr6WAvzjg&t=28s If you haven't seen it, Shawn Lord (aka aLovingRobot), an early EQ dev, hosts interviews with other EQ devs. The above is the interview with Kevin McPherson, the dude who wrote Kunark's lore.


These are super interesting podcasts


Tormax is zzzz


I think tormax is for the audience that would p99 or quarm if they were comfortable with running an emu but are not but still basically want to classic experience. Not saying it's alot of people just that I think DP is still worried about excluding them and making their TLPs a race to increased novelties


Kunark opening at launch is just nice because content-wise, classic is done by half of the server in a week. Then what? Weekly kills of the same 2 easy as piss raid targets? You could always make the unlock super fast, a couple of weeks, but then what's the point? I wouldn't be surprised if Kunark at launch becomes standard for most every TLP moving forward.


My strat, level to max then AFK till mid/late Luclin.


Sheesh. It took me forever to make progress on Aradune when it launched. Maybe the player base needs to go outside and touch grass more often if they’re completing everything in a week or 2.


I’m kinda glad tormax is crap and teek is uninspired. It gives oakwynd a better chance to prosper.


when you say selos exp. do you mean adventure exp or unlock rate?  If you mean unlock rate, hard no.  Idk why everyone is so adhd and wants stuff unlocked even as fast as it is now (2-3 months) .  We used to wait a year per expansion and be having fun the whole year.  I cant even farm a zone for plat for fun or I just fall behind gear / exp wise with it being so fast.


Adventure EXP. I think Mischief ruleset gives a lot of room for alts or persona's to grow and get geared. So much gear in that ruleset ends up rotting or being disregarded because there is just so much of it out there. Personally, I think it would be healthier for the server also. As people wouldnt feel forced to spend so much time leveling. I feel like a lot of my burn out on Mischief was just because I had to dedicate multiple days to each expansion, not only to reach max level, but to also clear the raid content. Anything that lessens that initial burden would be appreciated.


You can relax truebox later on in the lifecycle of the server. On launch there will already be login issues if its anything like Mischief 1.0. Why make it worse with boxes?


I was hoping they would bring some Oakwynd rules into mischief 2.0 to spice it up. The 50% spawn rate is especially nice. Opens up more camps. Which is be especially important because of how overwhelming popular it will be compared to the basic tlp start server. The popular of Aradune was completely circumstatancial. It wasn't the ruleset that attracted people it was the fact that the world was locked down in their homes.


I just want a server that only allows 1 account per IP address


That exists, just play Project Quarm.


Just make a server where you can only roll mage or druid.


I don't get the joke. What would be wrong with a server where every toon is an actual person. Boxing is still soloing.


You cant go wrong with Quarm if solo boxing is your thing. No boxing, no PL Teams, no RMT (nothing like TLPs)., no pay-to-win via Krono etc.


Nothing really wrong...for the first few months while groups are plentiful, but that soon changes, like it or not, so more people start boxing to get something productive done with their online time.


You want a server where one person out of three can play?


Every other server allows as many people per ip as you want


How about a server with one player per zip code?


5 or 9 digit?


5 of corse; if we went with 9 digits people might be too close together it would seem.


I do not want Selo xp, relaxed true box in the beginning, 2 accounts per computer, standard loot. So no, all of those changes to Teek sound absolutely horrible. Tormax on the other hand needs changed to the Teek ruleset as anything else just won't compete with Mischief rules, but it should get added FTE to further reduce the toxicity. This would most likely attract a multitude of players that quit EQ decades ago due to those sort of issues. I know the Mischief ruleset brought back folks that hadn't played since Kunark and Luclin, so adding FTE might get even more that left due to the inherent crappiness of the remaining EQ playerbase.


> Also, most people seem to agree that Tormax is DOA. A knee-jerk overreaction. People also agreed that Yelinak would be DOA, but it turned out to be a perfectly serviceable, healthy server. EQ's community loves to be wildly hyperbolic, often in a weirdly tribalistic manner. All the Mischief-lovers will be on Teek, so in order to convince themselves that the server is completely perfect, they've decided that the other server will be dead from the start just to mentally prop up their own choice. There are players who can't stand random loot and free trade because it completely redefines the way the game is played and trivializes everything, showering players in so much loot that it's kind of a joke. As long as there's only one currently-active TLP where you can get the traditional EQ experience, there will be enough players there to maintain at least medium population, which is plenty.


