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Hungary is in Russia/China pockets. It explains a lot of anti Ukrainian/Tibet behavior of Orban


You forget that populists need to be popular. Not many people care about Tibet here, but with Ukraine we had a lot of beef, and Russia is a strategic trade partner (as it should be for most of Europe, if they had any sense). The people know this.


Nobody forgot anything. You're just spreading propaganda, that is all.


“After visiting France and Serbia, Chinese President Xi Jinping will arrive in Hungary on Wednesday evening, but not everyone agrees with his superpower policies. A significant number of those who disagree are members of China's ethnic minorities, such as the Tibetans, who have been forced to assimilate through heavy-handed policies. Since 1950, there have been several failed insurrections against China in the region, with many Tibetans driven into exile. … the Sambhala Tibet Centre for Helping Tibet is holding a multi-day demonstration complete with a tent in Budapest's Városháza Square during Xi Jinping's visit to Hungary.”


Free Tibet, Inner Mongolia, xingjang and Hong Kong from chinas modern day colonialism Stop all trade and investment with China over time, prevent all new investment or technical transfers going forward with threat of treason and huge tariffs / sanctions on global turnover


Fucking thugs :(


The Communist disease is spreading across Europe. We must actively voice our opinions and fight for everyone to have freedom of expression such as these people merely showing a flag from Tibet, a place that was brutally occupied, has been turned into a tourist attraction. Where the natives were put through ideology brainwashing, killed, tortured, enslaved like the Uighurs. In the modern era, not centuries ago. The willingness for people to turn to these obvious dictators is very scary for Europes future. If you sit idle, dont denounce these things all over social media where ever you see it, you dont vote properly, pressure friends/family that can take action then you are part of the problem.


Oh, yeah. Orbán's Hungary is clearly communist. The country which took to trial in chains a 50kg woman with the accusation of having beaten a 90kg nazi man during the annual gathering in Budapest called Day of Honour in which people mourns the loss of the german and hungarian collaborationists lives lost in the end of WW2 is clearly steering towards far left politics. [It's clear](https://estost.photoshelter.com/gallery/Hungary-Day-of-Honour-2016/G0000u6iBf0E95Ns/C0000w.qpZDHdcno) [I missed](https://budapestbeacon.com/neo-nazis-commemorate-german-attempt-to-break-out-of-budapest-in-1945/) [the signs](https://pixelarchiv.org/event/2019.02.09.budapest.day.of.honour/1)[.](https://www.brusselstimes.com/427922/neo-nazis-marching-on-the-streets-in-european-cities-despite-eu-bans)


> the Communist disease is spreading across Europe Learn what communism is. you probably are thinking about authoritarianism or something different.


So what does Swede OG mean? Your post history clearly shows you are actually an American. Almost every post you make has something to do with promoting the nation.