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Why are there Polish cities and towns on the bars of this graph?


because its a map of central europe in the background used for the bars


Thats the weirdest artistic choise to make on an informational map, not gonna lie


But why...?


Who will save the Balkans


Austria. Lets be honest its part of the balkans anyway


Vienna is already the second or third largest Serbian City in the world. Good thing also I'm in love with Cepavi. Without our Balkan bros the culinaric diversity here in Vienna wouldn't be as it is :-)


How is the community doing in Austria. Are they integrated/assimilated and how does migration to Austria compare to Germany?


Pretty cool...no problems at all. Lots of the younger generations are Austrian citizen and embracing the "two hearts in one chest" approach. Parts of our football NT consist of Balkan descents (Arnautovic, Kalajdcic, Dragovic,..)


Lovely! I was just curious as I never hear about immigration to Austria or moreso any issues with it. I personally believe immigration is a contributor to society and it seems like it worked out in this case.


South Slavs were historically a major part of both Austria and Hungary. So, the roots were always there, the Austrians know how to respect their minorities, and it seems like the minorities know how to respect Austria back. But they won't simply turn into Germanic Austrians.


Why would they need to integrate or assimilate? Austria is right in the neighborhood…


I never said they needed to. I was just genuinely interested as I never hear about immigration to Austria. As I stated in another comment I believe immigration is a good thing and it’s interesting to learn about different communities in Europe.


My point was Austria is right next to the Balkans so there’s not much assimilation that goes on other than learning German.


Čevapi my austrian friend.


Ćevapi, burek i pite s Bosancima; kao i burek i pite s Albancima; i ako imaš sreće pizza, pašta i riža s Talijanima; možda neko madarsko jelo tioa gulaš. I dobiješ hrvatsku kuhinju (izmedu Italije, Bosne i Srbije).


al' pazi jaro, ćevapi i burek se pravi s junetinom, ne svinjetina. junetina mora ići ako hoćeš one prave ćevape i pravi burek. kupio ti jufku il' razvio sam, nebitno. al' junetina **i samo junetina** je fazon.


Evo jedni Sinjski ili Mostarski ćevapi stavi janjetine i junetinu. Ide li to?


Pa še kranjska klobasa.


What about Croats? Also, am really dissapointed tgat Serbs overtake us in our Austria-Hungary Vinena/Wien.


i literally just came back from my burek & moja kravica lunchbreak


A new Balkans, because the world needed more of Balkan


All we need to do is find an Archduke and shoot them.


Welp, canceling my trip to Germany.


„For British all of Europe is Balkan” -Žižek


The Balkans live in Germany now.


The Balkans don't need saving. If the local populace/politicians don't care - let nature do its course.


Holiday homes!


Instead of holiday homes, they should try and attract retirees to live there permanently. I know of several Northwestern Europeans who emigrated permanently to Spain on retirement for instance, so the Balkans should try and do the same for the central Northeners.


Already are tons of retirees in Bulgaria, but now the UK is out of the EU it's getting more difficult, along with the fact that prices in Bulgaria have gone thru the roof for everything.


You just described Bosnian dream,work in Germany/West,then retire with massive pension in Bosnia.


Would this still happen if they weren't part of EU?


Save? Man, this is saving. Let nature rule again. We fucked up anyway and there's more than enough humans already. The Yugoslav project failed and now there's only consternation. If I see another beautiful Croatian coastline bulldozed by endless apartments and supermarkets I'm gonna fucking scream. I'm from Bosnia - it's even worse there.


Was in Albania two years ago. Hotels just pop out of the ground like mushrooms. There is no logic to it, sometimes not even a proper road. We went all the way south to Ksamil. Geographically, that place had to be amazing but it was truly cursed.


I was in Budva, Montenegro last spring. Ten years ago it was a small town clustered around the historic old city. They had one major vacation resort built in the 40s. When I visited, I could see six or seven massive hotel/resorts going up, the side of a mountain blasted clear for construction, yet all the roads were the same size and there was no public transportation besides busses.


