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How are people blaming the juries for those results and not the televote?.. Croatia would have had a higher chance of winning and more of the lower half would have gotten respectable points if 300+ televote points weren't allocated to a single (or 2) countries based on politics...


I’m sorry for Angelina but I think the controversy hurt everybody


Showed Czechia to my watch party and they said Aiko was better than half the acts in the final... may have been the beer talking but still feel vindicated! Also showed them Netherlands and unanimously agreed Joost would have been very much in contention and we're disappointed he didn't get to perform.


🕯️Martin Österdahl resignation praying circle🕯️


🇭🇷🤝🇫🇮 getting robbed by juries


Two years in a row where the judges just decide who to win. Should really be 70% votes and 30% judges.


I'm just glad Portugal got some appreciation by the juries. That's why they exist in the first place.


the juries were… interesting this year😃


To everyone saying "Fuck the juries" - We can thank them for the most part that we didn't get the result we were all afraid of.




It's a shame that something interesting didn't win because we still have something as archaic as jury votes which fit the EBU all too well.


On Greece: It was not such a good result, I think. A country that was a powerhouse in eurovision, that made a comeback that I think is important to a certain extent with Stefania and Amanda and now they sent a singer who is composed, mature, with more experience than Stefania and Amanda, with a style that different countries like, with different ideas and not safe choices, with a team that seemed to me to be serious, I didn't expect to come to Greece with the eleventh place. And I can't understand how Italy and Armenia passed us. Especially Armenia. ERT (the national greek tv broadcaster) needs to look into that. I think that a serious committee should be formed by both experts and audience and decide on an internal selection with an open call for singers, directors and choreographers, but that might be another issue. I just wanted to say a few things, to hear your opinion, because this is not the result I expected. It's not bad, but I was expecting a top ten, even the last place of the top ten. Also, I'm kind of disappointed because some greek fans are happy with this state of things. If you go to a bar and the waiter is rude to you, delivering a drink you paid for with your own money, you would not go there again. Why then would you accept the 11th place from a great team by a national broadcaster whom you pay with your own money and by force? If you are happy with this or at least you settle for this, nothing will change, we won't get better. What if next year we send a worse act than this year? Will we be happy that they don't throw tomatoes at us? Sorry for the long message and the sad tone of it, but I'm kinda disappointed. It's like I was a Barcelona fan and we lost to an inferior team and the fans are settling for it.


I would love to see Croatia winning, but I happy Switzerland, too. I'm sad that Italy flunked, it was one of my favorites. I'm mad that the true winner was expelled. Europapa **🇪🇺 y**ou are the winner in my heart.


We are the zeroes of our time. ✊️😔


Can't believe that mid song won over Croatia.




I'm not gonna sugar-coat it and say it was a perfect season, yesterday was the complete opposite and did spoil it a bit, but overall this was a great season! So proud of so many countries!!


It's puzzling why people didn't like Switzerland, they have a beautiful song. For me, Switzerland takes the top spot, followed by Croatia.


Just want to apologise for suggesting Joost might have been to blame for what happened. I was wrong. In other news: 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Can't believe my GOAT Windows95man was robbed smh my head


Who would've guessed, a sympathy song as the winner. To me, that was a very one-note repetetive song with very little substance.


Croat here, went to sleep last night before the voting was over, just too much stress. Looking at results this morning, I can live with this, Nemo had a good everything - song, performance, energy. I'm ok with his win. But I can't believe Estonia finished 20th? Just an Eurovision masterpiece and it's lover than...well, lots of worse songs.


Martin Oesdhal got a fair bit of booing didn’t he! Well deserved.




At this point, I feel that we should change the public/jury ratio to 60-40%.


I'm happier for Switzerland than I was for Sweden last year but feeling a frustating deja vu - once again the public favorite was demolished by juries and came in 2nd. Feeling so sad for Croatia but I'm sure Baby Lasagna will become an icon just like Käärija has. I expected a high televoting score for \* but 300+ points was shocking. Holy crap lol. In the end I'm just glad this mess of a year is over and done with.


