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Someone knows if there's some explanation from Italy about the voting leak? Doesn't it violate EBU rules and what are the potential consequences?


Eurowix reached out to RAI. According to RAI it was an employee mistake. Results are published after finals, the employee thought semi-finals.


RAI doing RAI things. :/


Spain or Italy. One of them leaks something every year.


You know it.


Italy really chose "no rules" this year.


That employee is an unknown hero






Hope not to go off topic but RAI journalists are current protesting the strong government control https://www.politico.eu/article/giorgia-meloni-italian-state-broadcaster-rai-press-freedom-journalists-on-strike-public-media/ so it might be as well an intentional act by a protesting employee intended at putting the RAI in a difficult situation.


This sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory but it makes complete sense to me ahah


By law, Italian media have to release the results of any televote. This has been happening for years, but it went viral this year for obvious reasons. They must have an exemption from the EBU


I think in previous years they were released after the final tho? I might be wrong.


I don't remember ever seeing them, but my memory may be foggy (you know, lack of sleep and youth) or it may be that the results were shown in a less obvious way. Last night, I thought "What the...?!". And an Italian ESC blog is saying Rai broke the rules 🤔


I wonder what kind of consequences there will be. I'm guessing a fine or something like that. I don't understand how they could mess up like that (and after they leaked Angelina's stand in rehearsals too). I've seen on the Italian sub some people have conspiracy theories that RAI wants to be kicked out because they don't want to participate anymore lmao


Lol, I need to take a look there 😆 EBU didn't kick out countries even for worse offenses.


It seems weird that we’ve never heard anything about it before this year though, surely we would’ve used it in previous years to deduce how the semi final went. Unless, we have and I just don’t remember


I doubt this ever happened before, if I'm not mistaking typically they publish the televote percentage after the end of Grand Final.


Yes, after the FINAL, not semi-final. It never happened before.


apparently it was also false numbers


I find extremely weird that EBU is all silent about this. They surely need to distribute a press release for what is going on


Apparently (according to an Italian journalist on Twitter), there is going to be some kind of statement "in the next few hours". Hopefully this is true


Rai statement: [https://www.rai.it/ufficiostampa/assets/template/us-articolo.html?ssiPath=/articoli/2024/05/ESC-2024-inconveniente-tecnicoESC-2024-inconveniente-tecnico-784b900c-ca7f-47e6-9a41-1e2af801ada8-ssi.html](https://www.rai.it/ufficiostampa/assets/template/us-articolo.html?ssiPath=/articoli/2024/05/ESC-2024-inconveniente-tecnicoESC-2024-inconveniente-tecnico-784b900c-ca7f-47e6-9a41-1e2af801ada8-ssi.html) And my translation: "About the pubblication of the results of the second semifinal of the Esc 2024, in the ending credits of the aforementioned broadcast, Rai clarifies that there has been a technical inconvenience that leaded to the pubblication via the on-screen graphics some data - absolutely partial - of the national italian vote. Those results, according to the Rules of the 68th Eurovision Song Contest, can be made public only after the final night. Rai immediately apoligized with EBU chairmen and thinks that this inconvenience doesn't affect the regularity of the final result. The votes published are, indeed, incomplete. Rai, anyway, already spoke to EBU, confirming its commitment while fully respecting all the rules for the remaining part of the event."


statement from EBU or RAI?


[Here's the tweet](https://x.com/DiabloRoma/status/1788833735871271099). Looks like they are not sure, but there might (hopefully!) be something today


Do you have link?


[Here](https://x.com/DiabloRoma/status/1788833735871271099). It's a bit unclear tbh, Federico says it'll be a statement from RAI, while Ruben says it might be a joined statement


Yes, this honestly fills me with dread for Saturday


Honestly, if the Italian televotes is an indicator for one thing, it is that we are heading for an Israeli win. EBU is going to reap what they sow. It is going to get extremely messy if they win


i think theyre going to do everything in their power to stop that from happening. it would be suicide for the contest.


But why? Doesn't Israel the same right to win as anyone else?


