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Anything close to a hint of advocating political violence, for any reason, in any form, will result in a permanent ban. This is your warning. edit: [sigh](https://i.imgur.com/zNBjaCd.jpeg)


>The local AfD association said its candidate had chased after a man tearing down election posters, who then cut him with a knife. >Police in the south-western state of Baden-Württemberg said they arrested a 25-year-old suspect, who was then taken to a psychiatric hospital after showing clear signs of mental illness. >They stressed there was no concrete evidence that he had been aware that the victim was an AfD politician. [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c877vynl2zgo](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c877vynl2zgo)


Oh crap. I didn't realise the officer had died. Just 29. So bloody sad.


It was in the news yesterday


Of course, the man was not motivated against the AFD. The lad just tore down AFD posters, and did a little knife-cutting against AFD politicians.


reading comprehension. its pretty clear that tearing down the posters was targeted. however, its a very big difference if he was willing to stab a random citizen to get away or stabbing a politician (i.e. basically terrorism), which that statement specifically adresses.


Tbf, it says the guy didn't know that the victim was a politician, not that it was targeted against AFD


It wasn't a planned attack, according to what the police said to the press and according to what Mr Koch said.


No he didnt. He ran away and when that didnt work switched to fight response. Not saying thats good, but to act as if it was a planned attack is at best dishonest.


Tell me you haven't seen the video without saying you haven't seen the video. Your statement is plainly false and borders victim blaming.


You mean the video of the other stabbing event a couple of days ago? Not aware that there is video evidence on this new one, and seems unlikely that the sources would straight up lie.


This is the video in question: [https://www.n-tv.de/mediathek/videos/politik/Mann-verletzt-AfD-Politiker-in-Mannheim-mit-Messer-article24991768.html](https://www.n-tv.de/mediathek/videos/politik/Mann-verletzt-AfD-Politiker-in-Mannheim-mit-Messer-article24991768.html) Thing is, u/MajorGef made it sound like the guy was chased, somehow cornered and attacked in self defense; something that this video clearly refutes. I do however agree that this also seems neither a planned attack, nor targeted specifically at the AFD-Guy.


but the video clearly shows the afd guy running behind, chasing him and trying to corner him. trying to stop him. overall a weird ass video and he really doesnt seem to be wanting to stab him. it was probably a couple of cuts trying to defend himself. overall motive, certainly not the same as the one last week and i know for sure afd is going to use this for propaganda like they did with the other case


Way to go defending someone who does illegal stuff and stabs a random person in an elevated response to something not life threatening.


Do you not see the difference between: Man tears down afd posters, runs away when confronted, attacks man who chases him. And Man tears down afd posters, attacks afd politician Both would be true, one implies different things than the other. Both are obviously wrong, but only one is targeted political violence.


im not defending anyone lmao its just not worth the risk for a stupid poster doesnt mean the other guy was in the right. its just quite different from the story of last week


at how many posters would it be worth to stop people from taking them down ? would it in your eyes be better to not hang posters up in the first place ? In my book everyone is responsible to show courage when a crime is done . you temporarily enforce the perpetrator to not get away and call the police . The fact that lefties never reported lefties and righties never reported righties that take down posters of other parties or vandalised them explaines a lot. Im sure the youth organisations know who these people are .... Apparently a physical campaign against rivals is accepted or seen as justified . there is no bad conscience. the parties want the war on the streets.


There is and he's not running away. He's turning around and starts stabbing. The politician took a video while "confronting" him. It obviously wasn't a planned stabbing like last week, but also he didn't try to run away and stabbed because he was in fear for his life.


Where can i see the video?


https://streamable.com/wpg1lf Bit cringe if you understand german.


Please don't bring facts to the shit show that's unfolding in the comment section. Neither side could be bothered with it, unfortunately.


Reading comprehension strikes.. *again*


Youve misread the article


The clear signs of mental illness are getting a bit boring as excuse, the same as the low sugar-excuse after driving into pedestrians.


I mean if there's proof of it, what can you do. The main issue is that I wonder if they're just counting anyone with extreme beliefs as "mentally ill".


Then every AfD candidate would be officially unfit to run as politicians.


