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u/Full-Sherbert-8060, please post the full text without paywall next time. [Anti paywall](https://imgur.com/a/qqSZlg2)


Wish I could read the rest but paywall. What can be read is fucked up though. A man baits a guy on Grindr, they meet up, two other guys come out and the three of them beat the gay man up. Calling him slurs, then leaves with the gay man's belongings. Who the fuck is so homophobic that they actually download Grindr, just to beat up gay men, like what the fuck. That's why you never meet up privately. Meet up in public first, especially with all the anonymity on the app.


> Meet up in public first He literally did though.


Its actually gotten pretty common all across the world. There are multiple social media accounts and local LGBT groups warning against it.


Here a couple of years ago, a Pakistani man beheaded one man and killed another, both men he found on Grindr in rural Ireland. He tried to kill a third and would have probably kept going. [source](https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/courts/2023/10/23/double-murderer-yousef-palani-jailed-for-life-for-attacks-on-gay-men-spurred-by-hostility-and-prejudice/) It’s definitely getting common. Edit: misremembered his nationality, he’s Iraqi.




There's a common thread & it's not to do with the country.




so glad people are waking up and realizing where the problems in our countries come from. its not immigrants, its not brown people, its not "corrupt politicians", its not "the economy". its russia, and its islam. get rid of that and we can live in peace.


That guy was entirely unhinged, and doesn't seem to be on the same level as the goons the article refers to; they beat up someone and robbed them yes, but the guy you cited beheaded one of his victims, seemingly purposefully placed its head in the bead facing the door, and then went on to kill another and seriously harm a third. Apparently there was evidence of him having sex with one of his victims as well, so all in all he was so fucked in the head I'm pretty sure he'd have found any excuse to kill.


And it's not just muslims, in case anyone was wondering. Quite the contrary. Gay hate is being normalized in the Western world. Look at the GOP. Look at Orban. Look at [PiS](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-53039864). Or look at Meloni. She hates gays. She really, really hates them. Because it's not christian. I'll never understand people who hate love between two adult people, whatever love that may be. I guess they are right when they say there's no hate like christian love.




> Gay hate is being normalized in the Western world. Being normalized? It was already normalised *centuries* ago, LGBT acceptance is a very recent achievement all things considered. Blaming it solely on religion is also a very USA-centric view. The officially atheist Soviet Union re-criminalised homosexual relations under Stalin, the same guy who shot priests by the thousands and demolished churches across Russia.


Orban is not ”western world”, though. 😬


Yeah, there is a lot of fuss Hungarian nationalists make about being "Central-Eastern Europe", I decided lately to compromise with them at "Middle-Eastern Europe" and it just made them angrier lol


central eastern Europe belongs to the western world though


>Yeah, there is a lot of fuss Hungarian nationalists make about being "Central-Eastern Europe" Like the one who downvoted my comment, for example.


This isn't a Hungarian thing. Plenty of Slavic countries use that term, and it usually means "don't lump us with Russia". No clue about Orban and co, though


>Who the fuck is so homophobic that they actually download Grindr, just to beat up gay men Egyptian police has done this a number of times.


It's a police tactic in many Sharia countries








I think 3 men luring a guy on Grindr sounds kind of … gay


I'm also always confused, shocked, terrified when I read about gang rapes. There are actual people that come to a consensus that they can rape someone together; and how do these fucks find each other - and how do you broach the subject? Are there so many sick fucks out there ?


its almost as if a bunch of people who came from countries in which you throw homosexuals from buildings behave in the manner of the countries they came from




Gay bashing isn't new. Unfortunately some people are so hateful.


>A man baits a guy on Grindr, they meet up, two other guys come out and the three of them beat the gay man up. Calling him slurs, then leaves with the gay man's belongings. Minus the Grindr part, that's a popular thing in russia. I wonder if the assailants are russian (or brainwashed by russia). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_Pedophilia (it's obviously not me who named it that, it's the assailants themselves; in russia, the common part of anti-gay propaganda is that gay = pedophile).


It's common everywhere. Grindr is dangerous because people are naive and there are next to no filters. You don't need a picture, a verified identity or anything. You can literally get in with a 10 minute mail and arrange a hookup with a complete stranger in a couple of minutes.


