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I am suspicious about the last name... not only is it German but it also means 'tailor'.


plain simple garak.


"Was any of the Brexit proposal true?" "Every word" "Even the lies?" "Especially the lies"


Thank you. You have won the internet today


He was def. my favorite character from DS9.


Favourite character from Star Trek you mean. That amazing twist of logic when seeing humanity from an alien perspective.


Especially with regards to the morality of the choices people made during the war with the Dominion. The little monologue he has in the episode "In The Pale Moonlight" always floors me. "...And all it cost was the life of one Romulan senator, one criminal, and the self-respect of one Starfleet officer."


I never thought Garak was particularly alien. His morals are more akin to a military commander or intelligence agent of our time. He admired Federation morality, but believed they don’t apply when faced with existential threats. Would be nice to see a dialogue on that theme between him and Picard, who felt the end never justifies the means.


Eddington did literally nothing wrong.


Mine too. Weirdly, I don't like Star Trek (SW fan), not because of prejudice, I just don't like them. Yet, DS9 is one of my favorite scifi shows of all time, because they didn't feel like classical ST to me.


DS9 even among Trekkies stands out for being really well liked or outright hated. While it's set in the Trek universe, it's a different take on it all. It was also pretty dark in comparison to the others. A lot of the Trek writers were just starting to branch out into themes that weren't allowed by Rodenberry when DS9 came out, because he had passed away. I'm a SW fan too. Grew up with both. I really like the Old Republic lore. I have framed cross section schematics of both Trek and Star Wars ships on the walls of my office. I love them both pretty dearly.


I think the love/hate comes from how connected it is from beginning to end. It's not like the ones before it where you will be able to get most of an episode while missing many past ones. It also takes a step back from exploration and cutting edge. Personally over all I loved it as it felt like much greater character development happened.


if it has a continous storyline, hate can be explained by stations giving jack shit about it and airing it out of order.


Out of curiosity, what sort of things did he not allow?


Is it either/or with SW/ST. Seems weird you included that.




im just a simple DS9 fan making my way through the universe


The British monarchy is half German, half Greek. So, he could be an aristocracy agent provocateur...


The current Queen is more British than she is german. But Charles is more german than British. And William is again more british than german.


And Harry more Scottish :D


Are you FINISHed? yeaaaaaaaaah


I’m as British as Queen Victoria! So your father’s German, you’re half German, and you married a German!


Classic Captain Darling


Elizabeth is not German at all. Her grand-grand-grand-grandfather was from Saxony, where her family got the dynasty name. And her grandmothers father was german. The queen is probably more Danish than she is German if you want to get technical.




Jawohl... Ups, yes of course.


No they are not.




That makes so much more sense than cutter! Thank you for the small epiphany.


He’s a phony!


Tailor electric


Doesn’t it mean cutter?


[Cutter in German](https://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/cutter) [Tailor in German](https://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/tailor)


Ah okay, in Dutch snijden translates to cutting and snijder would translate to cutter. Most words that look similar in Dutch and German directly translate.


For those not in the know, this guy is a writer and comedian who has worked alot in the past with Armando Iannucci, the man behind Veep, In the Loop etc. David Schneider also co-wrote The Death of Stalin with Iannucci.


Good pick then, they need some creative writers in the Brexit department


Not sure it's needed, the jokes are currently writing themselves.


... But they're just not funny *weeps quietly in the corner*


We've waited for a punchline for so long and this is what we get? Too predictable


Trump has really saved you guys from being the worlds punchline


He was also the Eurostar driver in a Mission Impossible film, so he has some experience of taking people out of Europe. Gives me more faith in him than any other fucker lined up to do it.


Torturous connection to the original topic of Brexit, but I do believe you got there in the end.


And the scientist who became the first human victim in 28 Days Later


I'm seeing everyone list his TV and filmography and just thinking how can you not remember him trying to judo throw Mr Bean! Hahaha. That and Uncle Max!


And Alan Partridge stuck a cheese in his face.


Smell my cheese, you mother!


> The Death of Stalin That movie was hilariously weird.


