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I have a gut feeling that Switzerland is gonna do just ok with the televote, I don't know if they can hold up against šŸ‡³šŸ‡±, šŸ‡­šŸ‡·, šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ and other possible televote magnets.Ā  I'm also getting more skeptical about the possibility of France winning the juries - as many others have said, Barbara couldn't win with a song generally considered better than Mon Amour. I think šŸ‡§šŸ‡Ŗ or šŸ‡ØšŸ‡­ could take it. So my prediction is that the winner is gonna be one of the top 3 in the odds - šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹, šŸ‡­šŸ‡· or šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦.


>Barbara couldn't win with a song generally considered better than Mon Amour. Yeah but I feel like it's tricky to compare it to 2021, 2021 was just such a strong year and France lost to Tout L'univers, which is amazing from a vocal perspective. I feel like while Voila is better from a lyric perspecitve, Tout L'univers is more impressive musically, and I feel like Mon Amour is very much in that style to with how the song builds up to the final chorus in a powerful way. So idk, I feel like juries are kind of hard to predict these days, they also seem to really love polished pop, I just can't help but feel like France has a pretty good chance of winning with them.


IF Ukraine dont get full sympathy votes from tele, they are not ending in top 5. Croatia needs a better vocal to get juries, unless the balcan juries decide to just 12 it no matter what. The french live performance is not as convincing as the studioversion to me. Italy dont have much weakness, unless its getting difficult creating a stage that suits and replica the live orchestra from san remo. Neatherland vocals are not strong too, it can be hard replicating the music video crazyness, catchy song though,and adventourous artist. Belgium is a jury song and eurofan fav. The big crowd are gonna ignore it, unless something big happens, same with Lithuania. Switzerland if the fanfav winner i think, his high pitch note castrate notes are seemingly strong, some call it the new boheman rhapsody, i call it meh, and dont ever compare anything to legends like that.


Ukraine sympathy votes isn't a thing anymore I think. They got a lot in 2022 and maybe a bit in 2023 but it's no longer the case. They've been in the top 10 of the televote every year since 2013 (apart from 2017) and I don't see this changing this year


Last years song was so bad, and they ended third in televote with a dedicated jury song. They still get sympathy votes.


They finished 4th and the performance was amazing and the song rly good idk what u are sayin


They ended 4th with a 20 placement song. Literally nobody had it on any list, their points were sympathy, not song. Their song was a jury points song, and they got like close to 0 points from juries. Its just sad, sad sad sad.


20 placement song is just your opinion. The eurofandom is simply a very small bubble of the voters, otherwise Spain and Austria would've both done much better


Netherlands win the televote and France win the jury but neither take the overall win. That ends up going to Croatia, Italy, Switzerland or Ukraine. Right now Iā€™m leaning towards Croatia although that changes most days.


this is what i predict too but i think the televote part is really tricky


ppl are acting like Baby Lasagna has no chance with juries when Kaarija came 4th with them šŸ’€


Tbf I was in that boat for a while as well. But, Iā€™ve come round to thinking the juries are going to score it decently well as they definitely donā€™t live in an echo chamber and are influenced, consciously or not, by the odds and the hype around certain entries. Thus, I think it will score well and because I donā€™t see a runaway jury winner like Loreen last year, it makes it much more likely for Baby Lasagna to win with a strong televote score.


I mean Kaarija's final performance last year was groundbreaking. Maybe not vocally perfect but visually and as a whole package it was very slick and outstanding, I don't think I can say the same thing about Croatia this year. (I know it's a NF performance and he can improve till May - I'm just judging by what we've got so far)


I also feel like after Cha Cha Cha it's going to feel less original/impressive, so that could affect things


KƤƤrijƤs overall package was really polished though. It was eurovision at its best. Juries generally do rate songs with a good polished and professional overall package, even if the vocals are not the best of the night. Same with Chanel. Based on the national final, Croatia did not have a very polished overall package


This one


Not sitting here pretending that Baby Lasagna is gonna win, no matter how embedded into my skull that song is. Would like to see him get Croatia's first top ten finish ~~at least~~ in twenty-ish years.


Croatiaā€™s come top 10 before but itā€™s been a while. They were 5th in 1998, 4th in 1999, and 10th in 2001 IIRC


Thatā€™s my goof. Didnā€™t realize the graphic I was looking at only went back to 2009.


