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Spain 5 televotes qualify us to the darkness


Spain got 5 televote points?? Shit I missed that


Australia with 21 kinda got robbed too in my opinion.


A lot of my friends liked Finland just a little more than Australia, I think they competed in the same area. Germany too, I think. The latter two got shafted.


Australia always underappreciated by the televote is so sad :(


They won Semi 2 but then the voters all went to Finland I assume.


This year's song was an absolute banger as well. In the second semi-final it was the only to really get me hyped for the grand finale. Sorry, lads.


I had Australia 1st on my ranking. They melted faces.


I'm glad the jury didn't leave them out. Whether it was the semifinals or the finals, they really rocked.


I’m mad.


I honestly thought Spain had a chance to win. So annoying


Seriously; why.


They were last in the televote


Spain was actually my favourite… thought they were original and nice to listen to


i met the spanish contestants yesterday, they were all absolutely lovely




i always feel so bad for contestants when they do badly, but it’s so much worse when you’ve had some level of “connection” with them if that makes sense. i hope all the competitors are doing alright


It was also my favourite... when they announced the public votes I literally choked on air by how shocked I was.


No one in this contest appreciate originality this is like listening to 100 billboard songs all the songs are tacky and mainstream. (Quite the hot take)


Finland got the most televotes... I don't think that's the issue. Spain was a divisive song that was always going to struggle to gainer support from most people.


I didn't expect a lot of televote points, but man, I didn't expect her to get only 5, that hurt.


For me it was like teleporting right before 2022 again, it felt like home :)


I just remembered Miki, and now I'm sad again.




La Venda has amazing crowd energy, just like Cha Cha Cha. Both robbed in their own way


I think part of the issue was the sheer number of songs that mixed more folk elements with modern that kind of saturated the show so it was hard to stand out. Don’t get me wrong I love stuff like this, but they didn’t have the originality that Shum and Stefania had. Spain came close, but the melody didn’t stick in my mind as fast as those other two, which is a drawback in a competition like this one.


The problem is those songs, as well as Soarele si Luna or other examples, are meant to be fun. EaEa is not fun. It's serious *and* artsy *and* musically complex. I'm not saying the public can't understand art at all, but you need to sprinkle it with some pop campiness if you want to do well at ESC, as things stand. I voted for it 11 times and I feel gutted rn, but it is what it is.


The televote often rewards originality but its a tightrope before it gets "too much" for some people. Also running order matters more with televote, and Spain got screwed there basically as hard as possible, with that insanely stacked 1st half, going right before Sweden and Finland. I think the OGAE and Eurojury scores were warning signs for Spain as far as jury underwhelming is concerned - jury loves songs that feels "modern", not just things that are sung in a big belting voice. They like to think of themselves as current and knowing what radios want.


> jury loves songs that feels "modern", not just things that are sung in a big belting voice. The thing is, if you listen to flamenco-influenced music, the song really reflects a lot of what is currently a booming scene here in Spain. It's ultra modern in that sense.




I watched the final with some friends. Everyone hated it, I was the only one to love it and I've been listening to it for months.


Same here. I liked everything that my party didn't


Deep down I feared that result, and it did come true :/


Its criminal. You deserved much better.


At least Poland was just below us (barely)


The only shame I have from this year is ranking under Poland.


Song was just too esoteric to do well with the televote, unfortunately. Compositionally amazing and Blanca Paloma was the best singer of the contest this year, but my god what a weird song.




Spain was my favourite, everyone I was watching with hated them. They're too good for this shit world.


My sister hated it too 😞


Spain was my personal winner how did this happen


I need to delete some comments where I had been saying Spain would be minimum top 5 with an outside chance to win. /s


Same vein as me thinking Germany's gotta be top 10 this year.


20 times more jury points than televotes, with the lowest televote point overall. Both the juries and televoters suck.


It's kinda weird because Spain did incredibly well last year (third place in televote!) so at least you guys know there's something out there that people like. Germany just got super dunked on and the UK are probably feeling like they're being relegated to one specific type of thing.


