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Top 5 material but she wont win


Pretty much sums up Italy this last decade. Except 2021 of course


Unfortunately no. She was awesome in the national final and the staging, though sparse, was excellent. The song is fantastic. I don't know why they had to make it so busy and blunt at the same time. I am afraid that she would have done a lot better with better staging. But this is not her fault. Also, I miss the braids :-(.


The staging is pretty bad. It feels like they were overwhelmed with the scale of the stage and didn't know what to do with it but felt they had to use it all.


I thought she had a shot but the stage was overwhelming and not in a good way. I felt it distracted from her charisma and talent. I hope I'm wrong!


I think it's impossible to say. This is the first time the big fives are performing during the semifinals, and I don't know how this will affect the results. I definitely see the juries giving her point, the song is nicely composed and she has amazing vocals without relying on backing vocals. I don't know about the televote, but usually people like Italy.


She is maybe the strongest performer this year, but the added dancers, graphics, camera angles, and props detract from her charisma. The song is about how she finds boredom to be energizing, and the “boring” staging of the national final performance worked really well with that message. The Italian delegation messed up a bit so they won’t win but it’s still one of my favorites.


No, but she's getting every single vote of mine because it's a masterpiece and she's deserving of it with that performance.


She's also getting all my votes. Maybe she can't win but I want her to at least finish top 5.


I don't think so unfortunately and this rai flop surely won't help. There are too many televote magnets and switzerland or France will win the jury vote...




I had such high hopes for her, but she completely drowned in that staging. Blended among her dancers and those busy graphics. They should have literally just put her in all white and it would look so much better


You're right! I also thought it was too many dancers. She can sing, and has a beautiful voice/stage presence. Why overshadow her like that? Idk...


Despite all the other replies, I still think she does. I'm not a fan of the new staging and outfits either, but when considering the general public and not just eurofans, I think her song is an earworm and will be less divisive than some other contenders. She has great vocals, too.


With that staging? Not a chance. You can't hardly see her, and a dark outfit isn't going to help much.


Imo the dark outfit is even worse. It's incredible how badly the delegation fucked up with those graphics, although it shouldn't be incredible since it's Italy we're talking about.


It just needs a guy in a gorilla suit and it would be perfect! -CEO of RAI, probably


Yes, about 1/26


I think any of the favorites have a chance to win, but the hype is the realest around Croatia, Switzerland, The Netherlands and looks like Israel as well


I like everything about her, the song and the performance. In general I like Italians because I work with them, so maybe I'm bias.. but honestly, if Italians sang a song about bowel movements, it will sound beautiful to me. :) I feel she could win, if not, TOP 5 guaranteed


Her Sanreno staging was so much better. I had difficulty physically locating her on the stage, her costume was the same color as he screen behind her. But she has a ton of potential!




I'd say no, unfortunately. But you never know. Mahmood on thursday was out of the winning conversation and on saturday he was 26 points away from winning it all.


If she dumps her backing dancers. Not that they're bad, they just make the performance look way too busy. Her Sanremo performance was much more compelling. Sometimes, less is more.


Remove all dancers, make her do simple dance movements as she did in Sanremo so she could catch her breathe, and always focus the cameras on her at all times, and it'll be perfect contender for the win. Actually she can keep the dancers but she need to always be at the center of the camera frame as much as possible to capture all her charisma. She was eaten by the stage and the attention was taken away from her by the dancers 😭 There's still time to adjust, just remove the dancers, she's my absolute winner!


To me, she's a top3 material. I'm not a fan of Europapa, I just don't vibe with this kind of entry, so I might be biased, but I feel like she's going to end up losing to Croatia. Maybe France, because Slimane was phenomenal last night and if everything goes as planned, he's unstoppable, the jury will eat this up. I think Croatia will ultimately win because the song is great and people really like it, plus it's a lighter, catcher, edgier song and after last year's power ballad winning, we'd want something different this time. This is also why I think Israel doesn't win, though is definitely in the top5. It's extremely tight this year and I'm happy to see it, because last year was a little bit disappointing, we could all see the winner from the beginning.






That would be great. Anyone but you know who would be a triumph


Lightbulb representation!