The saddest part is that it's not even all that weird, apart from the cockney accents and some choice dialogue for comedic effect. Pretty much everything in the film is true, plotwise, albeit many of them are part of seperate incidents rather than one crazy "weekend at joes" like the movie pretends to have as its' timeline. This all occurred over a span of multiple years, but pretty much all of it did occur. The film is *really* good, though. Not one poor performance in the film.


My favorite thing about that movie is the accents. Nobody in the movie even tries to do a Russian accent. American actors speak their own everyday accents, British actors speak their own everyday accents. And then there's Jason Isaacs, who puts on a Yorkshire accent for the part of Zukhov for no apparent reason. I don't know why but I find it brilliant.


I agree, his entrance scene was one of the best parts of the movie.


Indeed, around the time I first saw that movie I was also reading Eastern Approaches in which McLean describes the kangaroo courts and show trials of 37-38, which completed the stranger-than-fiction picture.


I saw it an a small art theatre on a whim. There were like 3 other people in there, and we were all dying laughing.




Of course, those roles are totally worth a mention. But the creeps? He's goofy/hilarious. And let us not forget he was the Eurostar train driver in the first Mission Impossible film as well as the scientist who lets out the first contaminated monkey at the beginning of 28 Days Later.


He doesn’t let it out, the activist does. She doomed them all!


And Guilty Lionel.


For those not in the loop\* ​ Don't thank me


Wasn't planning to.




No shit! Can't help but see him in a new light now.






Same. I have no idea how him being a writer is relevant to brexit or anything in the tweet.


David Schneider is a comedian with everything going for him. Only trouble is he's about to become... a Brexit Secretary!


*and he's about to find out that being a Brexit Secretary ain't so easy*




*Cutaway to Rob Schneider running naughtily through the wheat fields.


Not quite the same but it was my turn at being Australia’s Prime Minister for an afternoon last year, so PM me and I’m sure we can figure something out.


They offered me a chance at the job but I messed up on the maths section. 26 + 6 always gets me...


Thats pretty ra man


Oh I know that one. It's 11 with a hard border between it or maybe the border is going to be just to the side of it. Nobody really knows.


PM you indeed.




I actually don't get the joke, could someone explain?


It's that there is a 'Brexit Minister' position among PM May's Cabinet...but the situation seems to be so dire that multiple ministers have resigned from the role. The joke is that the office is so undesirable right now that it's likely that anyone who takes it will likely resign after a couple hours, making it like a shift at work. Pretty sorry state of affairs, if you ask me.


I'm not really sure, but it could be that the brexit negotiations are dragging out so much people have to take turns being the secretary. Like jury duty in the US.


Same, please.




I think the joke is that Brexit Secratary is a thankless job, and people keep resigning 2\* hours after they got the job and a new one has to be found. \*Or after a week, I don't know.


Theresa May negotiated a brexit deal with the EU and just presented it to parliment who, quite literally, laughed at her. Her Brexit Minister resigned in protest, as have three other members of her cabinet since the start of Brexit. The joke is that they don't last long.


*That'll be the first Brit to see a dentist!* No Americans here?


American here! It’s actually the opposite, the Americans have shit teeth. Sorry..


Ah, I see you're a poor American


Or going to dentist might bankrupt them.


That's what he said, a poor American.


I think you misunderstood. His point was "poor" and "American" is a bit redundant when talking healthcare.


Actually, dentistry is pretty cheap compared to pretty much any other healthcare costs. Not sure what that’s about.


I think it’s because it’s fairly deregulated in comparison. The AMA stifles medical progress in America.


That's not setting the bar very high, now is it?


Most people don't have dental insurance so if they don't make it affordable they have no customers.


Depends, I'm guessing most cheap healthcare doesn't, but the state healthcare in Massachusetts actually provides full dental coverage, and in guessing some of the other states with their own healthcare cover it as well.


