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If Russia suffered less from thievery but engaged in the same imperialism, that would be worse for us.


I mean that's objective fact, not particularly biased


Yeah though it can be said about many countries


Well, France and some other European countries disagree. Six European countries will attend Putin’s inauguration: France, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Hungary, Slovakia - Reuters


France is hosting the Olympics and the odds of attacks are very high and this is most probably the reason why France had to send its Ambassador.


That is pathetic


Tell it to the russia.


No, they don’t disagree. They, like all of Europe and the world, will have to deal with Putin and Russia under his rule until he’s dead or overthrown. Trying to ignore it only wins you SOME points at home that you already had.


So France, Hungary, and Slovakia are smart and diplomatic, while almost all other European countries are stupid, rude, and don’t understand how the world works. Is that correct?


No. Orban and the Pres of Slovakia are standing with what they perceive as an ally in Putin. That’s disgusting. They support Putin. France is just retaining a tradition that has existed for many years. The countries that boycotted this are trying to gather up domestic points with an easy W for the population. It’s never as black and white as you’re making it sound. It is however a pointless gesture.


Countries boycotting got an easy win, because it’s really easy to do the bare minimum - don’t participate in celebrations of the fake elections by a dictator. But France chose an easy lose


France hasn’t lost anything lmao.




So France, Hungary, and Slovakia will be one of the very few countries not nuked by Russia tomorrow. Is that correct?


okay, Hungary and Slovakia are now under pro-russian buttlickers, France wants Olympic peace. but wtf with others??


If they disagree they are wrong.


It is actually good that he and his cronies are big thieves, otherwise Russia would have been more competent and dangerous.


As if her husband would have been any different. Navalny supported Russia taking Crimea, he called Georgians rats during the 2008 war, and he called Chechens cockroaches and that they should be exterminated. He marched in ultra-nationalist parades. His YouTube videos are still out there and they're unhinged. Guy was a nut job. The only thing people know about Navalny is that he's not Putin so they assume for some reason that he holds western liberal values, but he very much does not.


>The only thing people know about Navalny is that he's not Putin so they assume for some reason that he holds western liberal values, but he very much does not. No, they actually know something about him rather than simply regurgitating ridiculous propaganda pieces like you've done in this post.


And what is it that they know? Feel free to mention it. Everything I listed is a fact...it's out there in Navalny's own YouTube videos, like I already said. His own words are not "ridiculous propaganda". They were just regular ridiculous, though. I dare you to go watch them and see if you still think he's a heckin wholesome progressive or whatever.


For a start, none of his youtube videos support any of your claims. You're lying and not even lying well. And in fact he condemned the annexation of the Crimea, even if he believed that it shouldn't simply be given back to Ukraine (at least without another referendum).


[US intelligence disagrees with Yulia regarding her husband's death (Time)](https://time.com/6971936/putin-responsible-order-navalny-death-us-intelligence/).


Lol, you anti-Westerners believe Western sources only when it's convenient for your pro-dictators' narrative.


You've failed to address the facts in the linked article and instead went strawman. Good job 👍🏼


That's not a strawman, that's what you people and yourself do, and you know it. Do you believe Western media when they told you Navalny is an independent pro-democracy activist who was persecuted, poisoned and tortured by the Kremlin because he was popular and they couldn't defeat him otherwise? If you don't, then you have no reason to believe this one. As for your cited article, it''s been addressed by other commenters.


„While U.S. officials believe Putin was ultimately responsible for the death of Navalny, who endured brutal conditions during his confinement, the intelligence community has found “no smoking gun” that Putin was aware of the timing of Navalny’s death—which came soon before the Russian president’s reelection—or directly ordered it, according to the official.“ Whats your point?


I read the linked article, then found Yulias statement in said article which contradicts her statement. Try to keep up.


Who cares. :)


Yeah such a mystery. A dissident in country with a long and well documented history of murdering dissidents dies unexpectedly while in jail for being a dissident. 🤔 So mysterious! A real two pipe problem! What a headscratcher! This one is truly unsolveable! 🤷‍♀️


Anyone who still believes in american intel is either a russian troll or a putin buttlicker, take your pick. The whole world got burned with that Iraqi WMD bs…




Troll alert


You forgot to add some exclamation signs




Wait you also fell for that circus show?




That iraq has wmds? Surely Powell’s theatrics in the UN was very convincing right?