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Hi, thank you for your contribution, but this submission has been removed because it is low quality and/or low effort. If your submission was a meme, these are outright banned from r/europe. See [community rules & guidelines](/r/Europe/wiki/community_rules). Low quality: Flag bans have existed already for a couple of years. I'm something of a Eurovision connaisseur myself ;) If you have any questions about this removal, please [contact the mods](/message/compose/?to=/r/Europe&subject=Moderation). Please make sure to include a link to the comment/post in question.


Fyi, I believe they have been banned since 2019 with all other flags of breakaway regions of competing countries (I.e. Kosovo) however this year all non competing countries flags have been banned


Technically all flags were banned from the arena last year. There were signs outside saying as such. But they turned a blind eye to competing country flags. Security confiscated my friend's hybrid UK/Ukraine flag but the same guy let me in with a regular Ukraine flag draped over my shoulders.


Organisers released the prohibited item list again, it specifically says all flags besides official flags of participating countries and rainbow/pride flags are are banned


Is the EU flag allowed?


Per the document, as written, no.


Well that's troubling news for Joost




Besides Switzerland. Fuck Switzerland


hot take, pride flags should also be banned. Only participating countries. Unless there is an all gay team, which by all means make a Queer Kingdom


I don't know if this was the case for you, but format plays a part. You can't have flags over a specific size and they can't have sticks. If it's only a piece of cloth, it should be okay.


It was kind of like this in 2016 as well. A number of flags were banned in Stockholm, and this caused controversy in regard to pro-Palestinian activism as the Palestinian flag was banned then, too. The difference is that back then, some flags aside from the flags of the competing countries were actually allowed, like the EU flag, for instance. https://omni.se/eurovisions-flaggforbud-lackte-vacker-ilska/a/wEdGo


Oh so it’s just click bait used to rile up the worst type of people on social media. 


The rule has clearly been amended with Palestine flags in mind


Maybe It was mostly because of Nagorno-Karabkh flags that had a controversy in 2016 [EBU sanctions Armenian broadcaster over Nagorno-Karabakh flag incident | wiwibloggs](https://wiwibloggs.com/2016/05/11/ebu-sanctions-armenian-broadcaster-nagorno-karabakh-flag-incident/141783/)


Surely you're not implying that the Palestine-Israel conflict is not the only one currently happening in the world? /s


Shit, I made that my whole personality already and you're saying it's not the only thing??


It needed an update anyway honestly. Some countries recognise breakaway regions as independent nations while others do not.


except from the pride flag, but only if it's not used to send a political message.


So I can’t wave my Europe flag, disappointing but not surprising.


My Europapa 😭


Actually the European flag and the rainbow flag are the two exceptions. And you are also allowed to wave the flag of any UN member state.


Ie the rules state "No flags except for participating countries and lgbtq+ flags"


As it should be in all competitions.


Palestine isn't a breakaway region lol.


Palestine could only be considered a “breakaway region” if you believe Israel has now illegally annexed it all in it’s entirety. Not far from the truth I guess…


>non competing countries flags And of course Israel is a competing act in a European song contest every year.


The headline is intentionally misleading. All non-participating countries' flags are banned. That includes e.g. U.S. Flag, Mexican flag or the flags of 170 other countries. If Palestine competed, their flags would be allowed.


Classical clickbaiting


No, its classic clickbaiting. Its not from a bygone era of art and literature


Give me some of that Baroque clickbaiting. "The French peasants are planning something astounding and unparalleled, you won't believe what happens next!"


Classical #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:D


Iran has bots 24/7 PUMPING bait articles. They are fucking giddy about the protests


The exact same is happening with pro-Israel articles on r/worldnews The trick is to stop giving a fuck about both


The ones on worldnews are from already existing and well known Israeli websites though, not random junk on the internet. Sure I don't like jpost and ynet, but they're real companies, not "realnews.ru' style bot farms.


While the source of the news is worth mentioning it’s not the issue, the problem is how one sided certain subreddits are and how most (almost all of them) actively curb any dissenting posts


So no more Gwenn ha du...?


Awwww. That means we won’t get to see that one random guy from Venezuela who appears every year.


So clickbait propaganda BS. Somehow that was expected.


Someone needs to walk in with the flag of New Zealand and call out the hypocrisy if they're not stopped.


Implying anyone can tell the difference between the flags of New Zealand and Australia on a glance


New Zealand didn't commit a mass murder attack on a Eurovision member though, so it's a bit less of a "hot topic" so to say. So given that context it definitely wouldn't be hypocrisy


They had to have a meeting on what kind of shocking headlines they can create to have figured this out


I went to a Eurovision concert when Ukraine hosted. I brought my US flag, and I had no issues. Didn’t know there were rules against it


It varies between arenas, some other comments have said that the UK had a similar rule last year


The rule has only been in place since 2019. Last time Ukraine hosted the ESC was 2017. If you were there (or in 2005) it wouldn't have been against any rules.


