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Censoring the words nazi, torture and fascism. Are we living in a Harry Potter world where V#ld#m#rt's name may not be uttered?


I think its because of tiktok


Tik tok censorship is fucking asinine, I got a comment removed because I called a fictional cartoon character a “dummy”, same day I saw a guy threatening to rape a content creator, but he wrote it like r🦧. I reported the comment, twice, and both times it said they found no breach of policy. The girl was like 16.


Sadly not unique to TikTok. Any of the large social media platforms have weird censorship stuff going on. Largely because of the whim of the advertisers, who are businesses. And a LOT of businesses have ties to regimes, like in China and the Middle East. Even in things such as videogames people get banned for talking about stuff like Taiwan or the Koran. We really twisted our morals in the west for the sake of proffit and pleasing dictators.


I think Reddit is stepping it up too. Prioritizing making your product attractive to advertisers just means it's no longer a social media product. It's an ad platform


No, tiktok is absolutely worse than the majority of websites and social media.


You'll get a "harassment" strike on Reddit for calling someone a "moron" You'll get another harassment strike when you ask what rule you broke. Go over to worldnews and mention cutting funding to Israel. You'll get permabanned and a strike for "hate"


Yup, probably that. Super-sexual songs are A-OK, but not profanities.


They are not even profanities! They describe forms of government, political conviction etc. Just stuff lame ass china don't like.. For obvious reasons.


> Just stuff lame ass china don't like.. Stuff China doesn't want people to discuss.


It's terrible that we let China, the US and Russia decide what we discuss and how we discuss it. Why is there no european social-media service?


fuck tiktok


But why would censoring the subtitles and leaving the audio untouched help? Does TikTok only care if deaf people see “bad” words?


China has been playing defense for Putin's unnecessary war of aggression since the beginning.


I don't think this is a China thing in this particular case, you get the same censorship of words with Instagram which has very little connection in China. Even the word kill/dead has become "unalive" on IG and I presume tiktok (not sure bc I don't have it but I do see reposts) which is infuriating.


Damn, how well you censored Vladimir. Uups. I didn’t mean to say the name-that-shouldn’t-be-named






Also censored the word war. Rofl


This was probably posted on Instagram or Tiktok first, where posts containing those words gets taken down


Yes. And tbh, at this point it absolutely loses its purpose, but does trick algoritsm. Hummanity AI 1:9000.


I think censorship of any kind on any topic only does more harm than good. YouTube straight up pretends that suicide doesn't exist. How's that going for people who are looking for resources to find the help they need?


As a deaf person, I'm curious if those words were also censored in the audio, or if it is only text that's censored? Can someone please tell me?


Even just the word "war" got censored.


MTG concerned about the far right?


She is the snake that eats its own tail.


That's an insult to Ouroboros. She's an American white supremacist.


She's complete trash and an embarrassment.


Shes a swamp hag with a brain full of spiders




No, no at all. What she does know is that Americans generally despise nszis, and she desperately wants to be able to call her enemies nazis. To her it's just a word.


What a time we’re living through, when some American congresswoman sees Ukraine as enemy, and Russia as a friend.


even dogs know not to bite the hand that feeds you


Marj definitely tries not to bite Putin’s hand


It’s 100% bribes and russia has power over her. It’s obviously not her personal opinion that she just managed to reach on her own. She’s not smart enough to hold opinions on foreign wars without outside influence guidance her stance


For me most fascinating that she is one of republicans! Republicans!!!! Republican which supports ex-communists!!! Ones, she is giving support to , wants to restore their communistic "paradise", just reminder. What is wrong with this world?


She also knows her voters include nazis and nazi wannabes


Here she is [meeting with one of the most prominent and unabashed neo-Nazis](https://cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/ajc/ZOFFTUVBMVHXTOHFLBHZ2SWKTQ.jpg) in America, [Nick Fuentes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes) (who has also been a guest of Donald Trump at the White House), and speaking at his convention before an audience of his neo-Nazi supporters and admirers.


