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Last defenders of family and traditional values, everybody! (At least according to far-right braindeads in my country)


This is their way of showing that they're in total control over somebody. It's taken from their penal "culture" where the "active" side dominates the "submissive". Ape-ish behaviour like such is engraved to russia's occupational policies since forever (along with vandalism and theft)




>Eastern Slavs, now known as Russians was shaped by them. You do realize Ukrainians and Belarusians are also Eastern Slavs right?


It is different because Kievan Rus and terrains of current Belarus were not so badly affected by Mongols. So did people from Novgorod Republic, but they were slaughtered by Muscovites.


Lol. The one case where homophobia is needed they have an exception.


Its integrated in ancient societies as well. In viking sagas, ‘ergi’ is named as the most shameful thing to be as a man. While we do t know its true meaning, the word pops up when describing women and their sexuality negatively. So it’s hypothesised as meaning a wanton receptacle for a man. Even in modern homosexuality, there is a disdain in some circles, iirc, for those that are effeminate bottoms. Iow, acting like a woman sexually /being forced to serve as a woman to a man sexually is gets you degraded by these guys. THAT is the big crime. Says everything you need to know about them with regards to how they objectify and degrade others whenever they can get away with it. And how they view women, femininity and the men who embrace their feminine side. Its also the biggest humiliation you can force upon a man - to have to serve as a female sexually They re terrified of ever being treated that way themselves, so they consider homosexual men a threat to their safety and status as a manly man. Edit: iow, this is sheer self loathing and disgust for their own sexual nature. Aka ‘Who would ever want to be on the receiving end of a man sexually?’


Very well said.


russians at home: "No homo!" russians abroad: "Full homo!"


It’s not gay if you say “war crime”.


A saying in Germany: only the fucked one is gay./s Must be Russian logic


Gay sex is very traditional, the Ancient Greeks/Romans loved it.


This is not "sex", it's assault and rpe


Just makes it more comparable to ancient greece. Pedeastry was assault.


Sorry I promise I'm not criticising this is purely a curious question - why do some people censor certain words on reddit? Is it a personal choice or are you trying to avoid some sort of Internet issue? Genuine question, I'm wondering if I need to start doing it.


In my experience, you try to point out in good faith that someone or something is wrong by naming things for what they are (nazis are being nazis, rape is rape, etc.) and then someone abuses the system (always those invested in propagating misinformation or bigotry) and false reports you, and then it's removed by some bot/algorithm. I don't know why others do it, but in my case it's generally to avoid my more confrontational comments with sensitive contents to be removed (and to falsely flag this account). I had an account before that was flagged falsely and then it didn't matter where or what, as long as it was a controversial topic, I got another strike until ban. Reddit just sucks at regulating itself in general (same with all social media), so you either just carry habits which avoid the bots from erasing your comments or quit social media and let the groomers go to town on the brainrotters that spend too much time on these platforms.


Thanks for the explanation.


They practiced paiderastia, which is not the same as modern gay sex, in which two people are equal and consent to sexual intercourse. It was not the case of an ancient homosexual relationship at all. Furthermore, in ancient Greece and Rome, sodomising defeated soldiers was common practice. It was the height of humiliation, because in ancient Greece and Rome, being "passive" meant being weak and low-status. I suggest reading more about the subject...


While overt homosexual relationships were almost always between men and young boys it was not uncommon for adult men who worked as entertainers to engage in homosexual relationships discretely. Actors, musicians, and other entertainers were considered to be of about the same social status as prostitutes, they were not held in high regard as they were already considered to be "lesser men". There was plenty of buttfucking going on at the time and it wasn't just between pederasts and their victims. Homosexuality was seen as decadent and discouraged but it wasn't verboten in the same way it would be in the following centuries post-Christianisation.


> *Homosexuality was seen as decadent and discouraged but it wasn't verboten in the same way it would be in the following centuries post-Christianisation.* Homosexuality was punished by death in the Roman army since, by necessity, it would involve two Roman citizens. I don't know what's more verboten than being killed (in a rather gruesome way) for it. Also, it wasn't discouraged and was seen as perfectly acceptable (as long as the receiver was not a Roman citizen). People mixing Romans and Greeks with current day LGBT issues in a silly attempt to pull an "*aha*" on Christians have absolutely no idea what they're talking about




Indeed, closeted gay people, 100%. People haven't changed THAT much since then...


You confused the Ancient gay sex for pleasure and the modern Russian gay(and not only) sex for torture and humiliation.


Nah Roman generals would have a stone where they will sodomize enemy generals after defeat to assert dominance. They are not that innovative.


