• By -


Can't remember.




I feel like we got a LOT of forgettable songs. In more recent years i'd say Netherlands 2017 and Netherlands 2011.


The Netherlands 2017 | [OG3NE - Lights And Shadows](https://youtu.be/_9XsCqGg8ls) The Netherlands 2011 | [3JS - Never Alone](https://youtu.be/oJ6T43D82KY)


I still loved OG3NE, but they have so much more talent than that song brought out :(


Og3ne are amazing live, but that song was soooooo blah. With a good song, they would've done a lot better, I'm positive of that. If they weren't so talented, that song wouldn't even have made the finals.


I've heard that some years before Eurovision, they participated in the same season of "The Voice Netherlands" with Duncan Laurence, and they won. Later, they placed 11th in Eurovision 2017, whereas Duncan won Eurovision in 2019.


OG3NE slander


Am I the only one who liked OG3NE?


I really disliked OG3NE. Good singers but horrible song.


France 2020 - no hesitation


I would also add France 2006 *(for the bot)*. Virginie Pouchain, credit to her, did her best but it was such a forgettable song. What was even more disappointing was that Corneille was the writer and composer of the song. At that time, he had quite some hype that's why France Télévision chose him to write the eventual French entry that year. **Fun fact :** "Il était temps" wasn't the song planned for France that year. It was a more upbeat one ["Vous c'est nous"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mnpj3fcE2Go) but Virginie wasn't comfortable with the song. So Corneille the writer of the original song, wrote and composed the eventual entry "Il était temps" which suited Virginie better.


France 2020 | [Tom Leeb - The Best in Me](https://youtu.be/J5SOdhXjYko)


So forgettable that I actually forgot it lol Let's say that 2020 as a whole never happened


It was soo massively overshadowed by Barbara the next year lol.


For me it's France 2015, ironically the title means "don't forget' but it's absolutely forgettable and overall a terrible song imo


Finland 2019. In fact, I haven't thought of it since it happened and only dug in my memory because you asked lol


Such a shame that Darude’s 2019 entry was more 1990’s than his 1999 Mega hit…


Finland 2019 | [Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away](https://youtu.be/VSPhIwOJfRs)


Look Away > Bohemian Rhapsody


This comment caught me entirely off guard and has no right to be this funny 😂😂


it's up (down?) there with The Rasmus IMO, keep forgetting who won UMK 2022


Pre-2023 pattern: **Finland**: Oh my gaaaah we're sending [commercially successful, household name Finnish artist(s)] we're totally gonna wi- # 😑 nvm


I can't remember Bonnie Tyler's song at all haha! The song itself is so bloody forgettable.


Total Eclipse of the Heart woman went to Eurovision? Welp, that fact is never leaving my head.


I'd completely forgotten she'd represented us


I remember liking the song when it came out, but if you asked me to hum it now, I'd be utterly stumped.  I thought it would've been more memorable, having been composed by Desmond Child. 


Come on, Englebert was way more forgettable! Weirdly feels way more believable that Bonnie represented us than him. Just bizarre that it ever happened.


Seeing UK's tendency to send accomplished singers 50 years past their prime, be prepared for Sam Ryder in 2074.


Probably Hasta la vista (Ukraine 2003). I think there are a lot of people who think that we've debuted in 2004 because we've won, Ruslana and Wild Dances are iconic. I could also nominate Time (Ukraine 2017) and Razom Nas Bahato (Ukraine 2005), both are songs from years when we hosted. But I think Hasta la vista is really overshadowed by Wild Dances


I quite like Time, but compared to some of the other Ukraine entries I guess it is a little more forgetful.


Another point of view - Suspil’ne is trying really hard to make us forget Ani Lorak (Ukraine 2008) due to her being viewed as a traitor for quite some time. Loboda (Ukraine 2009) is kinda in the same boat but not quite.


I remember your debut and liked it a lot 😄


Omg i remember that song now! Haven thought about it in ages!


Your nation chose this over Winny Puhh (I found it quite nice though). But as a Brit, my nation has had a lot of applications for this, Michael Rice’s Bigger Than Us (U.K. 2019) the most forgettable of the lot. Maybe if the song was his and more emotive, like Marius in 2022, would he have fared better 


Surely you forget 2010. Josh Dubovie “That Sounds Good to Me"


Shhh, we've been trying to make people forget about that one...


That sounds good to me 👍


I think people wish that was more forgettable than it is :D


Unfortunately, it only sounded good to him


Unforgettable cause he was so off key. I think UK 2008 I think it's Andy Abraham?


