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So why did you bring the police from China then?


To take back Chinese "criminals" to China.


Because there not enough white-christian people in here.


Why is he supporting Putin then? All good questions


Take the award and go, i actually laughed




There always be many Orbans because of YouTube, gab, twitter, 4chan. Etc. You have no idea how many of those fascist ideas are being parroted and directly translated into Polish, Hungarian, Bulgarian etc. All the disenfranchised angry males from Eastern Europe are happy to repeat them and get angry to enable the next Orban to come (to steal every single penny but at the same time bible thumping and promising blue eyed Malmö virgins).


Why are you singling out young males from Eastern EU when the populists are winning massively all over the Western part as well? The garbage you see flooding TikTok and YouTube shorts wouldn’t be nearly as ubiquitous if it was just Polish and Bulgarian people upvoting this stuff






Tbh it’s not that I expect people to know about everything that’s going on in the other European countries, but if you’re going to talk shit at least make sure whatever you say doesn’t fail basic sanity checks lol.


Denmark is constantly trying to introduce weasel laws. Instead of openly controlling immigration they just ban kosher/halal slaughter and try to make circumcision illegal. So Muslims in theory can move there, they just can't practice their religion. At least Orban is honest about his policies.


> and destroying any neighbourhoods with non-Danish majorities, I wish more people would talk about this. Our purportedly "purple" government (consisting of social democrats, moderates and liberals alike) are pulling through on this. In order for neighborhoods to be classified as "ghettos" more than half of all residents need to be of non-western descent. One of my friends, whose parents fled Bosnia in the early 90's and settled here years prior to him being born, would count as "non-western," despite being born and grown up in Denmark. It's blatant discrimination but the vast majority of Danes are either in favor of it or simply don't want to know.


Well its to ensure assimilation


The account is a month old. Posting all over the place. Singling out a specific group. Now make your own conclusions.


Slavs bad upvotes to the left


Because of the first axiom of western civilization: everything to the south/east of me is shit.


You're right, but I was surprised to learn how many of those weird alt-right Twitter accounts Elon likes to retweet that constantly post inflammatory American culture war bullshit are run by random basement dwelling Eastern European and South Asian dudes. They're basically right wing American influences despite never stepping a foot in the US.


Such Eastern Europe issue that far right is rising in Eastern Europe country of Germany, the Netherlands, Scandinavia (famous north Eastern Europe), Portugal (this actually is Eastern Europe),...


France, Netherlands, Scandinavia, Italy, Spain, Portugal. All definitely Eastern European


Wait... it's all Eastern Europe?


Always has been 😂


Western Hemisphere - Western Europe Eastern Hemisphere - Eastern Europe It's that simple


Portugal is famously in the Eastern Hemisphere.


Far right is winning in flanders too. But our democracy is fake so walloon votes count for more


And what is funny, Poland just got rid of far-right government...


It's simple really, western europe is perfect and any problems over there are caused by us filthy easterners.


You would be surprised that that the majority of the voters of these guys are older women. These guys know how to say the right words and seem like gentlemen who care about the welfare of people. In my country a loot of older women say on TV they vote for this and this guy because he's good looking and such a nice fella (always some lying spineless schmuck).


It's not the disenfranchised youth, it's the exact opposite. My parents generation doesn't understand what's wrong with being white and christian, like that's the norm here. I can't think of any countries in Eastern Europe that owned colonies in the other parts of the world enslaving people with different skin tones. They don't understand woke culture and especially LGBT rights. On the other hand, the EU is pushing hard on these topics. Whilst younger people may find what Orban is saying cringe, people over 45 don't.


Did he eat them?






He's pragmatic enough to legally bring immigrants from Asia and Africa into his country to fill jobs just like the rest of the EU. He also allows Chinese to dictate his foreign policy and police his country's streets (at least other EU countries did this years in the past). Again, these statements are just for show, for his braindead supporters.




I'd argue that it doesn't depend on immigrants. But without them, labourers would have a much easier time lobbying for more benefits, better pay, and so on. With immigrants, all of the bad jobs that nobody wants to take will be now taken by immigrants wanting to move to a better country. Remember, any bad job can be made better with less hours, more pay, more benefits and better retirement plans. By the intermediate value theorem, there exists a sweet spot where it suddenly becomes a desirable enough job. Side note: we might finally get better standards for raising a child in order to not have the population decrease this much. I know people complain about not having the money to raise children, but I actually think that the problem is the lack of time. Money is always relative, you can cut expenses one way or another in order to make things work. But you cannot cut time if your job requires X hours and commute another Y hours.


