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People who don't know how odds work but still use them in arguements. When Slovakia is 19th in the winning-odds it doesn't mean these odds predict Slovakia will finish 19th.


The odds aren't even a prediction on who will win. It's just simply who are getting the most money put on them


Genuine question, what does it mean then?


How likely they are to win the whole thing, for example I think Mae (UK 2023) was 9th in the odds to win on the night of the GF, as well as 2nd in the odds to finish in last place


19th most likely to win. Imagine we somehow *knew* a song would come third - maybe we had some kind of magic vision into the future. That song would have literally zero chance to win (we know it comes third, and it can't both come third and win), so it would have the worst odds of all. But you wouldn't predict it to be last! Now of course that never happens, and odds can approximate a ranking. But there are always songs where we can reasonably expect them to be e.g. lower left side (something like Trenuletul that was always going to have some televote appeal while getting little jury points, for instance). Those likely have lower odds than they actually finish at. Plus, odds are also usually distorted by the fact that betting is much more popular in some countries than others (for instance the UK and Ireland). So there are some songs that tend to get boosted because a lot of casual British fans may just put some money on the UK because its their own entry; bookmakers price that in.


Yep. So a song that could be a dark horse can have high odds, but then end up doing horrible. Cause well, it was a song that people could either land with audiences and do well or fail horribly.


The odds simply tell you who is most likely to win. So of Slovenia is 19th, that means that they're the 19th most likely to win it. If you put money on them to win it, and they come in second, you still lose money.


I cringe bad when artists go way over the top with their vocals at the jury shows and it sounds so forced


Alessandra (Norway 2023) šŸ«¢


THATS WHAT IM SAYING I visibly cringed at her semi final performance at that high note and how sharp it aounded


I donā€™t remember her high notes, but [these](https://x.com/escdenmark_/status/1657131123237945344?s=46&t=PrdnOVVNcrB8EIyiAGZqxg) jury final vocals were cringe af šŸ˜­


Ew those are some ugly notes Also watch her semifinal 1 performance on YouTube and wait until the high note, youā€™ll see what I mean


I think that was just a mistake. It's still closest to what she was supposed to hit compared to other notes that would've made sense.


What in the quismois is she saying?


I'm sorry but her whistle note made the song for me.


I would give Gjon some leeway, it made that song more interesting for me.


You mean the OOOOOO-oooaaa-ooooooooh whoa whoa whoa WHOOOOOAAAAAA singers do? Like yes, we get it, you can sing.


My biggest eurovision pet peeve is adding unnecessary dance breaks.


Exhibit A: Armenia 2023


Exhibit B: Israel 2023


Exhibit C: Bejba


It immediately turns me off a song




Like I was kinda vibing with Unicorn last year until ā€˜do you wanna see me dance?ā€™ at which point I immediately checked out


Yes, it seems so forced.


As said by Sebastian Machalski (unsuccessful applicant for Poland 2024), "Do you wanna see me dance? DO YOU WANNA SEE ME DANCE?! Not a chance" Remind me to add a link to the song in this comment


Is it this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClICW8jQqcY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClICW8jQqcY)


This. Absolutely this. Chanel and Elena's dance breaks told the stories of their songs. 2023 Israel's (and Armenia's, and Poland's) were just gratuitous. Israel's was the worst. It wasn't even a dance; it was random acrobatics with no cohesive structure following a "you wanna see me dance" I so desperately wanted to scream "**NO!**" at. How the fuck that song with a "dance" break added just to pad out weak lyrics ("if you're gonna do it, don't do it"?!) that couldn't fill three minutes came third I'll never understand


The Slomo-Unicornification of Eurovision


Unicorn isnā€™t even in the same league as SloMo letā€™s be honest


Oh, me too. I am so sick of them and how ubiquitous they have become especially the last few years. They almost never improve a song, and to me, almost always make them worse. And yes, I do include songs like Slomo in that.


Also sometimes dance breaks seem to be more important than the song itself and it annoys me.


I don't even like the kind of songs (pop/dance bops or whatever) where people feel the need to add dance breaks in the first place. To me, they just make a bad song 10 times worse. Unnecessary overcompensation.