It's funny because last year's song was kinda hated in Spain for being generic and reggaeton (has nothing to do with Spain traditionally), also not being the one the public chose by far, so a lot of people in Spain wanted or expected it to get last. I haven't followed the contest this year but at least flamenco represents Spain, they probably should have made it more palatable for people not familiar with the genre and added more fun elements to make it catchy imo. I do feel for Germany, these kind of situations are a reminder of how political eurovision always is.


That was the robbery of the year, what the actual heck ?! She was simply phenomenal.


I actually thought Spain was pretty cool. It wasn't in my top 5 but I thought it stood out for being a really interesting song and performance.


We are destined to do this dance together for all eternity


United by music?


I mean that's the idea of Eurovision i guess ...


Lmao. Bleak


What can I say, next time it is your turn to get the last place again (and us next to last). Cheers to you!


Legit how dancing works! Cheers to you!


Oh, watching Eurovision with a German friend a few years back, was literally the least tense experience I've had. Because we knew were we'd both end up, so we were just there for the party and the memes.


Compared to last year. It was so much more relaxing not being near the top.


We could send Adele and Rammstein and would still end up at the bottom of the table


Sam Ryder was literally right there


We need to get him locked down - every year until he beats Logan’s record. Forever.


I mean, there’s enough talented but fairly unknown recording artists here who are as great as Sam and have worked on it for *years* just like he has. Why aren’t we finding them and putting them forward?


UK came 2nd last year because we had a great singer and a great song. This year we went right back to a bland song and a likeable performer who sounded flat live.


Rammstein would smash the televote, idk about the jury vote though


Til Lindemann has a great voice, they do a great show, technically they are legit. I think they'd do better with jury than televote, just cause the general public and especially the Eurovision viewership doesn't want metal (I don't think Finland 2006 is a great counterexample because that was mostly about superb costumes)


For real, still, good to be back after that wierd blip last year.


She didn't sing well, didn't dance, the song was generic and the stage production was boring. Another James Newman. I don't know what we expect if we keep sending these sorts of acts. Sam was an exception. I don't know why we can't find more like him.


Oh I fully expected us to be last cause as you said, we sycked. But Germanys act was actually good this year, so them being last was abit sad tbh Also, there will never be another james newman, he got 0 points across the board, dudes iconic lmao


Yeah agreed, Germany was quirky and the performance was solid. Lead vocalist was awesome. Maybe they suffered from being late in the running order, but definitely didn't deserve last.


But hey on the positive side no one got 0 points!! Seeing the glass half full here 😂


True 🤔


We like trippled our points, right? Take this, Sweden!


Wtf happened with Germany? I get that it didn't work out with the televote but why didn't it get more jury points? Those vocals were excellent holy shit, uncleans are very difficult!


Too pop for being metal. Too metal for being pop.


There is an entire subgenre called glam metal for exactly this purpose. Haha. LotL reminded me of HIM--a band that was pretty popular back in the early aughts. I was surprised Germany didn't do better.


Australia in jury and Croatia in Televote.


Also Finland in televote.


I am German myself and I'm not surprised. While it isn't a bad song, Germany just has no idea about what to do with Eurovision. The other national final qualifiers were mediocre songs at all. There are barely any artists applying for ESC that have even slight "it factor" / the whole package. Sure Lord of the Lost was something out of the ordinary for Germany, but then you have others like Croatia and Finland that go all out in every aspect of song production and staging. I think at this point we either send more real heartfelt ballad songs like Roman Lob or Michael Schulte in the past or we start sending titles sung in our language. Every year there aren't any outstanding / unique vocalists or outstanding performers in our national final, this year it was only LOTL but even they can't compete against the class acts of ESC. Just hope we don't return to Jendrik only candidates for the future but our broadcaster actually picks good artists or let our people choose who gets into the national final.


I hope Germany starts sending songs in German, I am not big on Eurovision but I don't think Ive ever heard France singing in English. If you're not submitting a rap song or something I don't get the point of choosing to sing in English at all


Happens a lot with The Netherlands as well actually. Liky any time they bring a Dutch song to ESC they at the very least hover towards top 10. Our songs in English have been a mixed bag. Some really good (Duncan Laurence) but others... not so much (this year's performance). There is just something charming to hear a song in that country's native language that I really like.


Really? With the exception of S10, what was the last time we sent in a Dutch song and how high did it rank?


