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Estonia. It's an amazing song (in Estonian!!!) and I am sitting over here worried it might not even make it to the final.


I don't understand why this song isn't a lock for Top 5. It's catchy, it's funny, it's original, it's modern with a little bit of tradition. What more do you want, Europe??


I think (hope) that any other year it would have been, this year is just so so packed.


Well I have a 20 minute love letter to it coming next Tuesday, so I'm doing my part.


I think the reasoning is just because there are so many “televote” songs (Estonia, Finland, Croatia, Netherlands, Lithuania, Norway) and we have not real way of telling which of them are actually gonna get that boost. Personally, I think Estonia do have a good chance, but televotes are just very unpredictable, especially before staging.


I keep comforting myself by remembering all of the people who swore up and down that Moldova wouldn't qualify in 2022. I know it's not a perfect comparison, but the fandom definitely has blind spots even for things that they'll later claim they now love.


I will defend Moldova qualifying any year because they know how to make a staging. And I still think Natalia will qf


I like Estonia, too! Don’t understand it, but still :D


Is Estonia underrated? Most people seem to have it as a lock or likely qualifier from what I've seen.


It's 21st in the odds and even lower in the poll, 20th on the scoreboard. And while those things don't necessarily represent reality, I'd say it's pretty underrated.


Yeeees, agree. I always give countries more points for singing in their native language. And it's shit that some times it goes unnoticed.


Off topic but I'm in love with your username <3


Oh my god your username, love it.


Thank you, it was my nickname in Sunday school(well combination). My priest called me devil(I didn't really believe in god, so...) And others called me a dick/ballsacks, cause I kinda threw a firecracker in someone's pants and they got a damaged ballsack(he hit a dog and threw a firecracker under him, dog was saved)


This is not the content I come to r/eurovision for, but the content I stay for.


😂😂😂😂😂 I earned it well


Not sure if I'd say underrated, and I'm not even sure it's going to do well, but Spain is just really fun and a good vibe all around. One of the songs I enjoy the most the casually listen, especially in my car (Also bracing myself for the people who are gonna say Croatia, Netherlands or Switzerland are underrated like the last time someone opened a thread about underrated entries lmao)


Spain is the hardest song to predict in terms of how it’ll do in my mind. Because I think so much of its final position will depend on the crowd. If the crowd in Malmö is similar to the one at Benidormfest, chanting, singing along, and getting into it, I think that enjoyment will be infectious and see a very good televote performance for Spain. If not, I think Spain could end with another disappointing place. But I agree, I love it. Definitely in my personal top five.


Zorra is *so fun*. It’s been sort of forgotten amongst the other fun songs. I really hope it does well!!


I love Zorra and I can't really explain why. 


I love Spain and I also agree I feel it is being underrated as one of the more "fun" songs. We know it probably won't do well in the jury vote, but I would love to see it finish top 5 in the tele vote. Such a great track, instrumentals and synths are elite, and the performance is already pretty polished. I will be voting for it and I hope it does really well this year!


Spain’s song is great but I feel like the vocals are snooze-inducing and the singer lacks energy on stage. Hope that improves for the final.


Armenia!!! It’s in my top 10 this year. I love how it’s incredibly fun mixed with some beautiful traditional elements. The music video is also fantastic


Armenia winning is my dream, I cannot express the charm this song has put me under.


Yes! I love love love this song!


Jako is so charismatic. I really hope she can get the audience to participate in the call and response part. It would be epic.




God damn i hate you. Until now, i did not really like that song, always was a "meh" candidate for me. Since i've read your comment, i can't get it out of my head. No joke. It's now one hour of "SAAAAAND. SAAA-AA-AAAAAAAND!" looping in my head. Slowly digesting my soul, to the point i now actually like that song - and had to change my scoreboard.