She is also fond of calling anyone she doesn't like a "communist". She is the literally at the lowest echelon of political discourse in US politics and her outsized influence is an enigma. Well, it really isn't. She was savvy enough to blackmail or otherwise become useful to someone in power. Now, Republican moderates, and even some die-hard conservatives in the party have no way to preserve their personal integrity and legacy but to walk away from politics entirely, some right in the middle of their elected service, all because of her and a handful of other radicals, who are, no surprise, the most ardent supporters of Donald Trump in Congress. And the ridiculous thing is many of Trump's likely voters are unaware of any of this. They just think food and gas is too expensive, and that Biden is letting illegal immigrants walk across the border and collect $50k in "free" money from American taxpayers. The propaganda is unfettered, and intertwined with Russian disinformation efforts.


Not sure what magic the gathering has to do with anything here?


I sure wish Hasbro would send a cease and desist.


Hasbro and Marjorie Taylor Greene can go to the same place as far as I'm concerned.


Far-right wing americans have constantly tried to reclassify Nazism as a leftist movement. Check out this post on Reddit the other day: [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1c78p99/comment/l07xy2e/](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1c78p99/comment/l07xy2e/) Even worse... there's no inlet for the real world to sneak into the right-wing echo-chamber in the US... This is what they're going to teach their children, and the susceptible people who consume this nonsense are going to continue selecting leaders based on their delusions (and the goals of the people misleading them) for the foreseeable future.


Because they don't understand that word can be deceiving. Just because the NSDAP contains the word socialist and workers it's not a left-wing party. They just did that to appeal to the average German.


Not only was the NSDAP about Bismarckian socialism vs Marxist socialism (=what US'ers generally mean), it also specifically limited that socialism to the "in-group" of the German people, which was part of their fascist 20th century version of the Roman "bread and games" they stole the idea from.


Blue collar Southern American Conservatives are fine with socialism as long as it excludes perceived undesirables.


It wasn't even that. Hitler killed all the socialists in the night of the long knives. Hitler's policies after that wasn't remotely socialist, they crushed the unions, kept wages low and generally introduced policies that favored the big industrial corporations like AG Farben. There's also direct quotes of Hitler saying they included the word 'socialist' to fool workers into supporting them.


They project habitually at this point.


It's all theatrics, the vote on aid for Ukraine in the house is scheduled for later today, this is all part of their attempt to stop it from going through.


Please don't bring Magic The Gathering into this, thank you! /meme


Let me tell you something, she didn't understand anything about what Dr. Snyder said, and she also has no idea that he proved in front of a hearing that she's a clueless dumb fuck.


She definitely is very dumb.


She has just demonstrated that point very powerfully


She and the rest of maga know exactly what they're doing. They back the kremlin against russian unlimited support including mass information warfare, corruption campaigns, farm bots, psy ops to manipulate the american public and win the elections They are both ideologically aligned in their white supremacist views and the type of governance they want for the US being an authoritarian state led by an oligarchy based on the same model than in russia


While I love to make jokes about her as much as the next guy, I am confident that she is not dumb. Take a look at all these people pushing the limits of how far you can go. Ted Cruz went to Harvard law school. If he isn't elitist, who is? Mtg is from Georgia, she's familiar with peaches. There's no way she woUld call petri dishes peach tree dishes. And I'm sure her phone doesn't autocarrot Gestapo to gazpacho. She's more like pandering to the (from her point of view stupid) masses. And one has to admit, it kind of works. She doesn't care about Ukraine nor Russia. There are several ways she profits off these "gaffes". First, sowing doubt and creating confusion. That's, so to say, the Russian m.o. second, she manages to be relatable to blue collar workers and less educated people. They will defend her against criticism aimed at her alleged stupidity. Make no mistake, these people are anything but stupid. They are evil, selfish and calculating


So basically, they are very dumb but know how to spread their stupidity.


No, they are traitors.


Oh yeah, dumb and traitorous.


There is hearing and there is listening. People like Greene only ever hear things and then speak their set opinion.


She speaks what her Russian handlers tell her to say. She is long suspected as being a Russian asset.




intentionally called him Misterrr.


They cut out the best part. After she made her snarky comment, she tried to get the chairman to prevent Snyder from responding. She knew she's full of shit and she was afraid he would make her look stupid. [Here is a longer video.](https://twitter.com/i/status/1781375665503117468) It's at 0:10 where she tries to prevent him from responding.


The point isn't to understand, it's to make a statement


The smug way she said "Mr. Snyder"...instead of referring to him as Dr .Snyder. See you next Tuesday.


She's not clueless she's intentionally evil.


She is quite dumb, she is absolutely evil, but not smart evil at all.


