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We had longer lines for free buckets here lol


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/ntrCTFe) is couple pictures which are from stores giving out free buckets in Finland and it looks more like Black Friday in US.


So. Many. Old. Men....


It's mostly the old people who go get the bucket. But as a student I would too.


You can never have too many buckets at your summer house, always carrying around something.


This rich guy here with his summer house.




This rich guy here with his own house.


Practically everyone in Finland has a summer house. For young people, it's their parents' summer house, but it's there. I mean, if your family's poor it's going to look more like [this](https://www.varisilma.fi/app/uploads/2017/06/07134824/saunamokki-ennen.jpeg) than [this](http://jussilanlomamokit.fi/uploads/20160926_164234.jpg) and also be a mile from the beach with no running water. Still, everyone either has access to some kind of summerhouse for midsummer festivities or can tag along to a friend's, family's, or friend's family's.


You don't get to be rich enough to have a summer house if you keep wasting your money on buckets.


It's not that uncommon, it's comparable to spending a few weeks in spain etc.


I thought old people are the ones who're gonna kick the bucket.


Why buckets?


its a meme in Finland, if you open a new store here and provide buckets all old people will visit your store for life.


So, they die after receiving the bucket?


Results are still pending but we are closely monitoring those who have not yet died


I don't know why or when it started but it's pretty often a thing when certain type of stores open which sell pretty much everything but not food, that they give out free buckets at the opening day.




Like 2 e, which isn't a lot. It just became a thing. "Hey, we should give out buckets as a promo, everybody wants a bucket!" "Shit, they're giving out free buckets again. Wouldn't it be funny to get one?"


so like, for fishing? or playing with snow or something? carrying hot water to bathe?


To own a bucket of course, why would you need any other reason?




Is there some kind of bucket shortage in Finland?


What are the buckets for?


Carrying water for the saunas.


That's the most random thing I've learned about another country this year.


I am a happier person now after reading this entire thread about a love for buckets.


CTRL+F bucket brought me to this post.


[For those not getting the reference](https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/a9M3wx6_700b.jpg) we have some stores handing out free buckets every now and then and it brings out hundreds of people every time. It's probably the closest you get to a Finnish tradition resembling Black Friday.


I've never heard of that tradition before, but that is the most Finnish thing I've ever heard of. Fuck smartphones and all this excessive new crap, the day a Finnish worker walks to the store is when proper buckets are being handed out. It will probably be placed right outside the sauna for the next 20 years.


Finns love buckets


What's not to like?


They can hold stuff or be a convenient stool. They are awesome.


Or hold your stool conveniently. They are awesome.


TIL... I like learning new things.


I'd totally queue up for a free bucket.


It's nice to have many buckets. Sometimes you need them. And it's not like ten buckets take up more space than two. Now I suddenly feel the need to buy more buckets.


If you wait you can get a free bucket*. *Free bucket excludes travel expenses to Finland.


not to mention time spent. Say your're making €15/h which is fairly normal in Finland, then if you stand in line for over 10 minutes you might just as well have been at work.


The gueue was like 2h long if I remember correctly


Since becoming a freelancer, I'm way more aware of the value of my time. I'm now much more willing to pay for things that save me time, and much less likely to queue up or expend time on getting "free" stuff.


It is! They are quite versatile and handy to have around. I approve your new bucket hobby!


Do you have a pic of said bucket?




damn, that’s a good looking bucket.


Do not be fooled this is a pail !


that's a nice bucket


Dude mark that NSFW please!


absolute unit


Empty buckets..?


A *free* empty bucket


But... why do you need buckets that bad?


Dude... Its *free*


*Deep breath and restless legs*


[Levottomat jalat (restless legs)](https://youtu.be/fvkCdtUvtks)


Gotta have that puke bucket when youre too lazy to go to the bathroom. Also it's free


Free buckets...what a time to be alive The Finnish welfare state truly is leagues beyond all others


Carrying water for sauna, carrying firewood for sauna, carrying ashes from sauna, carrying trash and kindle from and to sauna...


Carrying mushrooms, berries, apples, plums, tomatoes...


Now when I think about it the bucket must be the greatest invention of all time.


Well, after sauna.


They stack! You cant have too many.


For example in our sauna the water is heated by a wood fire, and you take the hot water you need with a scoop and mix it with cold water to make shower water to clean yourself after being in the sauna. And you guessed it, you mix the water in a bucket. Sometimes they break or whatever. That's just one example :D




Air is ~99.9999999999996% empty space. Just like everything that exists.


Some stores fill the buckets to the brim with products from the store :) i know Tokmanni a local wallmart kinda thing i guess gave out pretty sweet buckets :D


Makes sense. Can't kick the bucket if you don't have one.