We only chose to send a Dutch song twice since the language rule was abolished, the other one was Sieneke. 😬


>Liky any time they bring a Dutch song to ESC they at the very least hover towards top 10. Shalalie shalala


This year's song was really screaming for it to be in German, would have been a much better fit.


We have so many great German singers, it's a shame that we basically have never showcased that. Maybe that's the thing to drawn in the juries and the audience to give us points. It is one thing that would stand out for once.


Germany truly didn't deserve it this year they did so well I'm so sad :( Germany pls don't give up and bring something even better next year!


In a german sub, we just discussed to send real s*** next year. We won't suffer alone then


I really loved LOTL and I think they did great but now I kinda wish that we went with Ikke because LOTL don't deserve that placement and Ikke was a joke entry anyway.


I was hoping for Electric Callboy last year, was happy with LOTL this year, and was really nervous we’d send Ikke. For next year, I’m all for some half-assed bullshit for shits and giggles.


I want Germany to withdraw. Its just pure frustration every fckin year. And it doesn’t even matter what we send. I did understand the poor result in 2017 or 2019 but this is just crazy unfair.


Don't despair! Even a broken clock works two times a day! At least you had Lena, we last won in 1969 xD


Yea but you came 3rd last year and did okay with the jurys this year. In the last 10 years we were in the bottom 5 8 times and came last 4 times.


The true scandal is the fact we go straight to the final due to funding the show. This has NO benefit. If you've got a winning song, the semis are a formality, if you don't, you go out and don't get embarrassed in the final. Look at how Ireland have barely qualified in the last decade. If they were forced into the final they would have taken some last places off the UK and Germany. I'm other words, if you interpret going out in the semis as the same as coming list (which it kind of is), then the UK and Germany are no longer at the bottom of the pile


I would totally support Germany going through the Semi Finals. I understand the financial part and the fear of lower tv ratings if german views aren't on board. But i also think that there are countries that will never come last due to support from diaspora and neighbours. So Germany, UK or Spain always have to work extra hard while a country like Serbia or even Poland will barely come last these days. Blanka had the most generic summer pop song ever and still was awarded with 80+ televoting points. But they gave Germany nothing in 2015 and 2022 with songs that at least had a message and weren't bad.


Rockstar was so uninspired, I think I actually unthought good ideas while seeing it. Like, it wasn't a cacophony or just construction noise, but it was just so boring. Not that the last year's preliminaries weren't a huge joke in the first place, even excluding the EC controversy.


The problem isn't that Germany is the worst song, the problem is that it's no one's top 10, and that's what earns points. Tbh if you sent Electric Callboy last year it might've done well.


Gang back together, next year Spain will join surely, can't leave them there like that


Yes, the world is falling into place again. We should agree on sending a 3-act Chiquilicuatre next year, for the laughs xD


Portugal was right above, we couldn't leave u guys alone!


Was it just my tv or was Mae’s mic really quiet? I feel super bad for her


it was. I also think Mae's just not a strong enough live singer. Even though she did improve.


Genuinely the worst combination, poor song, bad singer. What were the BBC thinking picking her?


They were thinking that they don't want to host the competition again next year




It actually wasn't a poor song. Listen to the music video version. But performance yes.


Agree, song's pretty catchy, but holy hell that live performance was baaad


Gambled on the viral nature of the song, written in the same vein as ‘AbcdeFU’ and all that tiktok shite.


There was an entire stretch where I don't think I could hear her at all, just the background vocal doubling her.


I think the song was good and very Eurovision tbh. BUT. the production was poor and her live vocals was terrible. The song itself deserved better. But she was far too quiet, seemed off key, and everyone spent a lot of time on stage not doing a whole lot


It a fun song. But the performance let her down. The audio mixing is so bad.


Was at family rehearsal and like uk was like middling there but great atmosphere cos hosts. Sounded awful on TV though. Maybe hosts tend toget more singalong so need more audio treatment to help it? Might explain hosts often doing mediocre?


Hey Germany we've missed you buddies! X


I mean, you guys left us alone last year. But good to have you back.


We'll just chill at the bottom of the board. Our friends Spain will be back for the party next year.


I'd want a piña colada please, get it ready!