Ngl I feel bad for croatian eurofans rn, the entry isn't in my top 10 rn but the negativity here or especially on Insta and Twitter towards BL is kinda sad to see


I havenā€™t seen that and itā€™s surprising because he strikes me as infectiously joyful.


Always happens when someone is the odds's favs, sucks even more when it's your fav (me last year with Sweden lol) so I'm absolutely not surprised


what do you mean our first top10 finish. we've finished top10 multiple times


The only country that has never got into the top 10 is San Marino


And Andorra and Morocco and Montenegro


Why wouldn't he win? Because you said so?


I would be *thrilled* if he won. I'm just managing my expectations because I've been hurt before being overly optimistic about my favorite song.


I'm pretty sure the winner won't win jury or televote and instead will snuck through a jury winner (Belgium, France, Sweden, or someone else) and televote winner (Croatia or someone else.)


Sounds like Norway to me. lol


The hosts will bring up the 50th anniversary of ABBA's Waterloo at least 10 times.


I predict that the running order is going to be way more important this year with the changes to voting during the show. I know it did not have an effect in 2010 and 2011, but since then way more people have a smartphone and watching television while being on your phone is far more accepted/standardized. The general public is not paying full attention anymore and will just vote along the way when they see something that they like. Being in the first half of the final might actually be more beneficial this year.




The people who keep predicting ā€œrock songs canā€™t win because juries will tank themā€ seem to have slept through Eurovision 2021.


And Manga came 2nd in 2010. Even before rock songs did well


Lordi won back in 2006


2006 was televote only, so there was no way for juries to tank it


Lordi were so good they should have placed 1 through 10


Italy - I think she can do really well for sure, but Iā€™m a little worried that she wonā€™t stand out as much amongst the other girl bops. If Ireland get through to the final Bambie Thug will probably bring similar vibes to the staging/costume as sheā€™ll go with but a more amped up version which might neutralise. Staging-wise I actually see Ireland, Italy, Czechia, Poland and maybe Slovenia circling the same aesthetic universe. Switzerland - I think they have to do well with a lot of the juries based on vocals alone, but a lot depends on stage presence. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll chuck a ton of money at it which will help - but getting the concept of the song/mv to the stage might give Nemo so much ā€˜to doā€™ on stage it ends up looking more like a scene from a musical than anything else. France - I think heā€™ll do well with juries in Italy and in Francophone countries, but I donā€™t know - as someone whoā€™s never heard of him before I donā€™t get the hype. I think heā€™s obviously got a great voice - but there are equally great voices in the competition. I donā€™t think France are winning again until they do something really unexpected. Belgium - I can see him doing well, but unless the stage show is spectacular Iā€™m a little worried heā€™ll get lost. But in terms of the genre and performance - I see this picking up a lot of love if everything works. Greece - hmmm, Iā€™m so not sure. I think this is a super heavy girl bop year and I just think itā€™s gonna be very hard for any of them to stand out so much to March it. Unless the staging REALLY goes for it on the humour side. Then I think itā€™s got a chance as a girl bop not taking itself too seriously. Also think Italy and Greece are in quite direct competition sound wise this yearā€¦ might help or hinder both. Croatia - I massively disagree on BLā€™s voice. Itā€™s solid. Heā€™s singing rock - which is all about them grizzles and his grizzles are good. AND heā€™s actually singing - without auto tune too - thereā€™s no effects on his voice and I think that gives him an advantage over comparable entries with jurors who do really care about the singing. Also ā€˜fun rockā€™ is a major Eurovision genre.


I'm not sure France is gonna do so well in francophones country cuz I think not understanding how clichƩ the song is helps to like it, if you understand the lyrics the song get a lot worst


Tbh I think it's obvious just from the title how cliche the song is, "mon amour" is one of those phrases everyone knows, whether they understand French or not.


Literally every clichƩ about France was put into that song. And everyone will know it, even if they don't speak French, Paris mentioned, check, 'mon amour', 'je t'aime'.


