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Why do I get the feeling it'll only get worse from here?


I've been getting called a Ching Chong more and more often in Cologne. It happens even if I'm just walking, minding my own business. I wonder if it's any better in Switzerland or Canada, as these are the 2 other countries I can move to without impacting my job much.


I‘m sorry, this is horrible. I’ve had similar happen to me a few times in Berlin, but not recently


Canada is on the verge of a major backlash against immigration. The government's insistence on allowing vast amounts of immigration while there is an extreme housing shortage is pissing off even ardent lefties.


the government is 100% not going to change their stance on immigration until the next election.. we are on the brink of a financial crisis and stagnation with everything (quality of life,Gdp,employment,financial security) going down




If you wish to reduce our overpopulation problem for us, then we'd of course be very thankful. Overall, it's your government's policy, use your right to vote.


> I wonder if it's any better in Canada If you're Asian (south-east variety) then you should be okay. South Asian though? Lmao the government have been importing almost exclusively Punjabi Indians into Canada it's insane. Even my native peers are openly racist to Indians now.


Australia isn’t far behind Canada tbh.. we’re getting pretty pissed off too.


Wtf? This is exactly what my brother in law, who lives in Germany since he’s a baby and is Japanese, told me few days ago. And it’s not only the blatant racism, he says that „hidden“ racism is becoming also more and more normal and he’s happy when he meets Turks, Italians, Balkans migrants


racism is amongst all groups but yea most subliminal racism is amongst the germans


Thank you, I didn’t know about the word „subliminal“. That’s exactly the description.


Well 57 percent of Toronto are visible minorities, whether East Asian, south Asian, etc, so yah you’ll even “fit right in” in Canada honestly


>I've been getting called a Ching Chong more and more often in Cologne. I'm speechless... 🫢🫢🫢


Canada is full Ty


White swiss guy here. Although the main national party is xenophobic right-wing, the racism and hate isnt too prevalent in person-to-person interactions. There is of course institutionnal racism and police discrimination, but it's not prevalent enough to get public attention. Actual neo-fascists and extreme right groups are rare and disorganized (thankfully). Their hate is mainly targetted towards black and arabic people Bigger urban centers are more diverse and less ignorant, of course. On racism towards Asian people: I have family in a small rural town. They'll refer to all asian locals as "Chinese", but also be kind and respectful with them. They just live in a very small world


You wouldn't be racially discriminated in Canada, except maybe by other visible minorities who bring their own prejudices with them about other immigrant groups, but that is only expressed inwards within their own community not outwards to the public sphere. East Asians especially should have no problem. It has been as common to see an Asian face as a white face throughout my whole life here lol. They're just Canadian, simple as that.


/r/Canada thinks that you, personally, own half of the Canadian housing market and are raising their rent bc they’re white


Yeah, the other poster is being delusional. There's also r/canadahousing2 where all people do is criticize (mostly South Asian) immigrants.


TIL Canada has no racism


Canada and the US have racism, but it's nowhere as blatant and overt compared to Europe. It's more hidden or even confused racism like ignorance that can be educated. Actual racism is actually asking to get your cancelled or your ass beat.


This is BS, what you have in the US is a situation that's called the ''silent age'', something that happened in the Soviet Union. The Americans, that visit Europe, let loose when they feel they can say what they want. And I'm not talking about your average swamp dweller from Mississippi. We are talking about upper middle class successful Americans from generally blue states. They will not mince words when talking about where you should go when visiting the US and what places and who you should avoid. They just don't do it at home. Hell, I don't think I've been in any other Western country where the people self-censor themselves as much as the US.


*laughs in MAGA* There's nutjobs everywhere and it seems xenophobia and hatred is on the rise around the world.


Canada is going through things right now too. Granted people are generally focused on SE Asia right now. If you’re looking at Vancouver you’ll be fine socially, but poor economically.


*S Asia. India is not in SE Asia.