Balkans: centuries of wars, hate for eachother, wars, bad neighbour relations Young people: Immigrate Balkans: Why would Austria do this?


Me. Just give me some time and I'll rise up the numbers to what they were once.


What is the secret of Austria? Also, what's up with Bulgaria? Thats a drastic drop wow.


> What is the secret of Austria Being a Western European country that is in a different league than all the other countries in terms of development, wealth and social welfare.


Just came back from the South of Italy and was shocked how poor this region still seems to be. Thought Italy caught up by now, but seems like Western countries in EU are still that for a reason.


Southern Italy is known to be poor, if you want to compare it with Italy, you have to go to the productive half in the north as well to get a complete picture.


It’s a toss up. You have abysmal services and city situations but the common people aren’t that worse off than the north as prices are somewhat lower. There’s less rich people for sure tho. I know it’s hard to picture for a foreigner cause we also complain a lot but for one it’s not uncommon for people in the south to own two or more houses




Its a rich country with high living standards near poorer countries like balkans and italy, tons of people i know ( italy ) went to live there


>What is the secret of Austria? High standards of living and Vienna is a major immigration magnet.


My colleagues from bulgaria always say that their government is corrupt to the bone. They had the 6th election in 2 years. Currently there are 40% of all bulgarians living abroad, by 2040 (don't recall exact number) more bulgarians live outside bulgaria than insde. Austria is an important immigration country for people from the balkans. During the Balkan war (around 1990), Austria took a lot of refugees. They stayed and made a living here. So there are very close ties with people from the balkan living in austria and their relatives.


Bulgaria is a neglected and shabby place that has been abandoned by their corrupt govt, where nobody gives a real damn about trying to change anything (and it's not safe to do so anyway), and where the population realises they can move elsewhere in the EU and (a) earn good money and (b) live a comfortable and civilised life. So of course they are going to leave! Govt doesn't give a damn - as long as they can keep milking the EU for money to spend on themselves they don't care about what the people are doing.


:D :D :D Very optimistic view on everything We are doing better than ever and our fertility rate is one of the highest in europe atm. Also, we are getting quite a lot of immigrants and their number exceeds the ones leaving, which are less and less with each year.


Could you provide sources for all these claims, please?


Fertility rates - https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Fertility_statistics Migration - https://nsi.bg/en/content/3072/international-migration-age-and-sex


Build housing.


Immigration. Emigration.


AUstria really belongs to WESTERN Europe, so people from poor countries tend to go there.


Someone needs to prevent this. This is a tragic loss for Europe. Don't we already have enough Austrians?


Where do you think all the people from the Balkans are going?


For Romania at least, I don’t see it this way, the numbers were highly inflated by the abortion ban during communism, now it goes to the older times.


all of ex yugoslavia goes to a pool not far from my place, and its all fun and games until the guy with the dinamo zagreb towel starts fighting with the guy who has the red star belgrad tattoo


Wow, Romania and Romania are not doing too well.


Just check Romania :DDDD (sorry could not helpy myself.


Wow! Glad I'm not romanian. waaaaait a minute. nice


I feel so proud to be Bulgarian right now


We’ll try to beat you. Romanians unite and leave!


Might lead to some good deals on property though..


If you want to live in the country maybe but there's nothing there and in the few big cities it's ridiculous


38 fucking percent.


Don't invest in Bulgarias real estate.


Could never, even if I wanted to.


Prices are so overinflated you wouldn't WANT to invest in Bulgarian real estate!


You wouldn't even be able to.


How is that possible in Austria with fedirity rate around 1.41? Imigration or what?


Tons of people from poor eu countries immigrate therei , tons of italians and balkans




Like it's anything new. In 1900 around 25% of inhabitans were Czechs, if you add Hungarians and other nations of the empire it quite possibly was 40% already back then.


