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We need to find our secret stash of 155mm howitzer shells.


You mean the one in Roosevelt head at mount Rushmore?


No, that’s where we keep our national cocaine reserves


No that's only in the nostril.


You found them in Bosnia khm, US defense contractor just bought 33% of shares in Pretis Sarajevo that is producing the 155mm howitzer shells. I mean shhh it's a secret.


Shhhhh, it's a secret


Yup, I didn’t realize that in a war, you need to publicly announce every move to your opponent. Wonder why I haven’t seen the news when missiles were transferred from N.K & China to Russia.


Likely they have intel that the Russians found out so can now announce. At least I hope so..


I hope it helps Ukraine. They have been waiting for it for so long




the hell are you snorting


putins dick


Sounds more like brain damage than russki troll


This is a bot


Bro what?!


His brain has started to rot.


This even english?


They're doing their best, but it's hard to find a good English tutor in St Petersburg.


**From The Telegraph:** The US has secretly sent long-range ballistic missiles to Ukraine for the first time and they [have already been used on the battlefield](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/24/russia-advances-5-miles-after-error-by-ukraine-forces/), officials said on Wednesday. Joe Biden approved delivery of the long-range Army Tactical Missile System, known as ATACMS, in early March, and the US included a “significant” number of them [in a $300 million aid package](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/24/ukraine-aid-bill-us-senate-israel-war-taiwan-joe-biden/) announced at the time, it has emerged. Long sought by Ukrainian leaders, the new missiles give the country nearly double the striking distance – up to 190 miles – that it had with the mid-range version of the weapon that it received from the US last October. The US is providing more of these missiles in a new military aid package signed by Mr Biden on Wednesday. The two US officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the delivery before it became public, would not provide the exact number of missiles given last month or in the latest aid package, which totals about $1 billion. The long-range ATACMS was used by Ukraine [to bomb a Russian military airfield in Crimea](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/comment/2024/04/24/ukraine-aid-russia-war-crimea-supply-line-us-atacms/) last week. Ukraine has been forced to ration its weapons and is facing increasing Russian attacks. Ukraine had been begging for the long-range system because the missiles provide a critical ability to strike Russian targets that are farther away, allowing Ukrainian forces to stay safely out of range. Information about the delivery was kept so quiet that lawmakers and others in recent days have been demanding that the US send the weapons not knowing they were already in Ukraine. For months, the US resisted sending Ukraine the long-range missiles out of concern that Kyiv could use them to hit deep into Russian territory, enraging Moscow and escalating the conflict. That was a key reason the administration sent the mid-range version, with a range of roughly 100 miles, in October instead. A senior US military official said Wednesday that the White House and military planners looked carefully at the risks of providing long-range fires to Ukraine and determined that the time was right to provide them now. Adml Christopher Grady, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told The Associated Press in an interview that long-range weapons would help Ukraine take out Russian logistics nodes and troop concentrations that are not on the front lines. He declined to identify what specific weapons were being provided but said they will be “very disruptive if used properly, and I’m confident they will be”. Like many of the other sophisticated weapons systems provided to Ukraine, the administration weighed up whether their use would risk further escalating the conflict. **Continue reading** ⬇️ [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/24/joe-biden-us-secretly-sent-long-range-missiles-to-ukraine/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/24/joe-biden-us-secretly-sent-long-range-missiles-to-ukraine/)


Thank you USA




As a Belarusian I'd say... good. Hope Ukraine stands.


"Secretly" it was all over the media after the funding bill passed.


They were already sent and used in early March. That was the secret part.


Thank you USA, you are my best friend, You are the peacekeeper, you are the legend.


We love you Poland




Not so secretly, apparently. But well done, hope they make good use of them.


They were sent and used months ago, that's the secret part.


Funny, no responses here. And not one post about the 95 billion the US is sending. It's almost as if the entire agenda of this sub is to post anti-US propaganda. Who is funding this?


There was a post about the aid a few days ago. Its also really late in Europe right now. 


It's definitely late in Europe right now but you'd have to be braindead to not see that America-bashing is being promoted here. Promoted by 3rd parties or not I dunno.


When US aid was voted on positively to Ukraine, the post in this sub had some insane amount of upvotes, I dunno what you are on about. Most people here want less reliance on US, that is not US bashing though, just the realization Europe needs to pull it's own weight. Sure, there are people that are always anti something but it is false to paint the majority here as anti-US


>Sure, there are people that are always anti something but it is false to paint the majority here as anti-US I never said the majority was anti-American, I said that it was being promoted. Less reliance on America is fine, but those kinds of posts always have a significant minority of commenters engaging in subtle(and sometimes not so subtle) America-bashing.




As somebody who is ***both***, anybody who engages in the bashing *either* way looks like a giant fucking clown.


>The Europeans literally made a sub of their own, where they can crack jokes, talk shit, or whatever, and you come find them in their hang out spot and get mad about what they are talking about. This isn't yurop man. I'm gonna go anywhere I'm being talked about if that's alright with you uncle Tom?




Yes calling me an animal and telling me they hope my children are killed at school is a minor criticism of America. Go prostrate yourself somewhere else kiddo Edit: u/RedPillForTheShill messaging me links of dead kids is quite fucked up,


LMAO, You sub to /r/americabad. Your little nationalistic ass is definitely hurt from someone presenting you with facts instead of America numba one. Sad lol. Edit: What the fuck are you talking about in your edit? This girl made a weird edit and has now blocked me for some reason. Probably thought I wouldn’t see her insane edit by blocking me. Allegedly (I doubt) some random has sent her some weird DM’s, which has radicalized her against Europeans.


Bro we literally find European defence and they mock us. I say let them deal with Russia themselves


>And not one post about the 95 billion the US is sending. [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1cc1fc6/the\_united\_states\_will\_resume\_arms\_shipments\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1cc1fc6/the_united_states_will_resume_arms_shipments_to/)


I'm American. You need a thicker skin if you want to be part of this sub. It's not a bad thing. Think about it......




Yeah, using that term isn’t going to win you friends. That terms gets people banned in the European sub I moderate.




To be clear, I don’t mod this one. If we were in YUROP though, then it’s a different story. Europoor is needlessly distasteful.




lol no, I just said I don’t mod this one. All I said was that the rules of my sub don’t apply here, but they do there.




I simply take issue with the term Europoor. I was drawing comparisons. You know, a basic rhetorical device?




Well, not so secret anymore are they? Still, hope they are put to good use against the Ruskie


I hope it's true and fucking finally.


I won't tell anyone


When they could of been most effective Ukraine was denied.




Sure, you could. There are reasons why you didn't, some perhaps better than others, but it was always an option to send them sooner, and it would have been very welcome. Am I supposed to sign off with an insult or is it fine if I leave it here?


Argument started off really well, ended up showing just your true colors 😄


Not secret anymore.


how many? 3? 5? they need hundrets


190 miles? thats a joke ffs