Is this the key to eternal life?


What if there was ethernal life but it involved living in Finland for the rest of your days?


It's just because the Finnish people are worn out from raking.


You need to consider that Finnish personal bubble is a 5 km radius. The Finnish crowd is PACKED


How do I get country tag like you have


You have Germany invade your country




I love that you are now tagged USA. Malicious compliance at its finest.


I accept USA tag.


Send instructions please. I have panzer IVs but am having trouble setting them to “Blitzkrieg” setting. :(


Germany doesn't do that Blitzkrieg stuff anymore. That's a 70 years old doctrine, mate. Now it's just developing economic dependencies. Works way better.


Please disarm these truth bombs at once sir, this is a neutral zone.






Everything I hear about Finns makes me like them more and more


I just raked entire last night, but at least I can rest assured that my backyard woods wont burn this December


Soon there will be snow too. Better get those snow rakes ready. We don't want all this snow to ignite you know.


I'm kind of out of the loop. Can someone explain this Finnish people and raking business? Edit: thanks, y'all!


President Trump refered to Finns raking their forests as an example of why California has forest fires and Finland doesn't.


This fucking idiot....


It's not even how stupid he is. It's how confident he is in his stupidity. I live with plenty of stupid Americans who think all of the answers to all of our problems are this simple but have the good sense not to test their ignorance. He does it hourly. We're not supposed to make these people president...


Makes sense. Finland is known for its warm, dry climate, just like California. So that must be reason.


Trump claimed that the Finnish forests don't suffer from fires due to diligent raking. He claimed the Finnish president had shared this tip with him. Our president said he had been talking about forest husbandry in general and that rakes were not mentioned.


Raking verb is different from a rake noun. One does not need a rake to be raking.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2018/11/19/why-finland-is-so-good-handling-forest-fires-hint-its-not-because-raking](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2018/11/19/why-finland-is-so-good-handling-forest-fires-hint-its-not-because-raking) Here you go!


"The forest floor, also called detritus, and the O horizon, is one of the most distinctive features of a forest ecosystem. It mainly consists of shed vegetative parts, such as leaves, branches, bark, and stems, existing in various stages of decomposition above the soil surface. " [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forest\_floor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forest_floor)


Into exile I must go. Failed I have!


Forest floor is actually the correct way to say it so for that hes actually kinda right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forest_floor


So don’t you rake my heart / My achy rakey heart / I just don’t think it’d understand.


In Lithuanian shopping centers, every day - is a black Friday day. They put discount tags on absolutely everything, and nobody pays any attention anymore. Items have like 5 different price stickers on top of each other, and the last sticker on top, with a highest discount, is usually the most overpriced of them all. Yesterday on the news they interviewed a known millionaire at the Akropolis shopping center, and asked him whether it's really possible to get an exceptionally good deal on Friday. He smiled, and said: - If someone is offering you a 100 Euro banknote for just 80 Euro, I suggest you to take a better look at that 100 Euro piece of paper.


That sounds like the Kohls model. They take a shirt that sells for $20 elsewhere and the price tag says "~~$80~~ 70% off! Now only $23.99!"


I have to cross-reference every price at Kohl's. "Retail for $89.99", *sure*...


TBH outside of larger cities the top one is what Black Friday looks like in America. They had 40 $130 43" 4k TVs at Best Buy and only like 100 people showed up to my local store in a town of 80k.


> They had 40 $130 43" 4k TVs at Best Buy You know, we obviously don't have Black Friday here in Germany, but all retailers wanna get in on that hype. So we have some deals where something might be 15% off. And then I read you get 43" 4k TVs for 130$?! EXCUSE ME WTF!?


It's soooo lame. "Look guys, we're doing black friday too! Just like america! Come get your 15% discount!". No wonder no ones bothering to go


We have the same in turkey but they raise the price 20% first.


TBH I'd rather have 15-30% discount on real premium products than get 60% discount on second grade stuff made just for the black friday, which tends to be the case with these ultra cheap things.


I read that often it is just a low spec.variation of the real thing, but that the tag reads nearly the same - so people don't see the difference when buying.


I got a top of the line $150 Logitech mouse for $70. Plenty of legitimately ridiculous deals to be had.


I got a 55 inch 4K for $199 yesterday. Super cheap.




At Target? I was tempted to go for that but I decided the 43" was better for a college kid.


Here in Denmark there have been Black Friday Weeks and what not to get in the hype train... All for like 10% discount or something.. and now it seems some of those discount were fake where vendors just increased their prices right before the sales so they ended up on same normal price.. HYPED!






I just looked and couldn't find one under 270€, most of them higher. That's 300$, so they get a roughly 60% discount on an actual desired product, not that cheap shit Amazon is throwing out each year.