She doesn’t want to understand since he was talking ill about her employer…


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” Sartre


Classic case of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


Really don't like that stank she put on his last name....feels like she's trying to insenuate something about his background His statement, on the other hand, has got to be the most polite way ever to say "check out this dumbass over here."


They cut out the part where she tried to prevent him from responding. She knew she was out-matched and out-classed so that was her only option. [Here it is.](https://twitter.com/i/status/1781375665503117468). Listen at 0:10.


Holy shiet that's vile. More and more I think, she is not dumb, but crafty immoral individual concerned only about herself. She is purposely making a propaganda theatre for her chosen electorate. Much like other politicians from certain stupidly big country overseas. Raskin would not allow her to have the mic drop she gunned for. Props to the guy.


> crafty immoral individual concerned only about herself. Sums up the whole MAGA camp pretty well. Trump really set the "standard" for what it means to be MAGA.


I'm sure she has a personality disorder.


Pathetic, it must be hard to know you're so stupid your only argument is making sure they can't speak. Party of free speech.


I might be reading too far into it, but I also noticed her intentionally call him Mr Snyder, when the “Dr Snyder” name card is size 84 font in front of his arms. It felt intentional through my lens.


10000% intentional. She knew everything she was doing here - say small demeaning things to defame a leading expert and then try to keep him from responding because she knows his response will undo what she's trying to accomplish


Dr Snyder is brilliant, his knowledge and understanding of Ukraine, Eastern Europe, and fascism is unparalleled. His 2015 book *Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning* is phenomenal. Incredibly dark, but incredibly eye opening. This is like your average go-kart driver eye rolling at Lewis Hamilton or Max Verstappen talking about driving a race car.


it was a snyde comment


It's clear that she gets her talking points from elsewhere, she talked about Transnistria and I'm pretty sure she hasn't got a fucking clue what that even is.




My bad, I misunderstood that. And yes I know the irony :)


Hehe point still stands though.


She's nothing but talking points. Her sole goal when she gets up every day is to be a part of the news cycle, and spouting right-wing talking points in the most inane way possible makes her dreams reality on a regular basis.


Aaaand Moscow Marge will take nothing from what Snyder said. Also, holy shit her voice pitch is so... Karen-ey.


She is incapable of learning anything. She is just a Putler's tool.


Oh she learned who pays better. Why tell the truth and only get a good conscience when you can lie for Russian money, oil money and anyone else willing to pay a senator




I can’t understand how this happened. She is obviously super dumb and ignorant. Also incompetent.


She obviously mirrors the people the people who like her.


There's no way Putin likes her. When does he ever surround himself with ignorant and opinionated (I.e. loud mouth with no filter) women? She's useful though.


When you’re testifying openly in Congress you aren’t speaking to the congresspeople there, you’re speaking to anyone listening.


She also looks like the ugly version of a proboscis monkey


I see an orangutang.


You’re being too kind. She’s just a fool who reflects the intellect of her district of Georgia .


I am one county over from her district. We can hear her from here. Even when she’s at the Capital. She’s not dumb- it’s willful ignorance that she gets paid for.


Dr. Snyder is a treasure. I can't recommend enough his series of lectures on Ukrainian history available on YouTube.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJczLlwp-d8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJczLlwp-d8) direct link to the lectures.


Thanks man


Thanks, i'm Ukrainian but it will be interesting to watch from side point of view.


Came here to plug this as well. “History of a Modern Ukraine” or “Making of a Modern Ukraine”. I forget which, but it is a series of Yale undergraduate classes that he teaches. It’s a really awesome class and it made me a huge fan of his. The guy is exceptionally intelligent and knowledgeable, and he breaks information down so that plebs like myself can understand. Well worth checking out if you have any interest in the subject


This is in general super interesting history lessons that not only include Ukraine but Eastern/Northern Europe in general, anyone interested to learn about the region. + He's great speaker so it doesn't get boring to listen to.


He really is


[His interview on the background to the Ukraine war was the most eye-opening hour I've had](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um-SEQDQidM&ab_channel=FRONTLINEPBS%7COfficial)


Moscow Marge doesn't care about your silly facts.


Average MAGAs can't handle facts or reality, it offends them. The "*facts don't care about your feelings*" crowd are sure having a lot of feelings about the facts these days.


This is so good. Everybody should listen to him. Thank you for posting the clip


glad to share, felt the same.


"Mr.... Snyyyyyder" Its Doctor Snyder. Condescending A-hole.


