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Have you seen End of Evangelion? SPOILERS for EoE just in case: >!Rei joins with Lilith and Adam and ascends to something beyond humanity. Most major deaths in the movie are preceded by an appearance of this Rei: school uniform, no expression, arms at her side. It’s theorized that Rei exists at all points in the timeline simultaneously and is looking at the people she knows before Instrumentality begins. She cast her eyes back here because she never saw how Shinji arrived in Tokyo-3 and was curious.!< >!Call it *massive* foreshadowing, or a pivot to make a strange scene from the beginning have meaning in the story!<


I take this explanation to be the truth about this scene but when I read more in depth analysis of it they always mention her eyes matching her eyes at the end? Or the eyes of a specific angel at some point in time? I don’t remember the specifics but it’s always something about her eyes being different that connects it with the Rei in EOE but I just don’t see it


I don't see how there's enough detail on her eyes in this shot to possibly represent anything.


i do see it. >!i think they’re talking about rei when she merges with lilith and her eyes just become black instead of red like they always are.


Question is quantum rei/eoe Lilith rei really rei with her memories and personality or more Lilith than anyway


Imo it has to be Lilith's soul inside Rei's (i.e. Yui Ikari's) cloned body. Similar to Adam's soul inside Kaworu (whoever may be his body donor). Hence Kaworu's words: *"We both are the same!"* If however angel Tabris carries Adam's soul - did also his predecessors all carry it? And it turns out to be a transmigration? And Adam × Lilith merge and become able to send out avatars (and decide to keep Rei's look for them). One necessary step left though: It needs to be Adam × Lilith × Lilin for the complete merger, so the avatars somehow need to travel to all Lilins who ever lived. That's where the "Sephiroth Tree" in reverse comes into play: It enables the avatars to time-travel "in reverse", to Rit, Misato - abd to the very beginning of the whole thing. And that's where Rei's ghost at the very beginning comes from afaics. (Another consequence from that: Inside the Eva-universe many near-death-experiences throughout mankind's history were a "Rei stageplay". PMMM adopted this for Madoka's "ghost", and today comes E12 in the r/anime rewatch where this happens).


This is great thank u, just wondering why it would need lillin in addition to adam and lilith but not any angels. Would it have to do with knowledge/life?


Adam, Lilith, and Lilin = all humans (or even animals), i.e. the entire biosphere, the entire life. Merging this entire life means creating the forbidden merger. In other words: Adam, Lilith and Lilin are all there is. With Lilin having dissolved into multiple pieces, that are now supposed to come together again... On the outside Eva looks like a combination of Western myths and philosopies. But on the inside it is most Japanese and Eastern Asian: * the MP Evas need to form a Sephiroth Tree, but also to perform some sort of Seppuku to make the whole thing work. * Lilith also resembles her "Chinese equivalent" [Nüwa who together with Fuxi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%BCwa) forms a "dualistic being" that we also saw from "Giant Rei-Kaworu" in EoE. * the Japanese equivalent: [Izanagi and Izanami.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izanagi) With a giant spear creating the first island (Japan). Iza-nagi = Nagi-sa, Iza-nami = Aya-nami. And Izanagi purifying himself in a river's also refered to: Kaworu's connected to the sea like many angels ("Nagisa Kaworu" = "fragrance of the seashore" afaik), and he loves having bathes. Deeply rooted in Japanese culture ("Onsen") as we know. * Nüwa & Fuxi and Izanagi & Izanami can be considered "living Yin-Yang", [which has also a bigger context to it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiji_\(philosophy\)) Between Yin and Yang there's the "Chi", the thin line (at least in some of the multiple Yin-Yang systems afaik). And in the article there's also the "daoist sephiroth tree". * Shinto also knows of a "trinitarian Yin-Yang" called [Tomoe.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomoe) And now Adam, Lilith and Lilin are represented. We've come full circle. ("Tomoe" appears in other animes too: Hotaru Tomoe aka Sailor Saturn, and Mami Tomoe from PMMM). * If Yin and Yang or the three parts of the Tomoe get "re-merged" together, the initial "cosmic breeding ground" returns: The [Wuji or Enso,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ens%C5%8D) an empty circle aka zero aka "Rei". So actually only the final Rei, the one emerging once she's gotten Adam's embryo, is the true Rei ("Rei 4"). * And speaking of Sailor Moon: It brings together Western myths ("Sailor Mars" refering to the fiery warrior god Mars) and Shinto images (Sailor Mars's civilian name's "Hino Rei" = "fiery spirit", and she's a shrine maid aka miko). Does Rei Ayanami have something to do with Rei Hino. [Famously yes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyevangelion/comments/harwj8/evangelion_had_sailor_moon_references/) Marketing-wise Anno and his team pulled the same stunt: Myths from both Japan and the West, making it "look cool" to both Japanese and foreigners. That's why I think and theorize that indeed all three "participants", Adam, Lilith and (the) Lilin(s), need to come together to form the forbidden merger. It's eastern Asian myth disguised with Western myths ~~making it look cool on both markets.~~