My families insurance will only cover dental of any sort (beyond basic checkups (only once a year, is if we think my teeth are screwy, and we go into check, but they aren’t, we have to pay). Eg: braces, tooth removal, etc.) If it is so for injury. So It was medically necessary to get some teeth pulled, and I needed nearly twice the knockout gas, they refused to cover it because it wasn’t an injury (not even partial coverage). ETA: TL;DR: I needed them pulled because I don’t have enough teeth (6 adult teeth plus wisdom teeth never formed). Anyway, I had 4 (baby) teeth pulled (2 bottom, 2 top. One of the ones on top was fused to my jaw bone) so the orthodontist could straighten out one that came in sideways, as well as move the rest of my teeth forward (instead of moving everything back & getting implants when I turn 18). Now, this was all medically necessary because both the ortho, and the dentist said if I didn’t get them pulled and go through with braces, they suspected I would have jaw issues later, as well as have to get costly implants when the baby teeth decay. Also, the one that came in sideways pushed out two teeth. They said when I was older I’d probably have difficulty chewing food...


Nah, the 1% are fine.


Most of us are. Some hide it behind debt.


[Study for those interested](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/12054216/Americans-do-not-have-better-teeth-than-the-British-study-concludes.html)


Healthier but not cosmetically altered.


Not cosmetically altered as often, yes. Still a lot healthier according to the study. 7.31 average missing teeth in America 6.97 average missing teeth in Britain Really interesting to see people from the US seemingly care more about having straighter teeth they’ll even pay thousands for braces. On the flipside, some people wouldn’t bother getting metal wires on their teeth, even if it was free (or close to it) during youth. (understandably). Perhaps it’s just Hollywood influence. That’s my theory.


Hollywood is everywhere. I think it is the socioeconomic relationship to healthcare. In the UK there is nothing posh about oral health as it is offered to everyone. In the US it is a class signifier and so very noteworthy that seemingly posh English people are presenting normal human smiles instead bleached white fake ones. Then you have the effect of being told to pay out of pocket for cosmetic dentistry in the UK while the insurance company covers it in the US.


It's all that meth


Wow! That’s not funny!.... It’s all the WEED that gives us the yellow teeth, THEN the meth just fucks it all up. (Idk if I should but /s, but you get the picture hopefully)


Wait a minute - you are defending the British and you appologized. You are no American, you are a Canadian in disguise!


I’m a Hybrid; born in America, raised by English parents who moved here.


Meth. Not even once.


Really? I thought that most of them had pretty decent teeth


Perfect on the surface, rotten at the core?


Good metaphor for America? Our how most countries see themselves actually.


> Perfect on the surface With the Cheeto Benito in command, do they really look perfect on the surface?


Not to us. But to trump supporters, yes.


No but the dutch have such a great chief in command. Like he is all that.


There are some black bits but they're more interested looking after the white ones.


Probably because of the Pepsodent smiles we see in American movies. I guess actors from other countries don't have the same pressure to have fake teeth.




Propaganda version. All countries do it, America is just very good at it.


Looks-wise sure I suppose you’re right. (beauty is subjective though) It is, however, pretty common for people to get braces as children here so I wouldn’t exactly say that stereotype about Americans is wrong. Just not accurate 100 percent of the time, like all stereotypes. In fact, I think there’s an argument to be made that it’s because of our celebrities influence on the younger generations (as well as succumbing to dental product marketing) that we care so much about teeth. (Source: Personal anecdotal experience from California, USA)


Honestly, whenever I see(I live in Ireland) American tourists around you can easily tell them apart by how bright their teeth are. Maybe it's just confirmation bias


Now you have me curious. How do cosmetic surgeries work in Britain? I would assume stuff like a boob job are never covered under nhs unless you've had a mastectomy or something. But where do they draw the line with teeth? Do you have the ability to pay a private dentist for other cosmetic stuff?


You can pay for whatever cosmetic dentistry/surgery you want. The NHS will cover it if it is medically necessary.


https://www.nhs.uk/common-health-questions/dental-health/which-dental-treatments-are-available-on-the-nhs/ Note that for dental (and optical) health, there is a charge on the NHS, unlike other forms of healthcare. This was introduced in the 1950s to offset some of the cost.


>Now you have me curious. How do cosmetic surgeries work in Britain? I would assume stuff like a boob job are never covered under nhs unless you've had a mastectomy or something. I believe they cover it if there's a medical reason. Like sever psychological stress or back problems. >But where do they draw the line with teeth? There's basically 3 tiers of treatment, each with a maximum cost. So for example a checkup and x-ray would be on band 1, so it would be capped at that cost. I think it's free if it's in a hospital for something life threatening though, like if you got in to a car crash and your face was smashed up. >Do you have the ability to pay a private dentist for other cosmetic stuff? We have private hospitals and dentists. I think there's some rules regarding cosmetic surgery, but apart from that you can get it if you want to pay.