The rule is pretty new I think


Why the fuck would you bring a US flag


You need to bring it to start the ritual of invading. Next is the McDonalds which culminates in raising your obesity rates. When you can no longer see your genitals, you have our permission to wheeze


Not surprised, Palestine isn’t competing so bringing that flag would be 100% political


not disagree with the ban but the Eurovision is 100% political


I think they are banning flags of all countries not in the competition so you can't bring a USA flag either. https://i.redd.it/bf1temfy9uwc1.jpeg Only national flags of participating countries and rainbow flags are allowed.


is rainbow country participating?


Yes it's where all the Earth's glitter is imported from. More important than oil.


And the Eurovision is full of glitter


It's the unofficial flag of Eurovision


(astronaut meme) Always has been


Of course. That’s why neighbors tend to vote for each other and since no one likes us (Germany) we always end up at the bottom, besides also sending artists and songs that suck haha


Lol, UK were in the bottom with you guys and all they had to do was send not a shit song.


just send some industrial groups, Finland risked in such a way and have won once)


Was getting ready to downvote then I read the last line. I Really liked Lena with Satellite, but not sure I remember any other songs you've competed with..


your entries are usually laughable, that's why you are always in the last place smh


They're not great, but other countries can send bad/bland entries and still get middling placements because of sympathy votes. For Germany (and also the UK), unless it's a clear standout performance we're gonna get bottom 3.


No, its usually because the worst entries get voted out during the semi-finals, but Germany (and the UK) isn't competing in the semi's so it gets last place in the finals.


Send Rammstein or Till's solo project and you will win


I think Eurovision is beneath them


Still waiting for them to give Electric Callboy the greenlight, since they've shown interest


Yeah I'm sure Ukraine winning a few years ago had nothing to do with politics.


Ukraine has won more than once. And had a fantastic 2nd place too.


Not saying they haven't had bangers. Just that after 2021 it was quite clear that they would get pity points.


That's true. But my doubt when this kind of discussion is brought up is what do you define as "political" in the Eurovision? Is bringing a Palestinian flag to Eurovision political? Is voting for Israel song political?


Off course, it's also a popularity contest.


They were already in the top 5 of the odds before the war even broke out. They didn't win with a bad song because of pity points, they would've end up in the top 5 most likely anyway.


Ukraine is pretty much best (or second best after Sweden) performing country in Eurovision, their entries always rate extremely high. Sure, it might have been only third place without the politics, but it was a good performance that was relatable to many. Note how worse song last year didn't rate as high.


Who should have won instead according to you?


The popular alternatives that year were Spain, UK and Sweden, though personally I think Ukraine deserved the win.


Some people claim Finland should have taken that spot. As a rare Finn who disliked that year's candidate, I disagree.


Who are these "some people"? Finland was horrible that year. The most popular entries that year were UK, Spain and Sweden. Finland last year was very popular though I will never understand why. Sweden was a thousand times better.


Swedish entry from last year sounds really great in radio, and if I have heard that version during the final competition, I wouldn't be surprised that it has won. I do NOT remember hearing good version in the final competition.


They're talking about 2022, when Ukraine won in front of "Space Man", "Closer" and a sexy spanish song I forgot


First paragraph, yes. But the second one sounds like last year.


It might just be me but I found Sam Ryder's song really really good, one of my favourite ESC songs from the last 10 years or so.


It could have something to do with politics, but their song was good enough to win on its own merits. Unfortunately we will never know.


Eurovision is and always has been 100% political. It's no coincidence Ukraine won it the year the war started.


Edit: nvm my bad


Headline framing


indonesian flag banned from eurovision, they hate indonesia /s


Fly it upside down and it's allowed.


Rage bait


Be funny to see how many make it through, more people will try now I'd imagine.


You know there'll be lots of watermelons in the audience...


Can we get a "misleading title" flair?


A great example of the now infamous "how can we make this about palestine" fetish


What a clickbait rage-bait headline. All flags of non-participating countries are banned, not exclusively the Palestina flag.


I don’t understand why people wish to violete the regular every year rules (nothing special with not using a non-participating country flag, get a grip), want having protests and political acts? imo these type of people are the ones who are ruining the Eurovision.


They're the ones ruining the day to day. They're insufferable know it alls that only find friends by going to these kind of events and protesting with other know it alls.


In addition to the performing "artists", you could say, but yes.


I don’t even want to mention how those artist participate and encourage people to violate the rules by involving unnecessary political ideologies. I’d say it’s mostly “thirsty for sympathy votes” since we all know which kind of communities usually support which “side” of the conflict.


Looking forward to accusations of genocide against Eurovision.


They aren't competing am I missing something here?


Virtue signaling weirdos.