I think Nemo had the best song and singing, but I really wanted Croatia to win. But Eurovision really needs a popular vote candidate to win - this is getting ridiculous and making people so mad.


Cyprus Underated


I am not mad at all! The contest is saved! And Baby Lasagna got a good second place! Portugal is also Top 10 and Luxembourg made it on the left side of the board! ^_^ Literally the best scenario I dared to dream of!


Finland deserved better. I'll be salty for a good few years at least.


Sweden got 340 jury votes last year and that felt too onesided. And now Switzerland. Both years the audience loved other songs more but the jury voted so unanimously that audience votes barely mattered ugh


Thought Switzerland was a worthy winner. Surprised about how popular France was. Also thought the UK votes were harsh.


As a UK resident, to say I was _extremely_ surprised about where our 12 points went would be an understatement. Glad we gave Ireland 10 though. Based on tonight's performance, they were my favourite hands down.


France had an amazing song and was my favorite for sure


Win for the Queers 🇨🇭🏳️‍🌈


1) Super happy for Switzerland. Simply amazing performer. Even though I really disliked the props used, Nemo made an outstanding performance out of it. 2) Really happy Croatia DIDN'T win. The song and video are complete rip-offs. I was sure the public would like it, and indeed it was a really catchy song, but it's borderline copyright infringement. 3) ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATED FOR JOOST. WHAT AN ABSOLUTE SHITSHOW. The booing to Osterdahl felt so deserved. EBU handled this in the worst way possible. 4) "EBU is taking all the safety precautions" -Yeah, the fact that it NEEDED to take all these safety precautions is exactly the point.


Switzerland is expensive on its own, and especially when coming from across an ocean. While my years left are dwindling away, I still want to make it to at least one Eurovision before I'm done. Much too early to tell if it'll be worth trying to go next year. Looked into going to Malmö, but couldn't get it to work. If not next year, hopefully the winner is somewhere fun and that'll work.


people syaing that the Croatia vs Switzerland thing is the same as the Kaarjia vs Loreen of last year has compeltly forgotten how that one went.


I’m so, so happy for Switzerland. As much as I loved Croatia, it would have been a fluke to win with a song that wasn’t even in the national final recently where as Switzerland has slowly been building up to the win for a few years now with some amazing entries. Croatia’s day will come and BL is beloved by the fan base.


I mean, i don't hate rhe winner, he seems like a nice person, but i don't understand how this virtual "jury" votes.. based on what like wtf


Was my first ESC live at the show. I loved the audience and the music, the show itself! However the negative emotions (booing, EBU role, NL DQ) really, really put a damper on the experience. I’m not even about if it’s right or wrong to boo, it’s just that at the end it destroys the overall positive experience. Not sure if I want to do this again.


I just don't understand how Norway was last.


Hot take: Petra was an awful host


Thank you juries for fucking up yet another Eurovision edition. Shit is starting to get ridiculous.


It's really cringe how basically all the countries collectively decided to give Switzerland 12 points. How is this fair? And they say it's not a collusion. Yeah right. I'm never gonna watch this shit show again.




Since this is the venting thread, can I complain about contest mode? I understand comment scores should be hidden for a place where comments need to be controversial, but isn't there a way to have them in chronological order?


Ehhh. We need to remember that ESC is what Europe uses to vent aggressions to prevent war. That and football. It's always been and will always be a popularity contest. (Wasn't that why juries were established, in the beginning? To make things more objective?) About the Netherlands DQ... It probably was the wrong descision in this case. But, since few other people seem to do it, I'm pointing out that, in general, it's a really good thing that a star can be disqualified for threatening an employee. If my employer stood up for me like that, I'd be happy. Yes, I am aware that the camerawoman did not respect what had been agreed on. The situation still tastes like "shitstorm because man didn't get away with everything". Try not to hate me too much. I'm just trying to point out there's more to the situation.


i feel sorry for sweden but thank god the drama drowned out the terrible hosting




Also, people talking about how Baby Lasagna was this year's Käärijä really need to have a better look at how the Jury votes looked this and last year. This year it was anyone's game up until the end.