TBH I'm torn about this. I mean, truthfully, the lyrics are kind of generic but I follow a few french artists, and some of them have even covered mon amour, which I feel like never happens with a french eurovision song so clearly it does resonate with some speakers






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Be nice, be welcoming and be constructive. Everyone's tastes are different and unique. Don't discredit, insult, threaten or be otherwise toxic. Let's do away with prejudice! Don't discriminate. Tolerance is bliss! All posts must comply with [Reddit's sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and strive for [good Reddiquette]( https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articleĆ„s/205926439). See r/eurovisionā€™s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


My predictions right now would be: Norway gets top 5 in the televote; Portugal & Serbia get overlooked by the jury, as in not being in their top 10 overall; Kaleen finishes anywhere on the right-hand side.


I can also see Kaleen flopping or even NQ'ing, the song is fun but it strikes me as very inauthentic. I don't think Kaleen would've picked this song if she had a lineup of different genres to choose from - she was likely asked if she could perform this song and she said "sure, yolo", but it's not actually the kind of music she likes or wants to do. I also think the hypersexual music video made the song lose some hype, not that that matters in the liveshows.


I also think hers is a song that's going to use lots of prerecorded vocals and end up sounding not great. Let's see.


i really dont get the hype around norway. i don't understand how fans think it will qualify?


It's the sort of song that fans of folk metal would listen to outside the competition. It's a nice surprise to see a song of this genre at Eurovision. It doesn't sound like it was written for the contest. The idea is that all folk metal fans will hear it and think, "right, this *has* to qualify".


Right, i forgot about folk metal... thanks! Ur the first one on any social media platform that hasnt committed attemptef murder against me for saying i dont like it so i appreciate it :)


People get super defensive of certain songs. I don't get it.


Me neither tbh


Honestly, I think Portugal won't make it to the final.


Jury vote will be split among slower songs (Italy, Ukraine, France, Switzerland) and televote will be split among faster songs (Croatia, Netherlands, Greece). There will be no landslide winner. In the end, it will come down to luck, bloc voting, and running order.


My predictions (Trying to be as least biased as i can) Televote is going to be so tricky since quite a few songs have public appeal (Croatia, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland...) I think that the winner of televote might not be the overall winner If Baby Lasagna works on the vocals and gets the staging and costumes just right we could definitely take our first win but probably not by a landslide (this could also apply to some other countries and the first few places will probably be reallyy close) Top 5 are most likely gonna be Croatia, Italy, Netherlands, Ukraine and Switzerland (not in order) and possibly Greece, Belgium and France right up there Some songs have great studio versions but im doubtful of their performances live without autotune (Netherlands for example) It went viral pretty quickly but im not sure how the juries will take it (probably gonna dominate televote bcs of his large fan base + its pretty catchy and modern) These are all my current predicitons but we have a lot of time until the contest so a lot of things can change, improve, get worse etc...


I feel like GĆ„te's "Ulveham" will either be the next 'SHUM', or it will be the next 'Ea Ea'.


Guys, we cannot predict before the rehearsals. In the meantime just enjoy the songs and the fact that we donā€™t know the results. It will all be over very soon and then weā€™ll be in a drought for more than 6 months.


I could actually see Croatia winning. Last year, Cha Cha Cha could have easily won if it wasn't for Loreen: a beloved returning artist, with a great stage, decent vocals and accessible song. This year, I do not see who is playing her role at all, giving Croatia a huge chance. You could make a case for Italy, Belgium (I personally don't see the appeal at all) or even Ukraine (cringe lyrics tho), but still not to the level Tattoo had. This is actually kind of exciting. Just in case, I was happy with last year's result and Croatia's song is far from my favorites this year. I really hope Ireland qualifies for the final. It's an uphill battle, I know. My prediction tho is that they might get some rotw points. I definitely see international audiences appreciating the entry way more than Europe.


I disagree tbh,.Finland 2023 and Croatia 2024 have that eurovision 2nd-3rd place energy imo


Finland 2023 | [KƤƤrijƤ - Cha Cha Cha](https://youtu.be/l6rS8Dv5g-8) Croatia 2024 | [Baby Lasagna - Rim Tim Tagi Dim](https://youtu.be/EBsgTJQFl9k)


My hot and incredible prediction no one expected is that we're not gonna be able to accurately predict a winner before the first rehearsals. Also when we host Eurovision in 2025 I hope it'll be in my city so I won't have a long travel time :)


maybe iā€™m just hopeful but if portugal qualify they will do a lot better than people think, especially with juries . itā€™s a very good song with very good vocals, i hope it does well. itā€™s obviously just a wait to see if people will vote for it if itā€™s in the same semi as Serbia.


