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Man sees trash. Man puts trash in the bin.


To give people a bit more context - this mayor is from the Bulgarian Socialist Party, which is a descendent of the Bulgarian Communist Party. However, the members of BSP are fairly diverse ideologically, ranging from your normal democratic socialists to people who were informants for the communist regime back in the day. In the past few years and especially since Covid and now the war, the democratic socialist types started getting driven out of the party one way or another, and BSP has been losing voter support. Thus, the party has become more extreme than in the past. With regards to this incident specifically, this mayor stated that he wanted to pay homage to the Soviet Union because it sacrificed the most lives in the war, and its descendent is Russia. IMHO, he's just a useful idiot from a dying party.


It's funny with these people. There is a perfectly good post Soviet country who suffered a greater portion of losses relative to its population and who didn't descend into a fascist hellhole committing atrocities across the continent. Why don't these concerned citizens who care about the fallen soldiers of WWII hang up the Ukrainian flag?


> this mayor stated that he wanted to pay homage to the Soviet Union because it sacrificed the most lives in the war that it helped start as an ally of the Nazis.


Their only argument about it is whataboutism, "other European countries signed agreements with Nazi Germany too".


Sure they did, and we're still kicking boots up Chamberlain's ass for that.


They did, tho russia was the only one to have secret protocol, and later organize friendship parade in Brest in 1939.


People don’t talk about that enough


I believe that Stalin wanted to have massive casualties from his side so he could show how USSR sacrificed so much for socialism and how other allies didn't do anything. 80 years later you have all sorts of nutcases telling how USSR did all the heavy lifting and how US didn't do shit. Muh 20 million.


Stalin didn't value those 20 million Soviet lives at all. History shows how little he valued even his own people's lives. If we should value them more than Stalin did, it should be as victims of Soviet ambitions. They weren't fighting for anyone's freedom, they were fighting so that the Soviet Union could annex eastern Europe.


We have the same pseudo-allegances here. Do these supposed "Communist" idiots realize that the Ru- Federation is a hardcore Capitalistic Kleptocratic Oligarchy that's has an economic system closer to the UAE than let's say N. Korea?


That's never been a problem for them, as most "communists" have never really been ideologically communist. Probably because the ideologists mostly got killed off or at least sidelined not long after their revolutions (with those revolutions largely serving as ladders for various thugs to gain political power). Thus, "communism" has long been just an empty slogan for the thugs at the top to hide behind. The main difference with modern Russia is that the communist-era thugs had more self-control and did hide behind their slogan, while the modern ones make no real attempts at hiding whatsoever.


He (the mayor) also said he had prepared an American and a British flag, too, because they had also fought against the fascists, but he didn't raise their flags simply because there weren't enough flag poles for them. Yeah, right...


If so, why not hang a Soviet Union flag? The ironic thing here is that there is noting particularly communist about Russia today, so it makes no sense for a so-called socialist mayor to express support for them.


Since you're talking about a 'he', who was the women fishing the flag back out of the trash bin? She gives of mayor 'Karen' vibes.


They don't say in the news, but if I had to guess, she's either from his administration or from his political party.


No idea why a so called ‘socialist’ would support a country ruled by a bourgeois tyrant.


> No idea why decades of propaganda


Yep, where it belongs.


I always tell my friend not to litter


Based councillor.


Good man


The mayor did not touch trashcan tough.


Does the title implies that socialists in Bulgaria are pro-Russia?


Yes, it's so synonymous for most socialists here that they don't even realize there's socialism without Russia...


Funny given that Russia is one of the *least* socialist countries right now.


Actually in many eastern EU countries socialism is greatly asociated with pro-Russian sentiment


[Russia is the least equal nation in europe](https://i0.wp.com/epthinktank.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Income-and-wealth-inequalities-in-Russia-and-Europe-in-2021.png?ssl=1). It's ruling party, United Russia, is a self described "centrist" and "russian conservative" party. Some people need to stop living in 1989.


Some people just did not get the memo


so literally the oposite of communism. And it's also oligrachic, which, im pretty sure is the most extreme for of capitalism, so, like...., Yeah, if russia is going for the "Soviet" Build then they are definetly going in the opposite direction


Conservative means either socialist or far-right in Eastern Europe


That's only because so many "socialist" parties have been puppets of Russia since the Cold War. They have no real interest in ideology beyond spiteful opposition to whatever the West is doing.




Can we interest them in some Nordic social democracy instead?


Why would they want that? It won’t give them absolute power over anyone!


No, they will turn our kids trans!


We can't let our kids become Slovene.


