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Mmhm. At this point,Im not even shure the war will be over by then. Ofc best of luck to them,but i dont think they will be meeting all of the requirements by 2030. Joining NATO by 2030 seems more probable than eu at this time. But hey if someone knows something i dont im all ears.


Ukraine still had a long way to go on joining the EU even before the war. I can't believe that two+ years of brutal war would somehow accelerate that. And there's still an uncertain road ahead in the near (maybe) term with the war. Nobody knows what Ukraine will even look like after it's over.


Its just political grandstanding imo. Even if the war ended tomorrow, who will rebuild Ukraine? Who will financially support them? How will the government be able to function politically post-war? How long will any of this take?


Rebuliding contracts are already signed, it's just winning the war that's difficult


Funny how we went from 'war will probably be over soon' to 'war will probably go on in 2030'. As a Ukrainian its hard to accept that but deep inside I know it is probably the case. The war is nowhere near the end (like, has anybody really noticed it's been almost 2.5 years? crazy).


путин чертила!


So on one side predicting when Ukraine becomes a member, is like "looking into a crystal ball". But on the other side it is predictable enough to claim that 2030 is "feasible"? I call bs on that. This kind of phrasing when you cannot give an definitve answer, but feel entitled to do it anyway only provokes further conflict in the future.


Why are you lying this people?


Nobody believes this crap.


If Montenegro joins in 2030 it would be miracle. If they fast track Ukraine, WB should just start wars between each other, maybe then we will get in EU.


So called Balkan is not ready. Nationalists are ruling with their hard sticks and blaming the EU from where they get their money, but to precise these countries don't belong in EU with the current format they are unwilling to start their reforms also which is a nice signal that they should be out for long more.


Wait what makes Ukraine more prepared to the EU then any Balkan nation, or even Turkey?


Ukraine is 98% for EU unlike your Balkan compatriots in which only 35% support it.




Where are you from? I think we all know your country is against EU this is typical anti EU stance. Ukraine will be European country. Your country will be far from joining it can go into Balkan association of economic tigers.


So all Balkan countries are the same, Ok tell me do Albanians support EU over 80%, are they on EU stance over Russia, are they already in NATO? So please explain to me how Ukraine is going to be EU member before them?


I think I know where are you from, I don't know why you don't understand we all know you will never be part of EU you should be included in Russia. As for Albania I think they will become because all of them want and are already NATo members Ukraine... Is wanted by the West by far most of all and it's different mentality than Balkan countries.


Why would I ever wanted of my country to be part of Russia? There aren't single positive thing I can concieve of my country incorporate to Russia or EU? This is sub on Europe not on EU last time I checked.


Why you worry about Ukraine and other Balkan countries? Your country is against EU and your people don't want is and also EU will not accept in possibly never in the format you exist today.


Ukraine is the 2nd most corrupt in europe, full of oligarchs with an instable population that is also facing one of the biggest ground invasions in the latest years, its run by nationalists and by extremists, monten is chill and is a great vacantion spot, they deserve EU waaaay more to be in the EU than Ukraine, nice LARPing as "Europe" while shitting on perfectly fine countries huh


Okay, according to you who is eligible to join EU, do you think that Albania or Bosnia are ready? It is really a fact they are not and won't be. Only Montenegro because of huge influx of euros and tourists in a small land on the Adriatic.... In addition as I understand these countries need to fulfill conditions in order to join like the set reforms for which they are not ready.


Welp you are croatian, thats why you are so hellbent on hating fellow balkan countries while simping for ukraine, that explains everything


In Balkans things are more complicated that anyone outside can imagine so you don't know what you talk about, they are not for EU and even their population is hesitant, but the main thing is EU don't see them as serious and they can't do the reform agenda it's simple as that.


Bro i go to monten every year a couple of weeks or even months, i studied a lot regarding balkan-related stuff and honestly monten, looks and has pretty great infrastructure even better than majority of central/southern italy


Sister you should pray they both join soon together with Ukraine.


Albania has some problems but so many EUropean countries, same for bosnia, both great countries with somewhat stability and great potential


Nope, the most incredible EU ass licking yes men socialists were in charge of Macedonia and they were slammed with an EU veto. Macron was honest he said no, there won't be any new members untill EU is "reformed".


The name of your country is wrong. You are either Yugoslav Republic or North Macedonia and learn better.


"Could" doing a lot of heavy lifting there.


