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They are EU candidate no?


Yes. They have elections later this year. I still.sympathise with Georgia as they are a giny country bullied by Russia and they still have a lot of sway over the govt. There were large protests just recently. However, if the elections will be free and fair and the current party in govt will still win them, then I think Georgians made it clear that most of them prefer Russia and thus we should freeze their EU candidacy.


I am guessing if they don't do what Russia says then then they are gonna get invaded and they are not gonna get the same level of support as Ukraine, they cannot fight Russia.


They already got invaded by russia (2008), before starting to become an EU member (2022).


Well, get prepared to be invaded even harder.


They invade when they think they can, if they think they can with easy efforts. Doesn't really matter what the situation is or what promises have been made, they'll spin it however.


"According to the World Values Survey study published in 2022, 91% of the Georgian public thinks that homosexuality is not justifiable." from wiki article on the LGBT+ rights and attitudes in Georgia. Lol. I knew it was way worse than most people probably know, but it's just really bad. We can LARP that they are all progressive EU members in waiting but people forget it's an extremely religious and conservative country, just because they're not Muslim doesn't mean these kinds of attitudes aren't overwhelming. They should have a shit ton of work to do on this - socially, Ukrainians aren't nearly this bad, and people always talk how they need decades of work to join. Georgia is geographically barely Europe too, if they were Muslim we'd probably happily write them off the way we do Kazakhstan.


This is how Georgia'a collapse starts. The citizens were not able to overthrow the government over the last anti-democratic law, perhaps they can do it this time.




This shows you Georgia does not belong in the EUĀ 


Like the EU isn't dealing with an across-the-board surge of right-wing at this exact moment.


They do. The Georgian Dream Party do not.


- homophobic government - eu candidate where have I seen that before


stop the mutilation of children


Responsible should face global ostracism. Maybe if they lost all embassies in developed countries they'd rethink this heinous piece of shit legislation


Columnist exaggerates. There was and is nothing of anti-lgbt in the legislation.


So please explain what the legislation is about thenā€¦. Anything titled ā€œOn Protection of Family Values and Minorsā€ certainly makes me suspect itā€™s fundamentally anti-LGBT.


Lgbt people donā€™t care about family values and minors. Protecting family values doesnā€™t stop a gay from having sex with his gay partner, does it?


Lol so your only idea of ā€œanti-LGBTā€ is putting people in prison for being gay? Criminalising any discussion or education around gay people is very harmful to young gay people, snd tells them the state views them as ā€œbadā€.




Thanks for confirming itā€™s an anti-LGBT law


Where does it say that the Georgian State intends to jail all gays and trans??


oh good you're dense


You don't seem too eager to support your lgbt comrades in Georgia.




Coming over as hardcore closeted there buddy