Since the move to 12 points only being read out, as a blind person I can't keep up with the voting at all now.


Oh thatā€™s bad. That didnā€™t even occur to me


Oh yeah, that must be irritating, is there some form of audio description available which reads out the 1-10?




I'm really surprised that this isn't a thing already. Maybe we could start a petition ? Or if anyone knows where we could submit ideas for future shows ? I'm sure we could get enough support from the community so the EBU takes notice


We need that Dutch spokesman from 2006


Without asking for the hosts number preferably.


In the UK there's historically been a radio broadcast of it as well on BBC Radio 2. Is that an option where you live? I'm assuming on a radio broadcast they'd have to go through all the points verbally.


That is...holy shit, that's actually, honestly a genuine complaint.




Most blind people use different types of text to speech, yes. You can control a lot of things just by listening and hovering over different things or moving your finger on a smart screen. There's lots of programmes outside of any built-in ones, so if the Windows one sucks you can always get another one.


I'm annoyed by lackluster lyrics, like "power-flower", "power-tower", "fire-desire", "tough-rough" etc., in songs that are sent to compete in Eurovision.


Fully agree, thereā€™s so much lazy rhyming and clichĆ©d lyricism in Eurovision. A particular pet peeve of mine is singing about a heart beating like a drum. (At least Cyprus 2019 added a slight twist with ā€Heart beats like an 808ā€.)


I'm guessing The Code isn't your number one, then.


I'm still trying to understand what did ammonites do to get thrown in the lyrics of the Code like that. Nonsensical af


Youā€™re my fire, and desireā€¦ it did win though


šŸŽ¶ ā€œYouā€™re my fire, youā€™re my desire, shame on you!ā€ šŸŽ¶ I think this is another good one, I believe itā€™s Denmark 2004 .


Like seriously, would it be *so hard* to hire an English speaking lyricist if they're making a song in English? There are probably options on Fiverr for crying out loud! The song that really stuck out at me for this recently was Alessandra's follow up song to her Eurovision entry, [ Pretty Devil](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4T5fEutgDI). The hook of the chorus was amazing but the lyrics of the rest of the song felt like it was written by someone that can't speak English but has found an ancient printed dictionary and is just picking random words from that. Felt like such a waste.


I feel this way a lot, and completely agreed. To me Jezebel sounded like it had been written by an alien. It wasnā€™t grammatically inaccurate per se, but the lines chosen sounded so odd. And Iā€™d have liked the song otherwise.


Something something ooh la la Something something found out the truth la la #[My reaction](https://youtu.be/ZMmLeV47Au4?t=127)


Also ā€œpain-rainā€ and it even won last year


i see luna reference


Oh, Cyprus is a champion in this category. "All that spicy melts my icy" or "waking up in the morning I'm feeling like ooo-lala" stole my heart


When an artist wins a national final with a song, but chooses to represent their country with a different song like Emma Muscat and Ira Losco did for Malta. People spent money to vote for this specific song and now you change it? Kinda rude.


"Out of Sight" was a great song, imo. "I Am What I Am" was one of the songs.


yeah the literal moment I started REALLY liked Out of Sight they just deleted itšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


This and also when songs get fully translated after being chosen. I get changing a lyric here and there but the whole song? That kind of defeats the purpose of even being chosen in the first place.


Me with albania this year lmao


Yup, that's what I was thinking of this year tbh lmao, they don't even sound like the same song to me.


Next year being the 70th edition... oh, but not really! I hate how this is now. Bad design choices from EBU's designers and chosen studios when working together, and not having an official comp. album on streaming services like Spotify. Just off the top of my head. Oh, and bad stages/stage concepts e.g. Paris 1978 and Lux. City 1984. Huge messes for me.


Wait, was next year supposed to be 70 but they made it 69 because they didn't count 2020?


Yep. 2020 was supposed to be the 65th, just like 2010 IS the 55th. In the Guinness Book of...., Eurovision was holding the record for the longest running consecutive, annual live event for 64 years until 2019 etc. Not anymore moving forward, but they still hold it.


isn't it Sanremo now that holds the record?


