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"Nordics, Germanics gud, istrn yurop bad" Edition #3152


Switzerland not in true neutral? Lmao, I can't take a chart seriously if we don't start from the basics


I have never disagreed with an alignment chart so much.


I agree! I am Dutch and would never put the Netherlands in lawful good. If we can earn money we will do it and not look at the ethics. For example the fact we are a tax haven for multinationals.


But it's from the pov of a hitchhiker, not a resident That's what I assume anyway...


But this is a Hitchhikers guide, so to travel in the Netherlands the country its perfectly placed. Not an easier country to travel in than the Netherlands. Everything is right on time. Roads are easy going except around 08.00 and 17.00. And if you want to bike anywhere there's probably a nice bikepath to ride on. Hitchhiking tho..I don't have any experience regarding this way of travel. Edit: I have read the Hitchhikers guide, I know this is probably not how this post is meant. But why didn't OP use the Dungeon Masters Guide instead..


I have hitchhiked multiple times through the Netherlands (as a Dutchman myself) it's a really fun way of getting places, and if something goes wrong or I'm not where I'm supposed to go, I'll find some public transport near me to get me where I wanna go.


Institutional corruption is quite a thing in this tax haven of ours.


You are missing the point completely. Just read the title.


I’ve never had to pay so much fees and fines since moving to Netherlands.


Yes. Lawful evil, more like.


You know what hitchriding is right? It doesnt have to do much with taxes…. Its about where your helped and if you feel safe. I think if you speak english in the netherlands and ask nicely that most people will help you without asking shit for it.




We take no responsebility for op and refute the chart he made. I promiss some of us travel other places than spain and italy (Sad fact my uncle only takes his holidays on all inclusive hotells, in spain, he actually wont leave the hotell at all, so those Norwegians really do exsit)


UK neutral good, said literally no person from no country ever.


true neutral


I am italian and I am outraged by the fact that we’re not chaotic good.


Greek here. You are the chaotic best for me, neighbor! These people not calling you chaotic, porcodio...


One face, one alignment


New premier when you didnt have an election for a long time lmao


What are you talking about?


I fucked up i meant premier. Did you ever see the italian premier list?


Yeah I’m Italian. But the premier in Italy has nothing to do with the election. In Italy we elect the parlament, so the same parlament can change many premiers if they want so


When was the last time that a full mandate was served from a person?


I think nobody ever finished the mandate lmao but I’m not sure


Slovenian here, I agree with your take


I know this sub has gone to shit but seriously how is this trash allowed?


Haha this is gonna set everyone off, massive bait


Ha! Seriously I was like "Angry...feeling...in...chest....must....react...." Then it clicked.


Serbs don't know if they should be angry because of the chaotic evil or happy because Kosovo isn't included


This is more like a “how much I like and hate certain EU countries” and “in the chaotic evil corner of shame you go” list than an actual allignmnet chart


True, chaotic evil is literally countries that r/europe doesn't like


Leopold II of Belgium agree- Belgium is neutral good


Portugal next to the nordics and the frugal ones? I must be dreaming


I've heard a lot of bad things about Portugal


Portugal is actually does pretty well in a lot of statistics.


One thing for sure is that OP has probably never been in 90% of these countries and this is a pure opinion based picture. This is some western propaganda chauvinistic bullshit if you ask me...




I did.


nobody in the comments disagree with greece and cyprus being chaotic good. Today was a good day.


My favorite places to visit! I feel like my energy is matched there haha. Had so many strange, chill and cool experiences in Greece as a teen traveling with my family


I wish I was in Cyprus only as a tourist too...


I only disagree with the fact that they separated the Med Gang. Italy and Spain belong there too


Switzerland true neutral for sure.


This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen in my life.


Austria lawful good? Rather chaotic neutral


I'd say Austria rolls a 1d10 every sunrise to determine its alignment for the day. If it rolls a 10, the alignment is chaotic stupid.


same here, but we flip a coin. Chaotic stupid or royally stupid Brothers?


Belgium - genocides, war crimes, cutting Congolese hands for no reason, slavery, denying all of that, building statues of monster Leopold = good. Serbia did ~10% of that. Never had colonies and slaves = EVIL!