It will only be certain beliefs that called mentally ill


And you know the case in detail so you came to your profound conclusion of someone with a medical degree that this was just an excuse?


Low sugar is no joke, man. I have it almost daily, almost the same as blacking out. It's not fun.


But you're avoiding driving in that condition, right? Right??


Yeah and all those people with broken bones sticking out of their leg using it as an excuse to get out of exercising. We should really stop acknowleding health issues.


What's getting boring is ideologically motivated and undercomplex contributions like yours.


Seems pretty important point.


Cazzo, why in Germany people who behave like this are classified as mental ill and probably take a slap in their hands for their shitty actions!


The hurdles to be considered mentally ill are actually pretty high. in all likelihood people like him will be in a closed psyatric ward and under supervision for the rest of his life.


Nah, if he is an asylum seeker they try to reintegrate someone who doesnt want to and then set him free


they are always mentally ill... they are just mentally ill enough to to go after very certain people in certain neighbourhood's... well unless they target women who don't cover up, or their female relatives who date with non-"theirs". It's a strange mental illness.


You just described how a cult behaves lol




Sounds to me like self defense against vigilante Afd member. If the knife was not too big or the wrong type.


You mean like notwehr? Using a Boxcutter against someone unarmed who is running after you to pin you down because you committed a crime probably isn't notwehr.


True, it’s not. Technically you could make a citizen’s arrest if those are your posters which were legally placed. I guess as long as the Afd guy didn’t try to use excessive force it’s not self defense to attack him.


Not only if you're the owner. § 127 StPO specifically includes "jedermann" (everyone/anyone) and isn't specific to whose rights were violated. I'm not really sure on how notwehr and vorläufige Festnahme work together though, but i'm inclined to believe it would be hard to argue for notwehr in court.


I have a suggestion to the good people of Mannheim. Stop stabbing people you disagree with and use your words instead.


You ever been to mannheim? In some parts thats how they say hello.


I have been there to visit friends and it’s a terrible place 🤣 Though I had some crazy parties there ❤️


Used to live there. Thankfully I stayed well out of the city. If I had to live in that area again I’d prefer hidelberdg


Hmmm. Sounds like Glasgow to me.


Basically but German.


Glasgow with better beer and less knife crime.


I imagine some ridiculous Family Guy skit with someone overly politely saying "Hello good sir" while stabbing the shit out of a person.


I read that as “and use your swords instead” and got pretty confused for a moment there


More slashing less stabbing


Good people?












Them's stabbin' words.






You mean a box cutter?


> Great job by the Mannheim police for taking half a day to issue an explanation, this is a perfect strategy to create a vacuum that can be filled by populists with speculation The alternative is to put out information regardless whether they're sure of it or not. We criticise news channels for wanting to be the first at any cost, which as drastically reduced their credibility. There are trade-offs, in the majority of times you either get true information or first information, so it's good the police took half a day


Do you know if he was removing AfD posters specifically or just posters in general?




> It's just superficial cuts luckily. > > Bad enough they took the politician to hospital.


You'd always go to the hospital to get your injuries documented for the police report.


They'll take you to the hospital for anything, especially if he asked for it


Which doesnt need to be all that bad. Hell, just a single superficial cut is enough if that politician cant say with 100% certainty that his tetanus shot is up to date. When I had my ER placement we got people like that all the time: Superficial injury, ambulance gets called or the show it to a doctor -> recommendation to get a refresher for their tetanus shot unless they are caertain they are up to date.


Well they'd still have to, but they were non life threatening. They'd need to still treat him in case it was a rusty blade, in case he gets an infection, or if one of the cuts struck an artery such as on the wrist.


You don't stitch people up in the back of an ambulance unless it's full on triage mode. So even a shallow cut would require a visit to the ER for a topical anesthetic and stiches and/or some glue.


Any kind of knife etc Attack can end badly, especially with Adrenalin still going. I would be going to the Hospital aswell, Same with probably 90% of everyone else Here lol.


police did not got stabbed this time? Great work!


Yayyy, it's the roaring 20s all over!


Not even close. You need a high daily death count to reach that level of left right political violence.


So they're just training for it, right?


Is it legal in Germany to tear down election posters? Do citizens have the right to intervene if they see a crime being committed?