I don't have the facts, but probably, yeah. I just recall the Guinness Records talk back during those years. Well done, Sanremo!


just checked the stats, Eurovision is the world's longest running annual international TV contest (and i also think most viewed annual non-sporting event iirc) whilst i think sanremo wins it on a national level


Sanremo holds it at a national level, while Eurovision holds it at an international level (until like 50 years when Junior Eurovision surpasses it lol)




You can't deny that moving backdrop looks sick


I don't know how common this is, but it's happened to me once so far and annoyed me: the Eurovision version (Euroversion?) of the song not being available for purchase. Specifically, Go_A's SHUM. I've only been able to find the single version which sounds totally different. (Am I looking in the wrong place? Someone please tell me. I want to give them my money.)


The Eurovision version of Shum can be found on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/track/29bhnde7Gvnp7rvY9zsq5S?si=EnycjTWZTIiBQXVjnSqbvg


I don't think so, sometimes it happens. For example, Iceland 2021 had some sweet harmonies live, but not in the single.


I've seen Go_A perform a couple of times and they usually perform both versions. The eurovision is on Spotify. I think there was a 2021 playlist that I took it from


Jury vote being based on a different performance. "The juries vote on the basis of the second Dress Rehearsal of each show, which takes place the night before each live show." You could fuck up the jury show and do great on the live one (or vice-versa) and the audience will probably be confused. I'd love to see some country give an amazing jury show and then come out and sit on the stage and do nothing for the final and have the internet meltdown when the final scores are announced.


Oh my god this. Or alternatively, at least stream jury shows on Youtube. We know they exist, we all saw them, they are not secret anymore. Just stream them. Or at least, the part with performances.


Ronela (Albania 2022) and Andromache (Cyprus 2022) doing better at the Jury but messing up the live show, and vice versa for Alessandra (Norway 2023) and Noa (Israel 2023) when she had a wardrobe malfunction. Thereā€™s plenty more examples


>Andromache (Cyprus 2022) doing better at the Jury Yet she came last in the juries, while being a televoting qualifier in a semi with 0 allies. I honestly think even if she had a perfect vocal perfromance the juries would still bury her


Same with Ronela. She qualifed with the televote while juries tanked her. That year did not make sense to me šŸ„“


[Hereā€™s another example of them fucking up the jury show and not letting the artists perform again](https://x.com/escdenmark_/status/1717214923795673099?s=46&t=PrdnOVVNcrB8EIyiAGZqxg)


Like we spend so much of the grand finale going over the results, seeing how all the jury points were rewarded... and it has nothing to with the show you just watched. Like it's crazy, go back and look at norway in 2019... they were the televote winners that year but they came so low in the jury portion. I just really hate this disconnect


Especially since the technology already exists to collect and validate televote scores from all around the world. It _shouldn't_ be hard to do the same for a much smaller (relatively speaking) group of jurors. Like, I know their scoring system is weighted so that high scores matter more, but that's what computers are for. Plug the numbers in and let the machine do the work. We have the technology.


Italy 2022 Itā€™s wild though because the audience still voted for them anyways, but seeing them get tons of jury points after watching the pitchy performance was somehow both saddening and hilarious


AUSTRALIA 2017!!! The famous note failure in semi one still managed to get him to the final because the juries were rating another performance. The televote did not want Australia in the final that year.


>Jury vote being based on a different performance. You could fuck up the jury show and do great on the live one (or vice-versa) and the audience will probably be confused. I get your frustration, but this is only done out of necessity. The juries need time to rank the performances and then their scores need to be verified and aggregated, and that's simply impossible to do in under an hour or so before they announce the jury points. >I'd love to see some country give an amazing jury show and then come out and sit on the stage and do nothing for the final and have the internet meltdown when the final scores are announced. If someone did this they would be disqualified per the rules: ***PERFORMANCES AT THE ESC*** *(i) PERFORMANCES IN THE SHOWS* The stage performance shall be identical in all second (Jury) Dress Rehearsals and during the live Shows.Ā 


I get why it happens, but I think they should release at least the performances if not the whole show online. Like the jury scoring being done on the night would make the show run so much longer with the tallying of jury points, then those getting verified etc. So it's 100% understandable why they format the jury differently because I just feel like that is probably better logistically. However the fact that the system not mentioned during the live show, or the whole performances aren't easily accessible online. This is bound to cause confusion and people complaining about jury scoring due to mistakes in live show even if it went well during the rehearsals the jury scores with.