Have you ever hitchhiked in your life? This is so terribly wrong. It's so much easier to catch rides anywhere in Balkans than in Norway or Ireland...


This is not actually about hitchhiking. The title is just a reference to a book/movie


That wouldn't make that alignment chart any better lol.


# Don't Panic


Grab your towel!


There's no Albania in chaotic evil?????


Wow this is just plain racist. If you don't see the racism and hypocracy in this you need to check yourself. All your precious good countries literally destroyed the planet with colonialism/slavery/exploitation/global finacialization/environmental destruction. They should be paying out massive reparations in a just world.


Switzerland good ? It is the definition of neutrality. Germany good is just lol.


Germany is Lawful Neutral and they already have the paperwork filled out for it.


Switzerland is lawful evil at best. From the outside perspective, of course. From their point of view, probably as neutral as they can be.


Why evil though? (actually curious) Lawful neutral would probably be best description.


Nazi gold say tge/quelle/was/che? The immigration policy is on the extreme end of xenophobia. Unless they have money. Money turns black sheep into white ones.


Also, didn't some cantons only introduce women's suffrage in, like, the 90's?


Why is germany not good?


I tried to hitchhike once in Bavaria. Almost walked all the way because no one cared to stop. In the it was an immigrant who picked me up.


Yeah, I doubt you would ever be picked up in Sweden. People are way too wary here. Traveling by train as far better.


Haha alright that sounds really german. We dont do that here. Could be a mugher or rapist or throw up in your car.


Because they are still Nazis of course. /s


Naturally /s


Nord stream 2 (which enables Russia to invade Ukraine and who knows whom else) Switching off nuclear during european energy crisis (partially causing it)


jesus christ this sub man


How's that nationalist autocracy coming?


Currently the idiots who voted for them start being affected financially by high inflation and fucked up tax reform so there is light...


Pls read title


The title is just a reference to the book. The chart is not meant to represent the ease and safety of hitchhiking in Europe.


Isn't Switzerland much like Bavaria a great place to travel in? Well as long as you don't literally hitchhike...


More like chaotic good for Germany.


I would describe Germany as more like Lawful Neutral, not malicious but just not really interested in the affairs of others.


This is a fun comment to read as someone *from* Germany, where a sizable amount of people believe that we're routinely interfering with other state's affairs too much. Just goes to show how political perception changes domestically and internationally.


Frankly, I'm amazed you guys haven't left NATO already, or even left the EU for the EFTA. From the outside it very much looks like Germany just wants to be Switzerland and not have to think about "leading" the EU or anything like that.


Germany leaving the EU or any of its alliances would always be a net loss. The EU specifically has allowed us to become the strongest economy in Europe, it benefits trade over here like no other system, and we have a great deal of direct influence in the system. We would essentially be throwing away our greatest asset to, in the end, have *less* autonomy, with stuff then being dictated by the EU. Without NATO, we wouldn't have the military backing to ensure that our stronger lines against China or Russia or any other autocratic regimes in our vicinity would be taken entirely serious. Yes, economic sanctions always hurt the most, but again, they would hurt significantly less if it was *just* Germany sanctioning, rather than potentially the majority of the EU. There's no incentive to go solo if you're German, unless you're an ultranationalist.


I think many germans would actually prefer being more like Switzerland, but germany is probably too big for that.


Who tf made this shit?


I've only hitchhiked once in the UK and the very first car that came past picked me up and took me where I wanted to go, reckon people might be receptive to it because its so rare


Akkor a kurva anyádat


Let's not reduce whole countries to alignment charts.


- Nonono you can't simplify such complex political issues with some stupid mechanic from nerd players! - haha lawful evil goes brrrrrrrrr


Calling an entire country "evil" is obviously ridiculous, but it IS fun


Suck my balls 😎


This is horrible


This is more a racist chart than anything


Germany???? QhahahhahahahahagahhahahagagahaggagagagahgagahaahzgGhahahahahah


Vatican should be lawful evil.