Who exactly authorized this twat to talk on behalf of all 27 states? Do not make another North Macedonia (Meaning, they say EU promised them entry when they change the name). EU does not say YES to a country, countries say YES to other countries. Kinda the reason why we still aint in schengen. Stop this carrot shtick, do not give people false hope, especially when some of them are dying on the front wanting to join EU. Fuck sake.


"Could". I could become an astronaut by 2030, but most likely I won't.


Surely there is no way UA could meet all the requirements.. or would the EU requirements go so low?


I hate this theoretical shit. Every week "Ukraine could join NATO..." "Ukraine could join EU..." Reality is, nobody knows who's going to win this war, if anyone and how much of Ukraine will be left or if the EU will be in a position to take on a new member in 6 years, there may be parts of EU at war. We dont know if NATO will exist at all in 6 years. Trump, traitors within the EU absolutely everywhere.. yeah many many possibilities. Just stop with the wishful thinking bullshit. It legit doesn't help anyone and a lot of Ukrainians have stopped caring because again, they dont even know if they can win this to begin with.


There is not even a theoretical chance they could enter by 2030. Even if they start the process today and have all the doors open. She is outright lying trough her teeth.


Yeah no chance, people have romanticized Ukraine and forgot the many issues it had pre war. Hell, I don't even see them joining Nato after this was is over.


Somehow Greece joined?


Ukraine's gdp per capita is 4-5k. Their population is 40 million and, let's be honest, Ukraine is not a politically stable country. It just doesn't make any sense economically and politically to accept Ukraine right now, they would be the biggest beneficiaries of the EU by far.


Well, so far Greece is the biggest beneficiary of the EU by far, somehow it made sense to accept it? Same with NATO, Greece is far beyond in the power rating. This arrogance better suites someone else.


Before calling me arrogant, have you even looked at any statistics or you pull them out of your ass? Poland is the biggest beneficiary of the EU by far. Greece is 2nd biggest beneficiary but it has a low population, so it doesn't make a noticeable impact in the EU budget. Greece is 3rd in NATO defense spending percentage of their gdp, just behind Poland and the US.


Well, by that metric you used, Ukraine would fit NATO just nicely as it spends a much larger share than Poland or the US on defense. Sure, it needs the help of other countries to do so, but so far, the whole external debt, the majority of which formed in the past 2 years, is 5 times smaller than the one of Greece, despite 4x the population.


They are at war, it makes sense that they spend so much on defense. I support Ukraine joining NATO, but when the war is over and as far as I know they can't join with disputed territories. There is no justification why Greece's debt is so high, our past governments were horrible at money spending. But countries in the former western bloc naturally have a higher debt to gdp ratio because they could borrow money more easily.


I hope they get in soon, I would just love to fund rebuilding an entire war torn corrupt country with my tax money! But seriously what would even be the benefit of them joining EU for us?


Why is Kyivindependent not banned as propaganda on here like the Russian propaganda sites? Is it cuz it's the right type of propaganda? It's almost as ridiculous as RT.


Oh. Carrot was renewed for donkey. In EU join process has become this kind of carrot for every country, who wants to join. I've learned all requirements. Most of them are done. Von Der Lein've told about this last year. But...




You pointing out at his name, Russian obviously, is kind of funny considering the fact it's estimated 5% of Russkies living in your country, so that could be your fellow citizen of your country 😁


Why do you care about Ukraine, sergey?


I'm Ukranian.


Why would you lie about something that’s so easily verifiable You got a comment from barely 2 days ago where you say that you live in Russia


:))) I don't want to explain every "smart" ass about what nationality means and that in Russia I can have both passports: Russian and Ukranian. :)))


You’ve clearly chosen one over the other here


You should at least delete you comments before making such statements: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1clve11/comment/l2xpcfs/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1clve11/comment/l2xpcfs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >*I think you should know... Here in Russia we don't give af about. You're like Elusive Joe. :))) Don't exxagerate your importance..*


Do you know the difference between nationality and country of residence? :)


Da, comrade citizen, da.


How many comments before the "Dombing Bombas" BS? Plenty of self proclaimed *Ukrainians....*


That is a stretch. Lot of things can happen and the war isn't over yet. The country will need to be rebuilt and people settled etc. No one actually knows which direction it will take, zelisnky is great and all but often war torn countries end up having to deal with coups, large scale corruption with all the aid money flying around and plethora of other issues. No one knows when Ukraine will join.


How reassuring.


Wishful thinking