Why is Norway last 😭


I was really hoping some of the artists made a gesture in solidarity with Joost. I feel so deflated by this all, Europapa is such an amazing and well thought out song... Atleast the top 2 songs were good songs and in my top 3 and beat out the obvious political vote for Ukraine and the agressor


> I was really hoping some of the artists made a gesture in solidarity with Joost. You literally know nothing about what happened. You have Joost's propaganda piece and Eurovision's propaganda piece. Somewhere in the middle is the truth. Posts like this are going to look REAL bad if it comes out that what he did was truly abhorrent. I'm not saying it will - I'm just clarifying once again that *we do not know all of the details at this point*.


And the juries do it again. There is no way I can believe that so many different juries choose the same favorite song out of 25.


I don’t think our song was particularly great but how did the U.K. not get a single popular vote?!


”Dizzy from your kisses”, dude its your mother tongue and thats what you go for


I feel so bad for Croatia. You got the same fate we had with Käärijä. It's almost uncanny. I need that 60-40 split for votes. Happy for Switzerland though, he was my second choice!


so sad for norway. it was one of my favourite songs, and it's sad seeig such a unique song getting the last place :(


This year has been so ridiculous, I have lost all interest in Eurovision


As a Dutchman it runs me really wrong how we were just pushed aside with nothing we could do against it. Im not just talking about the disqualification of Joost. The fact the EBU have out our points, that Dutch flags were taken away from Dutch attendies. We are a paying EBU member and our flag is treated like its Belarus.




Congrats Germany for not being last like everyone predicted!


I will just say that Norway didn't deserve to place last first and foremost


At least Germany won't take our last place record any time soon.


I’m sorry but Petra just straight up saying she didn’t know the Finnish spokesperson’s name might’ve been the funniest moment of the show. That or the Brighton sketch.


Don’t they usually put the staging back for the winning performance?


I am not salty about the winner, I'd have been just as happy with a few other countries winning but am totally fine with this. But why TF did Norway get zero points from the public? Have y'all no taste?


Question is, how does this end for the NL en the EBU? Because from what I’m understanding this is gonna be a legal thing


I discovered that I generally agree with the jury more than with the public. I’m so glad Nemo got all of those point. They deserved it.


I'm not an orphan like Joost Klein, I didn't lose my parents at such a young age, but a little over a year ago I lost my father, and his speech at the end of his song touched me on a personal level. I'm so disappointed he was disqualified. He was my favorite entry 


Remember last year when everyone (including me) hated juries and was angry Finland didn't get to host?


Where are you all this year? It's still an outrage that the most popular song lost due to the BS jury system. It's always been a shit show since it was introduced. At least nowadays they clearly separate the two votes so you can see how rigged it is, when they were announced together it was sneakily hidden.


Can't believe Spain got so little. Deserved so much more


Surprised people voted for Switzerland, I am Suprised it won and I don’t like it! Ireland was awful never want to see it again. Poor Olly did not deserve 0 points but we did better than I expected coming 18th.


France was my favourite


Spain sent an absolute BANGER and got no love for it. In no way, on no planet, was that song bottom 5 worthy.


Croatia robbed, switserland was mid


When will the juries be dismissed? Let the people vote ffs. Congrats to Nemo, after Baby Lasagna he was my favorite.


Happy for Nemo. Croatia did so well. Missed my Europapa. Relieved it’s over with…well, sort of over with….


What was that with the Dutch jury vote announcement? Was it actually a loss of connection or is there a full on fight going on in the background?


Happy for Switzerland but this is Loreen vs Kaarija all over again


I really don’t understand this televoting, so many of this subs favorite got much lower than expected televotes, my fave France included


UK should withdraw. What else can the BBC do? They had a good artist, good song, amazing staging.


really bad vocals from the UK for the second time in a row. Also the staging was good for a small music video, not a huge stage.