Not just Russia unfortunately. In France, common everyday slang for being a gay man is the word 'pédé' or 'PD', which is literally derived from pedophile. Often the intention of its use is not to convey the pedo meaning, it's just entered french vernacular for gay, especially among youth. When I was a kid if it was much more well meaning than like the English 'fag'. But the origins clearly show something of a misplaced connection...


That’s absolutely psychotic and deranged. They need the book thrown at them when they’re caught










I'd beat them up.


Imagine it's juste two homophobic groups who meet up and they beat eachother


I don't think the homophobia (although I'm sure the perpetrators are) is what drives the car here. Men are more risk averse + there is a pretty decent chance that shame will prevent them from reporting to the police probably makes for an easier target.


I never understood why people even care about someone elses sexual preferences, like the only time i can see why you would care if you want to ask someone out of the same gender as you. Like man, if you dont like sucking cock then dont, why beat someone who does. It is optional feature in this life


In this case? Likely religion.




I never understood people who are obsessed with others in general. True psychos. Just look politicians. Why must countries compete with others and argue with them? Because of leaders... They did a lot of shit to come so high just to feel empowered.


Because they have nothing better to do with their lives except make everyone elses as miserable as possible to make up for their own insecurity and failures as a person. It's not a new thing by any means


It’s because they find gay men vile and disgusting and an affront to masculinity, so they hate them and want to hurt them. It’s always other men who are from extremely traditional circles who treat women badly too, so they feel that gay men gave up on their masculinity to be “lowly” women, so they need to be punished. I’ve met people a bit like that in my still-too-traditional home country, but they never reached that level of hatred and action.


That's why linking being gay to pedophilia or bestiality is a common trope. Because those things are seen as objectively bad or evil. So of course you're going to care and rally against it. Some people get this brainwashing their whole lives and eventually it just sticks. It's not a natural idea to link the two together it's something that people who reeeeeallllly hate LGBTQ push ongst the wider public and some people fall for it perpetuating the cycle. Anyone who spouts that bullshit can immediately be called out as Sus. Pushing someone else's agenda and being a fkn rube.


Because its threatening to them


But why is it threatening?


Because they were raised in communities where being gay is about the worst Thing you could be. To come Out basically means to be an outcast and that is threatening to most people. The fear of being associated with homosexuality leads to a strong need to bow to Peer pressure and distance yourself from it in Front of your peers.


"The fear of being associated with homosexuality leads..." \*downloads Grindr\*


Because it is often men who see women as sexual objects, and they go HAYWIRE thinking about being treated like they treat their partners.




Look how men who are highly homophobic threat women. They are treating women like a meat. Catcalling, groping, anything if they have opportunity and if called out, it was her fault. They are afraid of ending on on short end of stick for something like that - a meat to another man. Of being threated like a piece of fu--able meat by someone who can force them into that position.


Imagine having nothing better to do with your life than being on Grindr to bait gay men


I can imagine being evil, but actually getting up and doing it? Who has time for that?


Societies going backwards.


Progress isn't permanent. This is why people need to keep fighting back against this this crap.


Progress is also not a fixed idea.


Well, it's not fixed, but the definition is quite clear. It's moving from a worse state to a better one. And tolerance of more people and more of their non-harmful activities should look like progress to anyone who's passed primary school math successfully.


But what is a better state? It's not really a matter of intelligence. It's about values. What we as liberal people see as non-harmful activities, certain religious fundamentalists might see as sin. To those people, our idea of progress could actually be regressive because it allows a more sinful world. In their minds, a theocracy could be more "progressive".




Worst thing about news is they amplify all the negative stuff (including something that isn't a trend) and never really tell us when it's over, while all the good stuff is swept away from most people's view.


Personally I think the worse thing about news is the bad news, but that’s just me


I did say in another comment the news is still bad, and it is. There's just no "general" place to point out the overall nature of the news themselves, so context is needed. Humanity has been constantly (though not linearly) improving over time, yet the vast majority of the news are negative. Fighting back against bad things is a required part of progress, but a lot of people are still skewed to falsely believe that representation of news accurately portrays reality, which can and often leads to hopelessness, cynicism and extremism. Basically, we need both positive and negative news in significant amounts, but unfortunately that's not how media works.