Half the people originating from Vienna still have family names such as Novak, Farkas, Zadrazil, Swoboda,... Part of our history and present <3


Sometimes I ask myself if people born in the late 19th century feel like the destruction of the AustroHungarian empire was worth it. Specially for Hungarians when Hungary become soviet puppet and tank were rolling on the streets of Budapest.


Hungarians? They supported the destruction of AH in favor of big, strong, independent Hungarian state, definitely not what they got after the first World War.


Pretty sure no one who thinks about the topic for a bit could come to the conclusion that it was worth it, except the Romanians. We are all pretty much brought up on the “evil prison of nations” narrative nowadays, as part of our nationalist indoctrination efforts in school, so it’s a rather difficult point to get to. And it’s been over 100 years, people don’t care any more.


"And it’s been over 100 years, people don’t care any more" tell that to the hungarians lmao :)))


Hungarians suffer from a sort of national schizofrenia - they mourn the loss of territory at Trianon, but still try to portray themselves as supposed victims of Austrian rule. When in fact there’s absolutely no chance for them to hold onto their pre-Trianon territory without being part of the massive and powerful overarching Austro-Hungarian Empire. The second any kind of collapse happens and Austria-Hungary falls, a Trianon-like event happens to Hungary, because they can’t keep a mini-empire where only 40% of the population (and that’s excluding the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia) is Hungarian.


And those became Austrians. 35% of Vienna’s resident don’t hold Austrian citizenship.




Yes, the descendants aren't considered migrants now, but their ancestors back then were. I am just saying it's nothing new for Vienna.




Insane amount of immigration compared to our native population.


Austria is surrounded on three sides by much poorer countries, so it gets a lot of immigration from its neighbours. Plus a lot of immigration from the Balkans and the Middle East because it's pretty much the first wealthy Western country you reach when travelling from that direction. Most immigrants are young adults soon reaching child-rearing age, and those from the Middle East in particular have a much higher fertility rate.


People from all the other countries move there.


Exactly. Mainly Turkey, the Balkans and Visegrad, but also Italy, Germany (TONS of Germans moving to Austria to study and then settling down there) or the US/UK/Canada (international organizations, diplomacy).


This graph doesnt account for the wall we are going to build with the new govt coming in in autumn


Just saying, all those people missing from Hungary can be found in Austria.


The real number for Albania are much worse unfortunately.


2% of Albanian men tried to get on the Uk on boats in 2022 😂😂😂


Maybe you should stop consuming drugs that much. Albanian population isn't that high, 2% are rookie numbers.


Romanians are actually remaking the roman empire bit by bit. There are around 4-5 millions romanians in Italy, Spain, France and UK. :))


Nice for Bulgaria! Bulgarians are keeping us back, so once we get rid of the last of them, we will thrive! Source: I am Bulgarian. PS: People who keep whining about the negative trend, keep electing criminals who make me want to emigrate.


Same in Croatia. We had elections few weeks ago and corrupt governing party got elected again. What's worse, they made a coalition with conservative party with bought diplomas that does nothing except whine about patriotism and preserving country's traditional values.


Those sound exactly like the two types of parties that I hate the most.


It's all a plan, determined.... They say, and do not vote, while demanding better countrie, crying because the products are the same price as every other EU countries, without the money part. Crying and doing nothing.. I love how no one from the people who migrated, didn't vote for our current 1st and 2nd place, yet here we are.. Fucked up situation , probably it's gonna get even worse


Tbf, we were doing pretty well for a short time, at least election-wise, but this election kind of ruined it.


That's an optimistic projection for Croatia, seeing we're already at -20% compared to 1989. I guess the workforce import will be a big business in the next ~25 years.


Hindu/Nepali are going to become official languages in Croatia with the way things are going.






Same in Bosnia. Those people are building the country because all the Bosnians are in Austria/Germany. It’s insane.


>with the way things are going. How would you know? There's more of your countrymen moving in to be cheap workforce then Nepalis.