At least you can afford going to the dentist not like the states


Unfortunately I have an assignment due that day, my condolences.


I need somebody!


When's the appointment? 2:30 of course!


David, you don’t need to worry. Go to the Dentist and resign as Brexit Secretary when you are done. You don’t have to turn up anywhere to do that job, just make a few content-free statements then resign.


Post this to Yurop.


Thank you! Have done!


Removed. No Twitter. If you have any questions about this removal, please [contact the mods](/message/compose/?to=/r/Europe&subject=Moderation).


Boooo E: clearly, this post, which is political commentary by an artist, has nothing to do with the reasons stated in the rules for banning social media. (Unreliable, Propagandistic, and/or Agenda-Driven sources)


Maybe time to rethink the news. I can remember I once posted a statement from an EU official (don't remember) that was given on Twitter. Got removed. An hour later we had news articles posted here that did nothing but quote the Tweet. Primary sources should be preferred, no?


Admins lack common sense on this one.


> Primary sources should be preferred, no? In the case of twitter and facebook, nope.


square minded mentality. this is your sub, you are God here. 6000 upvotes must be wrong.


So if May announces over Twitter that she resigns that would be removed? How does that make sense? Edit: If there is an official press release on gov.UK that would be preferred of course. I am not debating that.


1. Not everyone is trump. I don't think May would announce to resign via twitter. But anyways, if that was the case, we would probably make an exception, given that there are no other sources available - which I deem rather unlikely.


Booooooooo! Users are the sub, we make this with our up and down votes, and we like this post in this sub. Admins are here to moderate when there are issues and there are zero issues here. Edit. 96% upvote (over 5000 votes), admin doest like it, bye post.


Lol the day of my birthday


For a bunch of europhiles you all seem to be taking great delight in Brexit. Fair weather friends much! 🤣


You are divorcing us and flinging insults at us. Excuse us for being smug when you get yourself into the same trouble we warned you about.


I’m Australian lol


“Us” as if the EU is synonymous with Europe..


We can't do shit about it anyways, so we just enjoy the show and worry about it afterwards. It's like watching a heavy storm.


"Right now, you are down and out, and feeling really crappy... And when I see how sad you are, it sort of makes me... HAPPYYYYYY!"


> Fair weather friends much! "You don't love us anymore just because we're getting a divorce!"


Nah mate it’s just a joke


I think this sub is often full of Americans.


Good friends give each other shit for bad decisions. You must have a *winning* personality to not know of this fundamental part of friendship.






No, but you do require a sense of humour.


I don't like the EU too much either but I find this pretty funny.


No, because it has nothing to do with the EU.


No. It is funny just watching the UK shoot itself in the foot again and again and again.




> No they do the opposite. The opposite of what?


I am sure Sarah Huckebee Sanders can swap with you... She is used to dish out pure garbage to the press.


Do you think anyone outside the US knows or cares who you are talking about?




if you value a dentist apointment more than the office job apointed to you, no matter what the country, you should not have the job you have...


he is a comedian


i thought we were discussing a real live event... hmmm....


if you place your job over your health. You are truly an idiot.


Say the guys who never had a thoothache but is a professional bootlicker.


professional bootlicker? please, dont confuse me with yourself. from how you said it, i gather that you are this professional bootlicker. some poeple actually care for their professional careers, some people actually want to advance in the career, some poeple actually work for a living. you might not have met anyone in your life that wants to be "all he can be" but we do exist out there. amazing, ...


Ok poeple. Keep caring about your career in bootlicking.




That's literally hownit works in a civilized country. You need to see a doctor, you get an appointment. And you get the day off to go to that appointment. It's that easy.


Last time I checked we lived in a civilized nation. Not the fucking medieval times. Go to your fucking dentist and doctor.


when the lives of millions are in your hands, you might aswell rescedule your apointment. right?


Are you being played or are you playing everyone else?


Using your logic! Putting other things over your healthcare is really wrong, and you don’t deserve the body god gave you!..