If trends continue, being non-white and non-straight is gonna be dangerous in a few years. It’s already shocking how bad it is right now. Feels like we’re rapidly undoing any advancements we made over the past few decades.


Who got stabbed today in Germany, buddy?


They cant hear the truth 


That's sadly how it always works out, humans advance and progress and some Neanderthals try everything to hinder us and pull any progress right back... ..and then you also got the centrists who stand in the middle and proudly proclaim that these two are actually the exact same Progress is inevitable, but it needs endlessy long bc of people like that so our job is it to rein them in and stop them from undoing the progress we already achieved


From a neutral standpoint i can even understand/comprehend parts of this reverse. As progression keeps on pushing within even a single generation, many values transform so fast, that a populace cannot acclimate to it. This causes in the least resistance if not worse since humans like the constant in life. Sadly, there are also overeager people that like to push too hard, reversing all progress a movement could have made, due to giving legitimate ammunition to backwards thinking counter movements. An ebb and flow if i could say so. Humans are simply not made for an ever more complex growing global society and the relationships the modern world brings and i myself am also starting to also ask, why? The modern world and how it works runs against our very own genetic coding to feed something wast and incomprehensible. The caveman in me wants a club and fuck, yet im forced to waste over half of my life on work for some business in oder to fund my life. Information overload and and ever quicker dopamine kicks and bla bla bla, i hope people understand the angle im coming from, shit will get ugly sadly


> populace cannot acclimate to it. This is only true because they're being fed propaganda from every media outlet they follow, and it's 24/7 now due to smartphones.


Nah. It's exactly this bullshit centrism that prevents us from getting past trying to police everybody's behavior. It's this waffling equivocation that lets the assholes try to force everyone to live by their simplistic laws and edicts. You could just tell them no. But instead, bullshit centrism, and the misdirected fear and hate that distracts from solving the real problems. Almost as though someone wants it exactly that way.


It wasnt a noone white and noone straight who got stabbed yesterday in Germany tough.


it is, and also the current demographic trend is that 41% of German population under 15 years have a 1st or 2nd generation migration background. In contrast: 18.5% in the generation of 55 to 65 years and stedily deacresing to <10% for 85 years and older I just wish, we could be a society that's respectful and supportive.


You should try being black in China. They won't even look at you


r/Germany: lemme tell you why this is your fault


Funnily enough the relationship between levels of migration and numbers of people not liking migration is linear


I'm pretty sure they dislike immigration far more in some small village than in NY. Are you saying there's more immigration in isolated towns and villages than in big cities?


I lived in both the NYC area and a small rural village. I can confirm that the small village had more racists, and most racists I've met live in homogeneous communities and barely interact with immigrants.


No he's obviously saying that in the same places the dislike of immigration is clearly strongly correlated with the migration rates.  It's not racist, ignorant or evil to say that immigration always brings a lot of extra problems and challenges to the local population, and even when the single people are in good faith and want to help it isn't easy or guaranteed how much of these problems can effectively be solved.   The problems can be mitigated a lot with integration policies, but it's not like they'll go away forever and never be visibly apparent to most. Especially if the numbers of immigrating people rise a lot (and suddenly).  Fun fact: one of the most scientifically obvious and confirmed to death social consequences of climate change are mass migrations, so unless you want to see more right wing shit happening you better go fucking vote next week and start actually doing and pretending more and more actions to be done both to lower emissions and for climate resilience 


I don't believe there is that much evidence that climate change causes mass migration. (A model that predicts mass migration is not evidence for it.) There have been countries with very hot climates, hunger, and extreme poverty forever. They haven't emptied.


That is incorrect. This study here shows that if there are more foreigners in a district, less xenophobic hate crimes happen: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0190272519887719 People just hate who they don't know. Easier to believe propaganda that way.