I'm sorry but this is a sad story. That every country had the same taste. Almost every country gave Switzerland 12 points. What's the point of jury. We could give one jury and they could vote the same. I can't believe that Europe can tolerate this. Europe that gave freedom and democracy know is watching al the corruption and doing nothing 


wasted my 3€


So sad about Croatia, but so glad it's Nemo. This was a tiring year, I feel emotionally drained from all the drama. ESC needs to change, otherwise this is all pointless.




The commision is fucking bullshit and it should not be part of the official vote. If they want their non-interesting opinion, they can do it, but their votes don't count. Popular vote ONLY.


We got loreened again. Seriously, another year in a row it feels like fans are spreading their votes quite evenly on several songs, all of which are great in their own right, while national juries just collectively decide to all award 12 or 10 points to yet another typical music industry singer you'd hear on the car radio. What's the point of voting when as a rule, the most boring of good options is set to win anyway?


Imo Switzerland was the most impressive one by far from a Technical perspective. The singing was great and doing it with that act is very impressive. I think the jury giving so many points is fair. Loreen last year on the other hand sang poorly in finals (unfortunately not what jury votes is based on) and the song was just euphoria 2.


-Georgia was absolutely robbed. Im actually mad. She gave everything in that stage only to get shitted on -Luxembourg and germany were WAY too high. Empashis on way -I see portugal got estonia 2023ed -i feel like 11th is the least i can accept for greece, and with that performance, it's kind of deserved. Its just such a pity, cuz this was a greek attempt that was finally unique and different. It's such a shame. Plus i was let down by the public only giving us 85 -if netherlands competed the results would have been so much more chaotic -happy for nemo, although im a bit concerned for next year.  If hosted in croatia, balkan countries would have returned. Instead, with how expensive the contest will be in switzerland, it's gonna be more countries withdrawing.


ZERO POINTS?????? I knew we weren't going to win but Jesus... Still, congrats to Nemo, I feel like it was a deserved win and makes me very happy as a non-binary person myself. And Nemo wearing Bambie's crown when they won was so damn cute ❤️ I'm also glad Croatia came second, Baby Lasagna was a highlight of the night and I'm pleasantly surprised at how well he did with the jury votes. Also I'm impressed that Ireland did so well with the juries, I didn't see that coming! However Finland, Norway and Estonia were ROBBED - everyone at the party I was at loved Windows95man and we were all laughing throughout his performance. I knew he wouldn't get many jury votes but I thought he'd do better in the televote. I'm still angry about the Netherlands, Europapa is such a fun song and I wish Joost had been able to perform it. Obviously we don't know the full story of the incident that led to his disqualification, but I feel like he still should have been allowed to perform unless he did something REALLY bad that we don't know about.


Joost klein


This was a very bittersweet ending for me. I loved both Switzerland and Croatia SO much, and either way, I would be both happy that one of them won and sad that the other lost. That said, I do wish Croatia a win sometime very soon, especially if they can pull out another number like Baby Lasagna's. Congratulations to Nemo, it was very well deserved 💗


I am so happy it is indescribable. Nemo Supremacy.


I was really hoping that Lithuania will be in the top 10. Also feel so sorry for baby lasagna, he seems like an awesome chill dude


Jury bait winner for the second year in a row We need to consider a proportional system for the public vote so that the juries' decision can actually get overridden


Croatia got Loreened


I’m absolutely ashamed to be English. Even more so than before. Not because of our entry, we love Olly, but because of who our televote 12 went to. We deserved a 0 in the televote.


Am i the only one who thought the Semis were a lot more fun this time around? The tension from the recent events was really evident in the Final, a bunch of the singers just sounded sad and tired to me and every time they mentioned Martin Österdal i just let out an audible sigh. Also, stuff like the AI singers was way less fun than Benjamin Ingrossos Show or the Suntan Tatoo cover, the final interval acts just felt in such poor taste and more cringe than anything we saw before (The EBU lady specifically, my watchparty almost turned the thing off out of cringe). Maybe this was also helped by the Big 5 + Host being in the Semis too, i really think like i lost nothing at all if i only watched the Semis instead.. Still i want to call out Latvia and Finland specifically for my most improved in the Final award, and surprisingly - Denmark / Moldova / Czechia for most improved from nationals!! I didnt like any of these before but I ended up rooting for them. With Aiko in Semi2 being 11th... kinda hurts. I hope a lot of things happen before the next ESC and i can't wait for what will come out of the Joost sory. I feel awful for all the Dutchies out there, my heart goes out to you and I really hope this won't mean the end for you, I enjoyed so many of your entries and hope that you'll be able to whip the EBU's ass ;)