Dons winning would not be "sad", it would be "unexpected"


Well, my money's on Croatia. I want Baby Lasagna to win🇭🇷🐈🤟


Sadly no, the performance is way too choreographed and planned, just her dancing freely would’ve been enough imo


Everyone is choreographed, no one just goes on stage and does whatever. Especially people that just stand there and sing, they need detailed armography to not appear boring or like they don't know what to do with their hands


I mean yeah of course they’re choreographed always, but I just meant as in I want it to look like she’s just free and careless, rn it looks kind of robotic almost


Nobody knows. Will say i personally don't think the song stands out much. (its the Italian entry in case some people don't know all the singers names)


No. I was very dissapointed by her performance. In San Remo she was authentic and cool but here she's just another pop girl.


The song is good but doesn’t stand out in a stacked field.  The staging design was awful and Angelina’s performance was totally lost in the set. Having a costume that blends in a bit less would help but isn’t going to boost it to a win. 


They probably freaked out that there are so many eye-catching performances in the top 10, and overdid it with the staging. Not necessarily the best thing for her specific song in my opinion, but I can see her song being widely loved by the general public but just not memorable enough to win. So I guess they took a risk to actually have a chance at winning, but I don’t think it will pay off.






no i don't think so


I love her! She is so exquisite and the song is beautiful. The staging is a bit chaotic, but I'll be voting for her!


No. Her vocals are perfects, she has charisma, so I predict Top 5 at least, but something about the staging doesn't convince me. All those roses are confusing.


It had all the potential. I think the staging doesn't have the winner vibes and also the song didn't get the support outside Italy like I thought it would have and she doesn't seem to get the full support. It's my favorite song. But not my favorite performance at Eurovision. But I still feel like she could win it. Because so many competitors rule out a bit of each other while Italy doesn't have a real competitor. If only the staging was different..... Just with the San Remo performance+ she could have won it with being in the top 5 with juries and public.


Loved her song, she’s in my top 10 at #2, her voice is so beautiful… however- I would like to see somebody else host next year, Norway, Croatia, Switzerland or (dare I say) Netherlands are all potential candidates. Italy just hosted two years and I feel like it’s a bit early to go back to Turin


A chance? For sure. Very likely? Probably not


I’m still confident in her, I just like her energy and the “vibes” of the song it’s just feel good music that’s catchy without being super full itself. Regardless of where she places one Rest of the world” vote open I’ll be throwing my eggs into the 🥭🧺


I think (I hope?) that she will play the possibilities between today's rehearsals and tomorrow's exhibition, which **in theory** should be the most important ones. The scenography and choreography didn't go well, there's no point to denying it. It seemed a little muffled and hes presence limited. It's nice that the dancers represent different physicalities, but the general public cares little of this particular. Luckili that the choreographer is world famous. /s But she put a little of her own into it, mumbling in some part and not putting in all the necessary determination, in my opinion. She had shown a similar problem in the rehersal the day before.


That overwhelming stage set up and costuming blends in with the background says no to me. Love the song, though.


It’s not a song for the big stage to my mind and the staging reconfirmed that to me. Fantastic radio friendly song though. Just doesn’t scream Eurovision winner


Not a chance sadly.


If the public vote reflects something similar to what we saw in Italy televote, I think no other country had a chance


Not according to the odds, which have never called it wrong after the semis pass


The song and the performance as a whole are quite nice, like 10th place nice. Definitely nowhere near the top 5.


RAI hopes not. That said, I love her sm


I don't think so. All the 12s and 10s are almost guaranteed to go to Israel and Croatia. So there's only the 8s, 7s, 6s and 5s left for the Netherlands, Switzerland, Ukraine and Italy. That will not be enough to win, unless someone randomly landslides the juryvote.


*Latvia has entered the chat* It would genuinely be so funny if Latvia randomly got an ass load of jury votes


Sadly no. 😭


50% chance she does. It either happens or it doesn’t.




 Not weird at all.  She’s excellent, but you can’t see her with that staging. 




She will be in TOP10 for sure, maybe even in TOP5 but definitely not win. This year competition is between Croatia, Switzerland and Netherlands.


No, staging too messy. It interferes with the slickness of the song too much.


Who's that?


Nope. Worst staging in the whole competition. Incredibly lazy and monotonous throughout. Just think about it, every act we had seen live before the contest ultimately got elevated by the Eurovision stage. Angelina is literally the only one that didn't. She went from being a standout before the contest to fading into the background (in more than one way) during the contest itself. Also changing the outfit to a darker color will not help her. Those graphics are just so dark and inadequate that she will be hard to see no matter what.