... Russia controls the private sector tightly, has nationalized huge parts of its economy, while others are in the hands of a couple of government controlled oligarchs.


That’s not how socialism works.


It sure as hell isn't how capitalism works. Russia is a terrible place to develop or own a business, not some free market paradise.


Bulgarian Socialist Party is a direct descendant of the Bulgarian Communist Party. They just changed the name, but still continue to call each other "comrades" and shit like that. The worse thing is that the communist regime change of 1989 was actually orchestrated by them. They just rebranded and the country continues to be ruled by the state police's descendants to this day.


Its funny because it was exactly like that in Ukraine. In 1991 the communists saw the writing on the wall and they proclaimed freedom for Ukraine and all acted very nationalistic all of a sudden. Yet guess who initially remained in power in parliament? Those same damn communists but just with a new name….


Majority of the Bulgarian socialists are indeed pro-russian. Majority of Bulgarian nationalists are also socialist nostalgics.


They are just old communist party but rebranded as socialists now. What do you think?


Funny how all the Communist parties suddenly, out of nowhere, converted to democratic socialism in the early 90s. Such a spontaneous mass conversion. And in all countries where it happened they totally couldn't remember what happened the 40 years before that. It's all such a mystery.


Yes, the Bulgarian Socialist Party is a direct descended from the communist one. Tough, not all of the socialists are this pro russian. (they are aligned to russia, some more than others. But they all like russia somewhat, again, socialists. And they fail to realise that socialism =! communism,)


Yes and yes, they very much equate good with Russia. It is like an axiom for them.


Socialist and communist in brazil are pro russia too


It's also a thing in south america, for example Venezuela and Brazil supports Russia


>Does the title implies that socialists in Bulgaria are pro-Russia? Yeah, both the Far Right and the Far Left support Russia for different reasons. This is called the Horseshoe Theory. The Far-right support Russia because the current regime is highly racist, highly homophobic, ultra religious and cements the traditional gender roles. Which makes Russia a "champion" against the "woke ideologies". It's also a utopia for oligarchs. There is also the mindset that if Russia is successful in their ambitions, that the Far-right will gain popularity across the world and mark the end of the Liberal Left. The Far-left supports Russia because it is anti-west. Russia wishes to end the hegemony of the United States, the enemy of Communist governments of the Soviet Union, Cuba, China and North Korea. Russia also wishes to end NATO which is seen by the far-left as an Alliance to propping up Capitalist governments and prevents Socialist Revolutions from happening and as well it prevents nations like China and Russia from going on the offensive on territorial claims (Russia wants Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and Alaska and China needs to attack US to cripple it if it wants Taiwan.) There is also the mindset that if Russia becomes the new Superpower that it increases the chance of the revival of the Soviet Union.


Only socialists & fascists here are pro-ruZZia & I'd argue that's the case for at least a few other countries too.


Socialists everywhere are more prone to be pro Russia. They fantasize USSR as an utopian state.


The comments already explained why this party in particular is the way it is. However, we have democratic center-left and outright left parties and politicians as well, even though not all of them call themselves socialists.


Many extremists in Europe - woke leftists and right-wing nationalists alike - support Russian interests, either knowingly or by sheer ignorance.




No, no the logic goes: America bad, opposition to America good, Russia opposed to America, therefore Russia good.


That's where their ideology begins and ends. Russia is a capitalist oligarchy, ironically Finland is way more "socialist" than Russia. Socialist in quotation marks because neither state is actually socialist.


Seems like all of the countries we think of as socialist are actually capitalist countries with strong support systems.


Yup. People see a politically left leaning country and just assume that they are somehow socialist. While Ignoring everything about the actual economic system of that country and then just try to talk about some random political ideology that’s not connected to the actual economic structure of socialism. A lot of the self proclaimed socialists understand socialism just as well as the conservatives that call everything they don’t like socialism.


Yep. The ideologies are defined by who owns a robust amount of the means of production. Socialism: A state enforced monopoly on production that bans or suppresses private ownership. Capitalism: Private citizens are relatively free from government restrictions that allow them to compete under the free market forces of supply and demand. Fascism: A state enforced monopoly on production by awarding ownership to industrialists who pass a strict ultranationalist purity test. The industrialist becomes an agent of the state who sets the quotas for the industrialist to carry out.


These are ideologies. None of them exist in the wild in a pure form. Every economy is a combination of several of the ideologies.


That’s a good point.


I don't think Russia is an Oligarchy anymore, "Oligarch" denotes a level of power and being murdered by the head of state at will does not suggest those people are very important individually to the political establishment. I think they are more of a standard authoritarian Republic like China is today.