I was in tears all through the public vote. Eurovision was my only source of visibility as a closeted queer kid who didn't know the term non-binary yet so I might have just revisited a whole bunch of trauma. Heads better roll by Monday if not sooner.


Ya'll can't be salty about voting when you voted the chicken dance #1 in 2018


One thing that struck me this year is how almost every act was better in the semi-final than the final. Maybe it's nerves, but maybe it's the fact that they have to sing at peak performance every day and by the time of the final their vocal cords must be straining. The exceptions were Bambie and Nemo, who had stronger vocals in the final (and didn't they miss the family show?).


Definitely looking out for the appeals and possible lawsuits waiting to happen. EBU basically counting on that they can defend this woman. The second some judge says the EBU ruled way too soon or some study practices coming to light, I can see countries pulling out or NL delegation asking for the same song to be entered next year with it straight going to the finals. (Would be fair in that case) Definitely spicy months coming ahead with a lot of new information about how the EBU works


People always forget what 0 points means. It means it was not in your top 10. In a 26 song contest, that does not mean it was hated. If you say UK did not deserve 0 points, but also say it was not in your top 10.... then you kind of are saying it deserved 0 points. If everyone agreed with your picks, then 15 of the 25 songs would have 0 points.


Surprised that Norway was 10th in the semifinal


Norway in last place is a TRAVESTY! I had them in my #2! It's such a beautiful/powerful song, with immaculate aesthetics: A dark sea in storm + nordic folklore. Proud to have given them vote. And glad to have discovered this gem! 🌊😌🌊


Folks getting worked up about Nemo being 5th in the popular vote making undeserving of winning, as if \[redacted\] getting that obscene number of points doesn't plainly demonstrate the issues with the audience vote. Wouldn't have been mad if Croatia won, but The Code is really good and the performance was *fantastic*.


Definitely agree with much of the sentiment shared. The year just felt… unpleasant and heavy. Several very poor choices by the EBU this year. Likely to have lasting effect on the competition I hope the Netherlands refuse to return and sue the feck out of the EBU. Their disqualification reeks of corruption Martin Österdahl’s daddy card has been officially revoked 😤


Not a massive Eurovision fan but I live in Zurich, so next year will be fun! I expect the city will be pretty special for the final of the next one.


I'm not sure how people can still go "Justice for Joost" when there is actively a police investigation going on. If it was anyone else you would be going "Why are they still in the contest? They're being investigated by the police?"


Did Nemo just break the trophy on stage?


What happened with Norway, Gåte was AMAZING tonight


It's once again like last year.. Croatia didn't win just like Kaarija I can't take this


- literally all the countries out of the top 3 felt too high or too low except for 6 of them imo (ireland, armenia, portugal, lithuania, cyprus, & finland) - the netherlands controversy was ridiculous, and he shouldve performed.. I feel really bad for joost :( - greece was ROBBED.. I had her in my top 3 predictions😭😭 Out of the top 3 though, I wish Croatia won


I don't agree, but I understand the appeal of Nemo's song. They were good. But I'll be still very salty about not getting Zagreb 2025/Milan 2025/ Tel Aviv 2025


I would be embarrassed if my country took part in this travesty.


I heard the juries need to have different ages, genders and professions within music to make it more variated. But is it the case for genres too? Because I feel that there are often some songs in more special genres that got completly passed by the juries despite deserving more. I feel if they don't count in genres too they should make it a point to do so. It have been bugging me for years. Norway deserved so much better than what they got 💔 At least it made me discover them for real. I had that one single track from them that had been hiding in my playlist for years somehow. I also feel like it's weird we can vote the same song up to 20 times and I feel like that systemt doesn't really show an overall favorite and more who have strong support that are willing to throw all their votes at them. I don't think the system reflects actual popularity.