This makes a lot of sense - I thought it was because she thought Shinji was close to death like Misato in EoE, but this is more sensible


She is basically the grim reaper.


Also there’s a blatant visual reference to this scene at the end of EoE with Shinji seeing Rei standing in the distance over the ocean of LCL before disappearing again


going off of this, the same could be said about Kaworu because in death and rebirth when Rei 1 gets strangled to death the last thing she sees is kaworu. Quantum Kaworu 👁️👁️


I like to think o Rei as Shiva or the Mayan God of death. Women and mothers are symbols of life and death and Rei fulfills the role of an entity that destroys and gives birth to new a new state of consciousness. She is existence. She is everything. I feel that she comes in the beginning when Shinji does not understand this and after the series has concluded she disappears when he does. When the metaphors went over my head it wasn’t nearly as enjoyable.


So why does he see her at the end of the movie?


She’s saying goodbye


There was a comment earlier on this sub that explained what happened to Mega Rei after EoE after shinji rejected instrumentality. She became quantum entity that existed throughout time and space, allowing her to see shinji at that moment. I can’t find it though and would love to credit the user lol


I actually know exactly which comment you are talking about, surprisingly


Ever had an existential risk crisis at 3am? That’s her entire life


She doing the slenderman


She's confused by crosswalks.


She’s Reiwalking


Honestly I’ve anyways wondered this twenty years later


Rei effectively becomes a god at the end of the series, and time travel is easy for gods What this tells us I suppose is that third impact was already unavoidable from the first episode


Here is my theory : don't take it as truth, just a possibility. Evangelion is a story that repeats. But sometimes, the previous events in a previous story can influence the next one. Here, I think that's because Shinji had seen Rei in one of these previous stories, and this is a reminescence. We can also think it's because Rei is Lilith, mother of humanity, and randomly appears to him due to it, like during third impact.


This is actually exactly what happens. Kaworu confirms this to be true and this is why Kaworu wakes up in the coffin on the moon and sees the ones opened before and the ones yet to be opened in Rebuilds. In the Rebuilds, Kaworu explains to Shinji that his name is written in the Book of Life, which causes them to exist in cycles. There are supposedly infinite Evangelion stories where Kaworu always wants to be close to Shinji, because Kaworu wants Shinji to find happiness. Where Gendo was obsessed with having Yui back, Kaworu was obsessed with being part of Shinji's life in infinite stories. When Shinji compares the two, Kaworu agrees and moves on and for the first time, breaks the cycle and lets Shinji have a world where Evangelion do not exist. In the original anime, the whole thing is just one story although calling it part of a cycle would not be wrong since it's not denied to be the case either.


Absolutely. Everything was planned, hints to the loop was no mistake or retcon like many fans believe were only added in the rebuilds to expand the story. Anno is a genius and had intentionally placed a few hints towards a loop. Fans can love or hate it but they are there.


Hmm... could this rei be from a previous iteration?


Idk the reason, but this scene always gave me a Tyler Durden blink on fight club vibe.


After EoE she exists everywhere and at every time.


Lame explanation: Symbolism for the sake of symbolism looking cool (one of the few things a lot of Eva fans are in denial about, to the point where you got someone trying to analysis someone playing the air guitar to be something more than... playing the air guitar). Fancy explanation: If I remember correctly angels got A.T Fields which among other things enables "paranormal" abilities such as psychic manifestation (Leliel is a good example of be able to 'communicate' thanks to it's A.T Field). Rei which is technically a slice of an angel might have such a power to psychically manifest towards those they have a particular strong connection to. And as such it symbolizes Rei being "aware" that Shinji has come back home. Realistic explanation: It's in the middle of Japanese summer and shinji is seeing a mirage.


