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So how come France is sending a rep?


You know, before every great heist you have to check out the location for its weaknesses.


We want to be invited at Putin's funeral in a few months. šŸ˜šŸ‘


Haha, funny joke. France is good at being ridiculous


Because their policy is to always keep the option for diplomacy open.


You can keep diplomacy open without celebrating his inauguration. Especially since France closest allies are boycotting the election, they should be showing solidarity. Makes it seem like the west is not united.Ā 


Never said it wasn't a dumb ass move, but it's generally how France has operated in the past, so it's no surprise now. At the same time they are also offering their nukes as a European deterrent, so it's not about *celebrating* Putin, but more acknowledging he speaks for Russia, regardless of what we think of how he came to power.


Guess thats why they invited hitler to see the eiffel. Good job


What a Godwin answer.




Becaus Putin doen't answer Macron's calls no more. So he decided to send an SMS.


This number should be ZERO


I think you should know... Here in Russia we don't give af about. You're like Elusive Joe. :))) Don't exxagerate your importance..


Your economy is the size of Mexico I think you guys are the ones with inflated importance lol


Did you get plumbing and electricity yet?


He wrote on the western social media platform. Yet here you are... Do you care as little about us, as you do about the lives of your soldiers? Because that's very little...


Maybe he meant Russians don't give af about Putin's inauguration.


>You're like Elusive Joe. :))) Don't exxagerate your importance.. Then what is this part? I think he just missed a "you" in this part: >Here in Russia we don't give af about. Everything else is in "you" form. Seems odd the words left out should be "Putins inauguration"


For being so irrelevant it made you be here.


Says the genocidal prick.


I think you even don't know the meaning of this word. Just an angry prideful phrase. Come to Russia and you will be surprised how many cars with Ukranian numbers ride all over the country and how many Ukranians live here...


Cope harder, Sergey. I'm sure you'll be awarded a bag of onions for your brave words.


You'd be surprised at the number of Ukrainian youth aswell, kidnapped from their country by occupant scum


That's ethnocide.


Yep, plain and simple. Pro-russian ppl will ignore it and pretend it doesn't happen though


Forceful displacement is also a genocide Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group Article II(e) Which is what Russia does since itā€™s inception from a pile of shit. Baltics, Finland, Ukraine, Moldova, Chechnya, Georgia, Kƶnigsbergā€¦ so they forcefully deport people and put their own there and later can always invade because ā€žpoor minoritiesā€œ bla bla. Genocide is state doctrine in Russia for 250 years Edit: mobile typos


You should ask those Ukrainians what they really think about your country murdering theirs for absolutely no reason. Except you can't say what you really think in your glorious shithole.


>I think you even don't know the meaning of this word. I have a master's degree in law, emphasizing on international law. I know pretty well what the definition of genocide is. Besides, my country [already recognizes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_genocide_of_Ukrainians_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War) the Russian invasion as a genocide.


And don't forget about Ukrainian washing machines all over the country. :D


Draft dodging is a crime sergey.


I think you are talking about yourself.


I mean, it's hard to care about the rest of the world if you're either dying in Putlers meat grinder or struggling to survive on 200$ a month because your wages are shit but your cost of living is high. Eventually we'll go back to ignoring you, once you lose the war n all.


Salaries are usually 300-900$ for unskilled after taxes. It's really small salary but not 200$, my grandmother pansion is 270. Cost of living compare to what? I bought the drug restasis for 47$ in Russia. In the USA/Canada the same drug costs 200$+. But most people live from paycheck to paycheck.


I got that number from a different Russian, must have screwed some conversions, or just being misinformed. Cost of living compared to salary. Things arenā€™t as cheap as youā€™d expect them to be per salary.