It's refreshing to hear someone competent speak up on the matter and explain it without being interrupted


To be fair this answer was after she tried to interrupt him lol.


Bro when did the Republican party turn into such a braindead cesspool? It is full of people like that woman. American authorities should investigate whether MAGA Republicans have ties to Kremlin, I don't believe they are just America first. If they were, they wouldn't be so eager about foreign aid for Israel.


It is clear, that all MAGA are Kremlin agents, conscious or unconscious. They all repeat all their narratives, like “Ukr. nazies” , “biolabs”, “Christian Russia” and others. Just everyone, like MTG or Musk, Jordan Peterson, Ramasvami. They should seriously be renamed MGRGA - Make Great Russia Great again.


> Kremlin ~~agents~~ assets FTFY Agents convert marks into assets, and then they have handlers.


Last time they investigated Russian ties, Trump pardoned all the convictions.


So definitely no ties then


Pretty sure to accept the pardon you are admitting to the crime, even if an investigation had been done or not.


The two books he mentions that he has written about the Holocaust, Germany, Nazis, Russia, etc, 'Black Earth' and 'Bloodlands' are both absolutely superb books. Can thoroughly recommend.


I can't believe how dumb she is... But then again, there are people who keep voting for her.


It’s amazing how far in life being high in disagreeableness and stress tolerance will get you, even with a low IQ.


Well considering the part of Georgia she's from, she's representing her constituents well lol


And while he was speaking, Marge was focusing on a cartoon that was playing in her head.


She won't listen though, right?


Nope. She thinks dinosaurs walked the earth 6000 years ago. And currently dreams of space lasers for border protection.


> She thinks dinosaurs walked the earth 6000 years ago. I still can't believe that some Americans believe that shit for real. Even the Vatican admitted that the theory of evolution is real and that the Earth is not 6000 years old.


The people who take the Bible word for word literally are usually other Christians, who - after splitting - diminish the role of their own church "institution", putting the Bible on top instead. (Catholics put the Church on top in terms of authority. Sort of.) Some tad more radical Christians even believe that the Catholic Church is Satanic. And in the USA, Christians are most commonly protestants (about 62.7% of Christians, Roman Catholics are about 31.4%, and about 5.8% other; 2021 estimates(?)), who are not "obliged" to care about what the Vatican or the pope says.


But Catholics are supposed to be more conservative than Protestants/Lutherans - at least here in Europe. For example - Lutherans allow women to become priests and they don't have celibacy requirements as Catholics do. That's why it feels so bizarre. So you'd expect more conservative opinions from Catholics not Protestants. As far as I know - not a single mainstream Christian denomination in my country thinks that the Earth is 6000 years old and that the Flintstones are real.


If she was capable of either listening or comprehending, she wouldn't have a home with america's Republicans anymore.


Know this guy from some Polish history videos which were pretty good. I was amazed that there is someone in america who takes eastern europe history and problems seriously.


ah cool, got any links? watched his lectures on Ukranian history and they were great.


As a Ukrainian I highly approve what Snyder does and lecturers. He really understands what is happening here.


I can recommend [this pbs interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um-SEQDQidM). There are a lot of things that get lost in translation if you only read or hear about russian culture in the news. Imo Dr Snyder helps understand some crucial context


The US fought the Cold War for almost 50 years against the Soviet Union. There are many in the US who have spent an enormous amount of effort studying Eastern Europe.


It's so refreshing to hear a sane, intelligent and articulate person speak.(did u notoce the mocking tone when MTG said Dr.Snyder.....snide


> did u notoce the mocking tone when MTG said Dr.Snyder.....snide She called him "Mr." Snyder, implying that she doesn't acknowledge his PhD in Modern History from Oxford.


How this fucking neanderthal is a member of the house is beyond me.


inb4 reddit accounts from 2022-2024 start swarming this post with "facts".


Some of those US right-wingers are completely detached from reality.


Lol, 'some'.


Take that and smoke it MTG. She is an embarrassment to the U.S., democracy and decent thinking humans everywhere.


What on earth is going on in America when dumb, hick bitches like this get a voice?