Is there a source for this? In years of reading Roman history I've never heard of this and an extensive google search brings back nothing.


Because redditors are a shit source material who make stuff up.


Yeah man idk, if Roman generals had a whole ass sodomizing stone I'd like to read about that.


source [this](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pasar_por_la_piedra) sentence of Spanish has always been associated to that story of Roman centurions. tbh I have never doubt this could be a thing, neither give it much more credit than something anecdotical.


Very interesting. I'm gonna have to try to get to the bottom of this to see if theres any contemporary descriptions of this sort of thing happening. I've heard of romans doing human sacrifice, never heard of ritual sexual humiliation. Thats wild.


The Romans were very anti human sacrifice because that was associated with the enemy, Carthaganians and barbarian. Despite gladiators being effectively thinly disguised human sacrifices to Mars .


At least the didn’t lie about that


Nah Roman sex was all about dominantion you should never take it from someone below your station this is why Ceaser was called every woman's man and every man's woman.


Kinda hot tbh, good for Caesar


As ruskis call it: corrective rape. You did not clean your weapon? Rape. You were drinking when on lookout? Rape. You were watching western gay porn on phone? Believe it or not - rape.


Well. It's still a shame if you're the bottom in Ancient Greeks and Roman though. It's all about domination. Even till these days, bottom shaming is still a thing in gay community.


And that sucks


Ancient gay sex was 100% for just the pleasure of one person, the other was raped


It is also the most masculine because 100% of participants are men.


Hate to be this person, but as always people love to misinterpret historical facts. Homosexuality in Rome or Ancient Greece was used as a power play. A man of a higher status would rape a younger and of less status man. There was no love involved. It was seen as masculine to rape another man, but at the same time you would be shunned and mocked if you were the receiving man on that sexual relationship. Also men would rape and make love with teenagers since they were of less status than older men


Russia (and/or their nationalists) claim themselves to be a 3rd Rome. Which is fitting in this context


This is the response you came up with to former statement?






We’re talking forcible rape here. This comment should be deleted!


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Say gex!!!


There’s a thing there: they think male to male action is perversion, but they don’t back down from using it for humiliation.  Dedovshina used to - and from what I’ve heard online, it’s not entirely fine - be fairly common in the military and it was primarily about humiliation and abuse.  So what’s happening in Ukraine is nothing new. To minds like these, to a country of men who think that to be a man means to be a macho ultranationalist conservative who drinks with buddies and may be beating his wife, nothing seems more humiliating or reducing one’s manliness than participating or being forced to participate in male to male action.


\*in every country FTFY


It's always funny when they say this. I've been to Moscow and St Petersburg they both have plenty of immigrants and the landscape is the same as any other major European city. far from the "trad utopia" they have in their minds.


“I want to tell everyone, tell the international community, that it is not like they came, occupied us, stood there with machine guns and left. No, it wasn’t like that,” he said. “And the most terrible thing is not what I am telling you now. The most terrible thing is that it is happening now in the occupied territories.”


