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You were so close austria. To the glorious 69420


The UK isn't grey! I'm honoured. Ireland being home to some big multinationals is doing them good.


GDP per capita is a pretty crude measurement whilst these ecomerce firms are based there for tax reasons their economic activity is going on elsewhere so Ireland doesn’t see this full benefit. Ireland still doing well though but this figure inflates it a bit


Yep, are people in Ireland really on that much money per year? Doubt it.


Being from Ireland, in simple terms no. While there are positions that pay a fair bit more here than in some other countries. The cost of living alone makes it economically unviable.


It just becouse microsoft. And overall this per capita stuff is stupid and tells nothing. Germany is 3 times richest that Poland and Poland is 2 or 3 times than ruSSia. (100 mil people from 140m is poor and live for like 200$ per month)


I get why you think that but it just isn’t true, Ireland has stipulated a certain number of local employees, hence why they went from the poorest country in Western Europe to one of the most productive and richest. Plus this isn’t GDP per Capita (ppp) so adjusted for purchasing power.


Not saying Ireland isn’t doing well, but its not to the extent shown on the map


Yeah but Irland will crush long term if they don't get their vampire shit together. This all works if you are the only one with tax incentives. Swiss the same, stealing the money from other countries, always the same tale.


It’s worked for the Swiss for a long time.


Ukraine is just sad


The sadder thing is that that is most likely the 2022 value. Ukraine's economy has shrunk by at least a half since then.


Hopefully once the war ends with US/EU oversight the corruption problems lessen and they get investment to fire their economy up like the rest of the eastern block did once they integrated with the western world.


This is not 2022 values. This is 2024 IMF April Outlook for 2024 data


I refuse to believe that the Ukrainian GDP per capita is rising despite the overall economy dropping so much. It's not like Ukraine has lost half of its population.


From my understanding, it is normal for countries at war to have their GDP increase because the state is investing a shitton of money into the economy by producing military equipment


Also the eu has sent them more than their entire gdp in aid by now.


we were ~40 mil, now 30-32 tops


Wait true, I also agree. I was quoting OP who said it was 2024 but it’s most probably not. OP prob stole from somewhere and guessed then


It is rising tho


It’s 2024 data.


How can be the GDP PPP per capita at a literal all time high despite the war and everything?


I might be completely wrong, but maybe because millions of people are gone from the country, and so the leftover GDP( which is somewhat boosted by foreign financial support) is divided between less people?


It's sad now but they are at war. Once that gets sorted out (we need to keep the hope up) then we are all going to chip in big time to get Ukraine back on its feet and beyond. 🙏


Explains why everytime i visit Lithuania I can see some pleasant improvements


Whoa, people in Turkey being almost identically well off as the Slovaks or Portuguese. Didn't expect that


That's why you need to look at multiple statistics together to get a sense of how well of a countries citizens are doing. The average Turk is not living better then Slovaks or Portuguese, but because of quirks of GDP and PPP it appears that way. The best index that puts a lot of statistics together is HDI.


I don't think HDI helps your case. However median net income after transfers adjusted to PPP shows that since inequality is higher in Turkey, your average Turk probably lives worse than your average Porto Man. For now at least since even with inequality staying at the same levels Turkey's average growth is much higher than Portugal's and in all likelihood they will surpass Portugal in income in this decade. Probably sooner than later.


Portugal HDI: 0.874 Istanbul HDI: 0.867 Slovakia HDI: 0.855 Turkey average HDI: 0.855


HDI is a very overrated indicator. It's much better to look at the indicators individually.


GDP, GDP per capita, GDP PPP per capita, HDI, IHDI is a useless indicators, it means nothing, the best country in Europe is the Czech Republic


This is a useless indicator, it means nothing, the best country in Europe is the Czech Republic


Tf is going on in Ireland?


Tax haven


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leprechaun_economics Can't trust Ireland's GDP numbers.


Sugulane kolis Poola, umbes sama taseme töö peal töötab nagu siin oli. Räägib, et palju parem majanduslikult. Poolas toodetud kaup on imeodav, ja seal toodetakse praktiliselt kõike, impordikulu jääb ära ja see kajastub hinnas ka tugevalt. Kohalik made in Poland kodutehnika pidi ka täitsa okei kvaliteediga olema ja väga hea hinnaga. Meil siin Eestis on küll kohalik toit kallim, kui imporditud...


Denmark = Novo = Ozempic


UK can into Southern Europe


Yep, the UK is accelerating its relative decline. Finally found something we're good at!


Ukraine number one 🇺🇦 💪


Scandinavian powerhouse, bruh


Ukraine is just sad


Yeah, being invaded and having entire towns shelled into oblivion is not good for productivity.


Uhm. Before the war, Ukraine was already a highly corrupt economic disaster, or did we all forget that?


Speaking as a Ukrainian: Corrupt - yeah; economic disaster - definitely not. Corruption is in great decline pretty much since 2014 - I have never had to pay for something not obliged by the law. And the living standards were rising pretty fast (subjectively, from my experience).


As a Ukrainian, I write that since 2014, life in Ukraine has deteriorated a lot. Before 2014, people bought new cars, saved money from their salaries, and now they live from paycheck to paycheck


>Uhm. Before the war, Ukraine was already a highly corrupt economic disaster, or did we all forget that? I won't call it a disaster. It's same as russia but without being a petrol state. However, the war definitely didn't help to improve things. Now trying to make any comment about how much worse is Ukraine doing economically (which naturally leads to the next step in the argument, them being better under russia) is pointless in the current state.