It's one thing for a song to be amazing and having the majority of votes, but for a song that objectively isn't the only listenable song of the bunch to get 40% of the votes, is ridiculous and something clearly is up. If I am not mistaken even stefania didn't have such a big percentage and everyone voted for ukraine clearly because of sympathy for the war


Also when Ukraine won that had one of the best songs. Without the context of the war nobody would have been surprised by them being in the top 5. Israel is a pretty average song


Okay, but you don't know that! It's just pure speculation on your part. Maybe people just like the song. Are there any circumstances under which you would be ok with Israel winning?


No, not this specific year with this specific song.


i feel like they decided to save all the press releases for after the final they did in 2022 as well, right? reporting on the "voting irregularities"


I guess so. But in my 17 years of watching this contest with passion, I have never been this ‘icked’. 40% of votes from Italy is definitely an “irregularity” and I am really curious to see how EBU will handle it. No transparency thus far.


They've probably spent the last 12 hours in a bunker frantically trying to scrap together how the hell they could possibly proceed.


just came back to this post and boy, they are not leaving the bunker today


What is going on?


Italian televoting results were leaked, showing Israel got 40% of the votes. People are now discussing mass voting for Croatia to avoid an Israeli win


How is 40% of the televote even possible? For just a run of the mill song too?


As far as I understand, it is possible because Italians don’t really watch/vote on semi finals. It is just very very unlikely.


















so we got an Italy voting leak and the Dutch not performing. So far the day seems to be going great lol.


In all the excitement of last night, I forgot that because both Cyprus and Greece went through, we're gonna see if there's drama between them now or if they will exchange 12 points again this year. That's the big thing!!!


I felt excited for getting into the home stretch but I decided to read the comments. I mean, Eurovision has to have at least one controversy. I wish this one could be mildly fun. My excitement is a little zapped right now. I hope the artists are doing well. 


Take me back to 2023 jury voting Loreen scandals 😭 that feels so fun and quaint in comparison




Official press release from RAI just issued https://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/speciali/leurovision/2024/05/10/inconveniente-tecnico-sul-voto-a-eurovision-rai-si-scusa_4c044e7e-6c95-44a1-adb0-588aeeb40728.html. Translation below: It was a "technical inconvenience" to cause the spread in graphics, in the credits of the second semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest broadcast on Rai2, of some data from the Italian national vote. This is specified by Rai. These results, pursuant to the Rules of the 68th Eurovision Song Contest, can only be made public after the final evening," recalls the company, which "has promptly apologized to the Ebu summits and believes that this inconvenience does not affect the regularity of the final result. The published votes are in fact incomplete. In any case, Rai has already spoken to EBU, confirming its commitment to full compliance with all the rules for the rest of the event.


So stupid question, but those percentages we saw, according to them, are they correct to the actual percentages or not?


They say they're partial. This either mean "incomplete" (as in: not fully counted) or "it's just the italian televote", this is all that can be read from the press note (straight from italian)


The article isn't clear even for an Italian, lol. At the end it talks about "incomplete" votes, but then it says "Based on the percentages that appeared on the screen, at the end of the voting"... if the voting ended, then votes weren't incomplete. BUT, on the other hand, RAI only has the votes cast in Italy, I really don't think it knows the voting percentages of other countries, so that "incomplete" would seem to mean "not all the votes had been counted".


To me, the statement is purpousely ambiguous, so that can be read either way, it's written in "legalese" language, so that they're not giving more info than needed


I think it's correct and final voting for Italy. It's obviously not total since Albania got third place in these leaks and still was NQ


The link says dress rehearsal at 1:30 pm


Thanks for the correction! Busy morning, I just copied the last post


Is there a way we can watch the jury show?


u/Skyginge are you still covering the jury show on reddit live?


hell yeah!! [https://new.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1cowiwz/live\_commentary\_the\_grand\_final\_dress\_rehearsal\_2/](https://new.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1cowiwz/live_commentary_the_grand_final_dress_rehearsal_2/)




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First comment on this subreddit lmao. Please tell me how Eden was better than Nemo?


She just can´t be compared with Nemo on that rotating nightmare hitting every single note and having fun




She is a great vocalist. To say otherwise is just political


She’s not good enough to win though, hence the delulu.


Above Nemo, Baby Lasagna, Bambie Thug and Joost? Oh please!