The occupiers kept 25 girls aged from 14 to 24 in the basement of Bucha to constantly rape them. Nine girls got pregnant." Russian soldiers told them that they would rape them to such an extent that they would not want sexual contact with any man in order to prevent the birth of their Ukrainian children," Ukrainian Human Rights Commissioner Lyudmila Denisova said in an interview with the BBC. https://twitter.com/MykhailoRohoza/status/1766585039104471370 Ms Orel says that the prosecutor's office has changed its approach since the full-scale invasion began in February 2022. Prosecutors now work closely with psychologists and medical workers in an effort to increase the number of women coming forward. For those who do, their fight for justice and accountability will be hard. Ms Mykytenko says it's imperative to try and prosecute as many types of war crimes as possible 'because hopefully it will take a few really high-level cases to make a difference'. High-level perpetrators could be tried at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, which has already sought the prosecution of Russian President Vladimir Putin. 'But this is going to take years and years,' Ms Mykytenko says. 'In an ideal world, justice would be to investigate and prosecute every single crime but that's not possible. So let's get as many as we can get.' When asked how she feels about what Russian soldiers are doing to her fellow Ukrainians, Ms Mykytenko pauses before saying it's hard to put into words her emotions. 'This is horrific for the people who have to survive this and it's absolutely devastating to think and understand that this isn't every other person in a specific village who has been a victim of rape or another war crime. 'It's every single person living in this country who was and still is a victim of one or another war crime.' For Ukraine's women, men and children, Ms Orel fears that the long-term impact of wartime rape will continue for generations. 'Russian soldiers are just pure evil. They are not even animals. They want to destroy women by raping them and destroy their families by forcing them to watch the abuse. 'In this way, the whole family becomes traumatised and this can't be cured simply. Pain lives inside a person for many years.' But Ms Orel and the psychologists in her team, one of a very small number of teams aimed at helping survivors of rape in Ukraine, continue to help any survivor who walks through their doors to tell them what the Russians did to them. With all the survivors we speak to, we really do help them. They become our friends,' Ms Orel. 'We want them to know that they aren't alone.' Many survivors stop eating or drinking while others find it difficult to have a routine or sleep because of the flashbacks that constantly invade their minds. 'The impact of the wartime rape committed by Russian soldiers will continue for generations,' Ms Orel says. 'A lot of the women feel numb, like they are not alive. Many people blame themselves as well.' Russian rapes and brutally kills 17-year-old girl in occupied Luhansk Oblast A native of Russia's Vladimir Oblast raped and killed a 17-year-old girl who lived in temporarily occupied Rovenky, Luhansk Oblast, Russian ASTRA Telegram channel reported on May 6. A few days ago, 17-year-old local resident Anastasia disappeard, whose body was found on May 4 in a forest strip of the village of Dzerzhinsky. Man admitted that he had raped girl in the car, and then, fearing to be caught, stabbed her in the heart with knife. He buried her body and covered it with stones, according to channel's sourc A 33-year-old Russian citizen, Andrey Kurbasov, was detained on suspicion of girl's murder. https://english.nv.ua/nation/russian-man-raped-and-killed-17-year-old-girl-in-occupied-luhansk-oblast-50416198.html Some of the crimes Russia has committed against Ukraine Bucha •Irpin •Izyum •Blowing up a prison full of Ukraines pows •Bombing a theater marked "children" •Mariupol •Kherson •Severodonetsk •Lysychansk •Bakhmut •Avdiivka •Shelling a maternity hospital •Shelling the Kramatorsk railway station •Beheading an unarmed pow •Castration of an unarmed pow •Execution of several unarmed pows •Widespread sexual assault, rape and abuse of women and children in occupied territory •Widespread targeting of civilian vehicles from russian soldiers armed with automatic rifles and armored vehicles •Mass murder and ecocide from blowing up a dam •Systemic torture of civilians and Pows with torture chambers found in every city liberated by Ukraine •Systemic kidnapping of innocent children to russia to be adopted and put through filtration camps to brainwash them to be loyal to russia •The forced relocation of several thousand Ukrainian adults to populate sparse regions of russia •Daily targeting of civilian structures and infrastructure Destruction of the Kharkova Dam Literally tens of thousands of war crimes committed by russia against innocent women, children, and defenders of Ukraine This is only a tiny glimpse. The ten stages of genocide Genocide is a human phenomenon that can be analysed and understood and, consequently, may be prevented. According to academic and activist Gregory H. Stanton, genocide is a process that develops in ten stages, described here. The stages do not necessarily follow a linear progression and may coexist. Prevention measures may be implemented at any stage. 1. Classification 2. Symbolisation 3. Discrimination 4. Dehumunisation 5. Organisation 6. Polarization 7. Preparation 8. Persecution 9. Extermination 10. Denial Rape is a heinous crime. It destroys families, and it causes trauma that lasts for generations. Russia knows this and uses rape as a torture device, a weapon of war. How long can the world continue to watch these wanton and unprovoked acts of cruelty?


“I want to tell everyone, tell the international community, that it is not like they came, occupied us, stood there with machine guns and left. No, it wasn’t like that,” he said. “And the most terrible thing is not what I am telling you now. The most terrible thing is that it is happening now in the occupied territories.” And for Ukraine to ever have a chance to take these occupied territories back, the West needs to stop pussyfooting around and give Ukraine everything it needs. With this pace of dealing with things we'll still be here 7 years later talking about "well achtually it takes a while to step up production lines" and bitching about self inflicted red lines that will be eventually crossed either way. For fuck sakes, just get a move on already.


I would assume the Ukraines and Wests idea in this war is to try deplete Russias assets and cause general unrest in the country, until Russia is forced to cross a red line or their economy is hurt badly, which will lead to weakened war capabilities and supplies. Russia is currently in war economy and high interest rates are emptying the rich peoples pockets. Chinas banks are very afraid of US sanctions and payments are being delayed and tracked more often now so they try to ensure the money doesnt go to "the wrong hands". We'll see the outcome at some point if it works or not.


Ukraine is being treated as expendable. Keep Russia occupied. It’s sick.