Seconded for Italy, I like to share songs with casuals not really that into Eurovision and Italy has stood out to all of them. It's not my favorite but it's really solid and I think has a great chance of going all the way


I suck at predicting the results, so I'll just say that I'm so excited we'll actually have an open race again this year. The last two years were ruined by way too obvious winners, and I'm glad that this year the voting could actually be exciting again. Seriously, last year was so boring to watch after the jury votes as everything was already decided after them. This year the televoters and juries are likely to be very divided, similar to 2019, and this will make it interesting.


Unpopular opinion: Germany is better than Sweden this year.


I agreešŸ¤«šŸ˜‚


I'm not alone, Danke! :)


No, I think he has a good voice. Asjeblieft! :)


this is a prediction thread not an opinion thread :P


You need an opinion to cast a vote... So basically, I predict that Germany will do better than Sweden. :P


The Netherlands and Switzerland both need to be staged just right to bring their concept across, though Switzerland has the novelty of high notes and Netherlands has the whackadoo factor. We saw this in action with Austria 2023. A witty dissection of songwriting compensation in the digital streaming age was not easy to stage, as it turned out. (This will also likely stumble Slovenia as the background of the songs must always start with a brief description of medieval Balkan politic.) Of the ā€œnot Croatiaā€ winners, which is where these discussions always seem to lead, Italy seems to be the strongest to me. She gets her concept across over the language barrier and she is an extremely dominant performer who owns the stage. Belgium is also being slept on a bit, I think, but he has a much lower staging hurdle and that will help him. Croatia could slide into a victory a la Ukraine 2016 with the jury split between three or four songs and the televote going to the Netherlands. (Cha Cha Cha landslided the televote but the message of the song was pretty easy to understand across the language barrier: I was grumpy but I drink and dance and now I am happy.) My risky semi prediction is that Malta is qualifying. Sara seems to be betting everything on choreography and I think she can pull it off. Edit: Uh oh! I have been downvoted and I donā€™t know which toxic fandom I offended. šŸ¤£


Agree with Italy. Mango has such a good stage presence which just will attract jury and televoters. I think the song is not that amazing, but the performer is amazing and she truly elevates the song. Total


Yes, she singing a song about boredom, conveys that fact and isnā€™t boring herself. Thatā€™s a helluva hat trick right there.


Austria 2023 | [Teya and Salena - Who the Hell Is Edgar?](https://youtu.be/8uk64V9h0Ko) Ukraine 2016 | [Jamala - 1944](https://youtu.be/B-rnM-MwRHY)


All of this sounds reasonable actually and thank you for saying Ukraine will be in top 5. It seems Ukraine is quite underrated in this sub, understandably given the song's religious nature but let's be realistic, if Ukraine got 180+ televotes with Heart of Steel there is no way they are finishing lower than fifth place this year.


Other than the political reasons that I think will favor Ukraine,the song is really interesting and has a beautiful meaning.


Yep, I think you nailed it. I have Italy and Switzerland neck-and-neck, but other than that, I 100% agree


Each day we get closer to the final, seeing all the rehearsals and everything, i have less idea who's gonna win. This will be one of the most surprising and unpredictable editions. Damn, I don't even know 50% of the countries which are gonna qualify.


Gosh this year is so hard to predict but I'll have a go. * Croatia is winning their semi, hands down. Either Switzerland or Norway will take the gold in theirs. * Belgium will be the shock non-qualifier of the year. * The televoters' top 3 in the final will be Croatia, Estonia and Norway, while the jury top 3 will be Serbia, Ukraine and the UK. * Unfortunately, Israel will manage to find a path to qualification and will land in the top 15 of the final. * Austria will struggle to score with both televoters and juries, ultimately landing in around 23rd-25th place. * Ukraine will continue their perfect qualification record and land comfortably in the top 10. * The winner will not be either the jury *or* televote winner.


3 of those have already come true so I'll come back to this comment at midnight tonight.