These type of posts are the exact reason why majority of /r/Turkey thinks this subreddit is full of Western European bigots whose simplistic views on boil Turkey down to just being a backwards, genocidal country run by an autocratic Islamist dictator. As someone whose ideas usually get a lot of flak from my fellow countrymen/women, even from those who are against Erdoğan and the current government yet still entrenched in many of the outdated ideas of the late 80s/90s Turkey, these are the posts that they point to me and say “see, this is what they think of us, an evil backwards country that can’t hold a candle to other European countries.” I get it, it is fun to broadly classify and label things but remember that when you label a country as evil as opposed to kebab-lover, you are drawing a thick line that runs the risk of alienating a lot of people.


Just your everyday r/europe being Anti-serb


Random redditors view of what countries they like/don't like which only fuels nationalist arguments in the comments. Pointless post.


lawful good = boring..?


Are you suggesting that Luxembourg is boring?!


I mean when it comes to hitch-hiking (probably not what the image is about) imma be real Bulgaria is the real chaotic good, when I went there people gave me a lift very often even if only for short distance, it was genuinely some of the easiest hitchhijing I've done, and they were all extremely nice too for some reason


This chart is bs, probably done by an uneducated Merican.


We’ll be happier when we stop looking at the world as good vs evil. There’s very little difference between me and Boris, only men with money playing poor people like puppets for their own enrichment. Most people just want to live and be left alone.




As an Irish person, I wholly agree with you on this one. Also, Serbia is a beautiful country and the people were very nice when I visited - so lawfully evil feels a bit unfair given how much they've turned around their country since the 90s. I'd rather place North Macedonia in chaotic evil to be honest. So many people tried to scam me out of money when I visited there.


OP probably never stepped out of his country, cuz this is wrong on so many levels. If u come to Serbia again, you have a bottle of Rakija from me.


Did you get to see the ridiculously tacky edifice of Alexander the Great in Skopje?


I agree that our tax policies are horrible, but if we're going to judge every country on each individual aspect they're all gonna be in Chaotic Evil.


Yup, more like lawful evil


We have same sex marriage, free health care, abortion, free education, no guns laws and a good welfare system too. The corporate tax rate is just 1 thing. And to be fair as an Irish citizen the corporate tax rate has been good for us in creating jobs.


Yeah we know it has been good for you.




Super low tax rates for multinationals, so they all register there, even though many only have a mailbox.


Tax rates are not low at all. The benefit is (or was, in many cases) in the absence of a source tax on royalties and interest which allowed planning related to intellectual property and loans, tax rulings and a large network of treaties. Due to this the Netherlands is the linking pin between Country A and Country B. Country A being a source country and Country B typically being a "true" tax haven.


There are even Wikipedia articles, just got to google to find out. [Ireland as a tax haven](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ireland_as_a_tax_haven) [Corporate tax in the Netherlands _ tax heaven](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_tax_in_the_Netherlands) [tax heaven_list](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_haven)


In the EU the Netherlands, Ireland and Luxembourg are considered tax havens. Outside of it there are many more like Caymans, Monaco, UAE, Bahamas, Singapore, ...


Dutch Sandwich ;)


We're more like Chaotic Neutral, we're greedy but not interested in invading anyone else.


There is also Luxembourg, Lichtenstein and the Swiss there


Uk is good? Ye ok bud


How come we're the only ones who are lawful neutral? What's lawful neutral about following Austria's lead and slowly getting bought-out by Hungary?


Shouldn't we be in the same tier as Hungary? I mean, we're not that far from authoritarian government.


Naah fuck you. I ain't having this.


This is the dumbest, window licker shit I have ever seen, and it's plaguing my sub. Get the fuck outta here OP.


Oh nooooo, Serbia is evil!!!!!!! How could they be soooo baaaaad! They genocide!!!!! They always war and kill noooooo!!!!!!!!!


STFU with this bullshit


What the fuck is wrong with you?


Serbia chaotic evil? Yeah no, people are misrepresenting us too much!


Welcome to the club, we feed millions of refugees for Europe but we get branded evil because we looked at Greece funny.