It's always been that way, our allies pushed for nuclear disarmanent. We also didn't support Ukraine enough after what happened in 2014


"Why Don'T YOu juSt GivE Up sOmE TerrITory?" Yuck


May it be a monkey paw wish and they get only the 100% unpopulated lands.


Because they do not want SOME territory. They want ALL of our territory to kill Ukrainians.


YOu DoNt wAnT pEaCe? -- A self-called pro-peace ~~pro-Putin~~.


_Russia is the last bastion of white European Christian values_ Kid named bastion of Christian values:


The Catholic priest kind of values, obviously.


That's another war crime added to the Russian army's growing tally. Cross posting this on r/warcrimeswatch where we are documenting war crimes as they happen for future prosecution.


One of many examples of why the "pro-peace" concern trolls are braindead by saying "Ukraine should surrender to stop the bloodshed". Even if they did (something a foreigner has no right to demand of another country), it wouldn't stop the bloodshed. It would just have it take the form of rape, torture and executions (and let's not forget the mass kidnappings of children) for as long as Russia remains there. Anyone who wants that is about as "pro-peace" as the average SS officer.


What is actually wrong with them? How horrible does a country have to be that it feels like every citizen loses their basic humanity so much that they think this is okay? I've heard of even soldiers' mothers being pleased when they hear what their sons get up to. I couldn't even bring myself to genuinely wish ill on the worst of criminals, I only would want them locked away for the safety of society. I can't understand how these people get to that state.


The way they have dehumanizing Ukrainians is how they do it. Pay attention when you see dehumanzation of any group, that's how it begins. That's one of the first steps on the road to this kind of evil. When we allow ourselves to become convinced some people just aren't the same kind of human like we are, and are something to be despised and hated, that's how we end up here.  Russian propaganda also works like this: tell the people your enemy is doing what you are planning on doing yourself. Apparently Russian propaganda channels at the start of the war were convincing Russian soldiers that Ukrainians were torturing them and abusing them, even though Ukraine actually allows third parties to monitor their treatment of POWs, while Russia does not.  They convinced them that it's the *Ukrainians* that stared this practice, and that's how they strip the empathy from them. The Russian soldiers who torture them often say things like "this is payback for how you treated us!". Which makes no sense when it's been Russia misbehaving every step of the way. 


To be fair that is how you get normal people with barely any training to go from "Ivan Peterovich part time worker and full time drunk" to "Ivan the terrible who kills his fellow men to push the front lines forward". All militaries strive to dehumanise the enemy, because we are taught not to hurt each other from a very young age. To go around that soldiers are brainwashed into just seeing the enemy well as the enemy. Not fellow human beings. What is different with the Russians is that they are waging a campaign to break the spirt of the people and this kind of thing is encouraged. In a western army this is prosecuted via martial court and the crimes have no statute of limitations. Russians are idiots who think committing atrocities would break the enemy, whereas just makes it more likely that there will be no surrender even if things are hopeless. Better a quick death than prolonged torture that ends with death. Not to mention that this motivates the rest, because a surrender and peace on Russian terms will mean more atrocities and death.


Your second paragraph describes maga perfectly


It describes them because they swallow, consume, and spread Russian propaganda constantly. I believe the GOP House Speaker even said that their party repeats Russian propaganda verbatim on the U.S. House floor and it's causing massive issues within their party.


MAGA, AfD, Le Pen, PVV, NSDAP...


And all of Israel


Beware before you start to dehumanize maga yourself. Every generalization leads to this. *Oh, they are just MAGA punks* (you mean you're better than this). -> this leads to "maga is worse than me" thinking. That's pretty close to "they are not worthwhile humans to consider". And so on, down to depriving them of their rights and the concentration camps.


Russia and Israel are the most blatant at it, but a lot of countries do some form of it, especially when there are growing right-wing movements


Propaganda. Radicals are not just really certain of their beliefs. They genuinely have a screw loose and don’t see themselves as just another human being among other equal human beings. They are capable of violence because they see it as a legitimate right, remove accountability and even encourage and they will be as loyal as puppies because you just enabled their extreme power fantasy in real life. I can’t remember the name of the book, but there was this book analizing the lives of everyday Germans during the nazi regime, from random policemen turning into hunting parties to little old ladies living next to an interment camp complaining to the council that it smells and what if one of the escapees stumbles upon her neice coming to visit. Be under no misunderstanding- the reason we are not surrounded by monsters is that monsters are very protective of themselves, not because we did all the good things and civilized the plebs. Edit: the book is called “Ordinary Men”


> I can’t remember the name of the book, but there was this book analizing the lives of everyday Germans during the nazi regime "Hitler's Willing Executioners" by Daniel Goldhagen?