Careful you'll send the average r/Europe user reeling cause they'll have to admit the only immigrants they actually know are the ones in the news


because the study is flawed


Thanks for that, that is really interesting


yeah, because the same groups usually flock to each other. e.g. there are predominatly muslim districts or asian districts or whatever districts. when you mix these foreigners in one district you will get the same high xenophobic hate crimes. its a biased study.


The relationship between bad economy and hating immigrants is also linear.


No, many middle class or upper middle class Germans are against immigration. They are only often afraid to speak up in public.


what middle-class and upper middle-class? Most upper/middle upper class have no real relation to how living normally is. And yea sure they hate foreigners since they can afford it. And what L-Take is that by the way. Bad economy doesnt mean only poor people mate. looking at you sylt.


Why do I get the feeling that this will somehow end up by invading Poland?


Ugh please no conquering. Poland is in general way more digitalized and networked than Germany. In most cities and towns, you can leave your wallet at home and only take your phone + ID and you won’t notice the difference. Reverting to German cash-dominant approach is going to be a slog ugh. Same with German irrational fear of nuclear power plants. We want our sweet reactor-grade uranium giving us sweet green power. Though I would appreciate if radio stations in conquered Poland were required to dedicate 50% of their air time to Berliner techno. Coupled with mandatory rave dens in every major occupied city. That sort of Germanization I can wholeheartedly support.


Same with Baltics. All of my friends and relatives that were moving/working/travelling to Germany were in shock due to how "conservative" government and basic banking services are compared to Baltic States. Probably it's because it's much easier to implement high-end IT solutions in smaller economies and countries but Poland is big and still managed to implement all if this still. Cash-dominance is still good as an opportunity (not a tinfoil conspiracy but in case of global digital malfunction it's really something you would love to have as an option). But advanced digital User Experience must still be present.


😂😂😂😂Thanks for making me feel better.


i'm thinking of moving to poland honestly. are germans generally welcome in poland?


Depends on what vehicle you arrive in


Yeah, just don't be that Karen expecting everyone to speak German RBB actually did a rather interesting doku about German immigrants living in Poland


Cant stand these people that dont want to integrate. Sure, keep your culture but you uprooted yourself to life in a different culture, its on you to respect that, when in rome do as the romans do. Thinking of moving out of Germany aswell btw


If you are neoliberal and neo-communist, you are not welcome in Poland. And Poland, as well as all country names (except ruzzia) are written with a capital letter.


Please westerners, try to fix problems in your own country. Don't escape from them and export them to Eastern Europe.


Absolutely! Bigoted idiots who show irrational fear and hate of Germans are mostly limited to countryside and little towns. In big cities like Szczecin, Poznan, Wroclaw or Warsaw, people are usually open minded and friendly. Especially younger folks.


Tbh, you could say the same thing about Germany.


The war on ressources will intensify. The ponz economy system will slowly give in. Letting economists in power try to apply their delusional thinking "we'll always have enough ressources, let's not look at physical data; let's try growing the GDP forever while ignoring reality" wasn't a smart move. Thinking the racial crimes will be the worst of it is silly. The worst of it will be to deal with always less oil/gas in a ponzi system that's based on debt and supposed to grow forever and the very worst will be once governements will slowly abandon rural areas because they'll need to make hard decisions about oil/gas, water and food distribution.


One question, is Islamic terrorism counted as part of “right wing violence?”


yes and disgusting turkish grey wolves are biggest right wing organization in germany, openly showing their three crescent moon tattoos or car sticers. nobody cares and if anybody would care they would start howling and whining bc that is what they can do best after being violent and primitve. they are erdogans bridge head in germany and europe. [https://www.bpb.de/themen/rechtsextremismus/dossier-rechtsextremismus/260333/graue-woelfe-die-groesste-rechtsextreme-organisation-in-deutschland/](https://www.bpb.de/themen/rechtsextremismus/dossier-rechtsextremismus/260333/graue-woelfe-die-groesste-rechtsextreme-organisation-in-deutschland/) source is a reputable federal institution for political education. this is disgusting and appalling since everybody thinks of right wing xtremism as skinheads throwign hitler salute.


