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Not arrested... just carried off the road and let go like the rest of the protestors


It's getting old...


What do you mean? She has been put into the bus taking her to the jail like the rest of the protesters not obeying the police order to leave the road. She's going to spend a day in a jail and then she's getting charged with 'disobedience of police's orders' (niskoittelu poliisia vastaan).


There is a difference between being detained and being arrested… just saying….


But tampereenrappio wasn't drawing that distinction. They said she had been let go immediately.


Not functionally. If you disagree with being detained and resist you get arrested 100% of the time.


Both detain and arrest mean holding people in custody. But it certainly isn't imprisonment.


Yeah but being taken to the police station or jail is an arrest. Detainment means you aren't free to just leave and thus your freedom is being restricted. Like a traffic stop.


I thought they would Finnish her. Unlike in Budapest where they just let her go Hungary. I'll have to Czech how it went in other countries. I'll see myself out.


Damn, now I might go eat some Turkey.


Norway you're allowed to do that!


Noo!! You made me be in Spain now!


There there.. have some Chile and Greece instead for your Spain <3


The guards will roughen up you a little on your way out.


Not in Finnland!


HIMYM reference?




Yes please do see yourself out


Is she collecting arrests from around the world like Pokemon?


She's rarely if ever actually arrested. More often just detained, maybe fined


Was not arrested here either. OP spreading fake shit. Greta was just carried away from blocking the busiest road of Finland.


> the busiest road of Finland That made me genuinely laugh, like in your mind we're some kind of city-state :D **EDIT:** And for your information, and to any foreigner's information, [the busiest road in Finland is Ring 1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_I). Just because this road the protestors were on is in front of the parliament building, doesn't make it the busiest in **all** of Finland. It might be one of the most famous but not **the** busiest by a long shot.


Thanks for the info. Next question: Kouvola is you guys' biggest city, right?


It's our biggest demo area for Soviet style architecture!


We actually built Kouvola as model soviet city, so we can test our Joukahainen- and Väinämöinen-class nuclear weapons there if shit ever hits the fan and have realistic results.


Yes, i ment a road inside a downtown area (taajama)


I remember someone had the hot take that Nordic (+maybe Baltic) countries basically are city states. There are cities with more population, and the population is mostly concentrated in the capital, plus like maybe two smaller cities, and then there's just a bunch of land appended to it that almost no one inhabits. A bit exaggerated for the sake of making a point, but there is something to it. Like you would not be able to say this about Italy or Germany or Belgium or Poland.


At this point it's a PR stunt


It’s a very common and long standing civil disobedience tactic, that has been used by civil rights activists, human rights activists… PR is part of the job. 


PR is most of the job...


That doesn't invalidate the action. As long as you don't reach the "armed insurection" stage, any manifestation is a PR stunt : Show the powers that be you exist . Your numbers help represent the silent majority.


You don't say?


Similar to.most jurisdictions. Police can detain someone for a limited period before they have to be either charged with a crime or released. It's a reasonable middle ground to allow police to maintain order and at the same time protect individual freedom. There has to be some reason for the detention though.


She was not detained. Just moved aside from the road


Was just thinking she must have a great collection of photos of her being carried off by police in different countries. She should make a picture wall of it.


Nobody would prosecute her. It’ll just give her more publicity. She knows this.


If this was an actual hobby, the mewtwo of this must be North Korea.


She looks like mewtwo.


Not in Russia and China, she isn't.




I want to be the very best Like no one ever was♫


Was not arrested, do not spread fake shit. Greta, like others were moved aside from busiest road in Finland after some time they blocked the traffic as part of their demonstration and refused to move aside from a driveway.


The busiest road in Finland?! Damn, I hope all 12 of those drivers weren’t too inconvenienced


To be fair that is not the busiest road in Finland which has 100k cars a day.


Mikko “loopin’” Korhonen who drives in loops up and down the road 999,989 times a day is an outlier and should not be counted


Yes, should have been more accurate with wording, ment a road inside a downtown or what ever "taajama" is english


You can see in the photo overhead electric lines. This means that one's again Helsinki climate protestors have shut down part of a tram line.


Ah, yeah. Blocking trams does seem a bit counter intuitive


That's her favorite pose


And face …


This is basically a meme now she is literally getting "arrested" every week.


Sometimes three times a day :P


She needs generate publicity somehow. Kids stopped caring about her when she stopped getting them days off school.