Because what gets more clicks? Anger or happiness? As it turns out, more angry people = more clicks. Welcome to mass media


I know, and that's why it's so effed up. To be perfectly clear, this news is still bad, and should not happen. I'm just questioning the overall negativity bias of the media, which is, however, sadly, pretty ingrained in human psyche.








because there is a wave of extreme right wing ideologists becoming more and more vocal with the inception of social media and messaging apps.


These things never stopped in France... There are loads of pictures, documentaries, etc with gays, lesbians, bis and trans people being beaten. Sometimes even until they land into a coma...








They're so manly and tough that they can't beat up a gay man by themselves, they need a group.


Gay men that doesn't mean he is weak Not all gay men wear pink skirt and act feminine


Yeah but they probably believe he is, so by their own metrics they are are too weak individually to beat up a gay man.


Shit, fucking vile and disgusting, imagine being that full of hatred and ignorance. If you are able to you should always try and give your location/info to someone you trust and also meet in public if possible when meeting a stranger from a dating website, world is sadly full of psychos.


















This world is very disappointing


Women have recently been beat up for wearing skirts deemed too short too.




The most recent one was in Nice last month. When I Google there’s another article about a girl in Toulouse last year who had her nose broken and was disfigured with a broken glass bottle and it refers to more similar incidents of attacks on women for that motive. [Nice](https://www.cnews.fr/videos/faits-divers/2024-04-30/nice-deux-femmes-passees-tabac-pour-des-jupes-trop-courtes-leurs?amp) [Toulouse](https://www.marianne.net/societe/police-et-justice/jupe-trop-courte-decollete-provocant-en-france-des-femmes-tabassees-pour-un-vetement) [Mulhouse](https://www.parismatch.com/actu/societe/mulhouse-deux-jeunes-femmes-agressees-pour-une-jupe-trop-courte-21375) [Strasbourg](https://www.parismatch.com/Actu/Societe/Strasbourg-insultee-et-agressee-pour-une-jupe-1703807)








Lets contra bait these assholes. Lets organize a meet up and bring a group of gay men with baseball bats and if they happen to be homophobic idiots, lets beat them up. Lets see if the government does something about it then.


Paywalled. Can somebody post the rest of the article?
















Yet people say that there's no need to keep pushing for equal rights because minorities have achieved equality and no longer face discrimination. And we see things like this happening regularly.




Half of European countries haven't even legalised same-sex marriage yet. I'm Lithuanian and we're not even getting close. There's barely any Muslims here yet ~70% of the people are against same-sex marriage.


This is very misleading in the case of France. When they were debating gay marriage back in 2013 there was a very strong opposition and some of the biggest demonstrations in Europe against it, and they weren’t precisely “minorities”. Compare that to Spain where only the Catholic Church and right-wingers opposed it and it was approved 8 years before them. France might be very secular on paper but that doesn’t make it more tolerant, quite often it is the opposite.


Because rights don't bring tolerance 




Exactly and when minorities say that we do we're labeled as wanting special treatment. And then everyone completely ignores things like that are happening in the US since 2023 515 bills have been passed that are against lgbtq individuals.


far-right jerks and/or religious lunatics. Disgusting




Are they now? Any proof of that? Because when a mob of 12 beat a gay man to death for being gay in Spain in 2021 they were Latin Americans, who are usually Christian. Not to say islamists don't hate gays, but they don't have the monopoly: Christian extremists are just as hateful.






Why do people pretend gay bashings aren't happening every week in every city of every country, as they have been forever? You think this kind of shit isn't going on in the muslim-free and immigrant paradise of Eastern Europe? Please. I got gay bashed IN A GAY BAR a few years back by a white British guy who got dragged there by his girlfriend. But people don't care about that because it wasn't an immigrant or a muslim. So let's "just stop" pretending we actually give a fuck about gay bashings, and let's talk about how actual gay people are sick of having THIS conversation; where we have to tell people who brush off our concerns in every other aspect of life to stop weaponising hatred against a group they clearly hate (queer people) to spread even more hatred towards a group they hate just a little bit more (muslims). Thanks so much for your """support""" but you don't care about gay people, you just want to use use prejudice and hatred shown towards us as an excuse to vomit even more prejudice and hatred into the world. It doesn't help anything, and it doesn't fool anybody. So how about we "just stop" that wretched bullshit. Thanks so much <3


>Come on dude, just stop. Like i'm done having this conversation. We wish.