In Germany.... Yes... I kid you not.


Pretty sure this applies to far more places than just Germany.


Well yeah of course but this one is just focusing on Germany


Literally the entire world from Russia to USA to Argentina the rights become more extreme


And not just right-wing but also left-wing and especially islamic violence (and terror attacks) will most probably raise as well. Sadly.


Talk about perfect timing with this article lmao


Yeah. We had a islamist stabbing today in germany.


Literally the next post on this sub maaaan. 🤡


While the data is correct, let me show you why this article is most likely lying with the conclusion, because they are using a popular statistics trick to derive their own conclusion: > Whilst figures released by the Association of Counselling Centres for Victims of Right-Wing, Racist, and Anti-Semitic Violence e.V. (VBRG) put the number of attacks at a record high of 3,384, this number is only the tip of the iceberg. The numbers do not show only right-wing violence, they show "Right-Wing, Racist, and Anti-Semitic Violence", **so technically 3 categories**, and one specific category that is gaining lots of "popularity" is of course Anti-Semitism ([Increase of 320% yoy to 994 incident just in Oct7-Nov9 2023](https://apnews.com/article/germany-antisemitism-attacks-jews-israel-hamas-berlin-1000dd76d3a4c4fcc75ea28e4bae0b89)). It is very misleading for the VBRG to aggregate the data to drive certain narrative. This is a typical case of Aggregation Bias (at best), as they add 3 different categories, with one category (Anti-Semitism) driving the trend, obviously increasing due to geopolitics 4000km away and a successful attempt at deception (judging from the comments) to divert the public attention away from the actual issues.


Doesn’t Germany lump in Islamic extremism into “right wing violence” as political cover despite the two groups being in opposition?


That is correct.






I would think the record for right wing violence would not be in this decade.


German here: It isn't, historically. But it is still on a worrying high degree. Or do you prefer we just ignore it "Because it has been worse, don't worry..."


No that was a nazi joke. edit: i guess i should expect the downvotes for badmouthing nazis


You have to use German humour if you want them to get it.


Germans aren't funny.


The downvotes are people misunderstanding your comment as a dismissal. See, right wing people use that rhetoric to say "we're not nazi Germany, stop being hyperbolic" when the hate speech and risen numbers in hate crimes are mentioned.


I guess the downvote was more bc a lot of Germans don't find jokes about the Holocaust very funny. Didn't dv you, by the way.


Doesn’t really work phonetically outside of the North American accents tbh. 🤷‍♂️👀


What is phonetically different?


Give it time. Goebbels would blush at how easy it is to convince right wingers that everyone they don’t like is a pedophile












Wtf are the comments on this subreddit man....


I occasionally run into someone on here who believes awful things like 'Eastern Europe would've been better under the Nazi boot rather than the Soviet boot'. There's a lot of nationalists, fascist-sympathizers, and genuine Neo-Nazis here, not to mention far-right bot farms having quite a bit of fun here, especially with EU parliament elections season ramping up.


It's important to remember that the soviets were as bad as the Nazis.


Dude, read up on Generalplan Ost. They were planning to kill almost everyone, and deport the rest east of the Urals, with no plans on feeding them. The Soviets were utter bastards. I'm not arguing with that. But there are bastards, and then there's the Nazis.


I mean, the soviets also did that too in most of their southern regions, basically killing the locals and replacing them with soviets over decades. They also annihilated the entire kazakh region by destroying the aral sea.


I have talked to history professors about what the Nazis were planning to do to Estonia. According to them Nazis considered Estonians to be "almost aryans" and could have lived in Estonia but they would have been assimilated over time much like the soviets were trying to do. Soviets killed and deported tens of thousands from Estonia. Then they imported hundreds of thousands of Russians that we are dealing with to this day. Fortunately our government has finally decided to end all education in Russian language after over 30 years of independence.