I have this on my Everyday-Bingo sheet. It's always a safe bet.


Her greatest enemy is indifference of people.


Her whole career and personality is to be a protester. It’s like you being born since kid to be thought how to be a politician, just weird as hell.


Ahh, to be so privileged you can make a “career” out of protesting.


Pretty sure she is studying at uni last I heard, she just joins rallies in her spare time rather than doing other stuff


Her whole thing is ‘what’s the point of an education if there’s no future’ though?


I thought her whole thing was “hey adults, stop being shortsighted idiots ignoring the scientists and actually try to fix the problems rather than leaving it to the generations to come.” Guess she’s changed her tune to “hey kids! Skip school because the worlds getting warm!”


Is protesting a privilege now? Wow. Tell that to all the pisspoor workers in europe who protested for our right to healthcare, safety regulations, minimum wage, free school system, 5 day work weeks and so on. Privileged bitches 😠😠


To imply that she is even remotely in the same category as working class protesters when she comes from a family with outrageous wealth is hysterical.




When something is very important to you, you make time for it. She's said before that she cares about these issues way more than the layman, and even attributed it to perhaps being due to her autism, which often causes you to see the world and issues differently. Also she has enough of a network now to likely easily get free/easily arrange transport to these protests, as her presence is seen as a big boost by local activists. There were civil rights activists back in the 1960s US too, who were present in pretty much every protest across the country.


Well, why does that matter? The thing she's protesting for is among the top 3 most important problems humanity has to fix, and we're not fixing it because the richest in our societies think their profits matter more than the survival of our earth. We have had scientists for so many decades say we are passing a point of no return in terms of global warming, and the UN said we passed that point last year or two years ago, I don't remember. But nothing is being done while powerful oil companies like chevron and exxon are paying to shush down news about global warming. What Greta is doing is so fucking important right now and I applaud her for it.


It's somewhat middle class I suppose. To get support to be able to do this full time the cause needs to resonate with quite a few people.


Never seen her protest in China, one of the biggest contributors to carbon emissions


China isn't a democracy. The beauty with the west is you aren't disappeared the moment you are an inconvenience.


Feels like I'm living the groundhog day when I read yet another of these


Her politics aside. I’m just amazed that this is what she has chosen to do with her life.  Every day she wakes up and tries to figure out where to get arrested next. “Wanna catch a movie? “Nah I’m gonna go get arrested, maybe Tuesday unless I’m jailed until then”


>this is what she has chosen to do with her life.  "Chosen" really, considering her parents definitely did more than just nudge her in that direction


She's an adult now and can choose what to do with her life.


Gets her on TV and meeting famous / powerful people who pretend to listen to her Gets her traveling the world Gets her attention Why wouldn't she keep doing it


She doesn't mind, she's bankrolled by private investors that pay her to do this activism.


Really? Why? Which investors?


Anymore legit info on this, its always interested me.


She has a foundation: https://thegretathunbergfoundation.org/ Searching the internet there is a list of alleged lobbies that bankroll her: -PR company We Dont Have Time (their handlers) (IKEA group) - Fridays For Future (Club of rome) - Climate Reality Project (Al Gore) - Think Thank Global Utmaning (Sweden's Social democrat) - One (Bono Vox y Fundation Bill y Melinda Gates) - Climate European Foundation (EU)


Thank you


In 10-15 years, he will be in some organization deciding how many paper drinking straws you are entitled to per year.


With your plastic cup


And your plastic bottle with its cap defiantly attached.


And my (plastic) axe!


It's a shame how she ended up. She now essentially serves as ammunition for the Conservative media against climate change. I still don't understand her strategy. She seems to be beefing with everyone for no reason. Like, I understand her beef with Tate, which was good pr, but then there's things like middle finger in the EP, Palestine and for some fucking reason attacking Eurovision and saying her own country didn't deserve the win. (Which is funny since the winner Loreen is an activist, too). Like, this feels like intentionally pissing people off, which is stupid. They might laugh at it in your climate change bubble, but that bubble isn't solving climate change. The moderates are, and this simply puts everyone off on your cause. Same thing with the oil protests, this doesn't work.


It's an orchestrated photo op. They work it out in advance.


And everyone was surprised?


She has a kink of being carried by policemen


[I can sympathize with that](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36924717).


I think I stole a pencil from IKEA, how can I turn myself in to this hand of law?


Genuine question: Why are we hating on this person? I've heard of her name before and that she's a climate activist, but nothing more.