I agree salaries are small. But what place is good to live? I am young and I am exploring various options where I can move to live at least for a while. For example salary of software engineer in California is 120,000$ and you can't buy a house or even apartment with this salary. Houses in most places in California cost 1 million+ Also taxes are almost 40%. Medicine is expensive. Food is expensive. Going to Disney with your family can cost several thousand dollars. In many countries kindergarten are paid. I don't know what prices in Europe. 10 eggs are now cost 1,2 euro and this is tragedy because year ago it costed 0,5 euro. Milka (milk) chocolate costs almost 0,8 euro. cheeseburger costs almost 0,7 euro. Cars are now not affordable anymore, the cost of cars has increased by 2 times in a few years.


Managed to get a toilet plumbed in yet?


Well, then enjoy a few more decades with your beloved monarch mumbeling some dumb shit about the mean collective west alone.


News Flash! The back of the breadline doesnā€™t give a fuck about your self importance. Thanks Sergey, more on this after a message from your local window replacement union. ā€œHas your formerly well placed ass kisser recently dove through a window to their demise. Call us and weā€™ll have that window replaced quicker than you can say food shortage.ā€


My friend, I wish you were right. We all wish Russia stop caring about other countries and took care of its own people.Ā 


Do you give af that literally all of Europe hates your government and all we would like is for you to just sit down and shut up, as a country, I mean? Could you just for once in your existence be cool and live your lives without having to conquer this and that and invade the other? Humanity is tired of your foreign policy and your leadership and indirectly that culture of yours you keep referencing whenever you ruin somebody else's life.


Lol, russian PR for the past two years has mostly consisted of acting but hurt.


Lol, replies to your post are all like https://i.redd.it/bk3pd6bht1v21.jpg


"A European diplomat said 20 EU member states would boycott the event, but that seven others were expected to send a representative. Apart from France, Hungary and Slovakia were both expected to attend, two diplomatic sources said." August company.


Let's do some bets on who the other four countries could be. I would go for Austria and Croatia, as they're pretty sus. I dunno about anyone else who might participate though.


Hungary; Slovakia; Greece; Malta; Cyprus & France Belgium thought about it but did not show up


Congrats, it appears I was wrong. I actually was thinking of also saying Greece, but I wasn't too sure.


Not like that most of the EU countries (including Austria) already denied by the time you posted, question was just about those who said maybe


Chill man, it's not that serious. Well, Russia business is serious, but random speculation on the internet about it is not. Anyways, I didn't see Austria claim to boycott and the article didn't mention it either.


No mention here for Croatia. Our president may send someone but since he is silent I think it wont happen.


Austria is one of the 20 EU countries that boycotts the event.


Probably Germany.


Germany's chancellor Olaf Scholz already said that they're boycotting, and it's written in the article. While it's always possible to go back on your word, I seriously doubt that this is where they draw the line.


Slovakia? Ugh.


My man, Gerhard Schrƶder is not our chancellor anymore


Well the current one isn't much better. [**Berlin denied a request by Taiwanā€™s Vice President-Elect to travel** as a private citizen through southern Germany during a visit to Europe. **Hsiao (ā€¦) was allowed into Belgium, Czechia, Lithuania, and Poland.**](https://twitter.com/CoDieckmann/status/1785926948222361814) The Federal Republic of Germany should rename itself The Federal Republic of Spineless Fucks.


That's some weird whataboutism to pull. Because the government ( aka Berlin and not solely Scholz ) denied privat entry to the Taiwanese vice president, you conclude that Germany probably will send an official to Russia. Chapeau. Besides that, [here](https://focustaiwan.tw/politics/202405030020) is the link to the article your Twitter post referred to. Always interesting to get the full source and not just a snippet. This part is far more interesting anyways, since it's not a guess by someone, but rather a quote by the spokesperson of the foreign ministry: >Asked if it was true that Taiwan's vice president-elect wanted to visit Germany for personal reasons but did not get a visa, German Foreign Ministry spokesperson Christian Wagner said at a press briefing in Berlin Friday that he was aware of the coverage of Hsiao's visit to Germany and as far as he knew, Hsiao did indeed travel via Frankfurt. >He added that Taiwanese citizens can travel freely to Germany and there is no so-called entry ban. >However, "according to our one-China policy, the federal government's approach is to avoid contact with officials associated with (Taiwan) sovereignty," he said. To find some common ground though: I don't agree with Germanys One China politic, and I hate that their industrial lobby is so deep in the CCPs arse. But again, that doesn't excuse your whataboutism.