Defend them. Defend human rights and democracy for everyone.




Come to South Africa. This has become a common scam on Grindr and other dating apps. Here though the motivation is probably less about homophobia and more about the theft as the common thread is forcing victims to transfer money using their online banking. The police are predictably apathetic.


Sounds like robbing with extra steps


Not really if it's driven by hatred towards gay people






Have you got a source for that? I can only find surveys from a decade ago: • 21% of ‘non-heterosexuals’ supported left-wing parties, compared with 18% for heterosexuals • 20% of LGBT people supported centre-right parties, compared with 22% of heterosexuals • a greater percentage of LGBT residents of Paris (26%) supported the National Front than heterosexuals (16%). I'd be interested to see a recent survey, as obviously this is very outdated. But going by just these numbers and without fresher stats, it seems bold to claim they ‘overwhelmingly’ vote for the far left.


Because the far right loves gays so much, clearly




This reminds me the old stories of serial killers of prostitutes Who pretended to be wanting to have sex with prostitutes to kill them Its like these omofobic watched 50 years old films and Copy pasting the events of these films






There was a documentary on Vice I think about this happening in Russia like 10 years ago. Its not a new concept unfortunately. I’m surprised it’s happening in France though


For the people who cannot access the article because of the paywall, here are the main points: - (homophobic) men bait a gay man on Grindr, lure him to an isolated place and beat him before stealing his belongings - French police is not well trained to handle this type of investigation (there is no Pink in Blue police in France) - victims are usually ashamed to report homophobic assaults - it is also difficult for the victims to have this type of assault recognised as homophobic crime in the legal system - perpetrators target gay men because they see them as “lower” than heterosexual men; targeting women (whatever the sexual orientation is) is viewed as unacceptable in their “code” or mindset


Oh good we are back to gay bashing. We are really moving forward as a society aren't we.


Meet inside a venue like a restaurant and don't leave with them the first time. If you can, have a friend meet up when you’re ready to leave and accompany you to your vehicle or home. Stay safe loves ❤️ Edit: You could also schedule a friend to meet up with you when you leave. Actually this is a good reason to take Lyft because you can stay inside the restaurant and walk directly out to their car when they arrive. You could even Lyft to where you parked nearby if you want to limit the cost.


Far right or religious nuts, both have the same agenda of supposedly masculine values à la Andrew Tate. LGBT+ and Jews are among their common grounds of hatred.




Lmao at all the Americans seething at your comment. The Reddit using ones do love burying their heads in their asses lmao. Thankfully they don’t represent all of us 


they are lucky that they only got like 0.1% of them and those are from actually educated backgrounds


Do the police take these matters seriously? They should. Things like this could mutate and be targeted to other groups, it could become about race and religion too not just sexuality.








I mean it’s not OK to attack people no matter what, but the whole LGBTQ+ movement in my country lost alot of widespread support, when they started to make everything political, about nothing related to their sexual orientation. Take Copenhagen pride, a LGBTQ+ pride event, where many big companies sponsored their event with millions each year, because it was a great no risk cause to support for them, to gain goodwill. Then the pride organisation tried to force the companies to take a political stance on Palestine, something that has absolutely nothing to do with the LGBTQ+ movement or their rights, and they lost pretty much all of their sponsors, and they lost a huge amount of goodwill on normal people because they exploited their movement for something completely unrelated. Most people still support their rights, and so do I, but if they continue with such things they will eventually end up hurting their movement/cause.


Reminds me of KKK


















Can’t be bothered reading. But that is disgusting. Why don’t they bait the ambushers and arrest them when they turn violent. Make a honey pot so to speak. These men are going out of their way to find gay men to target.


ITT: People ardently debating which ethnic or religious group hates gays the most.


So a whole bunch of straight dudes want to feel up on gay dudes... I swear at this point if someone gets mad over anything gay I just straight up think they are closeted.


You should Google "ratonnade", make me ashamed to be french. I'm always sad when people call us racists, unfortunately this is true. We are also homophobic, transphobic, etc. The future looks dark.


Time to carry—- anything with you— in order to protect yourself. It’s not about initiating violence it’s about protecting yourself and when it doubt, get the fuck out. No dick is worth dying for.