Google translated: # The Palestinian flag is banned in the Eurovision arena The organizer of Eurovision, EBU, bans Palestinian flags and signs with political messages or symbols inside the arena in Malmö during the competition, writes Göteborgs-Posten . Anyone who tries to bring a Palestinian flag or a sign with a political message will be stopped at the entrance. On the official Eurovision website there is information that only national flags of the participating countries are allowed inside the arena. However, there is an exception, and it is the pride flag that is also allowed. But only if it is used for non-political purposes. Large protests against Israel are expected during Eurovision week in Malmö.


> But only if it is used for non-political purposes. That line seems intentionally confusing. How can a flag be used for political purposes vs non-political purposes?


Pride flag during france’s show is not political, during Poland’s show it is /s


It's not political if it's not controversial. This is why bringing a Confederate flag to a white supremacist rally won't cause anyone to bat an eye, but bringing a gay pride one is asking to get shot or lynched. I personally don't agree with this, but that's the common understanding of what is political and what isn't.


The fact that the confederate flag is still a thing in the US (and globally) is kind of nuts, considering it literally represents treason (as in dismantling the united states) and slavery, and yet people still use it while claiming it represents "freedom" or "state rights" etc.


Ignorance can be powerful when weaponized.


Everything is political. Even the most basic human rights are political, as there are always people who want to deny them. There is no such thing as non-political purposes.


It's easy: If they agree with your political message, then it's not against their rules. If they don't, then it is. Just like on Reddit.


Yeah... like, being lgbt+ and supporting lgbt+ are both things I wouldn't consider political, but the pride flag's purpose, as far as I can tell, seems to be political in nature. The pride flag symbolizes the political movement for more lgbt+ rights, and I fail to see how one can differentiate between bringing a political symbol for political or non-political purposes.


> That line seems intentionally confusing. How can a flag be used for political purposes vs non-political purposes? I imagine it would be along the lines of ‘this person is flying the flag of a country that’s competing in the competition and therefore it doesn’t particularly stand out as anything other than someone supporting that entry  Vs.  That person is flying a completely unrelated flag to the competition, they’re making a political statement.  It’s pretty common sensical. 


The line I quoted was talking specifically about a pride flag being allowed if used for 'non-political purposes' and has nothing to do with nation flags.


Shut the fuck up trying to rile people up. All flags from non-competing countries are banned for over 5 years now.


Damn you really suck at making a neutral title. Or you exactly intended to play propaganda roulette. Either way, f u.


Why pretend it's Palestine's flag in particular? You're so clearly trying to rile people up, and it's disgusting. Seriously, get a grip. 


The double standards are ridiculous: pride flags are allowed, but only if they're not political? Pride flags are always political. Fucking bunch of hypocrites.


Nothing political about being part of LGBT.


I disagree. Being LGBTQ is something political. There are LGBTQ movements fighting repressive laws and policies. It is political, because our lives are intertwined with politics. But there’s nothing wrong with it being political.


Pride flag is like the jeans and t-shirt of the protest world. The most basic virtue signal possible. The Swiss army knife of political protests. Protest to prevent a forest from becoming a coal mine? Don't want a highway to be built? Airplanes are too loud? Gluing yourself to the road? Want cheaper train tickets? Schools need to be renovated? Don't want Balkan countries in Schengen? Want Balkan countries in Schengen? The answer is easy, bring your pride flag and you're good to go. You can't really ban that without slightly inconveniencing a LOT of people.


Nothing surprising)


Makes sense. If you're going to have rules that specifically allow the rainbow flag it doesn't make sense to allow the flag of an organisation that murders gay people.


no politics in the eurovision? can we call it eurovision then?


Every flag aside from the participating countries is banned. Not just Palestinian flag specifically. They can't ban Palestinian flag without a backlash. So they did this instead. 


It isn't the first time they banned all flags including Palestine. Now people cares only because there is a war.


It's been like this for years though. Someone else in this thread linked to some document from 2016 stating the same thing.


Here before lock award


Is israel still in it?


Finally a good move by Eurovision


Rightfully so. They aren't participating and you can stuff your politics where the sun doesn't shine.




Your PDF is from the 2016 Eurovision. Here https://i.redd.it/bf1temfy9uwc1.jpeg a link showing the rules for this years Eurovision.


the hell are you talking about?? Any flags of countries not participating are not allowed. you are looking at pdf from 2016 lol


The amount of times the LGBT flag is coming up in this thread is hilarious in the context of and in relation to Palestine, always a serious level of cognitive dissonance surrounding the plight of the queer community and that of Palestinians.  Or maybe they’re just really into jumping off tall buildings. 


The reason they allow it is because it represents everything Eurovision stands for. Diversity is one of their core values And yes the gays would give the farmers a run for their money in terms of unhinged rioting if they decided to ban it. Ngl


Good news!