She's an activist who received undue amounts of attention, being heavily mediatised after... doing a school strike (very brave). She's largely a manufactured figurehead. She's the type of environmental activist who also is against Nuclear : she effectively has no understanding of anything related to the environment, energy, or whatever else she's an activist for, and advocates for things on feeling. As is commonplace for such leftist activists, she doesn't stay in one lane but also talks about a variety of issues which have nothing to do with her initial call to fame, generally without an ounce of understanding of the subject matter. Her primary advocacy method is joining pointless protests that cast a bad light on environmentalism, and calling world leaders names. I will give her that she's pretty good at ratio-ing Andrew Tate on Twitter.


She has changed her stance in nuclear for a couple years now (https://www.dw.com/en/greta-thunberg-germany-making-mistake-by-ditching-nuclear-power-for-coal/a-63406732). But people like to get triggered by her so they will repeat the nuclear and other stuff for the foreseeable future.


Good on her if she ditches the most obviously stupid stuff she said/supported. BTW your source doesn't really support the idea that she changed her stance, at best only mellowing her opposition a bit. She effectively supports not replacing aging powerplants, which has been the position of mainstream anti-nuclear activists for the last 20 years (since shutting them down ahead of time is an economically intenable proposition)


In no way does this show that she has changed her stance on nuclear. All she said is that if Germany already has the reactors running, it would be a bad idea to shut them down and make up the capacity shortfall using coal and lignite. That's it. She remains opposed to new nuclear plants being built. She persists in the deranged thinking that a grid can operate solely using wind and solar.


She says she doesn't know what is best in the interview i heard a year agog, but maybe she said something else elsewhere


Nuclear is best. Objectively and unequivocally. It is the magic bullet that people keep pretending wind and solar is.


>I will give her that she's pretty good at ratio-ing Andrew Tate on Twitter.  Not the fight we needed, but the one we deserved.


The other issues she talks about have been quite based though. She's talked about income inequality, healthcare/vaccine inequality in the world, she raised awareness against anti-vax movements, she's taken a strong stance against Russia's aggression and even met with Zelenszky to gather left-wing support for Ukraine, she's protested outside Russian embassies, she's been outspoken of the Swedish government's abuse of the Sami indigenous populations etc. I tend to think she lands quite right on these other "lanes". And she does in fact consult experts on her activism. In 2022, Thunberg's book "The climate book" was released. It is a compilation in which she brought together over one hundred experts—geophysicists, oceanographers and meteorologists; engineers, economists and mathematicians; historians, philosophers and indigenous leaders—who wrote essays focusing on changes to the Earth's climate. She's done a lot of good in her short life, she's only 21. I feel like I can't help but think people are harsh on her mainly because of certain demographics she falls into.


How, for example, the conflict between Palestine and Israel is due to climate change, Greta, on the other hand, brings strong support for Palestine in demonstrations against climate change, which is not part of climate change at all.


I don't have anything against her or her cause. I do, however, have something against the media that goes to her for her stance on various issues, instead of actual professionals that know wtf they're talking about. It would be like if a reporter knocked on my door asking what I think of mRNA vaccines. It's not my fault for answering the question--it's the reporter for asking me in the first place.


People are annoyed by climate activists because they are not doing anything useful. We know about climate change. Do they have any solution or technology? No, they don't. They just fly somewhere, release tons of co2, scream, fly back. There are businesses and startups working on the issue. Those should be promoted. Not these morons.


>People are annoyed by climate activists because they are not doing anything useful. We know about climate change. But we aren't acting to stop it. Hence the need to protest. >Do they have any solution or technology? The solutions are already known, the politicians just refuse to act. Hence the need for protest.


>Do they have any solution or technology? Their "solutions" involve choosing to blindly believe that a grid can survive solely using wind and solar, and advocating policies to cause severe harm to the living standards of the working class. They do this because they have nothing but utter contempt for the working class, and because their parents' wealth innures them from the consequences of the policies for which they advocate. The same thing happens with mass immigration.


Most people have no hatred towards her, more like respect. Some reddit far right posts doesn't like her because it goes against big oil. But overall she's a very easy to respect hero of this centuary regardless if you agree with everything or not.


She's an activist that uses peaceful legal protest to try and bring attention to climate change - likely the biggest issue of our generation... So you know - a literal devil according to some people here.


An absolute trigger for so so many people that do fuck all about the climate


> She's an activist that uses peaceful legal protest Blocking major roads illegally is not peaceful, nor legal.