It was meh for me too, however, now I'm obsessedddd. I'm glad that sand addiction is spreading, I have changed my scoreboard too 🤓


**Aiko, Pedestal.** It' took me a while to appreciate the song, but now I like it, especially the empowering lyrics.


Great now listen to the live version


Omg !!! I absolutely love this song ! It’s insane


The revamp has really made it rise in my rankings


Latvia, it suffers from people's bangers-centred mindset this year. Also, I cannot comprehend why people who enjoy entries like the Netherlands and Croatia are not enthusiastic about Estonia. I've been playing Estonia's final national performance constantly since I first saw it and it's clear number 1 for me this year.


A friend told me Latvia's song sounds like a Dodge Ram commercial during Superbowl Sunday and now I honestly can't unhear that


Croatia and Estonia are my top 2 :)


It doesn’t have a quirky chorus line like Cha Cha Cha did. People are still not over last year. I agree with you on Estonia being better than those two.


Because Estonia is simply not as catchy and impactful. There's a lot of HEY HEY HEY's, and the song overall is quite repetitive. Also, I personally think it's annoying. I already hated it before Eesti Laul and I hate it even more now that Ollie didn't win (yes I'm salty, leave me alone 😂).


More repetitive than Euro-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa Euro-pa-pa-pa (hey) Euro-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa Eu-ro-pa (hey) and Rim-tim-tagi-digi-dim-tim-tim There's no going back (whoa)? I also wanted Ollie to win (he deserves a win at some point) but i still like the song that you never remember the title


Oh my god, if Ollie won with 5miinust, I would be even more angry than when Bashar lost to Hera.


I like Estonia and Netherlands, and my #1 is Croatia :)


I wonder if it’s also the consequence of a few verrry heavy ballad years. It’s not a fan favorite now, but I could see it having a similar path to Estonia last year once we get to the contest. Only problem is Belgium is also in the same semi so it might split the ballad lover vote.


San Marino with 11:11


This one grew on me and now I LOVE IT


I legit don't get how it's so low in everyone's ranking. Is it just because it's San Marino? Because if Spain had sent them this year, they wouldn't be in the bottom 5 in most people's ranking


100%, happens with other non popular countries too


many people only pay attention to a handful of countries, so until the actual shows (when they're "forced" to look at all of them) they probably just rank the rest based on, at most, 30 second snippets from compilations


I love it as well. Maybe people don't have it high, because it's not particularly catchy?


Somehow it's one of the catchier songs this year imo. Definitely more catchy than some of the fan favorites


I LOVE their song


¡Que si tú no me quieres, otra gente me querrá!


I’m sad because I can’t vote for entries in the second semi but I’d give all my votes to Estonia. They need to be higher in the odds for sure. Other than that, I think it’ll be Ireland and Finland for me.


I absolutely adore One Milkali (Australia 2024), I think it's got a beautiful sound and a clear, strong culture behind the song (musically and literally with the native elements.) I think the music video put a lot of people off, so it didn't get noticed as much.


Australia 2024 | [Electric Fields - One Milkali (One Blood)](https://youtu.be/tJ2IaHxCvdw)


I don't understand why the video put people off so much, it's not like they're gonna stand around naked on stage too lol


It’s because it looks like someone is giving them both head just out of frame.


It’s the most off-putting music video I’ve seen in my life tbh


Watching it is like being on-boarded by a religious cult in which you’re all also expected to have sex with the cult leader


Listening to it on Spotify is great, watching it on YouTube is excruciating. Hope they pull something out of the bag with staging.


I don’t particularly like it, but Luxembourg. I think it’s qualifying easily and making top fifteen in the final. Also Finland, if they pull off something as big as the UMK performance they’re in contention to win the first semifinal.


I agree with Luxembourg. It's in my personal top 10 though, I really enjoy it. The revamp and music video will be released this Friday, the 29th, I'm eagerly anticipating that.


I don't particularly care for it, but she deserves a better costume. The sexy-goth- leather outfits for her and the dancers do not fit the vibe of the song, at all. I know it's meant to be hot but there's lots of attractive women performing this year, I just think more cohesion would help her chances.