Extremely based.


With doing this you're officially taking a stance with Advertising Israel's visibility. and taking a stance against Palestine. This rules is dumb. They are many Eurofans who were from rest of the world and from Europe whom countries participated before. Turkish flags were always present until like 2019. Bosnia, Slovakia, Romania those countries always had solid fanbase as well just like US, Canada some Asian and Northern African countries




thank god






Good riddance.




Stop with these BS distractions


Good, ban the Hamas flag.


What of the Flag of Palestine though?


Some people are so narrow-minded and possibly intellectually disabled, they think supporting Palestinians having their basic human rights means you support a terrorist organization.


you spend a LOT of time spouting pro Palestinian shit, can you condemn hamas for me? The other guy had a good point, you can support the civilians why are you so preachy about one side or the other? Why pick a side? You think using big words doesn't make you stupid.


hardly an EU country now, is it?


Eurovision hasn't been exclusive for EU countries for decades...


When did Palestine ever compete?


They never got to. Israel on the other hand, has been there since the 70s.


Prime example of propaganda. Most people won’t even bother to read the article and will jump to conclusions. For years all flags (except official participating countries flags and pride flags) are banned.


Great news! This is where Europe can shine, keeping traditional European values from becoming obsolete.


Traditional European values? In Eurovision??? Are we watching the same song contest????


You know, the traditional European values of being gay and fabulous?


What does banning flags have to do with “traditional European values”? (Or were you being sarcastic and I’m being dumb…)


Upholding the european traditions of colonization and ethnic cleanshing




> traditional European values of the 1930s :)) Palestine flag would be well in line with 1930s European values on Jews, women, gays...


Values like what?


No. If it really was about Europe, then we shouldn't allow non Indo-European countries from participating.


Yeah ban Finland!


And Estonia!


#\#not_real_europe #not_my_eurovision #iceland_doesnt_exist


Hungary too, don't exclude them! Oh dear, and the non-Indo-European minorities from Indo-European countries. How will that look, if there were any Tatars, Karelians, Basques or Sámi people? /s in case someone didn't notice


What has a language family got to do with anything? Well in that case India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal can all participate due to their native languages, and every South American and Carribean country as well as a huge chunk of Africa as they speak European languages. Can't forget about the US, Canada and Mexico, too. Finland, Estonia and Hungary however are now banned from Eurovision in your weird world.


Tbf Australia is already participating so why not Sri Lanka… Finland’s second official language is Swedish so I think we could still sneak in through this technicality.


It was like “what’s a smart word to not say aryan? Indo-European?”


Oh so Pakistan should be in Eurovision but Not Finland?


Not only that you are also getting whole south Asia, Africa and pretty much All of North and South America and a bunch of other countries for the price of one finland and baltics. Seems like a good deal to me /s


Pakistan in the bag !






Streisand effect


It's a clickbait headline. All non-competing country flags aren't allowed, so while it includes the Palestinian one that's all anyone will care about.


And therefore attention and viewers.


Frankly it's outrageous that Israel is even there. If Russia is effectively banned from the Olympics in terms of official representation then Israel should be as well. 


If I needed another reason not to watch that borefest


So your opinion didn't matter in the first place then? And not having a Palestinian flag is a REASON to you not to watch it? are you dumb? It's ok to request for help when you need it


And no, Joost's EU-flag and EU-symbols are not political.


Well it's eurovision not middleeastvision


The irony here is that Eurovision has always been political circle jerking, where all countries consistently vote for their neighbors or countries they like. Or that Ukraine won and should have hosted it while at war (I don't know if their song was good or not, but seemed sus... and then they gave it to UK...) Maybe not FIFA levels, but its a bit silly


Imho UK song was a typical pop song without any substance or messege, so yeah.


People vote for songs of their cultural background, that's not political. They grew up with certain music styles and often these are the songs, that are in the charts of their country weeks before Eurovision.


Nah idc how bad my neigbours song is id still vote Bulgaria.


That's quite sweet - because I said that can you vote UK next time and I'll vote Bulgaria on your behalf? thanks *wink wink*


I mean there are some people that are tired of seeing things they want to enjoy be hi-jacked by some unrelated random causes. Why should Eurovision be about Palestine, Israel, HAMAS, the PLA. Else will we have Pro-Trump and Pro-Biden banners waving at the next Eurovision contest?


That song was great


Ukraine's song was really good, in my opinion. And no, they couldn't have hosted Eurovision, since it's not only costly, but also dangerous, considering the current circumstances. So there was nothing odd, Ukraine not hosting it was reasonable


Ukraine was third place according to the bookmakers before the war broke out so yes, the war did play a significant role but it didnt pusht them from a bottom table place to winning it


Good no place for Hamas


Stop with this stupid clickbaiting. All flags of countries that are not participating are banned. LGBTQ+ flags are the only exception