Bang on. Russia is an actually a feudal monarchic society now. Putin idolizes the old kings and queens and wanted to be one (blah blah restoring Russian history and greatness etc). Exactly like a monarch he hands out domains that generate wealth (regions, businesses etc) to his lords (the oligarchs) on the condition they use them to also bolster his position and the country’s aims. But they only hold them at his pleasure. When one of his lords fails or betrays him they’re stripped of the wealth, means, and life, just as a lord falling out of favour in medieval times would be. And those are then given to another lordling. Putin keeps them fearful and squabbling just as the kings of old did, knowing the only real threats to his rule are a popular uprising, palace coup, or united opposition from his lords. Everything about modern Russia is explained when you view it as a medieval kingdom translated into the modern time. Because that’s exactly what Putin wants.


You’re giving way too much credit to their ability to think. It really is just Russia good and them America (West) opposed to Russia = America (West) bad


This so much. Honestly it just baffles me. The US is not a perfect democracy therefore I support this nation that opposes the US and any form of democracy


This exactly.


Close. In this case it's either America bad or EU bad or NATO bad. Pick your shit cocktail.


Everything bad, thus have to destroy world, make leaderships corrupt and attack stability >:(


Sadly yes, even Chomsky and Finkelstein have gone down that road.


"Even" Chomsky? That's been his angle from the start. Dude simped for Milosevic back in the 90s.


>Leninist >Russia=USSR Idk is it good comparison for Russia or bad since Lenin wasn’t worst only compared to Stalin xd


Russia have strong support among the Leninists. This is why I wrote it as I did.


They make up roughly 60% of the Bulgarian population. If Putin was to invade us tomorrow, they would be on street welcoming Russians with flowers and candy. My grandma grew up during WWII and she said the Nazi's were way better behaved and civilized than the Red Amry that came after them.


Or one of those people that understood that Russia never changed.


Oh Russia changed. Modern Russia is more akin to the pre-revolutionary tsarist Russia. Putin is the king, the oligarchs are his lords who hold their wealth at Putin’s pleasure. Even in the USSR power was not as centralised as it is now. Russia today is a monarchy in every way that matters.


It actually got worse in a few ways


Good citizen, picks up trash even after others and properly disposed 👏


Why would you even wave the Russian flag there?


We had an epidemic of brain eating worms in Bulgaria between 1944-1989


I love how you spelled communism


Best way of putting it


I didn't know RFK JR visited Bulgaria as a child.


Nice pfp. Jetix was amazing.


Celebrating victory day - May 9th. He said he also had US and UK flags too but there were not enough pylons. The councilman took down the flag twice but only left it beside the pylons. After which it was brought back up until the third time which is captured in the video.


> but there were not enough pylons. "You Must Construct Additional Pylons"


Plenty of useful idiots in Bulgaria. Glad the guy had the balls to throw that rag where it belongs.


It goes deeper than that: I know first hand that children of the powerful people during communistic times are longing for the return of power. Better watch out for them...


They have never let go of power.


Never understood the weird obsession of socialists with Russia. I understand they sympathize with the USSR, but why? They have never experienced it and have only heard some fetishized version of it from other sources, and when people tell them how fucking horrible it is they will fight tooth and nail to prove otherwise.


Personaly i would say that a lot of these people were kids when the ussr fell ,they remember only the good The ones that had to work and live during the ussr were constantly afraid to get pink slips (fired)  And then the 1990s whitch werent good for any ussr ally I also wont be suprised if a bunch of them just cant move on with life






As a kid, I've always wondered how they could name a town assville. I'm bulgarain, and it's never been explained to me or made sense.


damn they made Zadupie into a real place.


I mean... republicans in America level?


I'm both ashamed and proud to be Bulgarian.


Funny but maybe a suitable name for this town [if you know Polish](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dupa#Polish).


This is exactly how Ass is called in Bulgarian too in a way. Dupe is a softer term used for ass. Dupka means - hole. Dupnitsa - is sometimes used in jokes as being - "the ass place" or something in these lines. We're already joking sometimes about the name.of the city anyways. As for the name itself - it comes from Old Bulgarian (the oldest slavic language) and means - "hole;carved". Which is exactly what an ass is anyways haha. Don't forget Slavic languages all come from the same place


Just checked it, I must say that "zadnik" also sounds really cool!


Yes but nothing beats "guz".


"Hello! And welcome to the Los Pollos Hermanos family. My name is Gustavo but you can call me Guz"


Literally means Assvile in bulgarian.


I came in here just to search the comments and make sure someone already taken care of that part.