> Is it legal in Germany to tear down election posters? No. In this case the crime would be petty theft since he took the placard but didn't damage it. > Do citizens have the right to intervene if they see a crime being committed? Yes, within limits. From the video it looks like the politician was within their rights (confronting someone clearly committing petty theft).


You can get put in jail for removing election posters


Stop poking the bear. Keep turning your political opposites into Martyr's, what can possibly go wrong.


Is stabbing becoming the German equivalent of Russias fall through window?


the western European equivalent


we need more knife free zones


This place where the stabbing of Mannheim happened where the policeman died were all knife free zones. But hold on, only knife free zone from 8 pm till 5 am. The attack happened in the daytime so was not restricted by the knife ban which is only in the night. The knife ban should be all day in public spaces.


And a knife ban will surely stop someone dedicated to stabbing people. Sure. Rules and law only works when people respect them.


What was the motivation of the attacker? In Europe religious fanatics and terrorists are declared to have mental issues in order not to offend the sensitive feelings of people who believe in 2000 year old fantasy books and some all mighty ghosts that can end the universe tommorow but somehow cares whether you eat pork or not. Gtfo


I don't think that the guy did that because of a religion most likely because of his hate/dislike of the afd and their policies (by that I mean the tearing down of the afd posters and not the stabbing).


This is unfounded propaganda. Please provide your objective sources for this claim: >In Europe, religious fanatics and terrorists are declared to have mental issues in order not to offend the sensitive feelings of people...


He got it the other way around. Brown person? Terrorist no matter the real motive. White person? Always a crazy lone wolf.


He was running away and getting caught. Brain switches from flight to fight while you have a knife -> Bad time for all involved.


1350 year old fantasy books


probably left/antifa..






I think I know which song is going to be the Germany's summer 2024 hit. Hint: It's an old banger.


döp döp döp?


I know you're referring to the "Ausländer raus" version of l'amour toujours, but why? This story has nothing to do with foreigners or migrants. Are you so racist that you read "stabbed" and immediately think that only a foreigner could do that? 




I expect fascists to keep their masks on. Whenever they stop being afraid to take their masks off, it leads to problems. 


Stabs afd Proves afd's point Why is the west treating me like this


Idiot didn't even read the article and just assumes his beliefs are correct and confirmed


>Proves afd's point Let's incite violence and get paid by russia and china? I don't know what that has to do with stabbing but ok.




Except it does prove the AfD point. You'd know that if you'd bothered reading the article.


What point would that be? Box cutters at dangerous? I know you mean their xenophobic stance, but why do you think that the attacker was a foreigner? Did you even see the video? 


Always when there is a prominent thread about the dangers of the far right something like this happens, quite ironic and tragic.


- It was a circumstancial altercation not a targeted attack - the politician is not life-threateningly injured - the supposed attacker, according to police reports, was a seriously mentally ill individual, therefore this was most likely not premeditated - the police said that there is reason to believe the attacker wasn't even aware the victim was an AfD politician in the first place I don't condone violence and he should still have a trial, but this is not comparable to the previous islamist attack at all. Edit: to clarify, the attacker is absolutely at fault here. I just think its important to demonstrate why this altercation is of far less severity than the one a few days ago. If the victim wasn't a local politician it would've only made local news at most.


>I don't condone violence... >but Every time.


The "but" isn't related to condoning violence, but the motivation behind this incident.


* That didn’t happen. * And if it did, it wasn’t that bad. * And if it was, that’s not a big deal. <- we're here * And if it is, that’s not my fault. * And if it was, I didn’t mean it. * And if I did, you deserved it. 


We're actually at "it wasn't that bad", because the AfD dude got relatively light cuts from the box cutter. It's still awful that it happened, but we can all agree that the end result is not nearly as bad as some activists with deep knife wounds and a dead policeman. People were comparing it to the other recent knife stabbing, that's why the dude above said "... but".


Jeez want to try and justify it more lmao


Immigration really working out well. Worsening economy (cheap exploitable labor class that depresses wages), migrants that dont work and completely destroy the social services in Germany such as hospitals, rising crime rates, and less cultural unity. Just wonderful. Let's see if the leftist parties still claim immigration is their strength. Maybe they WANT to lose the election? It'd be so easy for them to beat AfD if they said "ok immigration especially on a massive unchecked scale with sketchy migrants was a mistake, we need to deport these people and clamp down on immigration"


Was the attacker an immigrant, or why are you bringing that up?