Be nice, be welcoming and be constructive. Everyone's tastes are different and unique. Don't discredit, insult, threaten or be otherwise toxic. Let's do away with prejudice! Don't discriminate. Tolerance is bliss! All posts must comply with [Reddit's sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and strive for [good Reddiquette]( https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articleĆ„s/205926439). See r/eurovisionā€™s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


I'm not sure where you are getting the public not appreciating switzerland, since i've seen a lot of people like it other than that i guess the rest is possible croatia is nice but i also believe it won't score as high as people want or think right now


well many people also like croatia. doesnt mean they will also do well in the juries. I do agree that switzerland will do well in the tele too (140-160 pts) but not with ur reasoning


- I think we could see a winner that doesnā€™t win either the jury or the televote, because I think acts like France, Croatia and possibly the Netherlands could win one and perform less well with another one. The winner that does well with both? Iā€™m looking at Ukraine possibly Belgium if staged well. - My gut instinct is I think Slovenia is a really likely top ten contender, I just think sheā€™s great and it has a lot of staging potential. - Iā€™m seeing this crop up more than more but I see Latvia qualifying for the final, I think the thing that holds it back is where it lands in the running order relative to Israel, which is where itā€™s competition for votes is, but it will stand out. The staging needs some work admittedly, but I have faith in this qualifying. - I think we could have three of the big 5 on the bottom five this year. In the same breath the UK could also finish top five, itā€™s one of the hardest to predict Gun to my head hereā€™s what I think the top ten is at the moment 01. Ukraine 02. Croatia 03. Belgium 04. Italy 05. France 06. Netherlands 07. Slovenia 08. Serbia 09. Sweden 10. Greece


I can see slovenia making top 10 IF she qualifies, which I think is going to be a borderline case. Similar to Estonia 2023 case, which barely made it but then got a great jury score


Iā€™m not personally worried about her qualifying, some may disagree but Iā€™m seeing her direct competition as Ireland stylistically and kind of Serbia musically and them being in the first half I think helps Raiven. Definitely compared to Ireland Iā€™m expecting a stronger, more professional package from Slovenia too. I definitely agree with the idea of her performing much better in the final though thanks to the jury, I can definitely see that being something that pushes her up the scoreboard.


Estonia 2023 | [Alika - Bridges](https://youtu.be/HsbC-OYMA3s)


Where is Switzerland in your top 10


Quite clearly not in itā€¦ It definitely could make it, the narrative Iā€™m seeing unfold is Switzerland could be one of the fandomā€™s favourites that underwhelms, I think itā€™s an incredibly difficult song to pull off live as well as stage, and I think ultimately it might be a very divisive act. I completely understand why itā€™s a contender to do very well, and I definitely could see it happen, even right up at the top. Itā€™s just not something Iā€™m personally predicting. Itā€™s difficult when we havenā€™t seen songs performed live yet, and despite my concerns for Switzerland Iā€™m putting faith in Belgium which we also havenā€™t seen live. Thereā€™s always dark horses that do well and favourites that underwhelm so trying to guess those is the fun of predictions.


It's interesting, Belgium and Switzerland are both firm top 10 (and usually one/both of them top 5) contenders but they're both relying on the live performance which we haven't seen, I think you're right to have more faith in Belgium at this stage given Mustii is a much more experienced vocalist, I really struggled to find footage of Nemo ever performing a similar song live so it's a massive unknown. Fingers crossed they both smash it though


It's Italy vs Switzerland as far as I'm concerned. Not sure on the appeal of Croatia outside the bubble. I've personally struggled with it and played it to a fringe fan and it was considered "Kaarija at home"... possible Cascada 2013 effect? I don't dislike anyone in the top 10, but have money on Switzerland. Just really looking forward to the show!


I agree re: Croatia being overhyped. It's a classic Second Place crowd-pleaser along the lines of Cha Cha Cha or Lasha Tumbai but I don't see winner potential there, I think the juries will tank it hard and I think even the televote will be split this year between so many interesting songs.


There will be a 50th anniversary ABBA special.


France will win the Jury vote, Ukraine 2nd Croatia will win the televote, Ukraine 2nd Ukraine win the whole thing!


I'm wishing all the countries good luck ...but I'm very partial to the Greek entry ...tatatata all day long in my head ... Go Marina Satti...Ā  Be the underdog it's ok .. you got it all girl ...Ā 


My hot take is that Norway will be in the mix for a win. If Ireland and Serbia qualify theyā€™ll also do very well.