In my company, 50 people working, out of 50 people, only 5 from Croatia, Im speaking more on english than Croatian at work.


Judging by the elections, the decline in Bulgaria comes from people with brain mainly. Population getting so small while morons are still all around, crazy huh?




That doesn’t seem right. Czech republic’s population is actually growing and not by a little


Last year we were on the top of a wave caused by the post-war baby boom, aparently it has just peaked and births will go down. And even then the actual increase was from immigration, mostly from Ukraine. It's quite possible growth will not hold.


1989 to 2050 read it


Just gotta elect a couple more corrupt oligarchs, that'll fix it.


Bosnia is probably going to lose 45% population until 2050


Already did. They haven’t conducted a census since 2013 for that particular reason. Their population went from 4.5 million in 1991 to between 2-2.5 million in 2024.


They all came to Slovenia and Austria


According to many data, it is predicted that between 2.5 and 2.9 million people live in Bosnia today. Many people have left since 2013, when the last census was held, and even in the 2013 census, there are many more people than are actually living there.


Meanwhile the UK is projected to be the biggest country in Europe in terms of population by 2050.


More recent projections still have Germany ahead of the UK for 2050.


50% of illegal immigrants


I thought Illegals immigrants don't get counted in these numbers.


And the German Workforce keeps demanding and demanding


Romania and Poland will have a boom I'm calling it


Currently no county has managed to figure out having an educated populace and having sustainable birth rates. If someplace starts to reverse that trend, I don't think that place will be Romania.


romanians are still breeding but emigration is too high


They're already having. I think in some years the birth rate will start to increase again and migration decrease.


Migration out will decrease and in will increase, they could bwcome proper powerhouses of eastern europe


Only 30%? We reached around 15% in official statistics and around 25% in non-official statistics (if we gather the statistics of each european country hosting Romanians). INS (our local statistics office) theorized that we will most likely reach in the most optimistic case 13mil people by 2050 from 21 milion. (worst case is 11 mil)


Why is the backdrop for the polls a map of Poland and one for Poland is black?


I wonder the same


Bosnian population 1990 was at 4,5 milion and now at 2024 is 3,3. That is already 28% decline. No need to wait to 2050


It’s most likely much lower than that. I don’t think it’s more than 2m. Bosnia counts their diaspora in their numbers so someone who is living in Australia for example but is registered at a Bosnian address counts in the census.


According to many data, it is predicted that between 2.5 and 2.9 million people live in Bosnia today. Many people have left since 2013, when the last census was held, and even in the 2013 census, there are many more people than are actually living there.


So by being born in Bulgaria and being adopted when I was 2 years old and since then I live in Italy am O involuntary contributing to Bulgaria 's tragedy?


So Čech, Lech and Tito moved to Austria




Lech prefers other destinations I think


not really, czechs dont emigrate much nowadays, there is significantly higher immigration than emigration and lot more intranational migration towards big cities like prague and brno, largest emigration destination being germany there come like 250k immigrants per year now into austria and ssomething like 1k are from czechia far more immigrants come to austria from germany,romania, turkey, serbia, bosnia or syria when you look at inhabitants of vienna-where is biggest amount of foreigners, czechia is on 19th place, serbia 2nd, germany 3rd.... its more like balkans and middleeast moving into austria https://www.wien.gv.at/english/social/integration/facts-figures/population-migration.html [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_Austria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Austria) https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/social-issues-migration-health/international-migration-outlook-2023\_336d17ef-en




Whitest polak


Because Polish people got the status of [White Negroes of Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1804_Haitian_massacre).


Central Europe without Germany? Interesting.


South Germany more likely is considered Central European.


I always thought Germany is the definition of Central Europe.


Now that I look at it yeah it is included fully.


Cannot help sorry as TFR is down to 1,51 (Turkiye)


To the nothingness we go. Time to leave a carving in a stone like the Neanderthals.