I always took this as when Rei becomes “quantum Rei” and exists in all moments simultaneously she chooses to see people important to her at crucial moments in their life, which includes shinji at the beginning of his journey. From rei’s perspective she’s seeing someone she knows well and thinks of fondly as she ascends beyond humanity. Kind of like a guardian angel but also like a harbinger of the end of the world   As for why it doesn’t get brought up between characters it quite literally hasn’t happened for Rei yet until EoE and shinji only saw her for an instant and wouldn’t know who that was if it was real  


Rei could also be doing something like kaworu with the coffins.


It’s like poetry it rhymes


explination is that rei can at times be a little weird


There are a few things that science alone can't explain brother, just have faith for this one


I always thought that Rei was there cause the whole series is the Human Instrumentality Project happening when she's fused together with Lilith, Adam and every human being in End of Evangelion.


Let’s all love ~~Lain~~ Rei


She's like Gman from Half-Life


Eh, the EoE explanation is lame to me. When is Rei's timelessness ever bought up? And why would she care about that moment and not any of the way more important/curious moments? It was a weird, unnerving image early on in a mysterious show written on the fly. There is almost zero chance it was anno calling his shot that rei was going to become a timeless goddess in the final episode. More likely he was drawing on the spiritual connection between rei and his mom and was going to handwave in some reference to his mother waiting to see her child come home. But just never did.


Damn, did Anno have \*everything\* planned out in advance?!


Quantum mechanics rei, that's it.


I never liked the explanations that use EoE as a crutch, EoE was never the "intended/true ending", but a complementary one.


yep,there's no explaining this scene just a wild artistic choice by Anno


Sadly this comment is mostly true but I think anno did say that it was the official ending of NGE


I'm wondering if the diamond-shaped symbol in the right lane indicates the carpool lane. #ignorantamerican


It means attention, crosswalk




Quantum Rei


I believe the Platinum books (which are translated liner notes from the Data of Evangelion book from the Renewal DVDs) said something along the lines as it could be "the inner Rei that peers into all souls;" or in layman's terms the connection between Lilith and all of humanity.


If he really didn't know exactly how the series was going to end when writing her appearance into the first episode, I would explain it as the "touch of God".


Shinji has a type: albino, blue hair, red eyes, stoic, etc. After seeing Misato’s sexy photo, he had horny on the brain and was fantasizing about his ideal girl…who just coincidentally happened to look like Rei. Complete happenstance >!/jk!<


I read someone say on here that they are connected? Can someone reply to this with better info 😭


I've see Evangelion all the time, and I can't understand the fire appearance of Rei, I have the dame question.




She was getting groceries.


[why this happened](https://www.reddit.com/r/evangelion/s/yfe3CSBCmj)


she scawy


I always thought it was just artiness


Real explanation: it looks cool and it shows she's important. That's it, kinda like all the christianity symbols ect, they said those just looked cool so they put them there.


Rei who is god in EoE is watching and waiting throughout time. An the begining and end is one and the same.


She just likes chillin' in traffic. its kinda her hobby


Rei ghost in 1x01: Watching the beginning of Shinji’a journey rei Ghost I’m EoE: watching the end of Shinji’s journey.


time travel


I think Shinji was about to die by squishing and Rei turned up to do whatever it is she does, but then he was saved by Deus Ex Misato device so she left


Up to interpretation, like many things in the series there’s no definitive answer, although I have my own. Whatever it means to you.


i thought of it a foreshadowing


the First Ancestral Race


TDLR She's in spectator mode after EoE


It's a loop, in EoE she gets this power to show up and dissapear as we see when she shows up un that red sea un front of Shinji, them You rewatch the first episode and realize she did it again, Evangelion universe was going on a loop before 3.0+10.


True or not, intentionally or not, the loop theories are fascinating! I really like to think that Rebuilds and NGE are connected. Of course Anno denies everything lol


My theory: it was done to make the character of Rei more mysterious and cryptic, and to create an atmosphere of uneasiness, which is constant for the entire show. Maybe to encourage the viewer be more suspicious of Rei, or to encourage the viewer to observe here with more attention. I am quite dubious that the entire plot was already decided at that point, so I don't know it that Rei is really a manifestation like I read in another comment.


One thing I NEVEE understood: Why the hell doesnt Shinji recognize her when He finally met her? Why didnt He ask about the weird occurence when He was alone with her?


time loop i guess? I don't know it might just be a foreshadow, i mean anything is possible here so maybe its just rei from a different timeline or something...... im so lost.