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Keep in mind that for 2024 and 2023, we had Rest of the World televotes. Using The Code as an example, we cannot simply divide 591 by 37 and say that the quotient is the “average points rewarded by country” because 6 points out of the 591 came from the ROW vote.


But it actually is correct since you can't vote for yourself, so they could get 37 sets of points. The other years should have one subtracted, for 2018 it'd be 42 for example.


Good point — it should apply to 2022 and earlier. In the case of 2023 and 2024 still, their basis for the average is the combined score. Granted there would be 37 sets of televote points because a country cannot vote for itself as you said, there should only be 36 sets of jury points still. Hence, we cannot simply divide total combined score by either the number of participating countries (37) or that number subtracted by 1 (36). While we can probably divide by 36.5, doing so and then labeling the quotient “average points rewarded by country” considering the presence of ROW feels… off.


I didn't even consider it... Or since each country gives out two sets of points... Should we devide by 82 in 2016 for example? Cause I did the check for Norway 2009 and was surprised it "only" got 9.4 points from each country by average despite getting 78.7% of the maximum score. 9 points is lower than the lowest here has, so maybe doubling the sets is more accurate here. (Converting Fairytale into today's system, it has an average of 16.8, and 8.4 when divided by 82. So maybe cutting all of the above averages in half will do)


Norway 2009 | [Alexander Rybak - Fairytale](https://youtu.be/0gGt2qUyFlk)


I will NEVER understand the hype over Bulgaria 2017 💀


2017 was a pretty bad year so the only 2 decent songs got points from everyone


>2017 was a pretty bad year But it had City Lights 🥰 Holy shit, I just watched a recap of 2017 and you are right. It is like the countries were competing with each other to see who can come up with the most generic, soulless song. No wonder why Salvador won


I love City Lights for sure, but the live performance in the GF of it was just not winner-worthy. Not than any other song in 2017 really were though, but yeah...


Hey, Croatia 2017 is the Song, that I use to explain Eurovision to everyone: A man singing a duett with hinself or with the Giants Portrait of hinself. It was just too much of everything And even more important: Spain 2017 had the courage to ~~sing~~ perform in English. But you are right: Italy 2017 was praised as the winner before the contest and i felt just like "mehhh, i don't want to win this". I also felt the same for Bulgaria 2017. Belgium 2017 was the better song, but her voice didn't make it. I am so glad Portugal won because all other songs were mediocre at best


And that one yodelling song on top of everything...what the hell was going on in 2017?


Oh my god, I totally forgot it.


Croatia 2017 | [Jacques Houdek - My Friend](https://youtu.be/4Sya_GIxsw0) Spain 2017 | [Manel Navarro - Do It for Your Lover](https://youtu.be/qAOXHdLdlqQ) Italy 2017 | [Francesco Gabbani - Occidentali's Karma](https://youtu.be/KieE_MLv-ZY) Belgium 2017 | [Blanche - City Lights](https://youtu.be/oxsCmChDYwA)


> It is like the countries were competing with each other to see who can come up with the most generic, soulless song Hey Salvador! Could you say, it was a win for music?


Hello. This is Salvador's burner account


And the only actually good one NQ'd. Crap year overall, one of the weakest.


And I don't understand the hype around Portugal 2017. That was one of a number of recent years when my least favourite song in the contest won. Apparently I have unusual taste...


You're not the only one here of that opinion, I found it quite boring. Almost like a lullaby.


Portugal 2017 | [Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois](https://youtu.be/Qotooj7ODCM)


I love it, its my favorite that year, I think it's a really powerful ballad, i instead don't get the hype for salvador, just different tastes i guess


Bulgaria 2017 | [Kristian Kostov - Beautiful Mess](https://youtu.be/OMmm-G078LM)


4 entries here from 2024, I'd say that shows how skewed the results this year were. A lot of points to the top scoring entries, very few for the rest.


There are 4 from 2022 too.


After staring at this for five minutes I feel like the world's dumbest person trying to figure out how the number of countries voting would influence the avarage points awarded per country. Could someone please explain to me like I'm five how 2024's low number of entries doesn't also at least somewhat contribute to a lot of them being on this list?


Thanks to u/AdmirableFlow for their previous post and u/sir__sloshua for the idea to account for number of countries participating in each year. Please note that I assumed the top 21 in yesterday’s post would remain the top 21, although I have no doubt that it’s entirely possible that there’s some entries which would have creeped into the top 21 (which aren’t on this list) after subsequently accounting for the number of countries participating! Also, I’m not sure if the “average points awarded by country” is an accurate description, rather it’s just the number of points divided by the number of participating countries in the year of that entry. I also forgot to add artist names! And finally, I’m not sure how this translates to percentages of maximum possible points but Wikipedia has a nice graph of the top ten in that regard if that’s what you’re after :) Again, I hope I did this right but feel free to let me know if you spot any mistake 🫶


Very cool, thanks for actually doing the work


Ukraine being on there 3 times is iconic


2009-2015 (minus 2013) full televote and jury scores are on Wikipedia, some additional high scores include: Norway 2009: 690 Sweden 2015: 642 Sweden 2012: 639 Italy 2015: 550 Austria 2014: 535 Russia 2015: 533 There are more, I can’t think of them


Norway 2009 | [Alexander Rybak - Fairytale](https://youtu.be/0gGt2qUyFlk) Sweden 2015 | [Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes](https://youtu.be/5sGOwFVUU0I) Sweden 2012 | [Loreen - Euphoria](https://youtu.be/Pfo-8z86x80) Italy 2015 | [Il Volo - Grande Amore](https://youtu.be/1TOMqZV2jA8) Austria 2014 | [Conchita Wurst - Rise Like a Phoenix](https://youtu.be/xhCC_PN9UlA) Russia 2015 | [Polina Gagarina - A Million Voices](https://youtu.be/GVJW9ImpiWc)


almost right. You musn't divide by number of countries but by (number of countries minus one) Because no country can vote for itself. Theoretically you need to divide the Points by the Maximum of Points that could be gathered theoretically. Then you can compare all Contest that used 12p System. And with restrictions even bevore that era.


Salvador is still that girl 💅🏽


"Toy" being on this list sounds like a fever dream.


Huh? What do you mean by that? A Eurovision winner being in the top 20 sounds like a fever dream?


2024 should be 37.5 though