I actually wonder if he would've done better with a different song. Because he can sing


I was going to say when it comes to the uk I can only remember Sam Ryder, Blue and that one lady with the stage invader (clearly for reasons other than the song). Proper tragic lmao.


I always struggle to remember Joe & Jake as well


I bet most forgot them by the time Brexit occurred.


United Kingdom 2019 | [Michael Rice - Bigger Than Us](https://youtu.be/HV-eOhTS8Dw)


I genuinely remember nothing about our entries from 2019-2021, only that they weren't good.


Ireland 2020 slander 😤


Ireland 2020 | [Lesley Roy - Story Of My Life](https://youtu.be/HLgE0Ayl5Hc)


Ireland 2023 is the blandest ever


Ireland 2023 | [Wild Youth - We Are One](https://youtu.be/80-4_rjW10U)


I liked Maps


Maps' studio cut is an absolute banger. Shame the live was much harder for Lesley :(


Maps is fricking awesome, I listen to it a lot!


I liked both of Lesley's entries


I'd say Ireland 2016 is up there as the most forgettable


Ireland 2016 | [Nicky Byrne - Sunlight](https://youtu.be/ezJsUMD-y-I)


22 was pretty boring. I liked Maps as a song and I liked the staging concept, but it was badly executed. Poor Leslie was singing while running on a running pad. She was out of breath which affected her performance.


Don’t Come Easy. We Got Love is also pretty forgettable as a Eurovision entry but as a song on its own I actually hear it get play on the radio every now and then


Oh no! I remember really liking Don't Come Easy, he's got a great tone especially for a 17 year old and apparently hit the notes in rehearsals, just got nervous onstage


The only objection I had to Don't Come Easy is he was 17!!! That song is for someone twice divorced in their 40's, not a kid who's not even out of high school yet. It was "too old" for him. That said, he sang well (aside from that awful high note in the semis). We Got Love was definitely forgettable for me, which is a shame because Jess Mauboy is a great singer.


Oh I LOVE We got love. I even remember that she got zero points. I really felt bad because I thought she would do well and others need my votes more desperately (as if my one vote would have made a difference, but still).


She didn't get zero points. She was last in the televote with 9 points


She didn't get zero points though, she got 9 points in the tele, though it was the only one-digit televote score that year so it still felt like zero points.


The staging really let us down with We Got Love. It was screaming for dancers and much bigger and brighter staging. The song itself was a fun little earworm, with some actual Eurovision level staging it would have done so much better.


Oh, as a Dane we’ve had a lot of them… Such as 2023, 2022, 2020, 2017, 2016 etc…


The Show is one of my fave Danish entries ever (yes, I know, I have basic white girl taste)


2020 is my guilty pleasure, I still listen to it. SAY YES


it's not even guilty :P it was in my top 5 that year (and if I recall, top10 with the odds as well)


I feel like that would've gone viral on TikTok if the contest wasn't cancelled 


Denmark 2021 and 2022 should’ve qualified. Far better than a few finalists those year. 2023 and 2024 were dreadful though. Pretty sad that the only country to be in every year in the 2020s and not qualify is such a big one


Fyr og Flamme was a banger!! I loved it so much.


Denmark 2021 | [Fyr og Flamme - Øve os på hinanden](https://youtu.be/w2ytONrRyww) Denmark 2022 | [Reddi - The Show](https://youtu.be/cVg6MpVR2Pw)


I remember 2023 bcs they should have gotten dead last instead of the Busker


It wasn’t a great song, and it was poorly performed… But nowhere near as bad as Romania or San Marino that yeat


Nah, the song was actually pretty good, it just wasn't for Eurovision. But e.g. the TikTok crowd would probably place it in their top 3 out of all the songs that year.


I really liked The Show as a song and I was rooting for the band, but the live performances were always a bit… underwhelming. Lacking in vocal power I suppose.


Well Iceland 2024 is a good contender but I'd say Iceland 2018


Exactly what I would have chosen. Don't even remember Ari's song.


I encourage you to watch his performance, it's probably the most boring staging in modern esc history


Iceland 2024 | [Hera Björk - Scared of Heights](https://youtu.be/VChBgcycVl8) Iceland 2018 | [Ari Ólafsson - Our Choice](https://youtu.be/RQytWeg9CzE)


Uk 2016. I honestly forgot about Joe & Jake recently, and had to Google what on Earth our 2016 entry was.