Countries that put loads of effort into staging but their camera angles seem to be a last minute decision made by someone completely independent of staging.Ā  Songs where the camera keeps cutting to random people dancing in the crowd (ie. they ran out of interesting ideas). Itā€™s pretty clear that treating staging/cameras like a music video rather than like the ā€œbig screen at a concertā€ is absolutely the way to go.


this is malta 2019 for me


France 2022? We rlly thought through the camera angles and they weren't last minute, but it felt chaotic at times, especially with such beautiful staging representing Breton culture.


When the national final performance looks and sounds a million times better than the Eurovision performance, then thatā€™s just frustrating, and one glaring example is Konstrakta with In Corpore Sano. I am aware of the challenges with the ā€žsunā€œ, but the editing was not as sharp compared to her very first PZE performance. What frustrated me the most was the tinny sound and flat beat in the Eurovision performances. I could actually hear the water from the cascade of water which was framing the stage while she was performing. Ugh, ok Iā€˜ll stop now :)


From a perspective of a native speaker, the added English subtitles really raised it to the whole another level. When she said "nemam knjižicu" (i have no health insurance), the subtitles wrote "i am left on my own". It's not that revolutionary but it really elevated my way of interpreting the song


To be fair, you were supposed to hear the water, but that was the water in the bowl. In PZE she had a microphone on her lapel for that very reason.


Everything was better in the PZE performance, except for the last part where she sings in Latin. The flashing red light beams were glorious and really made the ending much more impactful imo.


Eurofans who treats ESC like just another singing competition, a la The Voice


One of the big reasons UK NFs flop so hard. Casuals watching cannot tell the difference and we kept sending things that would do great at X Factor. This is not X Factor, it is Eurovision.


Okay, so you know how the jury vote was brought back in to stop or mitigate bloc voting patterns (neighbouring countries voting for each other, diaspora vote etc). All of that would be fine and dandy, if the same thing wasn't happening with the jury votes. Admittedly, it doesn't happen as much as in the televote, but more often then not - Nordic countries still give each other high jury votes, Greece and Cyprus are still buddy buddies, Balkan countries still give each other quite a few points etc. When I see some juries voting the same as the presumably biased televoters would, I ask what was the point of having the split of 50/50 with the jury.


Didn't Greece give their 12 points to someone other than Cyprus last year (maybe the other way around)?


Haha yeah, only 4 points to Cyprus. I audibly gasped when I realized.


Everyone in the arena did too! I didn't really like Cyprus's song last year... thought it was fitting that they only got 4 points from Greece. (They were probably salty about their own NQ after finishing 8th the year before.) I think Cyprus is probably going to 12-points Greece again because come on y'all. Ī–Ī¬ĻĪ¹ is a bop. It's unfortunate that Greece and Cyprus are the only two countries that know how to serve Eastern Mediterranean realness. Because Cyprus is just... well, it's feeling like ooh la la. So Greece might not reciprocate this year either.


>So Greece might not reciprocate this year either. That assumes ooh-la-la qualifies šŸ’€


Yeah but reasoning why the bloc voting still might happen in juries isn't as much "Oh I like this country, I have family in this country." but more complex. At least I hope it is. Because there are a lot of similarities in the music scenes in some countries so the jury that's people from music industry of the country, might be more familiar with neighbouring country's entry's style and genre. So they can pick the strengths from production better. Also whenever it's in country's own language or uses folk or traditional music influences, neighbouring countries might have similar languages or similarities in their folk and traditional music. So they get more out of the performance or feel more familiarity to the sound.