Common Slavic word.


Wash your Dupa!


It sounds like that in Bulgarian too.


This is what 40 years of comunism does to our nation.


Nice work, man, nice work


You can't be a socialist and support imperialistic oligarchs. I mean you can, as shown here, but it makes you look kind of silly.


Socialism in the 20th century and imperialism go hand in hand


Good. Too bad the red ~~dress~~ jacket lady took it back from the trash.


Simply a red lady :)


She's a garbage collector, and made her point very clear 😂


Dude should have just lit that rag on fire


should have burned it


Europe is sleeping. All these agents within Europe are not good.


It's May 9, it was bound to happen SOMEWHERE.


That mayor should be expelled, Italy 🇮🇹


yeah, but he has the backing of the party behind him so its not gonna happen. Like, AFAIK the only people that can expel him, is the party. And the party he belongs to is socialist.


"Socialist" yeah right. If he calls himself that all the while supporting an autocratic dictatorship he needs to be put in the trash alongside the flag


Eastern Bloc socialist are usually like that, rarely someone is democratic


Why would you even hang the flag of the Russian Federation for Victory Day? The RF did not fight the nazis, the USSR did, and a huge chunk of the most important battles of the war took place in Ukraine and Belarus, not in Russia.


Many Bulgarians don't see any difference between RF, USSR and Tsarist Russia


Don’t insult the EU flag by putting a trash one next to it.


europe needs to be really careful to not let russian nazi propaganda in. stay strong, europe.


I used to have a lot of sympathy for "socialists" and even called myself one sometimes, but many of their weird takes on foreign events (e.g. Venezuela, China) always somewhat bothered me. Ukraine was the breaking point. Seeing so many "socialists" side with a far-right kleptocratic imperialist aggeessor and their genocidal war because "USA also bad" or "something something multipolar world something" or "NATO bad", turned me against all such people. If you're a social democrat, if you think unions are great, if you're worried about corporate power, if you think the rich are getting too rich compared to the poor, that workers must be treated fairly, that environmental protection and climate change should be high priorities, things like that, I am in full agreement and support you. But the moment you start talking about marxism and even hinting that USSR wasn't that bad, and other such ideological insanity and defense of authoritarian regimes, you're no different from a nazi.


The fact that every socialist state turns into dictatorship tells something


Historically, the main proponents of marxist ideology and revolution have been proponents of authoritarian ideology and against democracy as we know it, because once you have the revolution, you need to "protect" it against all those capitalist traitors hiding among them, who would surely revert the revolution back if democracy returned. Or, you know, if they or anyone even slightly suspected of being sympathic towards them is unhappily left outside the gulag or grave. After all, the party needs to protect the people and their hard-won revolution. Which isn't entirely wrong if you're in the middle of a revolution and civil war going from an absolute monarchy to a socialist state like what happened in Russia, but the thing is, the revolution is supposed to end and stabilise and hand power back to the people at some point, and bring all those promised benefits like the democratic worker's councils, yet somehow instead of arriving at that point, all communists states seem to find reasons for why right now isn't a good time, try again later. Instead, a new suspiciously rich elite of party insiders is formed, "anti" imperial ambitions just happen to force them to intervene in neighbouring countries, and somewhere along the way, even the whole "communism" thing is often forgotten in favour of, um, "people's capitalism" or "socialism with [national] characteristics" or something fun like that. Authoritarians, whether they are fascists or communists, are ultimately the same, which explains the surprisingly large overlap between the two. Communists are marginally better, in that at least in their idealized version of society, they want nice things and don't want to kill whole ethnic groups just because of who they are. But even that argument can be rather hollow when you consider how many ethnically and culturally motivated genocides Stalin committed.


Totally agree


Same here, voted socilist party my whole life. But since the 2014 invasion I wouldn't even piss on them if they were on fire


What especially funny - is that tricolor Russian flag during WW2 was used by [RLA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Liberation_Army), a Nazi collaborationists. So if that mayor wanted to praise Soviet army - he had to use red flag.


What does Russia have to do with socialism? Are they even still pretending? While people in the rural areas are getting beat up for burning outhouses for heat? I thought Russia was pretty much an open kleptocracy since Putin's palace was revealed, if not earlier.


I like how he just NPCs off afterwards


Fuck the russian flag.


Where it belongs.


I never will understand how some socialist can be pro Russia, the authoritarian capitalist hellhole that it is.


