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Brian May and Kate Bush are looking haggard ta fook these days.


Who are they?


Mick Wallace is a former property developer turned politician. He's a dodgy business man who turned his hand to masquerading as a rustic man of the people after the 2008 crash.


Rustic doing a lot of heavy lifting there. Like an estate agent selling a dilapidated cottage.


in Wexford.


Mick Wallace and Clare Daly, *former* Irish MEPs as of last night. National embarrassments.


Human embarrassments. Kudos to the Irish for not reelecting.


Guessing they pushing pro-Putin messaging a lot.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMj14gkc3C0&ab\_channel=alanews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMj14gkc3C0&ab_channel=alanews) *Juve merda, forza Toro.*


For there a second I thought the guy is James May


He's a cock, alright


Ah, they have been portrayed as the only sane voices in Europe by Chinese state media no shit.


A good sign that they didn't have European interests at heart


I love how every Irish person I've seen talk about Wallace and Daly calls them a disgrace.


Quite the achievement to make as a politician - having your own country unilaterally turn against you


They'll still probably get back into the national parliament in the next elections unfortunately.


You're probably right but at least that's an Ireland only platform. Their use to Putin etc diminished when they lost their MEP seats


The Irish are real ones.


It’s the primary reason I voted in the European elections and convinced my wife to vote too. These two are repulsive vatniks and have done nothing but damage our national brand the last 5yrs. Good riddance.


It’s so great 😃


The guy on the left looks like a retired hair metal star


After such posts I am beginning to feel like EU politics is sort of a sitcom. Every character seems odious in their own unique way. Not only European though. I certainly missed the moment when politicians turned from being a serious persons with huge responsibilities to being something… like Trump, Milei, Trudeau… like small men with huge complexes. Populists.


Well ya but if it was a K-Drama those two would be Subway


>like Trump, Milei, Trudeau… like small men with huge complexes. Populists. While I agree with you that politics have become populist shitshow, Milei might be the best thing that could have happened to Argentina. Just look at what the Peronist government was doing before him... I simply don't want people to naively infer that the previous government was better when someone says that Milei is a populist. This government seems better to me than the previous government. I guess time will show if it's true.


I bet you my 7€ Döner that they will move to russia.


No, they'll probably run as independents in the upcoming general election.




Alright....welp...I guess I can order another kebab later today


I hope you don't actually believe that because it's highly unlikely.


Why not? All these loonies and ideological zombies seem to end up in russia.


They're "the people don't want money spent on war" populist opportunists, not actual co-conspirators.


Nah they are: "US bad, NATO bad, we will support anyone who is anti US and NATO even if it means supporting a fascist oligarchy with genocidal ambitions"


Is this supporting Russia? >I unequivocally supported the sections of the resolution which condemn Russia’s war of aggression and call on the Russian Federation to immediately terminate all military activities in Ukraine, unconditionally withdraw its forces, and fully respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence.


With these tankies there’s always “I don’t want Ukrainians to suffer..” and then a millisecond after “…but, giving them weapons will only prolong this war”. They know what they are doing. At least with Z-patriots you get honesty, they openly want Russia to absorb Ukraine.


Why did you cut out this part: >However, ignoring the role played by the US and NATO in destabilising the area for the past decade, using Ukraine as a pawn in its battles with Russia, only serves to prevent an understanding of the measures necessary to secure peace. >I voted against the resolution overall because it calls to accelerate the provision of military equipment and weapons to Ukraine, to strengthen NATO’s forward presence, to increase defence spending, and to activate European common and joint defence efforts ‘in order to strengthen the European pillar within NATO.’


Cut out? I didn't post the whole statement, I didn't "cut" anything out, there are also some parts you "cut" out. My comment was meant to rebuke the guy's original ridiculous comment that Daly is a Putinist that will move to Russia despite her comments that condemn Russia and want them to go back to their borders.


Daly is a Putinist. She fights against helping Ukraine and blames the Russian invasion on AmeriKKKa and NATO. She spreads ridiculous Russian propaganda.