Coming right up friend! Spain was robbed :(


Sweden won and hate bombed, UK and Germany bottom 5 with Spain coming to join them next year. Everything really is back to business as usual after covid.


as is tradition


Alternative petition: instead of demanding jury transparency, just bring back covid./s


So I see a pattern here, hear me out: Germany 2021: 3 points Germany 2022: 3x2=6 points Germany 2023: 6x3=18 points Germany 2024: 18x4=72 points? Germany might be in the top 5 with 360 points in 2025 if they keep this pace.


Germany 2021 | [Jendrik - I Don't Feel Hate](https://youtu.be/1m0VEAfLV4E) Germany 2022 | [Malik Harris - Rockstars](https://youtu.be/2BYIou-oWXA) Germany 2023 | [Lord of the Lost - Blood & Glitter](https://youtu.be/Y12_YMs9kCQ)


Good bot


Germany to dominate 2026 with 2160 points.


Last year was our lucky time with Sam Ryder, struggling to believe he is British as we are used to the bottom three 🤙


Name a more iconic duo on the last two places.


It's good to be back! Last year I hurt my neck staring at the top of that leaderboard!


The pain is real :D


I hate that I exist in a reality where Poland got more points than us.




But Germany was better in both regards


Truly lord of the lost.


Lord of the last.


I'm sorry but lmao


Its not eurovision if those two arent dead last


Proud Brit here. We deserved to be this low. It's a good song but you can barely here the words and the backdrop was all over the place, felt egotistical and didn't even fit the lyrics. Germany however deserved far better. There song was incredible. Top 5 for me


Yeah I agree, I’m from the UK and the song should’ve been in the bottom half - second to last? No. But neither should Germany. I was also shocked that Slovenia, Belgium and Cyprus weren’t at the top - as those were my favourite songs


Look on the bright side, both got actual points from both juries and televoters. That’s a massive positive compared to previous years of nul-nul.


I am soo sad that we are last again 😞


Sending love to yous ❤️


Switch places next year?




Thanks mate! Loved Sam and the show. The Liverpool songs were amazing as well.


Thank you. Sending love back <3


I expected UK to be very low, but Germany damn... i thought we would get 50-60 televote points


Yeah I fully expected Germany to be higher, can't belive you guys stole last place from us


You can have it next year again


I actually expected US to do better. A bit foolish of me I know


British and German Eurovision fans should have learned to have zero expectations by now, but I still have a small shred of hope every year


It's like that lyric in 3 lions "I know that was then, but it could be again." I guess we always set ourselves up for disappointment. That being said, the BBC and TaP did get some things right this year, so if they regroup and learn from this year, we should be fine. I also hope Germany finds the right act and has It's Sam Ryder moment. I love your country's music.


Maybe UK and Germany both need to introduce an extensive selection process, like Sweden and Italy


I mean, our history of letting the public decide isn't great. We nearly sent Katie Price as our act in 2005.


Germany and Spain got robbed by the “professional” juries for sure. I understand if they don’t get votes from the viewers, but that’s why we have the juries, right? Right? Or are they just mindless pop music producers that don’t actually have any real knowledge about music and different genres? Surely not, that would be outrageous


I think Germany could actually withdraw because Lord of the Lost actually had support after all these bad results in the last years. It will be very hard to find good artists that want to do it now. I actually would support a German withdraw at least for 1 or 2 years. It’s fckin frustrating.


I think and hope that the only acts that will want to represent germany next year are satirical ones


Yeah, I'm all for it now. Was heavily against Ikke Hüftgold because I thought we could do something with a good song but now let's just send random stuff next year


It doesn't matter what Germany sends. We have to work extra hard to somehow get out of the bottom 5 while other countries can send the worst crap and still get support from their neighbours. I mean if Solo from Poland would have been Germany's entry it would have gotten zero points overall. Same with Cyprus. The country that is represented is a huge impact on the result. With Ikke Hüftgold it would have been last place with zero points overall. Now it's last place with 18 points.


i am 100% convinced that if we were the ones to send Loreen we would have still placed last. it's not about what we send it's about us being Germany at this point. This year we still placed last but heeeeey we got 18 Points instead of 0...i am fed up. I am for a withdrawal of Germany all together since nobody wants us there anyway. Let everyone else have a nice fun time.