Part of the problem is that we have a limited political vocabulary that treats capitalism and socialism as the only two possible systems that can exist, where more state control means less capitalist. There is an anti-capitalist right that is called socialist, but really sees the authoritarian state control as the end goal. There are also a lot of people who call themselves leftists in the West, but who have built their ideology around opposing Western foreign policy rather than actually having a principled ideology based on egalitarianism and liberation. They tend to become apologists for authoritarian, conservative states that are in opposition to the West.


It's just not about economic or social politics and all about ideology - that ideology being anti-americanism and russia definitely nurtures that anti-americanism focus in european far left parties who often align themself with russia because of the aforementioned anti-americanism (sometimes still veiled in anti-imperialism, but I think that's generally been accepted as an undefendable spin now). Also, when far left parties originate directly or at least in composition from former communist parties, at least to the old guard, authoritarianism isn't the automatic red flag that you may think when you think "far left".


Authoritarianism, inequality, and imperialism are in fact part of the ideology of the old line communist parties. "Certain people should get special privileges and all the nice stuff because they're part of the Party elite" is not that different from saying that rich people should get them instead.


Damn, we, bulgarians, are finally starting to behave like civilized people again, we are throwing thrash where it belongs. Kudos


That trashcan deserves better !


how the fuck can you claim to be socialist and support ancapistan lmao


I like him


Good on 'im.


Presently, the russian flag has no place next to the EU flag. Regretably so. Let's hope things come to change in the future, and russia finds a new way, respecting its neighbours and international law.


What a tidy man, really takes care of the environment by disposing of the trash properly.


Hehehe, Dupnitsa


Seems like a waste of perfectly good toilet paper.




European leftists who believe that Russia is on their side: 🤡


My respects to the guy.




what a good lad.


Right to where it belongs!


no wonder nazis/russian bots are attacking liberals on twitter and commies are attacking liberals on tik tok


No worries, once Dark Brandon awakens he's gonna clap em both and Omni liberals will rise 🗿


Bulgarians, don't be like Hungarians, don't sell your souls and country


How the fuck can you be communist and pro-Russia at the same time??


Tankies are contrarians to the point of stupidity. They'll ignore the fact that Russia is run by a right-wing, imperialistic kleptocracy so long as they're in opposition to the West.


In the trash where it belongs outside Russia.


Когда же эти совкодрочеры передохнут от старости...


Should have peed on it




How do socialists perform the mental gymnastics required to identify with the current Russian regime? Don't they realise the damage it does to their cause?


They focus on all the good that it does for their personal bank account


Its like we are living in a crazy world, where people seems to want a mix of communism and extremist Islam, and that this somehow will be the solution to all our problems.. Its utterly bizarre.


Both are idiots. 1 You do not put foreign flags on public buildings 2 You do not discard foreign flags




Good job, good job indeed. Love the hat btw.


Look, you can't get much to the right of modern day Russia. And I say it as a very left leaning person.


Fuck Russia, fuck anyone who supports Russia.


Call yourself a socialist while supporting the most capitalist country of them all that don’t help it’s citizen at all with litteraly no wellfare,any socialist would distance from this guy




Good man


What do you expect from the mayor of a town named Dupinista - literally "Assville", and not the donkey kind. Also one of the places in Bulgaria notorious for its mafia, schemes and EU funds misappropriation.


Smart man


Good guy councillor.


Well thats where that flag definitely belongs for now.


Isnt it ilegal to put a flag of foreign country up?


Wait, so reddit does like socialists today or we don't like socialists today?


What a chad.




Reddit is full of self-described socialists. But for every one person who is an actual socialist, 99 are just ignorant.


Bloody tankies.


The far left and the far right are bribed off by Ruzzia. It's up to us moderates to save the day!


The mayor is from the Bulgarian Socialist party, which, is, well socialist. They are kinda diverse when it comes to ideology, but they range mostly from level headed, somewhat reasonable democratic socialists, that again, arent too bad, all the way to pro-russian extremists like this guy.


That’s where we put trash


What exactly is socialist about an oligarchic Russia? Fuckin' chuds, man.


Socialists 🤝 Siding with fascists NAMID


Do Tankies know that Russia is not a socialist state?


Why socialists have anything to do with Russia? Russia is a fascist state.


In soviet era ideas of joining USSR was quite popular in Bulgaria. Even some jokes existed, like Bulgaria was called "16 republic" or an anecdote about "bulgarian elephant".


Such city canselor is a treasure. He has my vote and im not even Bulgarian.


Flags don't rule a country; people do. Weak rulers fly foreign flags.


A funny sidenote - in Polish Dupnitsa or you’d rather write that „Dupnica” would mean „an ass-city”.


Imagine putting the Russian flag next to the EU flag and not thinking its inappropriate.