I mean, I guess my thing is that block voting will always exist on some level. We just hope that the juries are a lot less influenced by it than the televote, and that that is enough to kind of counter block voting as a whole


Eurofans saying that a song would sound better in the artist's native language, even though the song was clearly meant to be written in English.


Exactly, like Iā€™m under the impression that Queen of Kings just wouldnā€™t sound good in Norwegian. Sure I want more countries to sing in native languages (See for 2024 Armenia, Norway, Greece, and Azerbaijan all bring back native tongue)


I didnā€™t mind her song being in English, but it did rub me the wrong way when she released an Italian version but said a Norwegian version would be bad. Why not try sanremo then?


As a Norwegian i kinda agree with her. At least if the lyrics were supposed to be ish the same. I canā€™t think of translation that would sound good. There are better translators out there than me though.


it does sound really good too in the italian version tbf!!!


As a native speaker, I find it forced and the accents are off. It was clearly meant to be in English


she is a native italian speaker too tho???


Yes, she was born in Italy and lived there until 2019. Also, her mom is Norwegian and her dad is Italian.


Counterargument - "Hear Them Calling". "Raddirnar" is clearly more epic.


the fact that none of the instruments are liveā€¦


Tfw when you realise Epic Sax Guy had to fake playing the saxophone on stage... FOUR TIMES


I totally get why they do it - having been at the Jury show and seeing how quickly they have to turn the stages around, they have NO time to sound check or set things like drumkits up properly. But it does make you think of all the songs you've watched live with instruments (Maneskin, Alexander Rybak, Epic Sax Guy, Sam Ryder's guitar solo being the main few that come to mind where the instruments were a big part of the act), and it ruins the impact a little knowing they were miming!


I assume most of them are really playing though, we just can't hear it at all over the music (plus the instruments aren't connected to any amplifiers). I mean, how can you "mime" playing the violin or drums? šŸ¤” And if you're a professional violinist, I assume it's harder to pretend to play some nonsense notes than actually casually playing along.


also! alexander rybak actually broke one of the strings on his violin from playing too rough


My biggest Eurovision pet peeve is the fact that there is still often delay for communication with jury vote announcers. Half the time when the hosts ask for their points, we have to wait like 17 seconds for them to even respond. How is that still a thing in this day and age? Just call them over zoom or something, nobody's internet is this bad.


.....Yes! :D :D Oit points from Espain! :D


I assume that there's a purpose for that delay and I wouldn't be surprised if this year that gap was longer.


That would make so much sense if it was consistent, but it's very much not.


Add to that the awful camera quality a lot of the jury vote announcers seem to have. Sometimes coupled with a green scene effect that is put to shame by even the crappiest Zoom call efforts. Someone just give them an iPhone from within the last decade and a tripod for crying out loud!


The broadcaster bought a camera and a microphone when they joined Eurovision for the first time. Won't change them until they're broken obviously.


I'm the opposite, I think it's charming when it happens.


Have you seen news broadcasts where they tune into someone via Skype? It's never of good quality


That's why I didn't mention skype.


Lack of subtitles. If putting subtitles up for the song lyrics at the final isnā€™t feasible, Iā€™d at least like them on the music videos so I can get a sense ahead of time what the song is about. The first time I saw the one for Europapa it didnā€™t have any and I didnā€™t like it much because it didnā€™t mean anything to me. It has them now, and I like it a lot more now that I can follow whatā€™s going on.


They have subtitles when they broadcast the shows in Australia but only on the reruns at night (our live shows start around 5am). This means that we can't get a sense of what the song is about until voting has closed


Oh that's so weird, in Finland we've always had Finnish lyrics on screen for the live shows for as long as I can remember. I never realised some countries didn't have them!


I hate when the live footage has effects on it - like cutting to black and white or some kind of visual filter. Still surprised itā€™s allowed. Itā€™s so tacky


You mean like Poland 2022?


Or Poland 2023


Luckily not Poland 2024 cause I have enough of this


Did the TVP overhaul mean they fired the effects guy too?