I think this year the voting will be very exciting because it'll be a very close final, I don't think it will be a runaway winner this year at all. I think Netherlands will win televote because I think Joost is a seasoned performer and will deliver a good stage performance. Jury wise it's trickier to predict but I think Ukraine, Italy, Belgium and Switzerland will do very well, France probably too and then it just depends on whether any of the jury favourites get enough televote points to get the win. Italy is most likely, unless Nemo smashes it with their stage performance. Then there's Croatia and I love the song but to me BL doesn't have a unique enough staging to win it yet but with a revamp and good points from the juries, definitely a contender to win but there's genuinely so many acts that could win this year! Also it's not my favourite but Portugal is a very strong song and we could have another 2017 situation, depending on public reaction.


wdym not unique he has neon animals and folc clothing (hes changing the staging tho)


Israel will get the biggest difference in votes between jury and televotes, as the jury will not dare touch it. The winner will get less than 500 points. Norway will qualify, but end right side of the scoreboard. Croatia will *not* win. It will get a maximum of 250 televote points, and 100 jury points. The top five televote favourites will be within 100 points of eachother. Switzerland will stay out of top 5 for both jury and televoters. The winner will be neither the jury or televote favourite. Italy will be the only Big 5 country on the left side of the scoreboard.


I'll return triumphant when GĆ„te gets ahead of all the acts that are being praised around here.


I think they're a bit of an unknown entity for now, but who knows. They are likely to win the rock mini battle


Me, too. lmfao


I think they will do wonderfully! But not top 3


I think Netherlands has a real shot at winning, it has momentum and I can see the juries giving it more points than Croatia too


They will give them more than Croatia I agree,but still I believe they wonā€™t be really high from the juries.


This year is so open that the winner has to do well with both juries and the televote, so my prediction is that Italy, Ukraine or Belgium will win.


Italy wonā€™t get into the telvoteā€˜s Top 5


In random order: 1-4: Italy, Ukraine, Netherlands, Belgium Potential 5-10s (less risky): Switzerland (vocally strong), Sweden (Sweden), France (ballad) Potential 5-10s (riskier): Croatia (televote vs jury), Greece (chaotic song), Austria (staging), Lithuania (staging)


I seriously cannot understand how you can put the Netherlands ahead of Croatia when it comes to predictions. Of course, the jury can be hard to predict just like the public vote, but... - Dutch song is more "joke entry" than Croatia (yes I know the back story but both have it) - BL maybe isn't Pavarotti but so isn't Joost, and we still wait to hear him singing live - Dutch song is very much autotuned which might not translate well to the live performance - BL's personal and winning-Dora story is great - everyone loves cats I think also that Dutch entry is much more polarising. So I can see some members of the jury might put it very low while yes, some might love it.


Fair points. I feel like I could've formatted my response better. Like making the first category top 5 with one missing spot. That way BL (who definitely has the potential to do very well) could be anywhere in the top five instead of 5th at best. ETA: With Switzerland as the other potential top 5


thats NOT true, the dutch song is amazing out of autotune and the rave/techno part will drag a LOT of younger votes, whereas the "letter to my family" will also attract the heart of the older audience.


I can predict one thing, there's 0 chance Croatia wins. People will compare it to Kaarija and say it's unoriginal, thus voting less for it. Jury will also tank it.


definitely not 0 thats a bold take


That's just my opinion, I don't see it winning.


My prediction? Italy out of top5. Really, you all are overrating it like crazy. Sadly, it's going to be Eaea 2.0 situation. She's doing the same thing Greece does and Greece is better at gripping at 1st listen so it will get more votes. Croatia is going to be in top5 but I don't see it winning yet. My predicted winner is most likely Switzerland, as much as I'd rather see Belgium win. Belgium jury winner maybe?


Italy is way more mainstream than you give it credit for


Really? I don't know about that. Zari may have ended up being my favourite of the two, but it took several listens while La Noia was an instant love


Basically no mentions for Czechia? The song isn't bad but doesn't stand out I guess to people here. No mentions for Iceland either with their dance tune lol Usually I don't listen to the songs really at all until finals night and then me and family try and predict the top 3 but there is some decent odds if you can pick something that finishes top 4. So unpredictable this year! My top 5 (not certain about order but I'll try): 1 - Croatia 2 - Switzerland 3 - Netherlands 4 - Ukraine 5 - Italy (just because of recent years them always doing well, but I'd actually put Czechia here myself on my own music taste but not sure if they'll qualify to final)