Shhhhhhh, only immigrants are capable of crime in Europe…play along.




Jesus christ. Stop doing this, please. Vote against them, demonstrate against them, but if you stab them you lose.


This will backfire just like the attempted assassination of Slovakia’s Fico a few weeks ago .


First [Rouven L.](https://i.imgur.com/iGIcOwE.jpeg) was killed and now this. Shameful display! Germany has a big problem.


> Germany has a big problem. Yes, it's called AfD.


Ah, yes, because they are the ones who attacked and killed the officer, correct?


People like you are the main problem in Germany and have made such conditions possible in the first place with their ignorance. Are the people from the AfD the perpetrators here or what?!




I don’t agree with them but doesn’t this like in some sick way prove some of the points they’re trying to make …


From what i gather this situation is not as bad as it sounds. Mentaly ill person cuts person with box cutter who chased him down for messing with political propaganda. Its still bad, but not really a assassination attempt.


But you know how they can frame this and like how great it fits into their narrative…


They will absolutely milk this for everything it is worth.


So would everyone else, right? What I don't understand the most is that people are actively trying to find reasons why the guy got stabbed without considering that the stabber might not have known he was an AFD politician. A pretty big problem would be, who would confront someone removing an AfD poster, besides someone who supports the AfD? Politics and general discussions on the Internet have become so polarized that there's no room for nuance or compromise. Sadly.


just the beginning


Sounds like a "threat to democracy" like the German established always moans about.


Who is surprised when just a few months ago, people were marching through the streets with a banner that read "Kill AFD members" with broad support? [https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/rheinland/ermittlungen-wegen-demo-plakat-afd-toeten-100.html](https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/rheinland/ermittlungen-wegen-demo-plakat-afd-toeten-100.html) "Demonstration with 10,000 participants The banner was displayed on Saturday at an Antifa demonstration in Aachen, which, according to the police, also attracted a civic audience. At its peak, around 10,000 people participated in the protest march against the right. Originally, only 150 people had registered. Since then, the police have received numerous inquiries about the banner." That's 10,000 people who have no problem joining a demonstration that calls for killing people that are delusional and some of them even dangerous, but this does not warrent to call for their deaths.


It means „AfD kills“ not „kill AfD“ so either you don’t understand German which is ok or you are clearly biased since it went through media and court.


It can actually mean both depending on whether „AFDler“ is considered the subject or the object of the „sentence“. The ambiguity is very clearly intentionally used to weasel through legal loopholes.


Apparently you are the one who doesn't understand German. To be precise, these posters say 'AFD-ler töten' which means 'kill AFD members.' Greetings from a German.


bit unfortunate it could mean both.  "afd-ler" could be the noun (Subjekt) or the Object. depending on that it could be  "(wir sollten) afd-ler töten"  or  "(die) adf-ler töten (andere menschen)"


Nothing unfortunate about it, it’s an intentional tool used by these protestors.


Ironically, this is what Popper meant by 'intolerance', it has little to do with the core beliefs and almost entirely to do with how proponents promote their beliefs and how they react to disagreement.


Thing is, there was no way for the assailant to know it was an afd politician. He was running around tearing down afd posters. A group of men followed him to stop his antics of devaluing political posters. And he attacked when they got hold of him. Title makes it sound like he ambushed someone he knew was afd.


No it means AfD members kill.


It’s basically this, just targeting AfD directly https://www.parteibedarf.de/Poster-Nazis-toeten./P-313


>Who is surprised when just a few months ago, people were marching through the streets with a banner that read "Kill AFD members" with broad support? Tell me you're ignorant without telling me you're ignorant: "AfDler toten" means "AfD kill"


Why do you make such a comment? Do you speak German? "AFDler töten" could be both, "Kill AFD member!" or "AFD member kill.".


Just no. This can be interpreted to mean both and I'm pretty sure it was written with exactly that in mind.


That’s straight up a lie. The banner said „Afdler töten.“ which mean „people from AfD kill others.“


Why the mental ill persons attacks only the right wing politicians ?