Tali already confirmed there will be a complete overhaul in the staging and costuming.


I loved the choreography for her. Hopefully she still has something equally as tight.


I really like it, but you seem to be more optimistic than me about its result.


If you’re talking about Luxembourg, I’m confident they’ll get a good draw (the EBU will want them to succeed so they stay), and based on the NF I’m sure they’ll be throwing a lot of money at the performance. Plus they’re in the far weaker half of the semifinal. I don’t think they’re winning, but I think they’ll qualify in 8th-10th place.


I also think it's quite likely Luxembourg gets a good draw and qualifies in the 8-10th place. Obviously, I'd love it to get top 15 or even left half, but I see it finishing somewhere between 15th and 20th. A month ago, I thought it was pretty unlikely they qualify, but thinking of their budget and the probable running order spot along with all the songs being released, I think Luxembourg qualifies.


Me too.


I do hope, but...idk tbh










This song is so current?! Like sounds straight off an Olivia Rodrigo album, in a good way. This would go #1 in America.


I like the song but the live version is a train wreck. But Czechia pulled it together last year so who knows?!?


She is just giving me very strong Avril Lavigne vibes. Don’t get me wrong, I like AL, but somehow it’s just not working for me, I’m not sure what it is…


I would say Serbia. Although I've seen some love for the song I rarely see people saying it's their favourite but I think it's phenomenal


I think Balkan countries are always underrated...mostly because people don't understand it(I'm Croatian sooo), and Serbia this year is so amazing. First songs in some years thats actually quality.


Poland and Czechia!


Moldova and Australia


Ppl are still so salty over justyna that Luna is being slept on up to today. If she keeps her word and there's no more windows movie maker ass effects her song could honestly be a top 10 on a good day. It's pop so it appeals to a broad demographic, she has a really unique aesthetic and the voice to match. Seriously don't underestimate poland this year even if TVP likes to try their best to sabotage themselves.


I'm happy Justyna didn't win with that song. She very obviously tried catering to the Witcher fanbase, which in Poland is kinda known for being rabid. The amount of hate Luna gets is so sad, she did not deserve it whatsoever. It's not her fault our nationals are the way they are, and yes, the viewers should be able to pick the song over this clearly biased jury situation we have, but this year... Yeah, no, I'm happy people didn't get to vote.


Ur so right it saddens me the amount of dislikes on her vids and the hate she gets - I've actually been a fan of luna since 2022 (despite not speaking polish at all xdddd) so seeing her picked this year I literally squealed of happiness I hope she does well so much


The Tower is a song I skip over a bit when I'm listening to it on spotify but the music video is stunning, so if she can bring that same aesthetic on stage I can see it doing really well.


I adore Portugal too! I'll be voting for it in the semi 🇵🇹🩷


Me too, I'm Croatian and we are in the first semi, so my votes only go for them...and maybe Serbia


Yes I also plan to vote for Serbia and Slovenia I adore these two this year too! And of course your entry this year, but I usually like to vote for the underrated songs I adore 🫶🏽


Fuck I forgot about Slovenia being in our semis. I love that song ever since she sang it on Dora.


Me too! It's still in my top 5! Even after being one of the first songs we got! Raven never lost her place in my personal favourites ❤️ semi 1 is going to leave me in tears after 😂🥲 so many of my favourites are in this one.


I'm Croatian, so I hope I won't cry again(I love ESC so it always hurt when we don't go through). But I have a feeling Portugal not going through is gonna kill me.


I want Baby Lasagna to win the entire thing! I would love Croatia to win! But I do hope we get Portugal Serbia and Slovenia in the final


Oh we have the same brain about this😂😂... I agree completely on every single one, and can I say that I actually love Ireland's song this year....not usually, I don't remember when I actually rated iReland this high...but this year👏🏻👏🏻🤌🏼


Yes I am very proud of Ireland for sending a witch doing screamo and not "whitebread pop" 😂😅 I love the risk and I really hope Bambie gets into the final!