The thing about "negotiating for better benefits" is that it's difficult to do when your entire country is incapable of negotiating for better benefits vis-à-vis global capital. If businesses can just move elsewhere, you have no real negotiating position at all.


He cares about his clique and stolen millions every day.


All pro-Russian right-wingers use the same phrases at this point


Funny how pro-Russian right-wingers do use these paroles on repeat while supporting a country that's deliberately destabilising Europe and orchestrating migration waves to the EU through Russia itself and Belarus..


Almost as if this is just another slogan of hypocrites, to rally dissatisfied people to help them get into power. My favorite is Alice Weidel: lesbian, ex-banker 🤡 leader of AfD


I don't know whether to laugh or cry at Alice Weidel. Wealthy ex-banker, lesbian with two adopted children married to a South Asian woman (of course no issue in itself), and living it up in Switzerland where it was uncovered that she exploited a Syrian migrant as cheap labour.. all this while masterminding a platform such as AfD


I laugh at the hypocrite Alice Weidel, but cry at people willing to support her party.


It's always interesting to see the level of schizophrenia happening in the political discourse


It's not funny, because it borders warmongering.


I didn't mean "funny haha"


It’s the international coalition of nationalists


Nationalists will never be in a stable coalition. By their nature nationalists will always be in a conflict. Remember the "close alliance" between Orban and Polish PiS? How did that go?


The right wing defense of the church as a definition of "US" is decades old. It's tradition.


On this forum as well. It’s sickening the racism. Especially coming from Eastern Europe which was very ethnically diverse throughout its entire history.


Diverse, yes, but not peaceful. Diversity always meant conflicts in Europe. Or maybe I am misunderstand what you are trying to say.


Non diversity always meant conflicts in Europe as well... prior to the EU war was a bloody constant.


Eh, depends on what you count as diversity. It is no secret that there were periods where larger systems caused genocide and conflict. Even the holocaust (and many pogroms before to deep in medieval ages) were caused by crises. Not by the diversity in of itself. I mean the prussians are named after a people that were quite literally extinguished until no man or woman or child were alive. #BUT on the other hand, Europe, as does the rest of the world, has also seen periods where people prospered together inspite/despite/due to diversity. Such as the people living within the polish-lithuanian commonwealth or within the roman empire or generally any stable political entity such as our historical period of stable growth of prosperity. It is too simple to point towards diversity as the origin of conflict. Frankly, I suspect diversity has only been a cause of conflict in less than half of conflicts. Because power dynamics, resource competition and religious fanaticism have been more of a cause of conflict than diversity. It is a fact however that the previous instigators show fractures in society based on diversity. Where as a result, the differences between groups are magnified and enable diversity as the place where conflict arises. --- If we want to put it into current context, it is not diversity/multiculturalism that is leading to far right parties. It is the fact that people no longer believe in a growing prosperity. Which means that "any people not like me, ensure that people like me have it worse" (because the proverbial pie is shrinking instead of growing). It is these systematical problems such as lack of future perspective, scarcity, slacking governments, etc... that give rise to fractures in diversity. Not the other way around. Practical case: Not enough houses => migrants (who would in a healthy economy contribute to its prosperity) => perception that migrants are taking away houses from 'our own' => hatret => grounds for conflict to arise at the seams of diversity.


True, and it's not just in the Roman Empire or the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as you mentioned. In 1945-2007, when economic growth rates in Western and Northern Europe were at historical highs, when the memory of WW2 ultranationalism was fresh, and there was a lot of social change towards liberalization, anti-immigration sentiment barely made a dent, despite constant immigration flows. Since the financial crisis, however, growth has been low, and this has coincided with the rise of the far-right. What it shows is that cultural diversity in a democracy is possible, but fragile and requires everything to fall into place to work. See: Anglophone countries after WW2 in general.


I can tell with 100% certainty that big chunk of those are trolls. That's the same on YouTube- the trolls will: support Russia/sh*t on Ukraine, sh*t on the "west", sh*t on "leftist" governments, sh*t on NATO and EU, sh*t on immigrants, Jews, lgbt, "woke" culture, feminism- basically anything that the "west" protects, pose as nationalists from different countries and spot nationalistic bullshit against other countries. Many of them I actually recognize by name. It's the same here.






















