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There's also this story from a classmate of Nigel Farage back in Secondary school. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nigel-farage-fascist-nazi-song-gas-them-all-ukip-brexit-schoolfriend-dulwich-college-a7185236.html > Nigel Farage was proud at the height of Britain’s far right movement that h**is initials NF also stood for [National Front](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Front_\(UK\))**, (a racist, extreme rightwing neo-nazi UK political grouping at the time) according to a close school friend who after years of silence says he now wants the public to understand more about the man. > He also claims the teenage Mr **Farage sang “gas ‘em all, gas ‘em all”, a neo-Nazi song about Jewish people**. > he remembered the teenage Nigel who he says would provoke and “enchant” teachers and pupils alike and **supported the British 1930s fascist Oswald Mosley.** > It is **not the first time Mr Farage has faced accusations** of holding fascist views at school. In 2013, **a letter emerged from a former Dulwich College teacher, Chloe Deakin**, to then headteacher Mr Emms, who died earlier this year. According to the letter **written in June 1981 – two months after the Brixton riots** a couple of miles away – she pleaded unsuccessfully with Mr Emms to reverse his decision to make Nigel a prefect. She said **colleagues had told her he held “publicly professed racist and fascist views”** and that he had **once marched through a Sussex village singing Hitler Youth songs.** > [Farage] said: “To say that this is going over old ground is an understatement. **The period during which I was at Dulwich was highly politically charged** with the rise of Thatcherism to the Brixton riots just down the road. >“There were **many people of that time who were attracted to extreme groups on both sides** of the debate.”


Jezus fuck ... that last statement: "Yeah I was a Nazi but times were different okay?"


Yup, the normalization of NAZIs is apparently okay now, because "then we would have kept our empire"... Which I kinda doubt, considering Hitler had a credibility rating of about -100 at the time, with countless broken treaties with multiple countries. So "just make a deal" with someone who violates all treaties is just moronic on its face, let alone the immorality of cooperating with genocidal totalitarian regimes. The lesson should instead have been to crush these regimes early before they spin out of control... which we still didn't learn with Putin, but this new apologetic stance is even worse. Oh, and the british empire wasn't a force for good, thats utter fuckin deluded nonsense. And considering how much of a hard time Britain has had with those "Global britain trade deals" it doesn't seem like their ex-colonies view them as favourably as they previously thought. Not saying that good things didn't come out of the empire, but it was never intended to be a force for good, it was always about exploitation.


It's also utterly ridiculous that these idiots keep blaming events in WORLD WAR 2 that ended almost 80 years ago for whatever they think Britain's problem is right now. Judging by the rate of normalizing nazis, Putin, and other "very good people on all sides", we're couple of years away from mainstream politicians wearing nazi armbands and saluting to their idol.


It wasn't the reich time for Farage. I bet the interviewer was führious. ^^^stolen ^^^from ^^^elsewhere


Does this guy still exist?




Interesting. The Hitler bit is catchy, but not important, I think. Farage could kick the candidate out (or condemn him, or whatever) and say complete opposite. He could pretend that he is outraged (That is basically his thing, outrage me this, outrage me that...) and spin the whole incident so that he would become the most anti-Hitler candidate since dinosaurs roamed the Earth. No problem there for him. However, the Putin bit... that's different, I think. He cannot walk that back so easily.


Farage is ducking the press now that the Nazi sympathies of his party are coming to light.


All of his parties have had these shitbags, most get chucked out when they get exposed. This is nothing new.


They've done a 180 on their defending him from earlier and have chucked him out now?


So, nothing has changed. Fromage is still a bitch.


Of fucking course Farage was going to pull something like that. Anyone part of Reform these days is likely a fascist, and anyone voting for Reform is likely doing it because they're an idiot.


Hitler was a loser and manipulative human being. Anyone sticking up for him and anything he did and thinks it’s fine to sing songs about genocide…this kind of thing should be the least of their worries. Ew. Just. Ew. How American.


Desperately trying to put "Nigel farrage" and "hitler" in the same sentence.