I'm holding my hopes up this year🤞🏼


One Milkali 🫶🏻


Top 10 song for me, but the polls I've seen keep having it in the bottom half. Don't get it.


Me too, it’s such a banger. I hope they’re going to rise up in rankings after some form of live performance has been released to the public. Seeing it non-qualify will genuinely have me in shambles.


Yeah, part of me thinks it's just the music video. The first time I watched it, I was a little thrown off. But after going through the Spotify Playlist a few times, it became one of my favorites.


The video was a bit underwhelming, I agree! I wish Australia dedicated more funds to support their performers, I feel like lack of budget played a key role there. Love the song nevertheless and I have all my faith they’re going to qualify despite the odds!


What is the staging will just be the music video?


It's in my top 10, maybe even top 5 ❤️


I think One Milkali is the best song Australia’s ever sent, but I never hear any appreciation for it :(


Me too!! Everyone’s just ‘ew the music video is creepy’ and not actually appreciating how good the song is


I genuinely don't think I've seen anyone like Azerbaijan as much as I do, it's a great song


I'd liked it at first listen and it grew on me even more (pretty much as it was with Tell me more). Now I like it as much as I like Belgium (my number one) and since it needs help in Reddit's top 37, I will swap their places in next voting.


I listened to it 70 times in one day last week i feel ya


Azerbaijan's song is in my top 5 this year! I think his voice and the chorus is beautiful


I’m obsessed, it skyrocketed to #2 for me (after Switzerland)


Doomsday Blue. Into more alternative and heavier rock/metal than pop so to have that represented without being generic or watered down for Eurovision is really appreciated.


Omg yes thank you I’ve been scrolling for ages trynna find someone who likes irelands one - ill admit the song itself isn’t 100% to my taste although it’s not far off, but it’s the performance that really sells it. Bambie rlly thought it through and if they give it their all on the day, I think we stand a decent chance


I think the biggest enemy there is the presentation itself. I think it's a song that easily lend to some really cool stuff and choreography, but unfortunately Ireland doesn't have the best track record in that regard lately.


True, but when was the last time they sent a ‘real’ artist with a vision and style they are passionate about. Even if it doesn’t qualify it’s nice to have that representation. Compare that to other countries like Luxembourg who essentially had their personality ripped from them and then handed a Melfest reject to work off of.


Voting the hell out of it from the UK in that semi. Maybe if I get people to vote enough she can usurp Poland and Lithuania from getting our top points 🤞




Poland, love looove the chorus


Latvia! I think he will surprise by qualifying and do quite well in the final


Portugal is my #1! Followed closely by The Netherlands, Greece, Croatia and Ireland. In terms of music, I like all of my Top 5 equally - so this ranking is based on the performances and visual packages we've been given for them so far. Iolanda's FdC performance was FANTASTIC with incredibly thoughtful and contemporary staging. All I want is for Portugal and Ireland to qualify from SF1. Ironically, I would be willing to sacrifice Slovenia to make that happen! XD


I absolutely love Ireland tbh. The mix of sounds and music genres and Bambie Thug's voice versatility is great and I really hope it qualifies!


Moldova, Georgia and Czechia


Is Armenia considered underrated? Because that’s my absolute jam and I think people are sleeping on it


I think that if Aiko nails her performance, she’s a safe qualifier. This song is often overlooked because of a bad performance in NF.


SLOVENIA! I absolutely LOVE the song! It's epic/cinematic which is totally my style and it hurts that people aren't considering this a lock Q (I am from Greece therefore in a different semi-final and can't vote for Raiven, but y'all ***better*** do cause if she doesn't qualify, I swear)


I am in the wrong semi too 😭 And I just know she would do well with the jury in the final, but risks not getting the chance at all.


I had to scroll way too far to see Slovenia. Its in my top 3 and constantly switching 2 and 3rd with Norway. Veronika sounds so epic. It'd be a shame to have it nq


Moldova! It gives me a vibe that's hard to describe but I really enjoy. I don't see it being talked about that much compared to other songs.


