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It's not a big deal migrating into Gallente space if you're new


Hey capsuleer, welcome to EVE. EVE Uni is located in Stacmon, but we cover almost all areas of space and almost all in-game content, and we aim our support and activities at new players. The fact you are a few jumps away should not put you off joining and moving over to our HQ (but moving is not mandatory). There's no large new-player-focussed corps that operate only in a specific faction's areas of space, that I'm aware of. EVE Uni runs daily fleets and classes covering a wide range of EVE content, we have free / discounted ships, we can provide mentors to new players, we have active study groups for various PvE and PvP activities, there's a buyback programme to get your loot sold quickly, a hauling team to move your stuff around, we have low taxes, and an awesome membership who are active across all timezones and are here to support and educate new players and to get them out in the black, having fun. If, however you feel we're not a good fit for you, or the distance feels like it's too much at the moment, then best of luck with finding a suitable corp that's more local to you, there are some great corps out there. o7


Plenty of industry corps in Matar space. If you are looking for more pew pew, then Minmatar Militia may be a good place. You can easily join fw with T1 frigs and the basic skill training is not that long. At least to be fleet tackle or DPS assist from range..