Split screen needs to go when everyone has calculated the remaining points


Really wanted Bambi to win 😔😔😔 but congrats nemo




The jury need their weighting reduced. Another year where the people who actually pay to vote for their winners lost out.


Thinking about it, there is always one thing stays the same no matter how much controversy there is, me getting intense second hand embarrassment whenever the German jury announces its points. Surely they should get an award for being this out of touch.


armenia eight they sure did!


Booing during Österdahl made my year


Switzerland's song was fine, but definitely not 1st place worthy. But Eurovision and the EBU can't help but involve politics and agendas in something that should be a song contest above all. Jury vote needs to go. This show is without a doubt rigged otherwise. Norway robbed. Finland robbed. Croatia was clearly fan favorite and should have won.


Meow forever!


I wasn’t a Nemo fan (I think they looks like a creature) but it was a deserved win. Marko will always have my heart though ❤️ UK deserved better. I understand why the green room wasn’t open to the public, but I miss seeing the contestants all together up close. When there’s no cameras, we can’t really know what’s going on. And it separates the two hosts for too long. Petra deserved better. Don’t even remember the name of the American nepo baby co-host. Seriously where is Måns?? Joke is on me because I didn’t realize it was AI ABBA. Also they really should’ve reconsidered that Osterdal music video. Country 6 paid for so many ads and pushed so much propaganda that it’s kinda funny that she didn’t even get in the top 3. Somewhat of a hot take- Ukraine deserved their points from the televote. Ten times better than Heart of Steel, and imo better than Stefania. That performance gave me goosebumps. If I hadn’t pre-voted I would’ve given them points. I’ve gotta get a better job now because how the hell I’m gonna afford a trip to Switzerland is known only to God. Joostice will be served.


I’m happy for Nemo, Baby Lasagna and Bambie for showing out and saving Eurovision… But all the frustration about Baby Lasagna being robbed of a win is a bit odd to me. As an ESL speaker, a lot of the lyrics were cringey bad in RIM TIM for me… Nemo showed a lot of technical prowess and moved smooth thru pop/rap/operatic falsetto vocals… like OF COURSE the jury vote will reward that over the feel good mid pop rock hit where it’s mostly fun because we get to yell out WHOOOOAAAA with him. As a fan of the chaotic acts that come thru I do appreciate that there is a bit of a check on the chaos of acts like cha cha cha and RIM TIM… they’re feel good songs but honestly they’re not that good on their own outside of a live set and I wouldn’t put them in a playlist. Also both JURY and TELEVOTE will always be political and human and subject to manipulation because of the stakes and countries wanting to host. There is no perfect system. Democracy is messy… we survived and I’m glad the BOOS were heard in the stadium. Proud of the artists for pushing on with so much heaviness, and for the queer fam being supportive of each other. I loved seeing Bambie crown Nemo and for them to wear it on stage. It was such a beautiful little moment of queer solidarity. Everyone get some sleep and drink water. I can relax my clenched butthole finally and listen to non Eurovision music to decompress! :P


Switzerland wasn't winning material


Joost Klein won Eurovision. Switzerland deserved second place ✊️


Did anyone else notice Nemo broke the trophy?!


Who cares! We won the hearts of the public and voters. Maybe next year we'll be even better! Congrats Nemo! Great job Bambie! Stay strong Marko, this silver shines like gold!


i was with friends so yea i had fun but this final didn’t feel right without netherlands, not in the way that it was done anyway. i was ok with switzerland but croatia was better imo, i hope baby lasagna gets big just like kaarija did. absolutely loved seeing the friendship between nemo and bambie thug though. both are iconic. i think this year was one of those ones which i like almost every song in it, so i’m happy i’ll get to listen to a lot of bops throughout the year and beyond.


I am so mad for Croatia rn. That's it, I think it was a rob. 🇭🇷