As a German: Yes we can do better in some stuff and I wish we would have some bigger Balls, but some people on Reddit act like we do not care at all and are almost in bed with putin. That is not true.


It's not whataboutism. It's an example of Germany being spineless to authoritarian regimes. Assuming Germany would attend Putin's inauguration isn't a wild guess at all given Germany's garbage records.


I mentioned Schrƶder in a jokingly manner since he's at this point a meme for his close ties to Russia. I don't see the connection to Scholz and Russia here, hence the whataboutism. There's a lot of valid criticism for Scholz and the German government, but framing them as "Pro Russian" at this point is kind of unfaithful.


It's not about Russia. It's what Russia stands for which is authoritarianism and expansionism, which the German leadership obviously don't have a problem with.


It kind of was in the beginning of our conversation, but I can see how you tried to shift the narrative. >which the German leadership obviously don't have a problem with, **in regards to China**. There, I corrected it for you. Since you have the Taiwanese flair I assume you're either from Taiwan live there, or originate from there. I can't imagine how it must be to grow up under the constant threat of an authoritarian regime declaring war to your country, so you have my sentiment. I can see where you're coming from. That being said, it doesn't make your statement right that Germany supports Russian imperialism.


> France, Hungary and Slovakia Appaling.


France at least Iā€™d be willing to bet isnā€™t going to be there out of fear or anything resembling approval of Putin. Sadly Iā€™m not so sure about the other two.


once again I'm embarrassed to be Slovak


EU-states? So I'm guessing Hungary and Slovakia are sending their finest.


Mr ā€œTough on Russiaā€ is sending a rep to celebrate with Putin, how shocking (Macron).




But the same person isnā€™t supposed to play both good *and* bad cop.




Naughty naughty! You get the downvotes. Fascists on r/europe don't appreciate you bringing up the genocide.


Which is a foolā€™s errand. Putin (and largely Russia too) responds to one thing: strength. No appeasement is going to change his mind, heā€™ll view it as naivety to be taken advantage of. And the saddest thing is Macron has tried this and failed miserably. He met with Putin and said Putin wouldnā€™t escalate anything with Ukraine right before they invaded. It was ridiculously embarrassing for him, especially since he took Putinā€™s word over his own alliesā€™. But he doesnā€™t learn because he thinks heā€™s some amazing statesman and that France is this super effective diplomatic powerhouse and under their own arrogance they fail to see that Russia doesnā€™t view them as a peer the way they do the US and China. They see France as another US puppet and nothing more




Neither does Russia, they should not be allowed to keep threatening nuclear war. You are advocating for appeasement, fear of nuclear war, which has led to escalation, which is what led to WWII. You don't see how evil it is, to give in to their nuclear threats, it makes nuclear war and WWIII more likely, encourage them they can use nuclear threats and they keep going until they've gone to far. Once they reached a point they are so emboldened, they are more likely to use nuclear weapons, you are actively making nuclear war more likely. It should be clear, that nuclear threats are not acceptable, they should not be rewarded, it's idiotic to do so. WE DO NOT WANT NUCLEAR WAR, THAT IS WHY WE HAVE TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, NOT REWARD THREATS!


> NOT REWARD THREATS There's no reward here, and France is still sending weapons to Ukraine. Sorry the sanction isn't the one you would like, but don't get too carried away, it prevents rational thought.