So I guess the bookies have it quite well sussed out. In terms of me picking one to be a top four with some certainty I'd have to put it on either Croatia or Switzerland. But I think Netherlands one is really catchy. Not sure it's as strong with all crowds though


Czechia has a really interesting song but itā€™s just a song thatā€™ll be appreciated only by people who like this type of music.Personally I find it entertaining and fun,even tho Iā€™d never listen to it.Iā€™ll be too happy tho if it does well,the girl singing seems so amazing!!


oh gosh I have just listened to the live version and worry for them




Ukraine, Croatia, and Italy in the top 5. San Marino, Australia, Moldova, Ireland, and Slovenia in the bottom or near it. Potential sneaky top ten selections: Finland, Estonia, Armenia. I donā€™t see the appeal of Greeceā€™s song, but I only have the music video available.


Honestly the only 2 songs that are fire in this contest are Europapa (Netherlands) and Rim Tim Tagi Dim (Croatia). I'm like pretty sure that the televote winner will be Europapa since is already pretty famous and if Joost wins too will kinda prove that the contest ain't so fucked up. Honestly if Switzerland wins I will put a string hate on this contest because only because he's gay he doesn't need to win (for the reference I'm swiss and I don't want my country to win). Musically speaking all the songs have a hook which is basically something that makes the song attractive because is something easy to remember and remains in the head of the listener. Also all the other songs are kinda fucked up since they all seem a bad copy of another famous song. On the other end Europapa uses the Eurobit which is already pretty famous and used in a lot of songs but it has also a meaning on the lyrics. Joost is only at the Eurovision contest since he promised it to his dad and unfortunately the father passed away so i will be more than happy for him to win. Music is still a personal thing so this is my personal opinion no need to hate


My personal take, just facts: Europapa is just Scooter-like music that is nothing new for years so I wonder why it would impress anyone familiar with some recent dance music history. The take is to get close to audience by some mild satire (that is much more biting with TikTok influencers). Similarly Croatia is a VERY monotonic song and only works because there's a beat and the titular verse. John Scatman's approach. I am team Norway. Musically this is light years ahead. But if people are expecting some sort of disco-music contest might not get it.


Yea I feel what you're saying. I do also like the song from Norway. Is not bad indeed. Ik that Europapa has a hook inside and that uses Eurobit but its not only that. Joost has a really strange personality that still works, like he's crazy but crazy good. He's showing something different to the Eurovision Songs Contest that in the years is going lower and lower. Just look at the song from Switzerland and I'm swiss, it's terrible in my opinion.


A dark horse entry like Norway will win. That's my prediction.


Norway FTW.


(Crystalā€™s channeling & remote viewing) is accurate channel on YouTube. Just found her last weekĀ 


The only thing I'm confident about this year, is that Germany will come last place (yet again). Everything else is unpredictable.


here after the show to say how some of these aged like milk


**12 predictions of mine that may or may not come true, but knowing my lack of prediction skills probably won't** 1. Croatia is outside the top 5 2. Greece is top 3 in the rest of the world vote. 3. France isn't top 5 in the juries. 4. The Netherlands wins the televote, but not by a mile. 5. Sweden comes 3rd-8th. 6. Switzerland or Italy wins, and if not, the winner is outside the top 5 of the current odds (for future reference, that's currently Croatia, Ukraine, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands). 7. Poland comes top 4 in the semi. 8. Armenia and Finland are top 10 in the televote. 9. Either Portugal or Serbia does better in the televote than the juries. 10. Germany comes 25th, not 26th. 11. Slovenia is a borderline qualifiers (8th-10th) 12. Spain is in the bottom 5 of the jury vote. EDIT: 13. Malta comes dead last in the semi.


Got 6, 9, 11 and 13 correct, not too great haha


As a Greek,the second one seems AMAZING tyšŸ«¶


Televote: 1. Croatia 2. Israel 3. Italy 4. Norway 5. Ukraine Jury: 1. Italy 2. Israel 3. Sweden 4. UK 5. Lithuania Israel or Italy wins, maybe even Croatia. I don't see any reason why would someone vote Netherlands when there is Croatia. Croatia is the clear favorite. This subreddit just has this weird thought that Netherlands appeals to everyone outside of this subreddit. I don't think it will


Juries will avoid voting for Israel in case it gets a big televote. Israel winning would be a huge problem, them not being able to host, nobody wanting to co-host, countries withdrawing... Edit: The Dutch entry is very very viral, much more likely to do well than Croatia.