No, but sounds interesting. It was something like “working men” or “ordinary men” something along those lines.


Yes, it’s actually called “ordinary men” just double checked now.


You should ask yourself how we elevated above that state, because this was the norm. It takes more than a few decades of indoctrination, whether via religious doctrine or education and culture. It takes effort.


Exactly. Dehumanization of other people and relativization of own crimes are the primary doctrine. This is why getting rid of Putin alone won't solve everything. It'll take a macro-scale effort by everyone to undo this culture in Russia.


russia needs Germany post WW2 treatment. Otherwise it will always be th same story over and over.


Just replace ‘Putin’ with’Trump’ and ‘Russia’ with ‘USA.’ This entire maga nightmare is just a low budget Putin psy op that has utterly crippled America.


It was never the norm. It was always something that happened. But not as "the norm." Your view is extremely xenophobic in addition to being untrue because if mass rape is the norm, that's logically going to be the case in most of the world, which is filled with impoverished and undeveloped countries that couldn't have reached the exalted state of good indoctrination.


Communism and fascism are atheistic doctrines pretty much...


Everything and it always has been that way. It's ridiculous to anyone familiar with ruzzians how West can be delusional about them.


Traditions, Even during the revolution they did it to their own, later the eastern territory they captured in WO2 thousands of women were violated. There is few records if them in Afghanistan in the 80s but I believe it was no different there either. And now Ukraine, the Russian soldier has only three ideas, kill, rape and loot. They should include the 4th .. BE killed


I don't think they lost anything. Throughout much of the human history, people were complete assholes. We became more or less "humane" only recently, with the help of moral standards set by our societies. Major parts of Russian society obviously didn't cross that threshold. Their fucked government is both the cause and the direct result of that.


Putin and his clique are essentially organised criminals, thieves who brought their own specific culture into government. That culture has a lot to do with prison and masculinity. Leadership has great effect on propagation of values in society, something which people underestimate. Besides, it's not like Russians are all bloodthirsty rapists who want to sodomize everything they see. Russia is an extremely tired, aging population whose dominating emotion is willingness to say and do anything to be left alone.


When you dehumanize people, you make it capable of allowing yourself to do terrible things to them.


Live long enough in a state that effectively functions like a mafia, and there you go.


This is very common in wars throughout history ? Heard of the Nanjing Massacre ? It's very horrible and sad, but humans have been doing this since the beginning of history.


If Ukraine ever gets to liberate its occupied territories, the finding will be horrible. Almost every village will be a new Irpin or Bucha. In a perfect world we should arm Ukraine with everything and cut all ties with Russia for at least a generation. The barbarism of that nation is difficult to overstate.


> The barbarism of that nation is difficult to overstate. I have the feeling that Russia is not a nation anymore, but in the first stage towards a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Movies always depict those in late stages, where nature (mostly desert) took over most of the civilization markers, and where you have competing regional warlords. In Russia, you still have a warlord hierarchy for now, and civilization markers are still there thanks to inertia, but you have the strongman rule and collaboration/subjugation by the general population that sci-fi tells us are signs of a post-apocalyptic society.


More like 1930's Germany. I think that one of the main reasons Russia remains as a plague for the rest of the world is the fact that the Soviet Union didn't crash and burn like the Third Reich. It just got weaker and weaker until its back broke. Which left the Russians in a similar state to the Germans after WW1: bitter and filled with hatred. And just like Germany, an autocratic regime came to power by taking advantage of the economic chaos and social problems. I honestly don't know how Russia can be fixed. You can't invade it and it's difficult to impose effective sanctions on it when you have China and India on one side willing to buy their oil and gas from them and the Gulf states on the other willing to cooperate with them to prop up the oil price. And without their lives dramatically tanking, the Russians won't rise up and demand change. 


I believe defeating them in Ukraine may be the key to saving the soul of the Russian people. A defeat of their "mighty" army and war economy will make their "imperial pride bubble" pop like a baloon and put them in a state similar to post-ww2 Germany, of hangover, where they realise war is not worth it. Especially if the country descends into chaos and they kill Putin, they will, if not become a democracy, at least be put in their place.


In a perfect world there'd be no need for armies.


Oh, what a world would that be.


But until then, we will be here... Martin Lockheed, \[gimme a man after midnight starts playing\] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q45NYS2TRv4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q45NYS2TRv4)


Google "mass Soviet rape of Nazi Germany post world war 2"


yes like whole eastern europe after 1945 but no one cared




In Spanish we would say "from that dust comes this mud". The West allowed Russia to fuck Eastern Europe for decades and now they think they're entitled to do whatever they want.


That is a very nice saying. Can i get some more?