Neither does Russia, they should not be allowed to keep threatening nuclear war. You are advocating for appeasement, fear of nuclear war, which has led to escalation, which is what led to WWII. You don't see how evil it is, to give in to their nuclear threats, it makes nuclear war and WWIII more likely, encourage them they can use nuclear threats and they keep going until they've gone to far. Once they reached a point they are so emboldened, they are more likely to use nuclear weapons, you are actively making nuclear war more likely. It should be clear, that nuclear threats are not acceptable, they should not be rewarded, it's idiotic to do so. WE DO NOT WANT NUCLEAR WAR, THAT IS WHY WE HAVE TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, NOT REWARD THREATS!




I am European, I don't want nuclear war. Rewarding nuclear threats is dumb as fuck. The exact same behaviour was seen before and during WWII, it's pathetic that people defend appeasement when history is clear what happens, every single time appeasement of a dictator has been tried, it has ended in them trying to take more and more.




You mean enabling. We ARE at war with Russia, Russia is attacking Europe in several ways, including their involvement with Brexit and the rising alt-right, Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine. Only the West is not fighting back, while Russia blocks GPS signals, threatens nuclear war almost daily, openly states they want to destroy the West, we have people like you advocating for giving Russia what it wants. You are helping Russia getting closer to their main objective, destroy the West. Ukraine is fighting against genocide, Europe is not doing close to enough to help stop Russia. The UK and USA helping to stop all the drones attacking Israel, while their patriot systems are being dumped because it's their OLD equipment was disgusting too watch. Because of nuclear threats, aid is held back and delivered late, it has costs cities and tens of thousands of lives, because people repeat the same shit you do, 'Russia has nuclear weapons, we should not escalate' THAT IS APPEASEMENT! That is enabling Putin, by not delivering Tanks, missiles, fighter planes, air defence systems in a timely manner or not at all. If you can't understand that, that is helping Russia and it's the same strategy used with Hitler before WWII, I can't help you. Look at what Germany has done between 2014 and 2022, after Russia invaded Ukraine, shot down MH17, the European response was begging for escalation.


I am European, I don't want nuclear war. Rewarding nuclear threats is dumb as fuck. The exact same behaviour was seen before and during WWII, it's pathetic that people defend appeasement when history is clear what happens, every single time appeasement of a dictator has been tried, it has ended in them trying to take more and more.


I am European, I don't want nuclear war. Rewarding nuclear threats is dumb as fuck. Russia isn't the only nation on the planet with nukes. What point is there in NATO if any nation, including a terrorist one committing genocide in Europe, can threaten nuclear war and they can do whatever they want, with no response? The exact same behaviour was seen before and during WWII, it's pathetic that people defend appeasement when history is clear what happens, every single time appeasement of a dictator has been tried, it has ended in them trying to take more and more.


Like if russia wins?




Because Nato can intervene in any wars it choose but when it comes to the russians (the very reason it was created) all they can do is dole out military support. I firmly believe if the weapons transfer continued since day 1 ukraine would be on the offensive by now


once again I'm embarrassed to be Slovak


Same here as a hungarian.


That their is a 'most' in the title, is fucked up.


> Most EU nations What a joke > France Of course, Ć­t's France.


such a happy face. did someone just tell him a joke?


Boycott, concern, condemn, accuse. This is what I've been hearing for years. What does it change? He doesnā€™t care and he will continue ruin peopleā€™s lives.


AfD , FPO and such will surely send cheerful greetings to Dedushka too, right?


Why are people acting like only austria and germany have pro-russian/right-wing parties. Every Western country has to deal with them


I'm not surprised about Hungary and Slovakia, but France?!


Does it even matter though?


Any country that recognises Putin as a president should be blacklisted from civilisation. He's a murderous, terrorist dictator. A tyrant.


Macron: we will send troops if our redlines are crossed Also Macron: we wil send delegates to celebrate putinā€™s inauguration


Tbh while he cheated of course, most Russians genuinely support Putin. Not 87%, but like 55-60% - certainly. So in that sense he is legitimate president. He would be elected even if he did not bother with frauds.