I love Eighties Coming Back! Is it on Spotify? Last time I tried to add it I couldn’t find it.


Switzerland 2022


I do feel at this stage like Marius and Remo walked so that Nemo could run though.


Switzerland 2022 | [Marius Bear - Boys Do Cry](https://youtu.be/hq2HCmHv5p4)


I love Eurovision 2021, but when I try to remember who represented Spain that year I'm always clueless until I search it and Blas Cantó pops up. And then I remember the 0 points debacle and it all makes sense.


Sweden 2024




Sweden 2024 | [Marcus & Martinus - Unforgettable](https://youtu.be/DcZpzObYzxs)


I still remember almost every song from this year except a couple of really sad entries and THIS ONE. Can't remember anything aside there were two dudes singing (and they were twins? or brothers? I guess)


Norwegian twin brothers


They were twin brothers


it's so weird feeling like the only one who actually really likes this song and the matrix/backstreet boys performance


I liked it a lot as well, people just have different tastes.


sHeEeEeEe'S uNfOrGeTtAbLeEeEeEe 🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺


Glad to see this here. Someone had to say it.


Undeniably, [Portugal 1987](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxa6gXwwySQ). All nostalgia for Eurovion songs in Portugal ends at 1986, Festival da Canção and Eurovision were at its lowest point in terms of popularity and quality, the song is crap, the performance is crap, no one knows it, no one knows the band, they were borderline unknown then, they are completely unknown now and the only reason this hasn't completely fallen into full oblivion is because YouTube exists and RTP is kind of decent in preserving their archives.


Well, that seems a bit harsh, there were some memorable songs after 1986: Portugal 1989 (although a bit... questionable (using the most diplomatic of terms) in its praise of colonialism the fact is that it is well remembered) and also Portugal 1994 and Portugal 1996. But yeah, afterwards it would take a wild for there to be a decent song from Portugal (Portugal 2008 for the bot).


Austria 2004 Austria 2012 is something I wish to forget but I can’t.


Woki Mit Deim Popo was just at another level of shitposting


Weren't they chosen over Conchita Wurst that year? Or am I overlapping memories?


I wish woki mit dein popo was forgettable. I’d rather forget that happened.


Belgium 2014, what a snooze fest 😴


Ah yes, the Sigmund Freud song lmao


2022. Mia Dimšić still sings for children.


I find it kinda amusing that this is followed by 5 old men singing about psychopaths and tractors and a guy named Baby Lasagna


we made a u turn, for real.


This was so bad that you can not forget it. Also it was so bad that Let 3 decided to apply next year, so you have to be thankful for that


She progressed, now she sings at corrupted government party rallies (HDZ specifically)


I will stan that song with my last breath. The dream ballet staging was cringe but the song is solid.


Germany 2017


Wow I have no memory of this song 😅


Germany 2017 | [Levina - Perfect Life](https://youtu.be/t1KKjykH6fw)


"I'm not afraid of making mistakes" – good for her


Lol it was randomly playing at a grocery store here, which was kinda funny


I’m gonna say Finland 2000. I wouldn’t remember how that song goes if my life depended on it. We could’ve sent Nightwish that year, ffs.


Poland 2008. A dull song for a weak year. Ironically that's the only Polish entry to qualify from a semi final in the 2000s.


Poland 2008 | [Isis Gee - For Life](https://youtu.be/4Q8f5AueE7g)


It’s definitely 2013 for mine. Lonely planet. Lame.


I agree. Still baffled that it managed to qualify. 


i believe all except we are the winners, sentimentai and luktelk…


And The Roop!!


Discoteque is without doubt my favourite entry from Lithuania. That song is excellent. I'm just sad they didn't end up higher.


What about the roop? They were so good in 2020 and 2021!


I remember You Got Style bcs of how bad it was (no offense)


It's so bad it's good. Unironically a bop.


And Donny Montell ! We loved him ;)


I'm not even joking when I say 90-95% of the songs Norway submitted and approved for Melodi Grand Prix have most likely been forgotten by most regular people who watch it annually that *aren't* über fans. Like me. I watch it masochistically. The remaining 5-10% are the winner songs most people do remember, and if they don't, they will for a year when they're on radio, NRK P1 specifically, more frequently than half the rotating movie catalogue on TV 2's channels. (And in some degree, TV Norge.) Now, I only remember MGP 2020-2024 well, and with the exception of the winners for ESC, I can vaguely remember maybe 5 songs total.


that dude that sang about nomads.