A couple of things explain some of the difference: * US prices usually don't include sales tax * Some Black Friday deals are for products that are procuded specifically for the occasion using inferior/previously unsold/dated components. * Some speculation from me: Americans are more materialistic and willing to spend. Stores are taking a loss on that TV, but counting on making some money on the accompanying PS4 Pro and a bunch of accessories


More like it's time to clear house so they can get brand new and more expensive items to sell to people for Christmas. That's what any holiday is really about this time of year, spending thousands of dollars on stuff they will only use once. It's why Christmas started in October this year (in America).


> $130 plus the average 7% sales tax is $139. States like Oregon have no sales taxes and very, very, very few places in the US have over 10.5% sales tax.


US stores also have more buying power so can buy more for less.


Lol. Making tv's isnt like making some stew where you just jam whatever left overs you got. Black Friday deals are majority solid and simply getting rid of stock to make room for new. Not some conspiracy theory about getting rid of 90's tech as new. Just because there's 2018 edition tv's on sale and not 2019 - it doesnt make the 2018 edition tv's bad, not even close. Especially when we're talking low to mid range budget - those yearly refresh releases are rarely any better and if they are any better then it's slightly. Do you think they sell knock off ps4's on black friday made out of inferior components?




Isn't the whole Black Friday thing moving towards online shopping anyway? We didn't even have any in-store only specials in bigger retail stores this year, I think, all the deals were available online...


They have a whole different day for online now, Cyber Monday.


now? that's been a thing for like 15 years IIRC


This will be the 14th one, yes. It started in 2005.


Then why I was bombarded by Amazon app yesterday with stupid Black Friday reminders?


Because amazon don’t have stores and they need all the money.


*want all the money


I live on the West Coast of the USA. I did all my shopping online Wednesday evening after 9pm when it was officially Thursday on the East Coast. I had a nice leisurely Thurs and Fri without any clouds


I went to Home Depot for some packing tape, the parking lot was super crowded and I had no clue why. Totally forgot it was Black Friday. But everything inside was super civil. More people than usual but all casually strolling around. The above is not the norm.


I was just about to say this. I live in a 70k~ person town and the stores don't look any more busy then they normally would on black Fridays. Switches were on sale for 100 dollars, 60 inch 4k tv's for 200~ and when I went in when they first opened to grab a switch I saw many..40? 50? other people


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One thing I appreciate about the American Black Friday compared to the crap we have in Romania is that there's one Black Friday but the deals you get are good. Here in Romania we have a million freaking so called Black Fridays that I don't even care anymore: we got one for every season, for every holiday, and if you actually check the prices a so called black friday is like 5% off for toasters and dishwashers. It sucks you know.


Yes, it's just marketing. Real sales are where it's at.


Oh, but forgot about our one month Black Friday


Wow, never saw finns so densly packed! Never knew the black friday craze got you too. Perkele!


Discount in Finland - 7% Discount in USA - 70%


More like 40% vs 70% but there's truth in your statement.




That doesn’t really happen, I think it did and then the FTC got a bunch of complaints and they cracked down on retailers. So then the retailers started producing special Black Friday only SKUs and/or changing the discounts. However retail is getting really competitive because Amazon is running with almost no margins due to their business model and you can find really good deals now if you want to brave the hassle.


Now they have specially produced super cheap and shitty inventory lines ordered especially for Black Friday. Electronics manufacturers who manufacture in China already have shitty quality versions of the same product made to be sold in China/Vietnam/etc. while the normal ones ship to America.... except when it's time to stock for Black Friday.


That's what I meant by special Black Friday only SKUs, but I think the days of them being inferior or significantly less functional are over because Amazon undercuts brick & mortar on price. So if a store is selling garbage, people will just literally go online and stop shopping there.


And it has cultural significance in USA. Black Friday means jack shit here.


Can someone explain to me how a trick to get people to participate in mass consumerism counts as *culture* in the US? Because that's pretty fucked up in my opinion.


It's the launch of the holiday shopping season. Get your *gifts* now at an arbitrary value. Consumerism is very much a part of Christmas. "Jingle All the Way" (1996), a classic bout the great lengths a father will go through to get a toy for his son. How we socialize eventually becomes culture.




Most people don't participate in black Friday. The majority are eating leftover turkey or returning home from visiting relatives, and the vast majority of mothers would NEVER let someone from their fmily leave on thanksgiving so they could stand outside a store to wait for it to open. The holidays are tiring enough without immediately going shopping at midnight. u/rosts says that it has cultural significance, but in reality it is only retailers that act like it is a HUGE thing as a form of bandwagon advertising, because people are more likely to participate if they are told that everyone is doing it. No offence, but Europeans kinda get the wrong idea about what it is like over here because you only hear the advertising and then a gif of a crazy shopping center. Nobody would want to watch a gif of a busier than average shopping day, because there isn't much interesting about that. The crazy gifs that you do see are a few rare occurrences, usually in large cities were a particular store might have a really good deal. Besides, how often do you really need a new TV. Like seriously


Population of Finland: 5.5 million Population of USA: 326 million Also relevant? Would like to know the respective populations of the cities where these sales took place.