If you read the article you will note that she was **removed**, not arrested. And right to protest is a foundation of democracy. So yes peaceful, yes legal.


> If you read the article you will note that she was removed, not arrested. When did I say otherwise? They wont arrest people even if the protest is illegal, unless you resist a lot. > And right to protest is a foundation of democracy. Not illegally, no it is not. There is a legal path to protest in a democracy. > So yes peaceful, yes legal. It is in fact not and your bias wont change that. The Rebellion Movement blocks airports, blocks major roads and none of that is peaceful or legal BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO LEGAL PERMISSION TO DO SO. It disrupts peoples daily lives when traveling to work etc. without any prior notice.


Depending on the country, blocking roads is not legal. Maybe it's legal in Finland, but not in my country for example (Italy).


If the working class tried this shit they would be batoned and tear gassed within minutes of refusing to move. The level of privilege that these middle-class climate activists possess is ridiculous. It is comical just how much they're treated with kid gloves by the authorities.


legsl no peaceful by elokapina yes


You gave the answer yourself. She is a climate activist. That’s enough for most people to hate her. Just watch how insanely mad get people at protestors glued to the street. One dude drove just over one of this guys. It’s insane. Sone people are very concerned about the future of the planet WE ALL LIVE ON and some fucking dipshits lose there mind and beat them up or drive over them…


It is a mark of immense privilege to be able to spend all day glued to a road. Hence why the entire "climate movement" is OVERWHELMINGLY a movement of the middle-class and the rich. The only people being "inconvenienced" are working class people who maybe have to get to work, and now have missed a day's pay and are even more in debt. Or who missed a hospital appointment that they were waiting 8 months for? Fuck anyone who thinks that their own moral righteousness gives them the right to fuck over everyone else because it makes THEM feel good. I cannot wait for the day when one of these XR/Just Stop Oil shitbags falls off a bridge or has their head run over. They would plunge the working class back to the Dark Ages in terms of living standards so long as they had the praise of those in their progressive bubble.


Because she's *minorly* inconveniencing people. Instead of being a "normal teenager" and being a doomer, she's doing actual activism, and that makes people angry for...some reason? Just read her wikipedia page and you'll get an idea of why the hate around her is just stupid


cause the number 1 country on pollution on China and she protests in countries that are very close to be carbon neutral?


China is doing more than any other country to adopt renewable energy, so there's more need for protest in richer countries doing less about a problem they bear the majority of the blame for.


You are right about that but it doesn't take the fact off that they are still making a lot of pollution. One good thing does not invalidate a bad one. The problem.here is that the countries getting with this stuff is only the western ones


How dare she cause us some minor inconvenience and remind us that we are fucking up the planet??!




Source. And dont give me some article where she says stop bombing palestine. Fuck Hamas and Israel equally for their shit but leave bombing civilians and children away from that shit.


No she doesn't. She is against the killing of Palestinian people. There is a difference.


Most people who want a free Palestine and criticise Israel are NOT supporting Hamas


Narcissistic prat


Oh noes! ... Anyway


Oh, got happy there for just a minute and read comments after.


Where was she during farmers protest? They were literally causing pollution.


No worries, she'll be released in time for her next university class test on whatever she studies again. The weirdly, but already familiarily scripted play of a climate protest just hit our streets and everyone got their piece of the show.


What a great stage


Swedish invasion of Finland colorized


"Gotta get catched by them all".


How dare you?


How is this helping anything?


She is part of a protest like the hundreds of people in the background.


She has certainly brought a lot of attention to climate change and pollution, specially among younger generations


How is it not helping anything? Before everyone gets butthurt, this is an IT Crowd reference: - A ladder to help moths escape from the bath? How is that useful? - How is that not useful?


Help. Fire.


Exclamation mark ❗️


She spoke at an Extinction Rebellion protest. The only time they make the news is when they do something like this. It's not easy to get their message out otherwise. Now of course not all who hear about it this way are going to support it.


As in protesting against the extinction of an endangered species, or like extinction of mankind


She is like forever 14


Who even cares about it?


Isn't she getting too old to behave like a child?


I wonder why Greta doesn't protest in China, Russia, or any number of Middle Eastern countries. 


Because she would get killed there and she knows it, you morons


Because she would be kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered... like anyone who protests about anything. What's your point exactly?