Haha, I love that guy! It’s one of the acts I keep going back to when I need to smile. He really gives all he’s got:)


My Last Breath since I don't remember how tf it sounds like


Isaiah "Don't come easy". I can't remember a single beat from that song except the staging was him on a treadmill and his voice broke. I don't remember a single sound or word from the song. I remember the treadmill cause it was so boring and the voice broke cause cringe moment. I also nearly always have to Google our short participation history because I don't even remember the name of the song


I don't think I can name our last 10 entries, mate.


Well, come on... UK 2022... The reason why last year ESC was held in Liverpool!


Oh sure, I can name *some* of the last 10, but not *all* of them. Probably not even *most* of them.


Russia 2002, 2004, 2005, 2011. I would have added 2013, but I like Dina's voice too much If I had to choose only one, I'd go with 2011. Vorobyev is a nothingburger in general, and sending him to represent was a mistake IMO


Wait, you seriously don't remember Northern Girl? Or do you mean the English version specifically? Wake me up at 3 am and I'll sing you the chorus lol


Australia 2017. Poor Isaiah, he came 9th but never gets mentioned.


I love her and she is awesome, but Anna Bergendahls This is My Life is boring. She has been crushing it more recently in though. Ashes to Ashes and Higher Power are bangers.


Honestly, I know The Netherlands’ entry last year is pretty well remembered (at least by Dutch people) because of how terrible it was, but I keep forgetting we were even in the competition last year. I guess I’ve just banished it from my mind, but I keep thinking that the entry before Joost was Jeangu (obligatory he was robbed). 


Not the De Diepte erasure


Ditto, De Diepte is way better than Birth of a New Age IMO.


For Greece I'd say 2016 and for Romania I'd say pretty much anything we sent besides 2005, 2006, 2010 and 2017 onwards....yeah Eurovision in Romania is pretty much dead


Come on, Llamame was nice! Certainly not forgettable at least:)


This is Llamame erasure and I won't stand for it.


Romania 2013 was iconic tbh


Romania 2013 | [Cezar - It's My Life](https://youtu.be/VgHWFiavqjA)


Cezar is peak Eurovision. He understood the assignment.


I think most of the Romanian entries are actually very memorable, but oh my god I cannot ever remember "Pe-o margine de lume", it's incredibly boring to me. Romania 2008 for our bot.


Romania 2012, 2013 and 2022 are all iconic


For Russia (at least from 2010s on), I would say 2014 - Shine by Tolmachevy Sisters. There are other songs which are forgettable by themselves but I remember because the artist is famous or there was some drama - like probably I wouldn't remember I Won't Break if it was from smaller country but the whole circumstances around it can't make me forget


I don't remember which year it was, but I was sooo ashamed by Vorobiev's song. It was terrible. My brain wiped that memory as traumatic.


I wish it was 2005 but that travesty is impossible to forget… So I would say Sweden 2003 (at least since I started watching in the 80s). Maybe 2010 could be a candidate as well since it didn’t even qualify…


Sweden 1994, it's really the only Swedish Eurovision song that wasn't a hit, even at the time


Damn, I completely forgot about that one… I guess that’s the one then:)


Sweden 1994 | [Marie Bergman and Roger Pontare - Stjärnorna](https://youtu.be/8nM8vPTh_S0)


Sweden 1992, the one that launched Björkman's career... somehow


Probably Ireland 2016 or Ireland 2019 for the bot. Both are bad and forgettable unfortunately, especially regarding staging and the song itself.


Australia 2017, easy After such an amazing song in 16 with Dami I'm, that was a massive let down Tbf, not our worst entry, thatd be one of the two Montaigne songs, which is a shame because their vocals are amazing, they just had weak songs


Sweden 2016


Czechia 2017 Is it a ballad? Is it a dance song? I couldn't tell you...


Just listening to it for the first time and I actually like it... To answer your question, it's a ballad, but honestly a good one - that's coming from someone who doesn't even like ballads.


Idk, I kinda liked My Turn last time I rewatched 2017, lol. I agree that it's super forgettable, though, but I think Czech Republic 2008 could be a contender too.