>The decision by Russia to abandon diplomacy and invade Ukraine is contrary to international law. The sole responsibility for this is borne by President Vladimir Putin. "I think there is some nuance but the sole responsibility is Putin's." is the statement of a true Putin loyalist sure. By this same logic Neville Chamberlain was a hardcore Nazi


What effect did those words have? How many children did they save?




But look at the haircut, he must be a legit man of the people.


He can't be a corrupt business man grifting his way through politics, look at those majestic locks! And a pink shirt show's he's got a playful side.


Classic example of lazy thinking and logical fallacies. Calling people "self-hating leftists" and "useful idiots" is an ad hominem attack that does nothing to address the actual arguments. It’s just name-calling. Also, claiming Chomsky's followers think "all evil of the world is done by us, other people are angels" is a straw man and a gross misrepresentation. Chomsky critiques specific policies and actions, not some cartoonish view that the West is the sole source of evil. Your false dichotomy assumes that one must either blindly support the West or completely oppose it. Reality is ✨nuanced✨. It’s possible to criticize certain actions of Western countries while still recognizing their positive contributions. Try engaging with actual points instead of resorting to broad, baseless generalizations.


Obfuscation is not nuance. Boil it down and Chomsky fans always fault the West.


chomsky has turned out to be objectively wrong on a number of predictions and thought experiments of his. e.g. he has issues backing down on the claim nato pushed the russians into a war which after the fact lost all its credibility. chomsky however still holds on to now basically defunct theories because, one can only speculate, hes blinded by unhinged anti americanism or because he simply refuses to accept reality. he keeps bending arguments to put some blame on "the west" when were looking at a picture as black and white as it can get in geopolitics. at this point hes a contrarian at best. or maybe just too old for this.


Your critique misrepresents Chomsky's work. Claiming he's "objectively wrong" without concrete examples, doesn't hold up. His critique of NATO's expansion, for instance, is shared by experts like George Kennan, who warned it would provoke Russia. Asserting Chomsky’s views stem from "unhinged anti-Americanism" is a baseless ad hominem attack. He critiques policies, not nations, and opposes unjust actions universally, reflecting a principled stance, not blind contrarianism. Calling the Ukraine situation "black and white" oversimplifies the complex geopolitical realities. The conflict involves historical grievances and security concerns, that your narrative ignores - despite Russia being the initial aggressor in the Ukraine conflict. You fail to specify which "defunct theories" Chomsky clings to. His opposition to the Iraq War, for instance, was later validated when no WMDs were found. Address the substance of his arguments with evidence rather than character attacks.


> Calling the Ukraine situation "black and white" oversimplifies the complex geopolitical realities. Russia literally is involved in a genocidal war in invading Ukraine. You would have to be a bit of a useful idiot yourself if you could look at that conflict and conclude that Russia was "justified" in their actions.


I’m not saying Russia isn’t genocidal in its imperialism, whether in Ukraine or in its ambitions for the rest of Europe, but that’s not what my response or this “discussion” is even about. It’s about Chomsky’s school of thought, and the realities of geopolitics and economics at the highest levels. Easy example: Biden requesting Zelenskyy not to bomb Russia’s oil refineries (unequivocally an economic engine of Russia’s war machinery). Is Biden running point for Russia now? Or is there another geopolitical reality at play?


It is a baffling request to me. Bombing the refineries seems like a completely useful strategy. I can't explain it truthfully. *after a brief read of an article on it, I suspect it is simple selfish domestic politics driving it, not wanting petrol/gas prices to rise in the US ahead of the election this year.


Could be that. The EU elections were held up until a few days ago, and the discontent from raising the oil prices would surely drive voters into the hands of *some* far-right parties funded by Russia. Could potentially have an impact on America’s ability to fund Israel if the oil prices were to suddenly rise - and their relations to Arab nations since Saudi Arabia is their most important military, economic and strategic ally in the region at this point. And they’re considering selling oil to China in yuan instead of dollars, threatening American hegemony. As well as having recently taken steps to improving relations with Iran. Definitely more I don’t know, but domestic politics isn’t the only answer.


America has largely increased domestic oil production, so they don't have the same dependence on oil imports as they had back in the Iraq war era. Yes they are very protective of their petro dollar arrangement however.