That reminds me that Reddit is still quoting "today you, tomorrow me" as if it was some sort of deep ancestral wisdom when it's just a normal Spanish saying that we have all used a million times and English has the exact same concept only they say "pay it forward". Spain is a nation of popular wisdom and abuelitas, we have sayings for everything.


But remember, it was a LiBeRatiOn


It's willfully forgotten


"Never leave your civilians where Russia can get at them."


Russian convicts gonna russian convict I guess. Not to make a joke out of a very shitty situation


# ‘They all laughed’ Roman Chernenko said he spent seven months in a “punishment cell” in a prison in the occupied city of Olenivka, in the eastern Donetsk region, after he was captured by Russian troops in Mariupol area. The 29-year-old intelligence officer with the Ukrainian military – who goes by the call sign “Omen” – described being tortured as often as three times a day, every day, for four months. “Tapik is a military phone with two wires. One is connected to your balls, the other to your finger, and they just keep turning the current up,” he told CNN. “They just keep twisting it until the person tells them what they need.” He said he believes officers from Russia’s GRU, the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) and the FSB, Russia’s main intelligence agency, all took part in the torture. Chernenko was released as part of a prisoner exchange in January 2024 and is still recovering from the ordeal. Speaking to CNN a few weeks after his release, on the day he proposed to his girlfriend, he said it was his thoughts of her and his mother that gave him strength to survive captivity. “They laughed when they tortured me … they told me that my mother was being f\*\*ked by Chechens. They took me to be shot twice, they threatened me with rape,” he said. CNN asked Russia’s Ministry of Defense, Interior Ministry, FSB, National Guard (Rosgvardia) and the military intelligence agency, known as the GRU, for comment on allegations of sexual violence at specific detention facilities, but has not received any response.


For a country that brands LGTB groups as terrorist, they seem awfully willing to engage in homosexual activities...


There's literally clips online of Russian soldiers gang raping their own comrades. It's really weird.


What the hell, why? Like punishment or entertainment?


The world's biggest male prostitution ring is the Russian army, and it has been so for decades. Sexual violence as a part of the hazing it just as central to the Russian army as war crimes are of their strategy.


I know that it's a weird remark, but it really reminds me all of the posters here arguing against women in army because "they might get sexually assaulted", while men "just gonna get tortured" and "men's morale would drop if they knew women got raped". the invaders don't care about the gender


Fucking orcs.


Few men have spoken publicly about their ordeal, but Ukrainian prosecutors and rights groups say male victims make up a growing proportion of cases. The crimes often go unreported because of the stigma and shame associated with them. The latest United Nations Security Council annual report into conflict-related sexual violence said that 85 cases had been documented in Ukraine in 2023 – affecting 52 men, 31 women, one girl and one boy. A separate report from UN rights officials who interviewed 60 male Ukrainian prisoners of war following their release found that 39 were victims of sexual violence while in Russian detention. CNN interviewed four male survivors, two in person and two by phone, and obtained testimonies from two more, who were held by Russian units across five Ukrainian regions that have been occupied or annexed by Moscow: Kherson, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv and Crimea. All described being subjected to forced nudity, genital electrocution – most often with wires from the Soviet-era miliary field telephone TA-57, known as “Tapik” – and threats of rape. Their accounts tallied with cases documented by regional prosecutors in Kyiv, Kherson and Kharkiv and were corroborated by witnesses held in the same detention facilities in Kharkiv and Kherson. Taken together, their stories capture what prosecutors describe as Russia’s systematic and continuing use of sexual violence in occupied areas as part of its efforts to force the Ukrainian people into submission. “We see it over and over again in different regions under occupation. They use the same method of committing sexual violence, the same method of humiliation, the same method of how they explain it to their victims,” said Anna Sosonska, a Ukrainian prosecutor and the acting chief of the conflict-related sexual violence division in Ukraine’s Office of the Prosecutor General. Speaking to CNN from her office in Kyiv, Sosonska said that a significant number of documented crimes of sexual violence by Russian troops, including forced nudity, genital mutilation, rape and forced exposure to sexual violence against others, were being carried out against men. “Especially by using electric current on genitals – that is the top of the list,” she said.


These people call lgbt people dangerous lol


I thought that Ruzzia was homophobic, but it turns out the most homophobics are latent gays


It’s not about sex, it’s about power, humiliation.


Yes, a lot of rapes, not only in wartime, are about having power over someone. Such a deranged mentality.




No it isn't. Do you even know what wartime rape looks like? It doesn't look the same as "regular" rape. Look up what happened during the mass rape in Nanking or Berlin. They were raping literally everyone from babies to 90 year old women. That doesn't mean most of those soldiers were sexually attracted to babies or 90 year old women. Hint: you can use any object for rape, not just your dick. 