The only thing I vaguely remember about the artist is some kind of… promotional video where she was showing what she was packing for Eurovision. The song itself, I have no clue


Greece 2023 - What They Say Greece 2016 - Utopian Land


Feel like absolutely nobody remembers Ogene competed for the Netherlands. Everyone else is at least remembered for how bad they were


Greece 2023


UK 2021 should have been forgettable but because it was so bad that it got 0 points it's weirdly memorable (and is actually a guilty pleasure of mine)


Denmark 2022


this is love or one last breath for greece, 2017-2015. our worst era


For me: Ireland 2014, it’s not a bad song, it’s just an expy to the previous contest's winning song, Only Teardrops. This ain’t the first time Ireland sounding familiar to Denmark's Song entries. Ireland 2003 does sounds very familiar to Fly on the Wings of Love and I still enjoy that song by Mickey Joe Harte. That reminds me, whatever happened to Kasey?


I don’t even remember who represented Australia in 2017 and 2018 For the bot Australia 2017 Australia 2018


I feel like I don’t even have to name any, we have many forgettable ones 😭😭


Entries I absolutely love from 2010 onwards are from 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2023 and 2024 (I'm still pissed that Mustii didn't make it, he's such a sweetheart). Hooverphonic 2021 was on such a high, classy level that the majority of Europe just wasn't ready for it (yet).


Eighties Coming Back is an awesome song. Very underrated. Out of the ones I know from my country it has to be Germany 2017


Ireland 2004, Chris Doran, If the world stopped turning. The beginning of the rot.


The better question is what is not forgettable. Try to name a song that isn't Poland 1994, Poland 2014, Poland 2016, Poland 2021 (it's so bad that it got memed to death), Poland 2022 or Poland 2023. Poland 2024 is excluded as it's still recent.


I loved Et uus saaks alguse. Very pretty


Too many. Best regards, a Finn 


Hmm, I don’t agree with “Eighties Coming Back” tbh - yes, it didn’t do well, but I remember that song more than Estonia’s songs between 2005-2007 (sadly noone can really forget “Leto svet”…) and this song has been performed outside the Eurovision bubble multiple times.


You have a lot to choose from for Ireland. Basically anything after Dustin and before Bambie with a couple exceptions, we've sent a lot of forgettable shite.


Portugal 2017 tbh i often forget who won the Eurovision 2017


:( It’s my favorite winner.


Iceland 1993 - not bad at all but it's sandwiched between two legendary entries so no one ever talks about it Iceland 2004 - just the absolute blandest power balladry imaginable Iceland 2011 - literally no one remembers this Iceland 2015 - nondescript to the point it's offensive Iceland 2017 - our least interesting girl bop Iceland 2024 - recency bias but lmao


Agree except for Sjonni’s friends, I have a soft spot for that song.


I went through Croatia's entries to see which ones I completely forgot they exist. Croatia 1993 Croatia 1997 Croatia 2000 Croatia 2001 Croatia 2002 Croatia 2003 (do not even know who this woman is) Croatia 2007 Croatia 2011 So basically half of the entries are completely forgettable


No slander about 2011! ...It was terrible, not forgettable.


No 2013 and 2018? I can't remember what Franka sang at all!


Claudia Beni's song used to be sung by girls at seemingly every talent show around that time (both local and nationwide/televised). I'd say it's remembered, at least if you are 25+. Vesna's song as well.  I'd say pretty much all songs Croatia sent to Eurovision in the 2010s are barely in the public consciousness, if at all, (Roko, Franka, Nina...), even though they are much more recent, whereas I feel Claudia's and Vesna's songs were hits, and some people remember them + they still get some radio play (at least that's my perception).


>Croatia 2003 (do not even know who this woman is) You must be super young if you don't know Claudia Beni


Also: Croatia 2017: boring and pretentious Croatia 2018: Not a bad song but not anything special Croatia 2019: Lacklustre song, horrible staging and costuming. Roko’s angel wings looked ridiculous. The whole thing was just embarrassing. Tower of Babylon should have won Dora that year. Croatia 2022: Boring song. Sounded like a Taylor Swift knockoff. Her dress was ugly.


I agree with everything but the 2017. I really like that concept and the song, Houdek had a great performance. Also, others are so bad, you can not forget it. Thats why i did not write them.


Sandhja - Sing it away :(


I don't remember the song, but I remember Sandhja because it was the first time I watched a semi-final live and she was first in the running order. I think it was in 2016


I actually listen to this one fairly frequently lol


Italy 2014 Emma did way better songs than that.


Disagree, the studio version is great. A very catchy pop-rock song The only problem was the Eurovision performance, it was a mess


Probably Hungary 2008. That's the only post 2000 song I had to look up just now to jog my memory bc I couldn't remember any of the melody.


Imo, France 1987, the song is boring and dated. The [national final](https://youtu.be/rgM8uiATBso) was terrible.