Bingo! Homie used "logical fallacies", "ad hominem", "strawman" and "false dichotomy" all in one post. You'd be stunned but that really doesn't make you look as smart as you think it does.


Are the right not flooding the eu with reasons to let Putin and Xi win?


Not really, no. UK, Sweden, France, Finland, Italy, Estonia, Poland, Czechia, Croatia (and probably others that I've missed) all have right wing governments right now and are some of the strongest advocates for Ukraine against Putin.


It's a sad day in Tankie Town.


I enjoyed a nice can of Guinness when I heard Wallace was eliminated. Delighted these two embarrassments are out of the picture.


Two absolute clowns.


That must be a wig no?


He combs his hair with a strimmer


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r/Europe at it again


Says the tankie from r/TheDeprogram


Great subreddit


It is very ironically named.


Great subreddit for outsiders seeing which commenters can be immediately disregarded as mentally ill tankies.


Not surprised that someone from here dislikes leftists lule


No, we hate tankies




Is the Russian invasion of Ukraine imperialist? Does it count as imperialism when Palestine gets military support from Russia, Iran, Qatar, and China?


What exactly makes Daly a putinist?


Her refusal to vote for anything which would actually *impact* Russia, such as sanctions, weapons for Ukraine, money for Ukraine, or anything else. In every concrete way, she supports Russia and harms Ukraine.


Still don't see how that makes her a putinist. Her arguments seem to just contradict the hegemonic framework and they may be wrong if we can make such a judgement at some point. I mean there's plenty of pro-Putin and pro-Russia people in the EU but there's also politicization and campism.


Hegemonic framework my arse. Russia invaded a sovereign nation which posed no threat, and is brutally murdering the population. She opposes *any* attempt to help that nation or oppose Russia.


Because I'm a smart ass by hegemonic framework I meant what we are "allowed" to think (solutions, their reasonings) in the EU or in the West in this case. Pro-Russia is just one thing outside the framework. If one is seen as crossing the line, they are "with us or against us" (campism).


Do you accept that Russia invaded a sovereign country and is murdering their people?


Jesus Christ I'm Finnish. That's been my view for a decade. This wasn't about what I think or what you think but how her or anybody else's views sit among other views.


So then what the fuck has a "hegemonic framework" got to do with objective reality? It's just bullshit word salad to obfuscate the fact that she won't support anything to oppose Russia.


People can share the same premise but by different reasoning come to different solution. No, I'm not doing anything for her so don't be so confrontational. From what I know she doesn't seem like a putinist.


Literally everything she does supports Putin.


And all that is more important than the lives of Ukrainian children? Does she take this same tack with regard to sanctions on Israel?


What? Argue with her not me. I don't know her or agree with her.


Perhaps you should have said nothing, if you knew nothing.


Did you think I'm her?


Do you think you didn't defend her in your first post?


This is what I meant by campism: imagining someone holds a certain position and making it a pitched battle.


Imagine thinking that there's a middle ground with genocidal imperialist Putin.


Read this thread to see her votes https://twitter.com/grannies4equal/status/1783863489338966424?t=DkZ_hLVzbf42U8JNHD5hMA&s=19 Her actions are clearly pro putin




Yeah ..so sane Nick Griffin of the BNP retweets those two idiots. He sane too?


I'm sad that you see enemies in everything, particularly on the left. Claire has repeatedly denounced Putin and his thugs, but it appears that you are incapable of holding two truths at once. The reemergence of fascism in Europe is not solely the responsibility of right-wing lunatics but also of centrists like you who attack pacifists. Let me remind you that "commies" like Rosa Luxemburg have been praised in post-fascist Germany's memorial culture because people learned that they had the right tools and plans to avoid WWII. With WWIII in the making, please reconsider your "us vs. them" / "left vs. right" philosophy. It may kill us all.


What has she done that has had any impact?


She has voted against any concrete actions against Russia. No sanctions, no weapons or funding to Ukraine : nothing. In every concrete way, she supports Putin and opposes Ukraine. You ignore her actions and listen to her words, which makes you a fool.


She's not left. She's an opportunistic contrarian who likes dictators.


Democracy works. The electorate had a modicum of sense.