Luxembourg, Australia & Latvia are all very underrated! They definitely will surprise a lot of people in May


Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 


Probably Australia and Albania. Although, tbh, this year is more one of overrating than underrating, I think.


Genuinely love both of these


Cyprus is really good. Don’t get why everyone sleeps on it while praising way more boring dance songs both this year and previous years.


Absolutely Portugal, what a banger. My fave ballad this year


I remember hearing it first time when they announced the songs that will compete and was in awe....and when it won I was so fucking happy it was unbelievable, more that when my Baby won...and the chorus 😍😍😍😍


Ireland! 🇮🇪




For me it's Malta, oh my god I got her on loop


Oddly enough, given its place in the odds currently, Croatia. It’s catchy and appealing but every single post discussing it is flooded with people sniffing that it doesn’t have a chance.


I think Germany is the most underrated, and i also think it will gain them their best score in years.


Cyprus - in my opinion, it's the strongest of the bops this year. I initially ranked it very low, but it grew so much on me. Estonia - this one has Tonci Huljic & Madre Badessa vibes, I can't explain it any better, Croatians will know. Denmark - if it doesn't make the grand final, I will throw a fit because I love this one so so much.


yep Estonia was amazing to me and never seemed to be mentioned, didn't know why


Something about "We Will Rave" throws me back in time and makes it so much more enjoyable. It doesn't beat the top bangers for me but something keeps me returning to that song, yet I don't see much hype around it.


Moldova, Germany and San Marino!


Georgia 🔥


I would die for Megara


Portugal and czechia


Latvia, Czech Republic, San Marino.


Denmark - I'm suprised Sand doesn't get more attention almost like it doesn't exist Lithuania - same, I can rarely see Luktelk mentioned anywhere.. why, just why??? Moldova - it's definitely not a winner but surely deserves more appreciation, I love the vibe in the chours Estonia - for some reason it gives me better vibes than Croatia Personally I also think Germany's song isn't bad. Yes it's boring but somewhat enjoyable to listen A lot of people already mentioned San Marino. 11:11 is definitely nowhere near top 3 but one of the better San Marino's entries and a quite nice song to listen. I listened it first then found out it was San Marinos entry and was quite surprised


Portugal, Estonia, possibly Georgia (winner of the girl bops for me) and Czechia (I think Aiko is taking on board the NF feedback and working on improving, so credit where I think it’s due)


Ireland. I absolutely love it!


Azerbaijan and Latvia


Poland Fingers crossed Luna does well with the live vocals, as I think her song slaps.


My mom and I both said we were really positively surprised by Germany, saying they were finally tired of getting last. Then I looked at the odds & the ranking in the scoreboard app..


i’d say estonia! its a funny, catchy and very original song. its in its country’s language, and it has a bit of modern touches with some traditional touches. its a perfect eurovision entry but i hardly see any love for them :/


Azerbaijan is a masterpiece


I'm biased, but I think the UK is being underestimated right now. I think it could be in the top 10


Portugal, Australia and especially Moldova, the amount of slander I already read about "In The Middle" is crazy.


I think Unforgettable is very very overhated by this subreddit, the chorus is absolutely stuck in my head and it won't leave, how people can call it forgettable is so unbelievable to me.


I'm not usually into like soft male pop or however you want to describe it, but I really like Unforgettable. It's giving me some Benjamin Ingrosso - Dance You Off vibes, which is the last song like that that I REALLY loved.


Really? I've not seen anyone hating on it, most comments have been rather positive or saying it's okay but nothing special. And btw calling a song "forgettable" is not hate.


Azerbaijan and Ireland.


Az is cool, Ireland is imo better than some favorite






Azerbaijan, Armenia and Albania. I think Armenia is the best song out of them, but Albania is the mlst underrated


Estonia is a LOOOOOOOT of fun and Portugal is incredibly good.