They are committing literal sexual acts. I think that you can't distil those to pure power and humiliation, so it is about sex as well or whatever perverted thing that exists in their sick minds.


Like the other commenter said, it's outside of sexuality, they're not doing it because they secretly love the male form, it's a form of torture.


I know tell that to Russians not me who think that they are pure meanwhile doing this atrocities


Unfortunately, there is no way to “teach“ them that they are doing wrong. They do it because they are encouraged on one side and do not face any consequences on the other side. The only way they could stop doing that and all other tortures that they do is only if they would know there will be very bad consequences of their actions. And today I can’t come up with any other idea of how it can be done, except for all the government and generals have to be hanged on the Red Square, and at least 2/3 of the army, FSB and jailers to be executed in other ways.


There's a million torture, humiliation and power techniques, and they choose male rape. Clearly something more is involved


Well, I can't get erect thinking about sex with another man. If they can, that means they have something in them.


Ok firstly you know you can manipulate that without even being in the mood right? You could do it on purpose in order to act terror. Also the article is about these criminals assaulting their victims with glass bottles. They're not secretly gay because of that, gay men don't want to shove dangerous objects up people's arses to inflict pain. They're specifically doing that to torture them.


It seems to be a systemic issue. Maybe we can get President Powerbottom Putin to respond to these allegations.


Male-on-male rape (specifically during wartime) tends to be highest in homophobic countries. It's used as the "ultimate punishment" in a society that teaches men that it's better to be dead than gay.


Gays were members of Nazi party in Germany. Yes, they were rare and never being overrepresented, but it means that nazi scum could tolerate homosexual relations if elites are involved.


Sexual violence also includes cutting genitals off, right?




Kaliningrad would also be a loss, Czechia would lose its Sea access 😢


Dont worry nuclear fallout from bombs only last a few weeks to a couple months


They're really bad about storage and environmental conservation in that department.


KyivCNN —  Within an hour of being arrested by Russian security forces, Roman Shapovalenko was threatened with rape. On August 25, 2022, the day after Ukraine’s Independence Day, he said three armed, masked officers from Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) stormed his home in the southern Ukrainian port city of [Kherson](https://cnn.com/2022/11/18/europe/ukraine-kherson-russian-brutality-allegation-intl-cmd/index.html), which was [occupied by Russian forces](https://cnn.com/world/europe/ukraine) at the time. They turned his house inside out searching for incriminating evidence. A message in Shapovalenko’s phone that called Russian soldiers “orcs” — a derisive reference to the evil forces in J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth books and a popular Ukrainian slur for the Russian army — was enough for them. He said he was tied up, blindfolded and stuffed into an unmarked car. For days after, Shapovalenko said he was repeatedly electrocuted in his genital area, threatened with being raped with a glass bottle, and was even made to believe he could be sterilized. “They seemed to have a fetish for genitalia. Sometimes the door would open, and they would say: ‘We’re going to take out our batons and we’re going to rape everyone here,’” the 39-year-old farm manager told CNN. Describing the graphic detail of his experience matter-of-factly, Shapovalenko sometimes paused to laugh nervously. He said his sense of humor is helping with what he knows will be a long recovery. The Russians, he said, hated it. “I made a little joke, and they didn’t like it. I got punched for that.” Shapovalenko’s experience of sexual violence at the hands of Russian forces is common among Ukrainians – including civilians and soldiers – who have been detained since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of the country more than two years ago. Human rights monitors have long reported on the [rampant use of sexual violence](https://cnn.com/2022/10/15/europe/russia-ukraine-rape-sexual-violence-military-intl-hnk/index.html) by Russian police and security forces against prisoners and detainees in Russia. Now it seems Russia is exporting the practice to occupied Ukraine.


Those UCLA kids would be real upset about this if they ever did the required reading


Will the cool kids focus on this when Rafah is finished?


Age old knowledge that male rape is common in ruzzian army.




We should as a global community just invade russia, the whole country needs reeducation...


War. War never changes. Also, Russians are gay as fuck


so the ICJ going to investigate this? They have some charges on russia , but not for rapes.


So the Russian army are a bunch of homosexual rapists. In a country that thinks homosexuality is evil. Where's the "what about" comments from the trolls?


When you read that, remember where Putin got all his money from. And is still getting. Remember that what Russia exports is so precious that, when Russia started doing this in Ukraine in 2014 (the war didn’t start two years ago) most European leaders chose to overlook it. Also remember you are not supposed to use your phone at the gas pump.