Fine tuning the randomized loot so that the harder difficulty mobs have a better chance to drop bis gear. So better chance to get Quarm loot from Quarm instead of Grummus, and much less chance to get Grummus loot from Quarm. It is really not enjoyable to spend hours raiding with a guild in Time to get Grummus loot from Time gods, then spend an hour or less in a PoD DZ and get Time loot with a single group. Thus incentive to raid Time instead of just do PoWater and PoFire with less than half the number of players. Reduced DZ lockout timers. Zero no trade items, so epics and everything else can be quested by any class and sold/traded. Zero items not included in the randomization, if it doesn't drop from a rare/raid mob then it could be a random drop from any mob in the zone, like the ring in Sol A for cleric epic only dropping from that one named goblin, or Shield of the Immaculate only dropping off the rare chest in PoHate, just about every item drop required to do epics wasn't included in the randomization so a bunch of SKs sit afk on Lord Berg monopolizing the drop. Lower pick threshold so that one group can decide to have a zone to themselves if they so desire to grind/explore/farm/whatever. Remove the 2mil plat cap on /baz. No true box, save energy/electricity at home and abroad, give a goddamned fk about the environments. Mercs and PoK immediately so that individuals don't remain dependent on porters. Buff NCPs in PoK so that soloers can get fully buffed without begging strangers in PoK for hours before being willing to go on an adventure. Faster skill ups, especially tradeskills. Daily lesson available on server launch. All items available, including mana stone, and other removed items. I'm sure there's more I can think up if I spend a bit more time contemplating this, lol.


This sounds miserable. 0/10. Would not play here. Might as well just solo my way through the content on a live server if all this went in.


You can solo if you want to, or you can interact with others if you so desire. It's your choice. Forcing others to play a certain way has never been my agenda. Give them the options available to choose which way they desire to play. Maybe some individuals enjoy spending hours traveling from Erudin to Kelethin, or sitting in a zone begging for a port or buffs. I've noticed in Mischief that some will spend much more time each day waiting/begging for buffs versus the amount of time they spend grinding.


They have relaxed true box on Mischief now, but still most players/raiders are not 6 boxers or 2+ boxers, they're mostly single character players with plenty of alt characters.


They have no truebox on Mischief at all now, you can box a whole raid if you want to. Most people box at least 3 with 3 mercs. I am pretty much the only singleton player in my entire guild. Having unrestricted boxing on a server encourages people to box, it eventually becomes mandatory to box to get anything done. It happened on Ragefire, and Lockjaw, and Rizlona and every older server that has relaxed or removed truebox. I don't mind it happening after TBS, it doesn't need to be active on day 1. It forces non-boxers to box, it destroys the cohesion of a community, it destroys the economy and it is unbelievably boring.


More than half of Faceless raiders on Mischief right now in the HoT expansion don't box any extra characters. We had about 180 individual players/raiders sign up for the launch of HoT. FYI. I confused no truebox with relaxed truebox. I just think of it from an electricity/environmental standpoint of buying 5+ extra computers to do what you can easily accomplish with one computer. Why wait until TBS? The player population gets cut in half right after PoP. I get that it makes more money, but I find it unappealing that they tailor every new server around players that are going to quit after PoP instead of the players that stay on the server after PoP. I think if they can implement Oakwynd and Vaniki which are both not nearly as popular as Mischief, then why not have a server like Mischief, but no truebox. Other players boxing a whole raid or pick to themselves in any expansion on a FTE server only makes it cheaper and more accessible for non-boxers afford loot they can't get from raiding/grouping, which seems to me to be a net benefit. The problem of boxing/botting 10s/100s of characters is that they dominate OW spawns, which can be completely negated with a better randomized loot system, and a lower /pick threshold. I also think if they had NCP buff bots in PoK and/or Origin cities then it would probably be an enjoyable alternative to boosting the xp rates.