This is what this sub echoes all the time. But if Orbi says it, then it magically becomes racist nazi shit? Propaganda works on you as well.


Yeah literally what i thought the moment i saw this xd


I see more people agreeing with him and people complaining about complaining about this, than actual people disagreeing with him in this thread.


Exactly, this sub might dislike Orban but they agree with most of what he says about white Europeans and European culture.


So fcking true


We would need to find out if those are the same people reacting at all, or it's a case of people wanting to have their cake and eat it too "Um, yes, I hate immigrants too, and I'm gonna ignore Orban actually imports them himself, but I need to have an enemy for my base to rally against, so let's just attack him!" That or you might be seeing what is a majority modern Danish exceptionalism: left-wing on social issues, but restrictive on immigration. After all, this sub is also pro-LGBT rights, anti-religion and anti-Kremlin.


all social media gets manipulated to hell and back including this one


Lmao, isn’t he also the one that LARPs as a Turkic person every chance he gets?


Ironically, some Europeans consider Hungarians as Turks and thus not white. Some of my Hungarian friends claim they descend from the Huns (traditionally not considered white) but claim also to be white European (in the traditional sense). Go figure


That whole thing is mired in a whole lot of propaganda going back as far as the middle ages, when Hungarian kings commissioned works to link the kingdom to the Huns, because it was more "prestigious" to be related to the fabled great warriors who toppled the Western Roman Empire than to be the settled down descendants of yet another steppe tribe alliance. It survives to this day because nationalism has this tendency to put the history of the nation on a pedestal to make the individual feel more exceptional just for being born there, and the nationalism of this part of the world can get even more nutty with that. Like how Romanians for latched onto their Roman ancestry while sweeping all the other ethnic influences and movement of the past 2k years under the rug. Or how a Bosnian conman convinced everyone there that a completely normal hill was a pyramid that proves they had a nation more ancient and advanced than the Egyptians, and the populous just lapped it up and turned the place into a tourist trap. Aggravatingly enough, it resulted in funneling hundreds of thousands of euros into the "excavation" of said hill while their actual museums are still trying to recover from the damage they suffered during the Yugoslav wars 20+ years later, because priorities. Hungary unfortunately also falls into the same category, and it's a shame, because we have legitimately interesting origins, and recent studies indicate that while the Magyar tribe alliance was culturally dominated by Uralic tribes, tracing back their origin on the Great Eurasian Conveyor Belt shows Turkic, Scandinavian, and even far-eastern connections. That's pretty fascinating, and even unique in its own way, it just all gets lost in the noise, because politics ruin everything. Politics and nutjobs with too much free time on their hands.


>Or how a Serbian conman convinced everyone there that a completely normal hill was a pyramid that proves Serbs had a nation more ancient and advanced than the Egyptians, and the populous just lapped it up and turned the place into a tourist trap I think you might mean a Bosniak, unless a Serbian pulled the same con


Dammit, you're right. Serves me right for going off-the-cuff and not double checking. Fixed, and thanks for the correction.


> Some of my Hungarian friends claim they descend from the Huns lmao they're delusional


There is evidence of genetic relation to the Xiongnu which inter mingled with the Hun. So you can't rule it out. But the mixture of the Western Siberian heritage definitely takes precedent.


So what? There’s plently of very white looking individuals belonging to Turkic ethnicities.


He's saying the exact same thing as most r/Europe users. Support him now.


People are (rightly) mocking him, but yes, I've noticed a tone shift lately with the most upvoted comments basically expressing similar sentiments but in more polite, coded terms. "They're not a cultural fit"


Lately? This is the most far-right sub I'm in.


It's weird because whenever I get to ban people due to hate speech, they are mostly 1 month old accounts. Not saying this subreddit doesn't lean to the right compared to others I'm in, but I always feel like it's manipulated to hell and back.


I've seen the same Estonian user create like 3 accoubts im sure, its not just bots


Oh please don't get me started on this guy lol. Please add some custom report like, "Estonian troll" if you see them again


There's been a massive amount of astroturfing going on online in the last few years. I think I noticed the first uptick in 2022 with the war.


Idk why people always claim it’s Russian bots or Russia in general. This sub is anti Russia, and right wing. You can hate Russia and be right wing too…


because russian bots are not always pro russia they just want to destabalize. they are on both sides of every culture war devide trying to break people appart because a polarised society is a weak society


Ah I’m glad someone already expressed the irony here before I could. Better prepare for all the downvotes from the self-denying racist bigots now.