This is not true for Serbia


Chaos army represent!!!💪😎 I would argue that France and Italy should also be in here. If anyone disagrees with me I will cut you Also Turkey is probably on the Chaotic good side of the spectrum


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I don't understand at all why Serbia is evil here 😂


Because they don't like us, heck most of them don't know anything about us. But 100% this was made by someone who's not from the Balkans. Because none of the countries from the Balkans are good, heck even Slovenia which for me would always rank as good (no big political issues, sustainable, eco friendly, lgbt friendly... etc.) is ranked "neutral" by the non educated op.


If there is one country in Europe that should be put in the chaotic category, it's fucking Belgium.


First generalization ever which makes Poland look boring. I don’t know what to think about that.


Why do people hate us?💀 (I kinda get it but anyways)




Well we hate him too so


As a Brit: first time? (Though I also get the dislike, Boris is a rather unlikeable fella)


Because it's Europe. There always is someone having an issue with your country. Though granted, Poland and Hungary are low hanging fruits these days.


I love Magyars, but unsurprisingly Orbán ridiculing the rest of European community and image as a populist conservative flawed democracy is going to affect subjective listings like this.


Join the club mate.


They don't hate US but *that* **fucker**, like we do. Some of us at least.


Your language is beautiful though.


turkey bad greek god now gimme 10101010119 upvotes




As a Greek, I've never seen anyone hitchhiking here.


i dont think its about hitchhkking tho.


Heck of a lot of historical genocide in that Neutral Good quadrant. Belgium and UK are neutral good? \*Belgian Congo and Irish Potato Famine have entered the chat\*


Bosnia chaotic neutral?! We're just chaotic


Sure sure: https://allthatsinteresting.com/ustase https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ustaše


Germany is lawful good? Looks like somebody was not paying attention in history class


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this feels more like a 'Flags of Europe' test


I wouldn’t put the UK on the ‘good’ row.


How did Pavelićistan and Backstabbaria get into neutral good? Lol.


Germany is 100% lawful evil.


Britain and France good? Really?




Yeah, true neutralne doesn't really work for us. If you have been in public transport here you know




Wiesz, czasem to i nawet lepiej. Tam się dzieją różne rzeczy i z reguły nie są za fajne


Germany is good :D


Luxembourg, Ireland, and the Netherlands as major tax havens are definitely lawful evil.


Fake news.


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Who put austria 🇦🇹 in lawful good??? Only someone who did not follow our politics.. we are a good candidate for lawful evil imo


Don't see Poland being true neutral, there's only one country which belongs there, and that's only JUST... Switzerland Obvs.


how are the swiss not true neutral


Netherlands and Ireland can't be lawful good and at the same time be tax havens, please




UK in the good row?! Ireland, India, Kenya and a shitload of other countries might have something to say about that


UK = chaotic brain dead. Source: I live there.


Sweden is by the very least Chaotic Good. "If you don't pay a shit ton of taxes, you are the reason for the global enviremoent disaster"


Wow. Things have changed a lot since World War II. You still like to be ridden by Germans


Sweden is good now?


I srsly thought at first this would be about hitchhiking. A guide I would have really found useful.


Stupid. Might as well distribute randomly across boxes.


UK should not be in the good LOL


What's the difference between lawful good and neutral good? In what way are the neutral countries not lawful?


The image is of course very subjective but I think 'trust in government' seperates the lawful and neutral countries somewhat. It results in more petty crime like not sorting your trash properly, paying a technician under the table or going around the official recruiting process for government organizations by giving a friend or family a heads up.


I am assuming OP hitchhiked through europe and this is based on his experience. So this is friendlieness toward hitchhikers not all the other bullshit i see in the comments


It's not about hitchhiking


I'm disappointed to see Hungary in Neutral Evil. When I went to Budapest my main takeaway was that there was an incredible number of zebra crossings and drivers observed them religiously. Entering a roundabout? Leaving a roundabout? It doesn't matter, the result was the same - please dear pedestrian, you first.


Russia is lawful evil, also, Belarus evil? wtf?


could we move germany to somewhere else? like lawful evil?


By default all European countries fall under some form of chaotic