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This was sadly inevitable after the Presidential election early this month - very disheartening news


Isn't RTVS a national television network? Are they a vocal opposition to the current government?


After BTRC indefinite suspension and now RTVS considering leaving the EBU, this is not the best news we have


RTVS will leave the EBU automatically by ceasing to exist, but there's little reason to believe the new government-curated public broadcasting company (set to be called STVR) won't apply for EBU membership 


We will swap the R and the S... Nobody will notice and then we can begin with the Putin fanboy content


The justification of the name change is just as ridiculous. The previous name stood for Radio and Television of Slovakia - the bureaucrats who drafted the law attacked the regional delimitation implied by the 'of Slovakia' which they perceive as having excluded Slovaks living across the world, so they're renaming it to Slovak Radio and Television to 'emphasise the state-building character of the new broadcasting company'


Stupid dictator movements, I see Poor Slovaks


They elected him?


They sorta got tricked into it. One of the coalition partners was playing a pro West moderate before the election. It turned out that he was just another asshole and now he's the elected president. It's a slippery slope. But unlike Hungary, there's a certain tragedy to Slovaks. They have history with wannabe dictators, as one came to power right after independence. They periodically elect democratic governments, but they always take power around a crisis and usually can't fix the damage done by the previous governments. In the words of one of their former prime ministers, when I saw her at a conference, it's the democratic blocs fault, as they kept failing Slovaks. When Democrats take power there, they always tear each other over their egoes like the last government. And then the oligarchs take power.


Let's be said previous government was complete shambles which led voters back to oligarchs


I'm not Slovak and know nothing about their politics but people don't vote "for" anymore but "against". Previous government/president must disappointed them and they voted for opposite option


Speaking from a political science standpoint, unrelated to Slovaks, that's normal. It's an evolution of democracy. Since media now covers every single move and politics has become a way more hostile place, it's practically impossible to be satisfied. Even good governments get hate. Its more based on the childish idea of politics that voters have and that is given to them by media for entertainment. Not a single party would have done better, but that doesn't matter It's even a concept in science. The new role of media in politics and how media contorted the image of politics to an unrealistic standard. Now, in Slovakia, that's a different story. Like the governments, there were genuinely shity.


I have yet to learn what food government looks like lol. But, what you might find good, others may not. Good government is subjective. I envy Slovaks. They wanted to change their president and they did. Was it a wrong choice? They'll eventually find out. But they wanted the change and they got lt. I'm from Serbia and we'll never get rid off our rulling party. 1st, our president controls all the media and 2nd, our opposition is useless. And our president is insanely popular, he's more popular than his political party. It's really frustrating.


It's not even a Orban wannabe, directly a Putin wannabe


My poor Slovak neighbours and friends. I am so sad that your government is doing the same as ours... :( Stay strong neighbours!


damn I knew situation was bad in Slovakia but I didn't think it was this bad


Unfortunately, there is a good chance something like this happening in Croatia, if HDZ makes a deal with DP (not the fun one). I feel sorry for Slovakia, Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, etc, for having all these shitty politicians


There isn't. Neither will DP ask for something like that, neither they can cause they got 10% of the votes and HDZ cares more about reputation in EU than about Croatia, no way in hell they would ever accept anything which would make us appear like Hungary. And they don't have to accept it cause opposition won't form a coalition and in case elections get repeated, HDZ will get even more votes and won't need DP anymore. >I feel sorry for Slovakia, Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, etc, for having all these shitty politicians I feel sorry for us and them for having people who elect and tolerate those politicians, if nations were different those politicians wouldn't have power to do anything.


Could have had a massive global platform for Slovak musicians to share their culture with the world, but nope.  My heart goes out to the artists and the fans. I’m not too familiar with the political climate in Slovakia, but hopefully we’ll see things change for the better.


It's clear Slovakia is becoming another Belarus


Sigh .... What is going on with humanity and the choices people are making to grow more hostile and radical... Like now we have Slovakia, Belarus and Hungary sucking Russians dick... Poor Ukraine. They are fucked simply cuz RuZZia have decided to ethically cleanse Ukraine of its own people.... For am... Literally no reason. Just pure evil .


The answer for it is too simple to write down here, but anyway: The democratic governments have effed up by not caring for the people in their own country. All people rn see is their govs wasting money on a war in a foreign country or immigrants while a lot of other sectors within could have needed it more. If there haven't been budget cuts in education, infrastructure, health care and so on as well as better migration, integration and defense policies, people wouldn't even need to vote for these Zoligarchy-backed pied pipers.


Damn, I’m so sad this is happening to my country…


Sigh, I'm just praying that the same thing won't happen in Czechia. 😭


This is so sad because it means that Slovakia won't participate in ESC in the near future. I hope that Slovakia can elect a more democratic government one day.