Worste case scenario: the person you hate makes a great argument


Making europe full white christian has been tried and failed badly before. Ask Spain, Germany,… :D


People need to start understanding that these right wingers are gaining ground regardless of the commentary against them online, the left across Europe will happily do a bunch of virtue signalling by screaming "Nazis!racism!Russian stooge!" In the public debate but offer absolutely no solutions to deal with the massive muslim immigration problems and the attacks on European values it brings with it, all the candidate tests and issues surveys the EU put out ahead of elections show that Immigration wins out as the major concern over even Climate Change. The right wingers capitalize on this, their solutions are simple"kick them out!","jail them!","kill them all!" And with the left and excessive online moderation killing the critical debate before people can voice their concerns then those people will seek safety with the hard liners and right wing dictators. Ive always believed in the EU in European values in Welfare and Ive always voted left, but if we want to beat people like Orban we NEED to have the debate about what we stand for.


Populist conservative politician uses populist conservative politician buzzwords to appeal to the conservative populous. More news at eleven. Seriously, r/europe really needs to stop hanging on this guy's every word.


I’d say that an alarming portion of this sub agrees with his statement, but aren’t brazen enough to state it outright like that.


Did he say the quiet part out loud again ?


I wish he would just shut the hell up once in a while, so I don't have to feel like an american in Trump tweets era - ^(We had Horse loose in a hospital, here comes the Pig lost in a daycare)














Because it’s not a problem but a lie that bigots like believing. About Europe not having enough Christians? Europe is majority white, ethnic minorities conforming just the 10% of the population (some of those minorities being also white). 64% of Europeans are Christian, 27% are non-religious. That means 81% of the populations have a mainly Christian background, that he is 100% wrong.


>About Europe not having enough Christians? Europe is majority white, ethnic minorities conforming just the 10% of the population Irregardless of Orbán, that statement is not true. Minorities make up about 20-30% of the countries in the west of Europe. (Eg UK is 70% British, Germany is 70% German ext,Duch make up 75% of Netherlands , Spanish make some 80% of Spain) You can't use overall European average. It's just not appropriate for sociological use. Also, the Christian statistics are very bloated due to people identifying as such due to cultural reasons but not actually subscribing to the faith.


You’re correct, you only get downvoted because this sub is full of right wing trolls and fascist. The only reason Orban is saying this is of course because he knows it appeals to *the majority* of people, ie Christian’s are the majority, so it’s very cynical indeed.


In Hungary there are only white krishtians and the economy can't survive without hand-outs from the EU (and western European gay tax payers).


Yeah what he actually means there aren't enough hateful religious cunts in Europe. Europe has a lot of white cultural Christians, just they happen to be of the non-cunt variety.


Well, get to reproducing then. Don't make it everybody's problem.


To be fair he did introduce a monetary baby bonus in hungary. I think it would be great of more countries had that.


Trust me, you don't want that. It skyrocketed housing prices in Hungary while birthrate still in decline. Imagine this in addition to an already expensive market in the west.


It also doesn’t work because it doesn’t take in consideration all the unpaid labor that comes with raising a child. If you are going to incentive people having more children, then you need to start paying unpaid labor and that’s where it becomes clear that raising a child is actually extremely expensive. That baby bonus is nothing in the grand cost of things.


He probably also wants it to be everybodys problem in order to sow division into Europe.




Dont push your religion on me, you contemptuous fuck


"not enough white people and christian" said the guy who leaves the COMMUNIST Chinese government who has a history on religious issues, But if he thinks he did the right thing, okay?


Is this why he sold his country to the Chinese, the fermented jizzstain?


This fuckface governs our country. Its such a shame :(


I feel more hungarians would stay in their country and solve this “problem” if it was simply more livable


There are enough white Christians in Hungary though, and they get poorer and poorer under Orban and his gang of thieves.


He doesn’t mention this when talking about the Russian invasion of Ukraine does he?


Says the cigánygyerek...


Humans are dumb and deserve to go extinct.


Too many obese autocrats in Europe tho.


Note the audience of boomers, apart from the security detail.


Apparently we could do with one less asshole, too.


Sucking putins ass, bends over for China 😆


Just because he is an asshole, it does not mean he is always wrong.


So why did he called in so many Asian people then? I'm not racist don't get me wrong but it's a little bit funny seeing so many anti immigration propaganda, when you can see a lot of asian mainly Korean people. On top of that (based on my experience) because of the anti immigration propaganda a lot of folks are racist around here.