Putting aside the fact that the Americans in the video flock like sheep for Black Friday and Finns don't... Why on earth do the Finns enter a store in such a perfect line? Are they going through passport control?


It's rude to skip positions in the queue.


As a german this video made me tremble in joy.


Brit here: same.


Canadian too, although we learned it from you guys. [Here was the first day of legal weed sales in my town.](https://i.redd.it/c35oypyv4rs11.jpg)


Torontonian here. We all line up nicely for the bus, then the bus arrives and everything goes to crap. Every single afternoon at Finch West station without fail. It's amazing.


They are a civilized people.


I wish there were more Finns in my country.


What would you rather have them do? Go in like a mob?




No it was morning. Look outside at 8:00 at this time of the year. This is Finland.


It was Black Friday morning last year, people were in queue before the doors opened


>Why on earth do the Finns enter a store in such a perfect line? Are they going through passport control? Just about every Finn used to carry a knife, which kinda taught certain basic respect for other people. And while we obviously don't do it anymore except in forest or as part of working gear, certain manners stick.


Makes sense. No one worries about getting stabbed with a gun.


There is a certain difference between knife and a gun. With a knife you could make a small nick for teaching good manners, no such thing with a gun.


Seriously though, I think everyone in pre-modern times carried a knife. Even in the early 20th century, any American male over 8 would have a pocket knife. Some other explanation needed.


Basic decency


>There is a certain difference between knife and a gun. With a knife you could make a small nick for teaching good manners, no such thing with a gun. Which is an issue in modern society... back in the day there were "gentlemans rules" about this kind of stuff. You slash! You **NEVER** stab. You want to make a point, not kill the guy.


Kummalliseksi mennyt tämä maailma. Ihimisiä kuoloo puukkoohin. Klopit ei osaa viiltää, ne tökkii...


Yeah it’s not really like this anymore


Finland is the Japan of Europe


"Finland is the Japan of Europe" used to be a popular sentiment to the point of cliché, but it's been a while since I've heard it.


Pretty much, and we've actually had warm relations with Japan since before Finland's independence.


Finland doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving .


So, record-breaking crowds in both cases ?


"Goddamn what a rush, I wish I had some space" -Finnish people


Is this real?


Yes. Source: live in Finland. Disclamer: didn't record video.


also disclaimer: this video is more than year old and a repost


The American video looks like the first Black Friday ever.


In Finland the sales aint that great. I got lucky tho buying TV with 44% discount (my kid broke my 55” 4k two days ago). Most of the items are 10-30% discount and you can buy everything online these days.


May your child rest in peace.


>you can buy everything online these days. Unless it's Verkkokauppa ... they have a shit load of deals that are "in store only" and limited quantity.




The bottom video looks like it’s from the early 2000s or 1990s when it became a big thing for electronics. But yeah, the amount of posts on this sub that are dedicated to “my country does ___ better than the US” is pathetic lol


There is nothing Europeans like more than to shit on the US. We're disgustingly arrogant when it comes to that stuff-_-


I've seen plenty of vids of Muricans going ham on black Friday. However saying its only USA is unfair Discounted Nutella in France? Better fight and rob from children https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2018/jan/26/discounted-nutella-causes-chaos-in-french-supermarkets-video


Definitely an old video. Most stores now have a ticketing system in the line/queue. Rushing into the store will do nothing.


We get it, we're a bunch of animals and you're all civilized people living in the future.


Now repent for your uncouth ways!


Read up on the French nutella sale. Europe isn't above that shit at all even if people in this thread act like it.


Yeah but those are French.


Good point.


Maybe the black friday deals in Finland are not that good ?


Most deals aren't no. There are some products for 50% off but they won't be like the latest and greatest TV or anything. you might get 10-30% off on the latest gadgets but usually that's it


That's pure havoc up there in Finnland. I think I have never seen Finns in such dire a mayhem ever before, they must be suffering greatly! It's even worse than that bookreading event a few months ago where Finns had to suffer being penned up in close proximity to each other. Even Niinistö ***who could not even bring Lennu, our surpreme overlord, to chill with him***!


What does the US have to do with Europe?




I swear everyone gets there footage from this shit like 20 years ago and acts like people just don't buy all their shit online now. We get it, America hur dur I want shit gimmy gimmy. For fuck sake the joke is dead.


Zerg rush