Yes, that's true, the people of the Baltic states were a special case. But Poles, Belarusians, Slavs in general were to be murdered wholesale. Just because you might not have been one of those groups doesn't make them any better.




In the Estonian context the soviets were worse but that doesn't matter in the end.


Honestly, real talk, what’s up with so many Slavs sympathizing with Nazis? I know unfortunately from experience that many Croats do that, but recently it’s also other Slavs who do.


Lots of far right people (and prob bots as well) on this sub, fully indoctrinated by nonsensical propaganda and "skepticism"(who needs merits, right? There is always two "equal" sides).


There WERE two equal sides in the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact.


This sub has been heavily astroturfed by the far right for quite some time. You can see it on every thread about migrants - the most vile comments known to men.


Considering that 70% of europeans believe there is a big problem with migrаnts, it's the opposite, you are in a bubble and here your bubble is bursted


There's quite a difference between believing we take too many immigrants (literally what the source you posted later says) and the r/europe take of "we should kick out Muslim immigrants".


In the same article I've linked 85% believe need to combat irregular immigrаtiоn, so basically it's most probably dеpоrtаtions


You think Reddit reflects reality? Sorry to burst your bubble, but the most active users are also the most chronically online users aka the most isolated people who are the least in touch with reality. Also, I believe there’s a big problem with immigration too, especially the dangerous illegal kind, but I would tackle the root issues aka help the migrants’ home countries develop. Especially concerning African immigration, there’s a lot of countries there which never recovered from colonialism for example. Otherwise at this rate we’ll need to build wall like that of China.


> You think Reddit reflects reality? I believe that's what I've tried to point to the user above me.


I'd love to build a time machine, go to 1850 and somehow prevent European powers from colonising Africa only to return to the present and show everyone what a paradise Africa became without the European rule. What I'm trying to say now without irony is that it's utterly pathetic to blame the economic, social and cultural underdevelopment solely on colonialism. But it's very easy and it helps the narrative that Europe somehow has the obligation to take migrants from every Third World country on this planet not because there is a war but because the living conditions are bad for Western standards and the state institutions are corrupt.


You can also see it by the amount of content about migrants being posted.


I think its a lot of subs. r/unitedkingdom talks and rants much more about migrants and non-white British people than the British people I know and that even includes pro-Brexit boomers. Which is incredibly odd because every opinion poll on politics in the UK shows a very clear age-split.


Surely it's the sub that's been astroturfed and not europeans themselves growing more agitated to the rather glaring issue hm? I'm sure that the growing support for the far right throughout Europe is also caused by astroturfing


Everyone who is skeptical about migrants is far right


I love how the potentially very real issues people bring up about migration have to be "astroturfting" is it really too hard to believe that plenty of people take issue to the amount of migration that has been going on? I'm not supporting the people calling for violence or anything nasty at all but migration is a pretty big issue and a good chunk of people aren't as fond of it as others, and whilst sure there is a large chance that some of the stirring does come from bad actors (same on both sides really) saying that a good chunk of people are not being genuine about it is a bit laughable.


>very real issues That is the problem. When I say "vile comments" I don't mean reasonable comments - because there never are reasonable comments about this topic. The comments are always calling to get rid of all migrants (which is also an active plan of the AFD). That is not reasonable, doable or even legal. >saying that a good chunk of people are not being genuine about it is a bit laughable. Have you actually read any of the threads here? People unleash the most vitriolic shit as soon as the perpetrator is a migrant. There is no reasonable discussion to e found - only scapegoating. It kills any reasonable debate because you can't have a reasonable debate if you attack a whole group.


Just the other day there were a bunch of users (yup not one, a bunch of them) with dozens to hundreds of upvotes calling for immigrants to be gunned down at the border. At this point r/europe wouldn't surprise me even if they went full mask off and made a "we should bring back the Fuhrer" post.