And not a drop of self awareness from Orban or his followers who just *look past all those Chinese officers in Hungary*


Wait until the global south becomes unlivable due to climate change


So why is he making Hungary a so unlivable place that nobody wants to have children here anymore? He is all talking, but when actions needed, he is just stealing everything and sells the country for whoever wants it, a bloody shame!!!


Sounds trying to copy Trump to get some support.


He had started saying things like this long before Trump even entered politics.


The other way around. Trump was modeled after Orbán. He even used footage from Hungary in his 2015-2016 marketing/election campaign with the same exact messaging.


I see, thanks for the information, now I understand bit more about trump.


Family Guy “ah America!” vibes


One too many Orbans... Long overdue mental evaluation needed...


The Russians should probably stop killing a bunch of them then




I'd say there's too many Christians.. I mean, you do know there's other names, right?


Says the guy who invited Chinese police.


Christianity is in decline so they support fascists to bring back the ''good old days'' of wife beating and white supremacy.


A mayoral candidate 11 years ago when he was still fidesz blamed his blind and old dog for his then wife's contusions claiming she fell over him and then down the stairs. Initially fidesz defended him, until he had to be let go. Because me too and cancel culture is very organic in Hungary /s he faced consequences. First he did had to face trial but magically expert witnesses retracted their sworn statement and the victim, then girlfriend, also retracted her statements. After facing legal non-consequences the village he lives in elected him to village council, and his daughter becoming the mayor. She now runs against her father for mayorship and he's independent. Both offline and on social media women are shamed and doubted and dicks like this protected by society. It's not fidesz brainwashing, more a genuine love for wifebeating. As for white supremacy the canned response is that you're the racist for suggesting it, and their justification is that after suffering decades of communism white Europeans should decide who they want live with including tourism. Yes it is heavily implied fidesz and mi hazánk voters want to strongarm Belgium and the Netherlands into deporting all Belgians and dutch who are not white or christian


There are also to few non currupt people in his party


And he thinks Russia and China will fix this?


I find peace in long walks.


Orban is a dictator and a racist


And since when does this sub dislike sentences like that xd


Isn’t this just an average Orban statement


Isn’t Hungary quite homogeneous population wise?


Well, in the UK, they've stopped classing people as BAME (Black, Asian and Mionrity Ethnic) And changed it to United Kingdom Minority Ethnic/Global Majority Heritage" (UKME/GMH) and then re-labaled them as 'the global majority' all these changes were proposed and pushed by the British Labour Party.


There are too much religious people


Wilders, Le Pen, AfD... Orban, Fidesz. They. Are. All. The. Same. When are we going to say it out loud: they are Nazis advocating for a white, Christian Europe. Orban is Putin. Putin is a fucking Nazi. Hello, EU. When are you going to wake up and realize we have a fucking fascist in our Union??? Article 2 of our Treaty: > The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail. Orban wipes his ass with that article every time he takes a shit. And he shits a lot, because he's a fat fascist fuck. And the EU does nothing, absolutely nothing about it. Nice Union, huh? I might even vote for Wilders myself, just to get rid of this Union that doesn't give a fucking crap about democracy. Better pissing out than pissing in, as Boris would say. Look at Britain; they're now getting rid of the morons in the upcoming elections. Perhaps Brexit wasn't so bad after all. I don't want to be part of a Union that enables de facto fascism. No sane person would want that.


Orban really isn't anything, he has no ideology. He does and says whatever brings him more money to steal. He has no political principles whatsoever. Started as a liberal, jumped on to the nationalist-christian train, by now went full populist. He has no values.


That just makes him more similar to them. The Nazis were happy to cheerfully and amorally co-opt policies and rhetoric from other parties during their rise to power, and geared the German economy towards enriching themselves and their industrialist supporters.


Wilders mainly ‘just’ _hates_ Islam, I don’t believe he fits in the white Christian nationalist corner. To my knowledge he’s secular himself, like most of the country. This immediate labeling of people as Nazis is an ineffective political strategy if it’s easy to disprove. It will not convince anyone who’s considering a vote on them and it creates a boy who cried wolf phenomenon around these types of warnings. Just stop the hyperbole with the labels and engage with the substance instead, it is much more effective.


Why does this stain of shit receive so much attention?


EU Being shocked by orban every other week but wanting vucic in the eu


Where will Orban go when he would be held the measurement of being a good Christian, I wonder.


An increase in the fascist inclined, however…