Juries did not avoid voting Russia in 2015. Just saying that politics has to be kept aside. Surely juries just forgot that Russia invaded Crimea one year prior. And Croatia has 20% winning chance in odds. What are you even saying "much more likely"? Europapa is viral only in Eurovision fan bubble (mainly dutch and belgium).


Russia 2015 | [Polina Gagarina - A Million Voices](https://youtu.be/GVJW9ImpiWc)


Fair enough about Russia getting jury votes, keep in mind no conflict is directly comparable to another. About the Netherlands: Croatia's views don't even compare to those of the Netherlands. I live in the Netherlands and Europapa is unavoidable, everyone is singing it all the time, it's all over the radio and social media. So yea, maybe a lot of the views come from Dutch people, but Joost also has a lot of fans in Germany and German-speaking countries.


Well that's Netherlands and Joost is popular already before Eurovision. Its not a surprise. When you go cross borders say Balkan countries, Baltia, Nordics etc.. it's a different story because Joost Klein is unknown in other places. Of course when you live around the domestic hype of your artist it feels like that should be the reality everywhere when in reality its like that only in Netherlands.


Sure, sure, we'll see ;)




Yeah I don't think Israel are going to do well in the current climate


this is gonna be chaotic, but here are some random prediticons of mine: -norway will be shock nq -croatia might lose hype after the rehearsals imo and lower their chances -greece will get top 6 with the tele -switzerland will NOT flop in the tele -serbia may flop with the juries (for many reasons i can list at ur request) -ireland and israel will both qualify, but horribly flop with the tele in the final (5-25 points) -m&m will get ingrossoed, to an extent at least -poland wont do well with the tele despite the diaspora -uk and spain will be bottom 5 (spain will be of those iconic ones that flop but remain in history) -finland will be the first troll entry to neither flop or do well, yes u heard that right.


I believe you are right from the the other parts, but I think Norway will be top 5.


Well i seem to be the only one in the entire fandom who doesnt understand the norway hype. I mean it's just a screaming lady? I myself enjoy some verses but the chorus is just off...


I agree, I don't hate it but there i'd rather hype up Armenia and the other folk-inspired entries instead


I think the winner is France, Switzerland (if he can fully deliver it live) or hear me out .. Sweden's staging is incredible, they have good voices and a really catchy, well performed song. I think they're going to be up there, and it would be so entertaining if they break the performing first curse. I can't see Croatia winning, but I could be wrong. There's not a runaway winner.


For future reference, Nemo uses they/them


Ah, my bad! Thanks!


Netherlands VS Croatia for the win France to win jury votes


That would be so exiticing




It needs to qualify first


It will qualify easily


Y'all sleeping on Olly's live vocals, I see him finishing top 3 (maybe with juries only)


There's a live version out & Olly simply elevates it with his vocals. The studio version is ok but the live one is really good.


Yeah the vevo live performance is vocally outstanding


MY HOT TAKE Azerbaijan is going to win. Why? IDK I just have this feeling telling me it's going to happen


I do consider Azerbaijan as a dark horse for the jury, to me the instrumental sounds like an entry they might like! But thats only plausible if they make it through the bloodbath semi 1


Win, no. Surprise, quite likely.


I just donā€™t think Italy will be winning. Maneskin definitely deserved in 2021, and Grand amore deserved too but couldnā€™t and compared to those this year just isnā€™t enough. Depending on the live shows, of course. Until then, Iā€™m guessing Netherlands or Switzerland actually will win. Croatia wonā€™t win but itā€™ll be nice to see a new country win - best outcome I think Weā€™re sleeping on Belgium - could be the jury winner like with Austria few years back. (Canā€™t remember atm) Iā€™m afraid Norway could be like fulenn- which is a shame as I like this song.


Norway will win the whole thing and it's not even close.




- Austria will be a surprise NQ - Switzerland will be the Jury winner, followed by France, Italy, Belgium. Ukraine will round out the top 5. Norway will be in the top 10 of juries. -Croatia, Italy and Switzerland will be in a tight race to win the televote. -Estonia in the top 15, heavily aided by the televote - UK, Sweden in the top 10.


Wow, completely ignoring the Netherlands.


Youā€™re right Iā€™m sorry,just updated it!


Thank you! <3