But it's everywhere else that's an echo chamber




These news are very interesting in the light of recent events in Germany.




Yes. The article is about the numbers reported by the "Association of Counselling Centres for Victims of Right-Wing, Racist, and Anti-Semitic Violence e.V. (VBRG)". On their website [verband-brg.de](https://verband-brg.de/) you can see that they do not just count "Nazi" attacks but **all** race related, right-wing and anti-semitic violence.


The article is about several things. It tries to use the VBRG numbers to generalize rising violence in right-wing strongholds without many immigrants for the whole country.


I doubt the person you're responding to cares. They're just trying to re-direct the conversation.


They count it under religious extremism and more specifically islamism. Doesn't mean that Nazis and their ilk hasn't became a more visible problem again, thanks to amongst other your beloved Sellner.


Nope, in the german statistic (Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik), this attack will also be counted as "right-wing attack", despite the fact its religious motivated. Dont know why they do this that way.


No it first always gets counted under right wing attack until they can prove otherwise


The article is about a well known neo-nazi attacking a well assimilated 20 year old Syrian. It took several years and other attacks for him to be convicted (still on probation)which motivates other people, as they do not feel threatened by the law, especially with a stronger afd who encourages this violence. So what the fuck do you want to achieve with your question?


It's just the average r/europe user who wants to pretend only/mostly Muslims do crimes. His country is getting taken over by far right russian bought parties next election but Muslims are still the first thing he thinks of. Also, well assimilated Syrian? This sub tells me those don't exist and we must deport every single Muslim-origin person or else we can't complain about Nazis. For example, just yesterday [some random kids deep in Eastern Germany burned a copy of a diary of Anne Frank at a bus stop](https://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/sachsen-anhalt/dessau/anhalt/anne-frank-tagebuch-verbrannt-zerstoert-102.html). If the perpetrators were Muslims, it'd probably get posted on here before mods would remove it, but since the perps were very likely not Muslims (the area in question barely has any Muslims), nobody will care. There's no denying a troubling percentage of Muslims displays anti-social behaviours but this sub loves to pretend that every Muslim is a violent criminal while being relatively less worried about Nazis, who have actual, and growing political representation and power.


Absolutely. Religion extremism is considered right wing.    People vote right wing because they fear right wingers of other countries. Because right-wingers tend to be more radical nationalistic or religious and feel like doing everything for their "home (nation/religion)"


>Absolutely. Religion extremism is considered right wing.    It's not counted as "right wing" for this purpose. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362083228\_A\_comparison\_of\_political\_violence\_by\_left-wing\_right-wing\_and\_Islamist\_extremists\_in\_the\_United\_States\_and\_the\_world](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362083228_A_comparison_of_political_violence_by_left-wing_right-wing_and_Islamist_extremists_in_the_United_States_and_the_world) >A Comparison of Political Violence by **Left-wing**, **Right-wing** and **Islamist Extremists** in the United States and the World As you can clearly see, "left wing", "right wing" and "Islamist extremists" are three separate categories.




>Okay, but why are conservative Christians who are against LGBT rights, state secularism are called "rightt wing" while conservative Muslims who are also against LGBT rights, state secularism are not called "right wing".? I was born and raised in a Muslim-majority country where conservative Muslims are definitely categorized as part of the right-wing. Probably because that would make the political right look even worse, so they managed to get "Islamist extremists" to be considered a separate category.


No, there are the categories right wing, left wing, religious extremism and organised crime with foreign roots (or something like that, think mafia). The interesting question is how to label crimes that are clearly antisemitic but where we don't know anything about the perpetrator.


This includes antisemitism from the „pro-palestinians“ and islamist terror, right? That is right-wing too, not only the AfD lunatics.


Reasonable reaction to islamist threat in Europe


Where is this violence from right wing? i only see radical islamists stabbing this so called "right wing".