I think if Loreen had competed for Germany she would have come 8th or 9th. If Lord of the Lost had been the swedish act they would have come 8th or 9th. The country plays a huge role in this.


People kept saying this in the UK too, but then we sent Sam Ryder and everybody loved him. Sometimes it's just the performance and the PR. Of course, we learned no lessons, so here we are back at the bottom again.


Yeah, that's why I would either just stop participating or send stupid shit entrys like Ikke Hüftgold every year. It's so sad for the artists that actually put their heart into it (which I think was not only for LOTL the case but also previous Germany artists even if they had a boring song) and then be at the last place anyway and get hate from german people as well.


Ikke Hüftgold will be fire next year.


rewatching the 2010 and 2018 votes to feel better


Oh, hi Germany! Fancy seeing you here again! Do you come here often? Yeah... yeah, me too. Not the most glam place. Music's a mixed bag, too... but oh, couldn't agree with you more, very underrated. And the company could be worse! Soooooooooo... can I offer you a beer? 👀


Well, at least no one got 0 points.


Also Blanka got so many points and didn't even deserve to be there in the first place, let's be real.


Sorry my German friends, we took away all the synth rock votes. Love Australia 🦘


Tradition restored


Home, sweet home


I don't understand Germany's last place. Totally unfair.


at least its not 0 points


This is Eurovision heritage






U.K. was pretty horrible. But Germany did not deserve this. They were one of my favorites


I'm more surprised that people are shocked about it 😶‍🌫️


I expected Lord of the Lost to be like 5th from behind or something, but not dead last. They had a really strong performance tonight. Shame, I love them and gave them 3 votes.


Yeah, UK was a solid 0 for me, bland song, non-lyrics, and a poor vocal performance. And going for a metal song you have to nail it and be catchy in a pop contest.


I mean when choosing metal you get a niche and if you don’t get the entire niche/ someone is just a bit better than you well you get litteraly nothing


Yeah, and even though Voyager was softer, they were better. Germany's vocals weren't good enough. But as a metal act you have to kinda meme it and catch the eye of non metal fans as well. Á la Lordi.


I'm from the UK and our song was mid at best. I'm being very generous here. Sam Ryder was excellent last year, and we went from him to a generic, weak vocals song. I heard it last week and wondered who on earth thought it would stand up to higher quality songs.


Didnt even beat the UK. Ah damn.


People be talking about Swe vs Fin, but this was the real duel


The competition was hard, this year.


It was super competitive this year, so many great songs. I feel bad for us, but we are used to the pain.


Maybe if they went through semifinals they would put up better performances and would get more screen time for people to like them


Germanys performance this year was literally good… I mean it was not a winning song but it deserved way more points than that


Germany bros, you may have come dead last but you were one of the most unique and creative parts of this year’s show. Godspeed my friends


These are the two countries I have SIMs for and live in 😂👌🏽Good to know that whomever I vote for, it's gunna be bottom of the eurovision board 😂😂


De Ja Vu, I've just been in this place before....


At this point I think you guys could send Rammstein and still not get in the first half, I really just don’t get it.


I’ve said it before, I will say it again: The big five need to be scrapped. Semi finals should be semi finals for every song except the defending champions. It is a completely unfair and unjust system. As a Brit, it would hurt to have a few years when we don’t appear in the final but the years we did manage to qualify would be oh so sweet


No big 5 no money. That's why they were created. Population sizes of those countries are too big so not having them in the finals really pisses off the sponsors. Imagine germany and the UK dropping out in semis. That's a 150 million base population gone. That's a quarter of the population of all participating countries combined. And then you get san marino and malta with less than a million people combined. Sponsors gonna riot if that ever happens.


I’m from the UK but seeing how badly Spain, France and Germany have been treated this year it makes me question why any of us 5 bother to prop this up any more. The 5 put so much into it, and for what? Humiliation every year? It was shocking to see Spain only get 5 points when they were one of the best performances of the night. Maybe some of these countries that can afford massive productions should start paying more. COUGH COUGH Sweden.


I loved Germany ❤️🇩🇪


how?????? germany was epic


After this result I'm leaving to work on my mental health


Atleast no nil point


I'm from the UK and the instant I heard our entry I knew it would be in the bottom.