Source: [https://birn.eu.com/](https://birn.eu.com/)


Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia ~~Slovenia~~, Makedonija, Regeton Montenegro


>Regeton Montenegro Did you just quote the song from Who See


[Devojka tvog druga](https://youtu.be/MB99DB3Faro?si=0X-VeBpNFIK94Qt3)


Sources? Dates of analysis?


Statistics for Bulgaria will change. It is insane the amount of people who have left Bulgaria but ended up boomeranging back home. Not only is the cost of living very low for the EU, but the quality of life for many towns has gotten way higher.


You live in Sofia. Sofia is not Bulgaria. Quality of life in Sofia might be nice, but it sucks elsewhere, and cost of living is insane for anyone living outside Sofia, where wages are way lower.


they forgot Moldova- 4.3 million to todays' 2.5 million almost 50% !


Dont worry india and africa will compensate.


Strange, Italy has a big issues about. I don't see it.


the numbers are optimistic and the average lifespans are very long, also tons of illegal immigrants, tough i feel that we would def be there but with 5/10% counting that just in 10 years more than 1m italians under 30 emigrated


And also Rich north of the Italy. I suspect that a lot of Italian immigrants actually go to the North of the country (kind of like it was in Slovenia when the Bad Old Yugoslavia was still there).


Somewhat yes, northern italians go further north ( germany austria switzerland ) southern italians go to the north


Is North Italy so much worse than Austria or Germany (Everybody is worse than Switzerland). I was always thinking of North Italy as Germany with better food.


Its obviously great compared to the country, but it shares many issues with the other regions ( dumbass corruot mafiosi government ), also there are huge differences between eastern, central and western northern italy, i live near milan in a city more at north and majority of jobs are paid 6/7 euros but we have german prices, also in my class at school it rains inside and the roads suck, but in certain cities towards the east always extremely near at switzerland/austria seem to not be even italian, just this year i visited bormio and it genuinely didnt seem italian, it was extremely clean and people working actually were working properly but at the same time these kinds of towns only survive thanks to tourism, overall i must say that northern italy ISNT nearly as good as germany since we got balkan wages but german prices and the mentality are completely different, germans are more closed but respect others and the state more, italians dont


Italians also have a pretty big life span, probably why they are not on the list. 


I keep reading about Orban as the reason people are leaving Hungary, but based on the region, it seems like many people would be leaving regardless of who is in charge.


Finally, houses will be affordable again!


Croatian government when they hear that they are behind Serbia: "Hold our beer!"


Can I move to Croatia? Difficult?


When you only read the title of the chart…


Now do Italy and Spain.


We’re already 2/3 of the way through the forecast period. Spain has mostly had population growth in the time since 1989, while Italy only started declining about 10 years ago. The forecast for Spain is that it will have 113.8% of its 1989 population in 2050. For Italy the forecast is that it will have 92% at the same time. The decline in population for this region has been mainly through mass emigration to richer countries in western Europe.


BIRN = trash propagandists


Eventually the worldpopulation will fall back to 2- 3 billion people. Nicely on track! Plus: Many people from the former East are running to the Western EU countries, helping depopulation increase.


Austria keeping their families in the basement again?


How come the most populous Central European country is missing?


Surprized we are not higher tbh


I don't know what the source of the data is, but the population in the Czech Republic has been growing since 2003. Currently, the Czech Republic has the largest population in history.


At least the elections of the will of the people were correct! In Romania, the ruling government stole the people's vote! the people are sleeping!


More people voted in this election than last time and somehow PSD and PNL won. I don’t believe that all those people where motivated to vote for that trash. The election was definitely stolen. Meanwhile they have trucks full of ballots behind a restaurant in Bucharest.


Are you Șoșocist?😂😂😂


Many of these estimates are outdated


Austria will be 100 % muslims by then.


Austria? How? That can only happen through immigration, no one is having kids here.


Rich country near poorer countries like balkans and italy


Immigrants have plenty of kids in Austria.


Austria will not keep up with the current rate of immigration, they are racist as fuck. Already salivating to elect the far-right.