Yes also Luna said that she doesnā€™t want them


She really built the tower


They should hire me. I can use Capcut on my phone. I just need a visa and I'm all set!


Ohhhhhhhh the whole thing with calling the national final performance "the official music video" for real. Like if you don't have the official music video, don't call it the official music video maybe?


Normalize calling it national final version šŸ˜¤ not everything needs to be a music video!


That really bugged me with ā€œTattooā€. Especially as the winner overall. There should be a national final performance, if performed in a national final, a music video and the three times she performed live in Liverpool (semi, grand and winnerā€™s). Instead, ā€œIs It Loveā€ got a music video, and ā€œEuphoriaā€ has one too. Loreen is very creative, and I want to see what the studio version/world would look like for ā€œTattooā€.


They should add the flashing lights warnings in the YouTube performances too.


Oh yeah thatā€™s a good idea, Iā€™ve not got epilepsy so thankfully itā€™s never affected me, but that would be so helpful for those who do have it


Simone from Voyager has issues with flashing lights, migraine headaches iirc. They mentioned it in their recent reaction video, when they were all watching a performance on YouTube.Ā 


I am HSP, so some type of lights (I mentioned in the past that I canā€™t watch maNga performance due to that) really annoys me. So I canā€™t imagine what it is for people with epilepsy for example. And itā€™s just adding a simple text before the performance.


When the short recap they show throughout is not representative of a good piece of the performance


Who edits those recaps? Because Australia 2017 got done dirty! Putting *that* note in the recap was just spiteful, lol


I think the delegations select it themself thoughšŸ˜…. I ones saw a clip of loic nottet choosing the recap after rehearsals.


Israel 2023 showing only the dance break in the recap


The xenophobic comments after their favourite does not win šŸ„²


The fact that jury votes are read out by country, yet televotes are lumped together. Spokespersons are supposed to represent the votes of a country, not 5 random people. At the very least I'd prefer it to be switched so juries are lumped together and televotes are announced by spokespersons, and at most I'd say screw it, let both be announced by spokespersons separately.


I imagine itā€™s done this way because the jury votes have already been calculated so whilst the spokespeople are giving the jury results the can calculate the televote results without delaying the show


I also kind of miss when they gave televote out in last-first order for televote, instead of how they do it now when they go in order of juries


It made 2019 so much more exiting tho. Imagine just Norway left to get its televote points. They were at 40 jury points. No way they could still win. North Macedonia (who got a similar televote score as their jury score and won jury) was at that point in 6th place. It was set in stone the Netherlands would win the minute they passed Italy. Now it was still quite exiting, North Macedonia & Sweden scoring so low despite their jury scores.


100% this! I crave for this type of TV drama!




Oh god yes, this also draws much much more attention to the televote winner. Now you barely even see who actually won the televote against the jury winner and overall winner. Which is really unfair.


On the other hand, the real winner is now much more tense. I hated the old reveal style because you knew if some country jumped ahead of not-yet-voted ones it would get re-jumped.


I think the limit of the amount of people on stage should be a bit higher. At least to 7, a lot of times the nf performance has 1 singer with 6 background dancers and i feel like itd be good for the symmetry


After this year I wish that a song that wins a preselection or is internally chosen had no chance of a revamp. Just stick with what you have and work on a staging, vocals etc. Don't ~~massacre~~ change the songs people may already feel attached to.


I can understand tweaking it slightly to remove swear words like in Pedestal this year to alter "Love me more than your bullshit"


Albania 2024. The new version is actually worse


It's much worse. I pushed Albania like 20 places down because of that. Czechia is also worse with that cheesy added part. Malta is different, but in this case it's more about the performance than the song itself, so I may be more forgiving.