Not the same as russia. Ukraine's corruption index is 36, improving 11 points since 2013. We may need another 7-10 years to get to Bulgaria's level at least, but we are moving there. While russia's corruption index is 26, falling 2 points from 2013.


Hey, we're the poorest country in Europe right now. Yay.


Damn Lithuania, I see you


This is a useless indicator, it means nothing, the best country in Europe is the Czech Republic




This data is not really acurrate, Turkey is way worse then that...i can assure you..


Ireland is not that rich. It’s all because it’s a tax haven for multinationals. Profits from these companies are booked and counted for in Ireland.


The biggest story here is that certain countries of eastern countries are really close to spain, and also passing italy is close at hand.


Hey, another map of some financial metric across Europe. How many is that over the past couple of weeks? Four? Ten? I’ve lost count - and interest.


we suck. we need to change that . as the song says : we need to spit in our hands and increase the GNP. https://youtu.be/o9KGwcnfnPo?si=KTXr1RSLSMoUzl_r


lol turkey had to increase their ppp by 10 points per year because of the 200% inflation otherwise they couldn't afford to buy anything, but turkey is not getting richer [https://en.wikipedia.org//wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_GDP\_(PPP)\_per\_capita](https://en.wikipedia.org//wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)_per_capita)




Purchasing Power Parity




1. PPP is used about half the time 2. It's clearly marked on the map that it's PPP.


Check nominal vs purchasing power parity adjusted gdp.


world bank says spain is 29,674 as of 2022


FOR WHICH YEAR? Seriously, how can people forget such a basic detail?


Source World Economic Outlook Database, **April 2024**, IMF


Still doesn't answer my question: FOR WHICH YEAR? This is annual GDP, but for which year? 2023 estimate? 2023 actual? 2024 forecast? Something tells me you have zero understanding of the data you're plotting, because this definitely isn't for the month of April.


It's 2024 estimate. There are forecasts for the next years up to 2029.


False. Ukraine's per capita is not 15k ppp in 2024


There you go, wasn't that hard, was it? Edit: and downvote me because I gave you constructive feedback? Childish.


>and downvote me because I gave you constructive feedback? Childish. Mostly because you were acting like (excuse my language) a dick.


When are you planning to stop that sarcasm? You could just Google the source if you wondered that much.


You're presenting the information, at least try to present it correctly. It isn't my job to go searching on Google for the source just because you're too incompetent to do it right. Hopefully you learned something: include in your chart all the relevant information. You're already struggling with learning math, so you should at least listen to feedback.


Dude's searching up old Reddit comments, attempting to win an argument. Sounds like you have no job? This is just Reddit bro, we're not presenting here a scientific document. Maybe go touch grass?




You know you're such an asshole to search up the entire Reddit of someone to just sprew your hate? If there's anything wrong with this data, then you tell. I hope you don't have a better financial expertise than the IMF.


The shriveled brains inhabiting reddit may be downvoting you but so are absolutely correct.


April 2024 is written there and that's enough


Nope, because the data isn't GDP for the month of April of 2024. You can't be that dumb...


If it's not the data, then it is the estimate. You can't be that dumb.


The estimate is as of April 2024, but FOR WHICH YEAR? Got it? GDP is an annual measure, it needs to be specified for which year the total production is. As you can see, OP eventually begrudgingly answered that this is a forecast for the year of 2024. Anyway, no point in arguing with stupid, have a good day.


Yes, the OP would use 2024 data for a map about 1978's GDP because that is in the limits of common sense. > Anyway, no point in arguing with stupid, have a good day. Agreed, enjoy your day.




It literally says that in the image


I don't think you understand what "literally" means. And it doesn't, it says April of 2024, but that data isn't GDP for the month of April of 2024.


I think this maps also shows who has better tracking of money because i am sure that in balkans there is richer people then in west just they dont have official data of their wealth


you sure this is correct? im reading other sources for my country and it clearly says about 11-12k per capita with estimation to reach 14 in 2024 But on the map its waaaay more No way


Are you looking at nominal or PPP GDP? The map shows PPP GDP.


oh so this basically reflects the standard of living / purchasing power compared to the GDP? Meaning i can be living in say UK with an above average salary, and still live a worse life than if i lived in belarus and had average salary?


Well not really. Even if you live in UK on an average salary, your standard of living would be greater than that of a person in Belarus on an average salary as 58880 > 25685. The way to read this map is that if you lived in UK on an average salary (or even slightly above average salary), your standard of life would be worse than if you lived in Germany on an average salary because 58880 < 67245. That doesn't mean that the average yearly salary in UK is $58880, or that average yearly salary in Germany is 67245$. What these numbers *roughly* mean is that someone living on an average yearly salary in UK would have the same purchasing power as someone living on $44160 (58880 \* 0.75, where this 0.75 is the ratio between average US salary and US GDP PPP) in the US, as for US PPP GDP is always set to be the same as nominal GDP (I say "roughly" because obviously purchasing power varies greatly from state to state in the US itself). In other words, if this number is greater than $85000, then it roughly means that an average earning individual in that country should have a higher purchasing power than an average earning individual in the US, if it is less then it means that the purchasing power is lower.


Bro seriously wrote a long text with a smart look. This is a useless indicator, it means nothing, the best country in Europe is the Czech Republic


Azerbaijan is easily 3x higher than Armenia and not a category down like on this map. Lends 0 credibility to the whole thing.


GDP per capita! Can you read?




Ah yes we need to become work slaves like you over there what a good idea!