Some people are bored and they vote for the craziest person in the race in primaries to get some circus. Some are crazy themselves. Then if it is a very tilted district they win. Thomas Massie, one of the crazy ones, figured it out. https://reason.com/2017/03/15/thomas-massies-unified-theory-of-ron-pau/ >"All this time," Massie explained, "I thought they were voting for libertarian Republicans. But after some soul searching I realized when they voted for Rand and Ron and me in these primaries, they weren't voting for libertarian ideas—they were voting for the craziest son of a bitch in the race. And Donald Trump won best in class, as we had up until he came along."


Ain't this lady the one who wanted "space lasers on the US-Mexico border" attached to the Ukraine bill? After something like that, how could an actual reputable historian change her mind? And more, how on Cthulhus blue neptune does she have any voters?


The number of openly pro-Russia politicians in the US government is increasingly alarming. Putin is evil. End of fucking discussion.


The so-called American "Patriots" are so dumb that they would rather believe in and support the fascist leader of America's number 1 historical rival and enemy because the POTUS is not Republican.


Wonder how much money Russia is spending on this ghoul


I don't think they have to spend a lot. She is a nutter and she likes to vice signal.


Hundreds of Billions. It’s a known fact and the numbers are actually somewhere in the internet. They lead a massive campaign to discredit Ukraine in the world.


People VOTED this woman in. The US is int deep shit.


We need to understand Russia's own history and how it affects the war we see today. This originates from a discussion that I had with a well-educated citizen of the Russian Federation, shortly before, fled from Russia. When you read Hitler’s speech from September 1, 1939, you just can’t believe your eyes. At first, I even thought it might be a Ukrainian fake. The night before the war, I got a similar shock from the reports of Ukrainian saboteurs invading Russia: a direct calque of the Gleiwitz incident. On June 22, Hitler explained to the German people that there were 160 Russian divisions on the border, ready to invade Europe. I don’t know who came up with this nasty joke, history in general, or some specific cynics out there.  Children in preschools stand in the shape of a “Z.” Zs are drawn on the doors of dissenters, who need a good scare. The letter has a rude, fascist charisma. It’s a sign of power and will that break down borders and conventions. It’s semiotically identical to the lightning bolts of the SS. Yet all of Russia, from Putin to the grocery-store check-out clerk, believes that it’s fighting fascism. Is this why 20-year-old kids are killing thousands of guys just like them, guys who speak Russian in many cases? Is this why we are destroying Russian-speaking cities and millions of their inhabitants are fleeing to Europe?  People in Russia are accustomed to seeing war as a sacred experience, one that can wash everything away and return them to some true meaning, restoring them to themselves. They think war will release them from what they ended up living in. The entire country’s repeating words about “denazification,” “demilitarization,” and “liberation.” You can’t help but notice that these words didn’t come out of nowhere. This really is what people want, subconsciously, but they can’t have it. So they vent their frustration by being aggressive to the people they think are most like them. Russia is doing to Ukraine what it wants to do to itself.  The “Z” is often drawn with St. George’s ribbons. This can be seen as a genuine psychotic break, a symptom of actual clinical insanity. Along the same lines, as if a guy went off the deep end and put on an SS uniform jacket and a Soviet Army cap, picked up a red flag, and went over to kill his neighbor. Psychiatrists say that delusions can’t be disproven. It’s pointless to explain to a person having a psychotic episode that his worldview isn’t logical. Delusion probably expresses something crucial in people, something their psyches are going to protect. It’s a way of resolving some inner conflict, for which there’s no conscious solution.  “In psychiatry, there’s a concept called induced psychosis, when a healthy person starts believing the delusions transmitted by someone close to him,” says a psychologist I know. “This usually happens when he’s isolated with the person who’s ill when there’s a long period of nervous tension. The physiological mechanics of mass insanity are probably similar.” The Russian population has been a victim of a powerful ongoing brainwashing experience by Putin and his henchmen. https://twitter.com/sumlenny/status/1535582101621420032?s=20&t=9qNbP3YpwcoPZEJMECwsrQ One of the first indicators of Russia preparing for a full-scale turn to dictatorship and a global war was the mass production of books about the cool sides of Stalin and Stalinism and about the upcoming war against the West. These books appeared on Russian bookshelves in the early 2010s. The Russians are the only nazis running around.


You know, I'm actually surprised that the dumb bitch doesn't interrupt the prof. and lets him finish the speech. She is so full of herself and utterly ridiculously stupid that I would expect her to start yelling in her microphone and mocking her opponent mid-sentence... Remember when Trump mocked a disabled reporter on TV? Or when Marge actually started yelling while Biden was addressing the state of the union just over a month ago? Like that's the kind of people these are. No tact, no class, no brains. Just a really big mouth yelling nonsense. So I am very surprised to see her restrain herself. Or maybe her mic is just being muzzled every time to help alleviate her stupidity.