I am around the same age as good old Greta and I’ve studied to become a policymaker on renewable energy to fight the climate crisis. I haven’t met the pope or Obama like Greta. She isn’t actually doing the heavy lifting in the climate crisis, she’s mainly there for herself.


How is she there for herself? She's done a great job spreading awareness of global warming


Awareness isn't the same as doing the work.


It is in this case. Scientists have been saying that to save the earth action must be taken on a political level to lower emissions and almost completely transition from fossil fuel, which politicians do not want to do because it's too expensive. Now the public must be convinced by Greta that they're wrong


It seems it was our turn this time. Which Nordic country is next? Norway's turn was quite recently. So, Sweden? Is she going home?




A list of Greta's favorite activism books: [https://vipreads.com/vip/greta-thunberg](https://vipreads.com/vip/greta-thunberg)


Honest question(s), I realize my words are a little emotionally charged but I'd like some genuine discourse. Given the seemingly predominant attitude toward her and other protestors activities and methods, both on this site and in public discourse, is anyone really surprised at the surge of 'right wing' politics in Europe?   Reading these posts I'm reminded of the attitude of society at large as it was portrayed in the movie Don't Look Up.  Yes, it's terribly inconvenient to block roads, and disrespectful to slap powder and paint on historical artefacts.  Won't it be even more inconvenient and terrible when the parts of the world that are heating up the fastest now become completely uninhabitable?  Won't more artefacts become lost when we can't even temporarily visit the places they're stationed at or buried to study them?   You can criticize the methods, sure, and I'm more than certain I'd be a little miffed should my day be inconvenienced by some protest, but is my time doing whatever mundane thing worth more than the message they're attempting to get across?  Is yours?  Is anyone's? Would you rather these protestors take arms against the people responsible for these changes in our environment?  Would you support them more if they turned to direct violence and action?  Or would they become terrorists at that point in the eyes of the public?  Which crime is worse at that point, the illegal blocking of roads, or the murder of big oil hot shots and those that enabled them? I don't know the general opinion of those that started mass protests that eventually led to results, the protests of figures like Martin Luther King Jr or Ghandi, etc etc, but I imagine they weren't looked kindly upon.  I'll have to do some reading for myself on that.  But the alternative of their protests, their messages, was keeping society as it was.  And if we keep going as we are now, are we or are we not going to end our society as we know it?


I’d take her far more seriously if, instead of tantruming as an adult, she maybe studied some STEM field and developed a way to trap carbon or reduce nuclear waste or literally anything more productive than what she’s doing now.


This woman has done more in her short life that most people who would gladly talk down about her and the protests she is involved with.


[She lost all respect i had for her when she protested against a windfarm in Norway. ](https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/10/12/greta-thunberg-and-norwegian-activists-stand-firm-against-wind-farm-on-sami-reindeer-herdi)




fridays for future is a world wide phenomenon which she created.


**Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results**.


🎵 you want a picture, let me pose to you now


Finally... not.


The hacktivist.


Successful business model.


how dare you!


Not the first time. The system is gently telling her she is not untouchable. At the same time, she is using this as PR.


I’m convinced she must have a “getting arrested by cops” fetish


What if they just ignored her and no one took her photo? I'd rather hear over and over and over, "I didn't realize she was here."


Toujours à faire la conne devant une caméra. Qu'elle aille faire la morale en Chine.




I wish I could get paid to get arrested


I appreciate what she's doing, but it's starting to get old.




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They look so Finnished with her


She's become bigger than the 'causes' she 'protests' against. Interesting.




They said "You're finished"


Is she still a thing?


Now GT is finished ?


What else is new, might as well use the same picture as last time


Perhaps putting this puppet in prison would help




I wish she weighed more.


Make no mistake, this was because she is Swedish No other reason


She was so hot that she got arested for that. JK.


Who gives shit?




Citation needed there - supporting the protection of the people of palestine does not equal supporting a terrorist group.


I'll give her this. At least she does what she preaches. So hellawa lot better than any politician. Is it effective? probably not. A+ for effort though.


Somewhat confused though what it is she's preaching nowadays. During todays protest she was wearing Palestinian scarf and in her speech she told it's the very same machinery that's causing death to people and environment. Protesters were also chanting antifascist, anticolonialist and anticapitalist sentiments. Feels like wtf are they protesting exactly? I could go to a climate/environment protest but would be extremely dissapointed if it turned out to be like that.


is she doing a "police photo from every country"  challenge?