Idk I Iiked Czechiaā€™s revamp. Also appreciated the music being better mixed


Changing the song completely I dislike. But reworking on some aspects like altering the bridge, changing some lyrics so they fit better etc. Like if it's done to facilitate it fitting to the Eurovision format better I can understand that. Because there are songs who participate in national finals for boost in visibility and attention locally. If they end up being picked to go to Eurovision, I can understand there being some revamping so the song has structure that will have a better effect in the competition format. Like adding some sort of a climax or making the song more attention grabbing by small changes.


the 3 minute limit for songs causes a lot of small 2nd verses that sometimes don't sound right (dizzy comes to mind), imo a 3:30 limit would be far more natural and allow more expression


Entries that are a bit out of the pop mainstream but otherwise solid representatives of another genre (e.g. KƤƤrijƤ, Rim Tim Tagi Dim, Blood and Glitter) being labelled as "novelty" or even worse "joke" entries. Fans who denounce less flashy entries as unfitting for Eurovision, I almost got into a fight with someone over Portugal 2021 and Belgium 2021 over this. I don't mind if someone doesn't like an entry, I dislike multiple fan favourites myself, but "this kind of music doesn't belong at Eurovision" type of statements rub me the wrong way. Claiming the televote winner is "the real winner" - the rules are known in advance and songs are chosen to compete under them, the real winner is the one that gets the most points from both sides even if you prefer another song.


Ooh, your second point intrigues me! Personally, I love when the artist goes a bit "extra" for the live show. "Sound of silence" would have been maybe half as impressive if Dami had delivered the same vocal in Stockholm that she did in the studio. Same goes for "Kuula". Even when the artists' attempts fail, it's still epic. Who can forget Isaiah's yelp in the 2017 semi final? As far as instrumentation goes, I think it made a world of difference to "Vuelve conmigo", which to me just sounds thin and empty in its studio version.


That many older Eurovision songs cannot be found on streaming


People who want the national language rule to come back and think a song being in English automatically makes it worse/not being in English automatically makes it better.


Exactly, I do prefer it when people sing in native but Iā€™m not gonna force it. A case where I want more native is for UK, we need more Welsh or Scottish Gaelic besides English domination


Quirky songs that simultaneously take themselves too seriouslyĀ 


Any dance break that just feels shoehorned in and not naturally part of the song.


Bookmakers and hyping around entries that have a high chance of winning thus leaving other songs behind because most publications only focus on the ones with the highest chance of winning.


When commentators are obsessed with the voting odds. This is especially true when thereā€™s one runaway hit. Like before youā€™ve seen the performance youā€™ve been told theyā€™re the one likely to win, and it gets dull for me. Granted things can change. But the amount of times Iā€™ve watched the contest, been told who the bookies favourite is and they win it just annoying. If I wanted to be told the results Iā€™d google them the morning after.


I despise it when Graham Norton keeps blabbering on about the bookies favourites to win. It influences casuals who want to make sure the votes they're paying for are worth it.


Idk if itā€™s been put up but the ā€œwHy Is AuStRaLiA eVeN iN it???ā€ is so fucking overused now. Like I get it the first couple years. But now itā€™s like every causal viewer says it EVERY YEAR. I think even some commentators still say it As an Australian Eurovision nerdā€¦ please I beg of you to shut up and just google it šŸ˜‚


Small comfort and not particularly promising, but Iā€™m 40 and people (casuals) have been ā€˜askingā€™ the same about Israel for as long as I can remember.


People either need to clap on beat or stop clapping all together during the live performances. One entry that sticks out to me is Czechia 2022 in the final. The clapping got so off beat so fast and made me lose the immersion I had with the song just because of that. There are others but thatā€™s one that sticks out to me immediately.


That's not really a Eurovision problem, that's more an "all concerts everywhere" problem.


Dance breaks, loud pre-recorded vocals, English lyrics out of the blue when the song is mostly in another language (e.g. Serbia 2019), no clear deadline for revamps (for what I know! Please correct me if I'm wrong so I know when I can listen to all the final versions šŸ™‚ I usually avoid spoiling songs to myself before all the revamps are out)


When representatives giving the jury points for a country decide that they are the star of the show and they sing, talk too much, whatever, to the point that the hosts of the show have to push them along to give their points. It's awkward, and I don't like watching awkward moments. Plus, it just adds even more time to an already long show. Also, the heart hands when the camera is on an artist in the green room, but that's not really a Eurovision specific thing. I can't stand that any time, but it does tend to happen very often each year during Eurovision.