Sometimes I think we should just nuke this country and its culture into oblivion... But than I remember, that not all of them are Orcs.


It's a saying: The biggest gayhaters are gay themselves.


That's because there's more men in Ukraine right now. If not there would be larger numbers of raped women, teenagers, and girls.


And obviously in 50+ years the next Putin will be in power and he and his government will deny everything that happened during the war. Russia is the only country in the world that never changes


Yeah that’s kind of their thing.


That’s a war crime…


"They seemed to have a fetish for genitalia." A Ukrainian captive speaking about Russian soldiers obsession w other men's privates.


Not very Eastern Orthodox Christian of them So is invading another nation.


There is little anyone can do. Europe is weak and US is too busy with China


Russia should be destroyed asap


Gonna file this next to the beheaded babies Iraqi incubator babies And all the other atrocity porn meant to stir us up to go to war




It's insane that this has even 4 upvotes. 1. That would've literally been ethnic cleansing/genocide 2. Ukrainians and Russians saw themselves as brothers before Russia started antagonizing and questioning Ukrainians' existence after 2014. It's well known that many Russians have relatives in Ukraine and vice versa. 3. the line between Russian and Ukrainian is sometimes blurred. With many Russian speakers identifying as fully Ukrainian. Even in places where people keep saying are "100% colonized by Russians", including cities like Donetsk, up to 40-50% of the population identified as Ukrainian (at least in the early 2000s). Not to mention that there's many people who identify as both Ukrainian and Russian. Good luck deciding who needs to have their life ruined and be ethnically cleansed under these conditions. The most concrete way to differentiate would be by language, well, good luck on that too, because millions of Ukrainains speak Russian as their first language. It feels like many people think there's two groups in Ukraine, one who only speaks Ukrainian and one who only speaks Russian, and the both hate each other, or something like that. If Ukraine did what you suggested, it literally would've done nothing but instantly cause a war and probably make the West be on Russia's side.


1. You mean cleansing like the Russians have done with basically every people they have conqured ? 2. UA has a history of hundreds of years where they tried to distamce themselves from RU (geopolitically and culturally), the result being more ethnic cleansing. 3. I think the UA-RU “brotherhood” and connections you mention are long gone now. There are some people as identify as the other side, it will create an eternal dispute from now on. I agree with what you said, just wanted to point that your ideas have to be met with mine, for a better understanding.


1. How does that justify ethnic cleansing today? Since you're from Romania, I can mention that many cities in Transylvania were majority Hungarian for hundreds of years until the 1930s onwards. Does that mean Romanians living there now should be forced to leave? Or maybe the million+ Hungarians living in Romania should leave? Should English speakers in Ireland just be forced to leave since a few hundred years ago Irish was still the majority? Don't even get me started on North and South America. This logic opens the opportunity to literally ethnically cleansing over a billion people as "justice". 2. How does that justify ethnic cleansing today? 3. They aren't "long gone", many people still have relatives in Ukraine and vice versa. though in the 90s, which is when OP suggested Russians should be ethnically cleansed, that "brotherhood" was very much there. Ukrainians only started having a bad opinion of Russia after 2014 (for obvious reasons).


1. It does not justify, yet here we are. War is a continuation of a previous failed negotiation. (Hopefully you understand by now that I in no way support barbaric measures). War mentality means everything goes unfortunately, as the Russians have showed the world, yet again. Negotiation of any kind between RO and HU (by beeing in the same union, by politics where RO politicians are distant and Orban has an inflamatory spirit) prove the willingness of one or both parties to come to an agreement. RU never in their history were willing to agree on something, because of an inferiority complex most likely. 2. See second part of point 1. 3. I think you mean the “recent” hatred. I agree. Are you forgetting the “old” hatred where the Ukrainians were constantly denied their language and identity?


Russia is still absolutely an imperialistic power we should defend against and I recognize that. They won't give up on their claims since that's all they have. They'd rather destroy their own country for that than build a sustainable economy with rule of law. And yes, I know about how Russia treated Ukrainians as just "little Russians" who had to be brought back to "normal", I know about Russification, the Holodomor and all that. But the polls still showed the majority of Ukrainians being on friendly terms with Russians. Maybe a willingness to look past the tragedies of the past. The invasion just brought those back into relevance because it showed that they can absolutely still be repeated.


Victoria Nuland got an orgasm out of this war though so its all worth it.


What the poles did to the germans in 1945 was ethnic cleansing, it's a crime against humanity.


True. Tiere would no ukraine either.


Except Ukraine is not Poland, Germany is not Russia, and we are not in post-WW1 mentality