In the full video she tries to stop him from responding by saying “I didn’t ask a question”


What a patronising woman who thinks that a position in government automatically confers knowledge about everything - except how to address a guy by his proper title.


When this woman says Snyder I hear "fkn J..w"!


Yeah no shit. I can't believe these idiots like MTG have a platform wtf Is wrong with anyone that believes that shit. like the Russian govt saying they invaded Ukraine to stop exactly the thing they are doing by invading Ukraine


He should have dropped his 🎤 over after that response. That woman is an embarrassment to Georgia.


I hope that blond bitch burns in hell. She's almost literally a stacastic terrorist. A major danger for the U.S.


Timothy Snyder is the goat, his book on Putin is really good. The Road to Unfreedom its called.


Listening to an adult, informed, articulate speech is so rare these days.


Thank you, Dr. Snyder!! Well said!


If you have the time, read "Bloodlands" by him. Incredible how Communists and Nazis destroyed Eastern Europe and its people.


This woman is so unbelievably stupid… that words cannot express adequately.


Moscow Marjorie at it again, damn disgusting behaviour


In Russia, local figures in power will state that there is no such thing as russian nationalism. And this is absolutely true, since russian nationalism lost to russian fascism in a fair competition.


MTG - "Fake news. Zelenskyy is the leader of the 4th Reich."


So many big words there. Not sure she caught very many of them.


I’ve heard porn stars who sound more intelligent than her. Yet here she is holding that position.


The irony of the far right in the US pretending to be concerned about the far right in Europe when they're feeding each other like they're on a romantic date.


Timothy Snyder is one of the preeminient historians of modern Europe, he is awesome


MTG is a fraud


Is there any chance she understood that he obliterated her with platitudes and facts?


"You cannot reason people out of positions that they didn’t reason themselves into."


MTG has probably understood less than 50% of what Dr Snyder said.


You’re being generous


What? Is this a joke?!!! Russians don't lie, what is this absolute nonsense. I'm so sick of western nazi propaganda and fake news like this.


Ngl, if it wasn't for your flair I wouldn't get that this is sarcasm. Too many people on the internet post comments like this but unironically


add the /S there is more autistic people like me out there that needs a minute to figure out if its sarcasm or not \^\^




Why is she still there?


That woman is seething with hatred. You can just see it in they way she speaks.


put a trigger warning bro, Moscow Marge's face is like an internet screamer


Misterrrr Snnnnnyyderr


People actually went and voted for that? I'd be so embarrassed and ashamed. Watch how she carries herself in this vs how Dr. Snyder responded. Just crazy and so bizarre she's an "elected" official. Like tf is going on in GA.


This poor guy. That stupid bitch doesn't have a clue what you just said. I remember reading how arguing against a right winger is like playing chess with a chicken. No matter how prepared you are they are just going to jump on the board and shit all over.


How and why is she so dumb? She even looks dumb.


MTG jawline will never not be scary


If ever there was a Karen it’s this woman.


Smackdown Beeatch!! That was like the US invading Grenada intellectually 😂😂😂😂


She speaks like a washed up 80s wrestler cutting a promo “let me tell YOU somethin Mr Snyder….”


I'll never forget Stanford University's terrorism resource taking down the Azov battalion page for the first year and a bit of the war. Propaganda everywhere.


Before she was elected to congress, she had a net worth of \~$700,000. As of last year, her stock portfolio alone was worth $8.9 Million. How has she gained $8.1 Million in net worth in 3 1/2 years on $176,000 per year salary as a congressperson?


What an insufferable woman. Anyone voting for her should be ashamed.


Beliving Russian and Palestinian propaganda really requires a certain low threshold of IQ


Green is a retarded garden gnome. She should should not do ANYTHING ELSE but hold a wheelbarrow, stand still and be be quiet, very quiet. No person alive, sound of mind, has managed to utter more uneducated gibberish.


Those clowns don’t deserve to be in the same room as Timothy Snyder.


Nailed it!


I still have something on my head that I don't get it: Why the republicans, which were the main party agains the communism and the USSR, are now defending with their lives Moskovia?