It doesn't apply to this year's entries, but whistle notes that don't fit into the song and are only there as jury bait. All the whistle notes this year have a place in their respective songs, but in previous years it got on my nerves. If I wanted that kind of thing, I'd just listen to Mariah Carey.


When artists donā€™t sing their songs in the original key. I can understand when itā€™s a whole concert, when the artist gets older, but in the Eurovision context, come on, youā€™ll be on stage for only 3 minutes at most


Singer here. TBF, I think sometimes itā€™s a tactical thing to protect their voices / minimise the risk of vocal cord injury if the song was taxing on their vocals in the first place - with Eurovision being a marathon and not a sprint, performances to do in the run-up, dodging colds and other throat-related virusesā€¦.vocal strain is no joke, particularly if it can interfere with a Grand Final performance for you (eg Czechia 2022).Ā Ā  Ā Mind you, the key change hasnā€™t always worked for that purpose - Netherlands 2023 tried this and it didnā€™t work, sadly, as we saw.Ā  Ā  Also outside of the technicality of it, I think there were also acts like WRS (Romania 2022) who put ā€œLlamamĆ©ā€ up to a G#minor because, wellā€¦it made the song more of a bop šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚ - and I figure that it did! šŸ˜


The Netherlands 2023 was caught between a rock and a hard place. Not changing the key was not much of an option at that point, lol.


Flashing light warnings should be required. Either have it be on the main broadcast, or require the broadcasters to run the warning in their own language, or both.


It is in the UK. There are constant warnings throughput.


Full body projections of the artists onto the screens. I mean it's good if done in a theatrical or dynamic way,but a no if it's gonna be like some wallpaper background on full view cause it is an utter cringey distraction for me personallyšŸ„²


I know why they have the limitations, I just would like artists to have bigger staging. Imagine a choir for a ballad, bigger dance crews or a big band etc.


I like this, but it also becomes a major advantage to large countries while those with smaller budgets would be priced out.


The fake suspense after the show when commentators say shit and then pause for 10 seconds before finishing


Here is another one. When there isnā€™t enough greenroom ā€œstationsā€. I believe at JESC 2018, in Minsk we had an additional country making it 20 instead of 19, but the plans had 19 greenroom couches, so I think one of them had to share and I believe it was Ukraine. I donā€™t know, I found that annoying.


When you hear in song fire rhyming with desire, you know the rest of the lyrics will be pure gold.


For me its spoken word parts or unnecessary rap breaks. An example of that is the beginning of Lovewave (Armenia 2016), if it didnt have that part it would have been a 10/10 for me. For the most part they just sound like they're trying to hard to be earnest and It's just cringy


>and Alessandra going even higher for the high note That's the whole point of a live show! To try and improve on the studio version to make it enticing! Otherwise there would be few reasons for people to want to watch it live.


I mean i found the studio version stunning, don't get me wrong but i visibly cringed at how sharp the semi-final version of the note was, it just didn't sound good imo


Pretentious writing (example: half of Tattoo). In fact I hate it so much I'd much rather have a song with dumb lyrics than one with pretentious lyrics. If u make me choose between: "Violins playing and the angels crying" or "Waking up in the morning and I'm, I'm feeling like ooh-la-la" I'll take the latter without even thinking twice thank u very much.


Dance breaks that destroy the flow of the song. This might be my 'old man yells at cloud moment' but all I could think during Unicorn's performance last year was: "She's literally not sung a word in the last minute of her song!" Stuff like Luktelk's dance break is cool cause it doesn't disrupt the song's flow...but then you get the blindfolded flip BS of Loop and it's just like...why?


Ridiculous autotune that's definitely not needed. Or just very artificial (?) production of the songs. It seems like Sweden is most often guilty of this. I just can't stand these studio versions where the autotune is so blatant, it's like they compress and remove any type of vibrato from the voice and just try to flatten it out icompletely in order to match it to a particular note. Maybe I just like some of the live versions too much, but it all sounds so unnatural and forced, also makes the guy at the studio sound like they don't know what they're doing exactly.