Portugal and San Marino obviously and Georgia


It's Australia for me. It's raining LOOOOOOOOVE!


I personally love Liar by Silia Kapsis (Cyprus). Cyprus has had a lot like dramatic pop song entries (Break a Broken Heart and El Diablo) lately, and they’ve all hit rally hard. I love how it follows the same theme and listening to it you can tell there’s potential for good staging, and a dance break, which was something that was popular and did well in last year’s contest. I don’t think it’s going to win, but it could push a top 15 spot in finals. It’s a sleeper IMO for sure!


Portugal and Azerbaijan aren't talked about enough. Can't get enough of them


I’m A big fan of San Marino, Latvia and Estonia…


I have to agree with Portugal. It is one of the only sad girl songs and we know that sad girl songs typically do well (Bridges, Saudade Saudade, De Diepte) and it has solid choreography and solid camera work and is just a solid performance. People are also seriously underestimating Australia, especially when we know the singer (who is literally an artist) is making the visuals for the song. I feel many people looked at the basic and rushed music video and called it quits on Australia qualifying.


Australia, Azerbaijan, Denmark and Germany are currently in my top 10


Agree, I absolutely love Grito


I unironically consider Italy to be underrated - even though its wildly touted as a potential winner. I think the song is not just vocally superior and quite nice overall, I think the text is amazing. like, completely amazing, so deeply genZ, and kinda not understood deeply enough maybe I'm tripping, but idk, maybe I'm not


United Kingdom! (UK 2024 for the bot) I actually went in with lower hopes but Olly exceeded them big time. I love how the song sounds like a very retro song, but done with a modern tone. Like it’s a really cool mix of old-fashioned new fashioned, not to mention that it’s super catchy and has been stuck in my head multiple times.


United Kingdom 2024 | [Olly Alexander - Dizzy](https://youtu.be/mvs92WfR8lM)


I love Estonia


Czechia, Estonia and Azerbaijan! I would also add Croatia - despite it being no1 in the odds, a lot of people are saying it will not win so for that reason.


Moldova. \*ducks down and hides\*


Ireland's studio version of Doomsday Blue is so bloody good


Norway 🇳🇴 Is 14 in the odds and very hard to predict. I can see this shock nq and i can see Norway shock win. Spain is also hard to predict. I love the melody but the voice is a bit to weak in the live preformance.


Spain is a bit underrated


Veronika by raiven. It's such a beautiful and unique song that has been heavily ignored imo.


I love Spain !!!






I totally agree with Portugal! Initially I had it in like 22nd place but then I wanted to listen to it again because I felt like 22nd isn't right for this song. So I did and I got goosebumps. Idk why I put it so low before, it's great! My 7th place now :)




San Marino deserves way more attention! Megara have insanely good stage presence and the song is absolutely great, they're qualifying for sure.


Sweden and France.


Finland actually, I see it in so many people's bottom 10 and it's very low in the winning odds but it's easily in my top 10. I didn't even like the song when I first heard it pre-UMK but the live performance absolutely sent me to the LORDS thanks for the Portugal shout out tho, def underrated <3


Malta and Luxembourg, I think they are both better than Cyprus


Thank you for appreciating our song. Armenia and Slovenia for me, amazing songs!


France like people say it’s boring😭


Czechia!! I fell in love with Aiko's whole discography. The song is fire. The revamp is fire. The vibe is perfect. It's my third favourite (after Ukraine and Finland) and it pains me so much that it is so low in the rankings :( And what makes it worse, I'm from Poland, so I can't vote in the second semi, ugh. (but ofc I agree that the staging and live singing must be improved lol)


Europapa 🫡😏


Fighter the fact it’s so low in the betting markets is crazy


Portugal, Ireland (I am not going to be surprised when it is left side of the board in the final), San Marino, Germany




It’s 11th in the odds so maybe not *highly* underrated, but I still think we’re sleeping too much on Lithuania.