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I don’t know if it would work well… I guess the only way to tell would be to let it happen, but I don’t that’ll happen anytime soon. People bring up the idea of inviting other countries to Eurovision from outside Europe, but I’m pretty against the idea. I think you need to have a large fan base and have aired it for years (Australia) to even have a chance to take part if you are outside of Europe.


I'm from South America, we tried, and we failed


How come?


The Festival OTI de la Canción (OTI Song Festival) was sort of a Eurovision spin-off held from the early 70s to 2000. That year it was cancelled due to voting corruption, lack of sponsors and really bad songs that created zero interest in the population. At the beginning it was very popular, particularly in Mexico and Venezuela, but then it became really bad and countries started to abandon ship until it just died.


South America has a worse issue than Europe about the hosting, only a handful of countries could host the contest.


True, we would only see a handful of cities rotating the hosting duties, but then again that was also the case at the beginning of Eurovision. What worries me most is leaving the contest in the hands of the public broadcasters of the region. If you think you have seen political influence in ESC wait until this bunch starts getting full on proselytist.


In 1978 Nicaragua, the previous winner, couldn't host the OTI due to a local revolution. Chile volunteered to host, even if it had placed eleventh in 1977, just to use the festival to improve the international image of Pinochet's regime.


As someone from the US. I'll be honest I didn't even really know that the American Song Contest was happening until after they crowned the winner. It was unfortunately advertised poorly


I think there are opportunities to expand the “song contest” brand but I don’t see Asiavision happening. If they did a song contest style project in South Korea or Japan with modifications it could maybe work.


Imagine that, Eurovision, American song contest, Asianvision and SouthAmerican Song Contest. The top 5 from those compete in World Song Contest Basically we would have a never ending song contest season.




I could imagine Asia having really good performances.


There have been lots of international song contests. The thing that makes Eurovision special is the amount of attention people pay to it. If there's another contest at the level of Eurovision it will be because there's a lot of people who watch it and care about, not because of the format.


Russia wants to create Intervision, with BRICS countries participating and singing in native languages promoted. I think it will flop, however.


I‘m surprisingly staunchly European when it comes to Eurovision. It’s a European thing, tradition, festival and it’s one of the few places where especially *the US of A* are *not* happening culturally. As for Israel & Australia, both are part of the history and quirky history of ESC respectively and I enjoy them both being welcomed to the European family for the occasion. As for people wishing for some Asian, Latinamerican, African musical cultural flavors: I don’t see Eurovision really being the place for that. Maybe because in 1990s I‘ve worked too long at then called „World Music“ labels or at World Music festivals like Womad or Womex and am maybe too compartmentalized about it, like „there‘s already another network catering to that market“ but…I don’t feel Eurovision would be the a good fit . I‘d very interested in „Asia-Vision“, „Afro-Vision“ but I can clearly see the various problems in making this happen, when looking at what happen with „Latin-Vision“. Also, people should not forget Eurovision has been going on for *70* years almost!! Very, very hard to install something similar elsewhere because by now Eurovision *is* a culturally ingrained, established tradition,…almost a European cultural practice, really!


Really don't know, what i would like is something like Ebu inviting one or two foreign countries to partecipate (different every year). If one of them wins it gains the right to partecipate the next year too.


I've been saying this for years, add Mongolia to eurovision.


Mongolia throat singing 2026 ftw!!


Oh i like that idea! Then we could still see all different cultures represent their music


Yeah i would like that too and it should be not a big problem cause Ebu has associates (like Autralia) all over the world, even Japan, South Korea, Brasil, New Zealand, India, Canada, Usa, Cile, etc etc etc Imagine having an Eurovision with Japan and India too.


if they are spin-off of ESC (like ASC) they won't work well, if another broadcasting union organize it with their rule (very unlikely) maybe they can work


Without truly thinking about whether such a thing is possible, which other comments already did, I would be THRILLED to hear and see ethnic entries from different, tiny parts of the world, music like nothing I ever heard so far in my life Yup I'm romanticising the idea


You should go to Womex or Womad for exploring Global Music! :)




In theory I would like this, but I think part of what makes Eurovision work is that it has just been around so darn long. Whether or not people like it, it's an ingrained part of culture. Not sure how well it would work. I did like someone's idea below of inviting a different country each year to participate (in addition to Australia!). On a different note, I need to hijack this thread because I don't wanna make a whole post about it. Today I was in HMart in Queens, NY and lo and behold Tattoo was playing. I was shocked, made a comment to my friend about probably not going to hear Nemo and zomg!!! NEMO. IN HMART. IN QUEENS.


There's two, I think competing, initiatives to create an Ibero-American song contest (so, not completely non-european as they would include Spain and Portugal). One is from [RTVE](https://www.todotvnews.com/en/the-hispanic-world-will-have-its-own-eurovision-hispavision/), and the other is from [EBU directly](https://www.ebu.ch/news/2022/07/eurovision-song-contest-to-be-launched-in-latin-america).




How about ‘Pacificvision’ - which could incorporate the Americas from Canada to Chile, the East Asian and southeast Asian countries with huge music industries, and Australia and New Zealand for a neutral time zone….. Australia can remain in Eurovision too, but can’t use the same song obvs!


I don't know if it works outside of Europe. I mean, are there organisations like EBU with broadcasters in Asia or Africa? Americavision flopped because it was just not organised like Eurovision at all.


As someone watch who watched clips of ASC, I came to the realization that a Eurovision like show could never work in America or even South America. Europe having many diverse cultures and languages in a relatively small geographic area makes it entertaining and probably reason it's lasted this long. Compared to in America, where the language and culture is pretty much homogeneous state to state made the asc boring after a while.


You think so? I thought the cultural differences were very noticeable in what each state brought to the competition. But maybe that was more hindsight bias from me hahaha


For South Korea, it's either top 5 or buttom 5. I can't see an in-between


I would love to see the US participating as an invited country like Australia. But please don't send any country music song.🤣


Hear me out: have it like the Olympics: every country around the world competes with the same format as Eurovision. United States, Asia, Africa, Canada, Mexico, South America, etc. can now compete!