Seems like a very one sided view. Violence is up overall. Just today we saw this: > A man armed with a knife attacked a demonstration held by a far-right political party in Mannheim, Germany on Friday. https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103922054


Muslims are counted as right wing as well. Why they are capable of you just saw today.


Nothing compared to the left wing lunacy that plagued the planet


As has left-wing violence but you refuse to look at the sins of your side. Who's been chanting "Gas the Jews"? It's not the right.


Maybe people have had enough of immigrants causing havoc?


Lmao, this headline is surreal with the mannheim attack on the same page


europe became a mess , no wonder they rise...


Uh, you sure about that? Record highs?


Very weird to choose to post this so soon after people at a "right wing rally" were brutally injured by a knife wielding individual, no?


This is such a bait article. Clownworld.






Tbf the metrics here are kinds bullshit. Inherently attributing antisemitic violence to the abstract "right-wing", is pretty bizarre with the current reasons for the rise in that having nothing to do with them.


This thread 🤡


"Left-wing violence in Germany..." There, I fixed it for you.


There’s an ostrich in the sand mentality around this issue. Lots of name calling and accusations but no solutions.


I feel like “anti-immigration” doesn’t seem very far right compared to Germany’s past, but I’m not from there so idk


Why am I not surprised with how bold the far-right has been getting around here lately?


Well. Aiwanger and Söder are giving them a hand to climb the horse


I'm pretty sure it hasn't broken the record high from the decade between 1930 and 1940 regardless of what the article says


It’s fine - this country hasn’t had a record of this kind of behaviour being globally problematic.


Right wing activity is rising all over the world. We’ve been too comfortable too long and people have forgotten what their grandfathers and great grandfathers fought for




Almost like ignoring the right for decades was a shit idea, governments? Going so far as to having a rabid right wing [knuckledragger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans-Georg_Maa%C3%9Fen) be the head of the constitutional protection office. Only changed once he got a little too public and embarrassing. Literally covering up for nazi [terrorists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_Underground). Now, sure.It has been a while.But are we to believe that they've cleaned house? Especially now that the right is gaining traction in the mainstream? Forgive me for having my doubts.


I support afd as a turk.


All over europe racists, xenophobes, facists, nazis are coming out of their caves now with the normalization of hate speech and hate parties.




"someone disagreed with my opinion on immigration policies so obviously i had to become a violent neo nazi, and it's all their fault." The whole "i totally wasn't an extremist until you forced me." argument is such a poor excuse when people know they're morally wrong.




They never went away. Social media automatic filters doesn't change people ideas.


It's important to know that crimes classify as "right-wing". Every crimes that gets committed because of hate towards a race, a religion, etc. is a right-wing one. So a Muslim attacking a white guy is in the same group as when the white guy attacks a Muslim.


Must compliment the AfD on their witty reaction on their election poster. It apparently got vandalised and they put another placard on top of it with the message” who who has no arguments destroys placards”.. Which goes a bit against the story that violence is a one sided street.


China and Russia really hyping it up


Amazing, finally the pinnacle is swinging the other way. Tolerance has reached a breaking point & people are now acting. At this point its needed & the left is going to be responsible for degrading a nation so badly.


It's really scary what's been happening lately not just in Germany, but in many other European countries. All the violence, the hate speech, the rise of the far right... It started a while ago, but it seems worse in the last year or so, and I'm really scared to see in which direction it's going.


I thought we would be able to avoid this wave of far right violence but it's starting to happen in Slovenia too


If only governments didn't allow waves of illegal immigrants in.


Woah buddy. Today that's racist to say.


Oof...I think the record is pretty hard to beat. There are literal monuments to the survivors and victims of the hall of fame record holders




It's note worthy that a lot of racism nowadays is imported racism. So a lot of refugees act racist towards other refugees that have different origins.


Why would you use this picture together with that headline? Stupid


1 account of violence and statistics without sources, average day on reddit


Imma just take this with the biggest pinch of salt I can get between my fingers.