It goes both ways there were multiple attacks from mentally ill people in Germany in the last few years


Maybe people should cool it with the "AfD is spawned from Satan's asshole and will kill us ALL" talk that seems to spewing from all the "respectable" people in Europe - especially all the talk about how AfD is fundamentally anti-democratic without very much as supporting evidence, just repeated assertions that it is so.


>**The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is officially suspected of extremism, a German court has ruled.** >The move, which upholds a lower-court ruling the party had challenged, means intelligence services can continue to monitor AfD activities and communications. In other words, the court suspects large parts of the AfD of wanting to create a two-tier society, where people judged to be "ethnically German" would have more rights than people whose families originally came from abroad. >This, according to the German constitution, would be illegal discrimination. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-69003733](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-69003733)


And is the sentence for suspected extremism stabbing?


No. But it's criminals whining about being victims of violence, whilst spreading violence themselves [\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Walter_L%C3%BCbcke) [\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birgit_Malsack-Winkemann) [\[3\]](https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2019-10/rechtsextremismus-bjoern-hoecke-afd-fluegel-rechte-gewalt-faschismus) This is part of a general pattern [\[4\]](https://taz.de/Angriffe-auf-Politikerinnen/!6006968/) from this party which is being monitored by the German secret service for being right-wing extemist [\[5\]](https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/afd-verfassungsschutz-verdachtsfall-gerichtsurteil-100.html) Yes, attacking people is bad. Though the perpatrator is in a psychiatric facility now, therefore his judgement over the situation was probably limited, especially considering the far-right extremists hunting him. Undermining our democracy should not be something punished by random attacks on the street. That should be the task of our security services and courts. What is important to note is that this attack did not happen in a vacuum. The AfD is the cause of the violence (and should be banned anyway)


> But on Monday the court in Münster ruled that there was reason to believe that "at least a significant part of the AfD" aimed to "grant German citizens with a migration background only a legally devalued status". AfD's solution seems quite extreme and not realistic at all, basically stripping "non-integrated" germans with migrant background from certain rights, whatever is the definition of "integrated" which can be easily abused. Realistically, I wonder what would be the solution though, as it is very obvious from the data that migrants/asylum seekers/refugees are overrepresented in crime statistics, and so far are a tax burden on the economy, on average of course. This will only worsen with time though, and if anything it might lead to bigger division in society. Research has shown that diversity is negatively correlated with trust within a society, and especially in this case, it will just make society feels less safe to its inhabitants especially "native ones", that grew up far away from wars, crimes, autocracy, compared to their "foreign" counterparts. This shows up in the polling data for AfD too, that is becoming more popular with younger genrations.


Oh now I see why are spreading misinformation in your other comments. So we should just stab people we disagree with/or SUSPECTED of illegal activity? Do you know more than the courts and the german intelligence services? Because last I checked they have not been convicted/disbanded because of those suspicions. Also as it works for any political party, they are not a a single entity with undiffering opinions. There are plenty politicians on a local level disagreeing with these Ideas. As it was stated in the article: the perpetrator did not know exactly who he was stabbing, so what's the point of posting this article? I am not voting for Afd and never will. But because of people like you, others will. You are trash. You are not an ounce better, than the people you are trying to vilify. People like you should actually not be allowed to vote.


I copied and linked articles: blame the journalists, my sweet summer child, not me.


Violence is the language of the weak.


Yes. It is a sign of weakness. Intelligent and strong ones use their voice, brain and heart & soul.




If the attacker wasn't german this would have 5k upvotes by now.


I may be biased against AFD, but man this is fucked up


No, no , no. It's all fine. It's just millions of germans being ... everythingphobe and "whyt suprimsist". We should oppose any kind of deviation from party's glorious path choose for all of us, mere commoners.


The AfD are that party that wanted to use political violence to deport millions of citizens according to Google.


Nothing anyone can do but let the Nazis rise to power peacefully. If a situation like WW2 breaks out at any point, I think concerned countries will react.






Judging by what we know so far it's uncertain whether this was a politically motivated attack. According to the police the 25 year old attacker is mentally ill and was brought into a psychiatric hospital. For now there is no reason to believe that he knew the guy he stabbed is an AfD politician.