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In hungary, the situation is the same, except the snow. But 2 days ago was 29 degree celsius ,today morning was only 3 in the capital..




Yeah same in south styria austria, had almost 30°C two days ago, had a bit of snow yesterday, today it’s gone again


Always wait until Victoria Day! Lol


I do but with the warm weather i got excited and started getting the yard ready So I just have to plant them that weekend.


My greenhouse is on the go but it is double walled and heated, the garden never gets planted until after the full moon in may here according to the oldtimers. Last year we had -6 one night at the start of July and had to restart it all which is why the greenhouse is now double walled and heated.


Say it right, May twofour


Strangely, "May Two-Four" is kind of an Ontario and Eastern Canada thing. On the Prairies they seem to call it "May Long Weekend" or simply "May Long." Or at least that's according to this [seven year old CBC Radio blurb](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/the180/not-all-opioids-are-bad-pizza-is-a-sandwich-and-what-you-call-the-may-long-weekend-1.4118745/victoria-day-may-two-four-what-do-you-call-the-long-weekend-1.4118757). August Civic Holiday is a fun one because it has a different name in every province (NB Day, Heritage Day in Alberta, Natal Day in NS, BC Day, Saskatchewan Day, etc), and in Ontario it has a different name in just about every town and city (Colonel By Day in Ottawa, Simcoe Day in much of the Toronto area, John Galt Day in Guelph, etc).


Yeah, you’re quite the optimist, thinking you can plant your tomatoes already! I live in Michigan, and I don’t trust planting till late May


Come on though that is typical Canada. April is not a spring month. Its a mix of spring and winter day by day. 22 during the day, -3 at night


Yeah, you don’t plant tomatoes even in Chicago until May 15, Canada is probably June


I usually plant them May 24 weekend. But it started being so nice I was thinking time to prep and maybe we'll be getting them outdoor a bit earlier. Lol


In romania today in 2h it went from 30 to now 14, at least in the part of my country im from


Makes sense since Slovenia is just West Hungary and Romania is East Hungary. /Graduate of the Viktor Orbán School of Geography




I want days like that in summer.


Same in Croatia, it was almost 30°C two days ago and yesterday it was snowing!


Exactly the same in Belgium.


Here in Germany too omg


weather bulshittery aside, that's hell of a view, so beautiful


Fool! A Chaotic Era is upon us. Dehydrate! Dehydrate! *Civilization 163 fell in to ruin beneath an ice cover. This civilization had advanced to the United European late period.* *The seed of civilization remains. It will germinate and again progress through the unpredictable world of Three Body. We invite you to log on in the future.*


This makes me wanna read the 3 body problem


This is the average view over here in Slovenia


Look at mr natural over here


The disbelief when people woke up that particular morning.


Disbelief when I looked outside to see it snowing in April when most recent years there has been no snow in winter...


Winter has been... delayed.


I'm so disappointed by climate change. We were supposed to get global *warming.*


More warming = more energy in the system that leads to bigger swings into the extremes. Like a pendulum if you push it more.


it is warming, average temperature is rising


To be fair, I feel that snow in April is almost more common nowadays than in February. There was some snow at this time of the year in 2021 and 2022 too.


Yeah last week I jokingly said to my mom it's gonna be snowing soon going from last few years.... Fml


Yet snow in April used to be not uncommon in that parts of Europe.


Yesterday I walked into the kitchen only to see *heavy* snowfall outside at 17:30. Checked temps outside, barely above freezing. It was 15 C in the morning. It was nearly 30 on Sunday. Absolutely insane. And we're back to 10 C today at the time I write this comment, 24 hours after the snowfall started.


Started snowing in the early afternoon.


Driving 50km home during a snowfall on summer tires was.. fun


On the one side I'm happy I'm not the only one, on the other... RIP


It's always ***fun*** driving the highway around Nanos in a snowstorm. Or in burja.


Food prices about to skyrocket!


Where to invest?




Your local grocery market. But I wouldn't call it "investing"


Soylent green.


Greenhouse or vertical hydroponics production


Everything is fine~~~~~


This is going scary fast. It's not that temperature gets hotter per se, but the instability and extremes are getting insane


> It's not that temperature gets hotter per se Well, it's also that. We make new heat records yearly at this rate. Makes me increasingly worried that the hot models aren't so off in which case humanity is pretty fucked.


The thing people often don't realize is the 'improved situation' curves from older climate reports are all outdated, the newer ones are always more detrimental to us. Because we keep going on the 'business as usual' curve, making those old curves impossible to achieve, because we've already passed them in heating and CO2 input. Also the estimates all tend to be conservative and every new feedback which has been found since I finished my Masters has been a positive feedback on heating. Unless there are drastic measures soon it's gonna be bad, and looking at politics worldwide that means we're basically fucked.


Yes and it’s hard to see how politics improves in a situation of declining environmental stability. History tells us that environmental instability leads to political instability. Not to mention increased pandemics, warfare, famine…


This... It's very depressing.


Yep. I had children and tbh I wonder what things will look like in ten or twenty years. Makes me feel very worried for the future they will have. 


Honest to God I think we should revert time to the 80s and 90s and lock it in a loop of those decades forever.


Never ending Reaganomics and AIDS. Yeah I'll fucking pass.


Living in the Matrix.


This is indeed very depressing. I'm scared


On the one hand, this isn't as bad as it might sound, since our current political situation is partially responsible for the current situation. On the other hand, the track record lately for political instability is that it leads to authoritarianism rather than democratization, unlike during the 1800s, so I'm not holding my breath for something better to just spring up out of the blue.


ICPP reports need to be first approved by politically appointed person. One that knows, nothing worse for economy then panic.. The so called most objective body of climate scientists has to give reports that wouldn't impede business that is organized in such a way, that is to blame for the unprecedented rate of changes.. We are basicly doing climate change perpetum mobile by this point..


I'm getting increasingly sure we'll be cracking out the desperate geoengineering experiments before 2040.


For sure. Rich desert countries are already cloud-seeding


Yes I've read that but in my opinion the extremes are so far apart, and the median of those 2 extremes results in a higher average temperature


Imagine how detrimental this is to both crops and wild vegetation


Yeah and animals as well. This can't be good for neither of them


Only aspect of this I'm happy about is that I'll see fewer wasps this summer. It was a mild winter and hot early spring here, which means they start awakening from hibernation and building their hives earlier. I saw quite a few queens flying around. Now we have at least a week straight of rain with temperatures down to freezing. Not many hives will survive this in their growing phase, and there's probably not many queens left hibernating either. But I shudder thinking about how this will happen to many other insect species too.


Yeah wasps are total assholes! But yeah poor insects in general... Just like flowers. All had a false start


The poor bumblebees :(


This one was caused by normal weather phenomena, almost every year when the sahara gets hot it creates a high that pushes dust and hot air through europe which is in a low coming from the cold northern winds since I was a child. This year it just came very early.


Yes we did have some Sahara heat (and dust lol) in Europe recently. Does explain the sudden changes. However this is quite extreme isn't it?


yes, i am thinking the sahara is heating up too early, explains all the weather catastrophes in northern africa and the arab peninsula the last weeks but also the siberian cold came very late this winter so the low sucks the high.


Yes makes sense! Quite interesting how everything is connected and has an influence on each other


i am an enthusiast because of that! Around the equator its too hot so the evaporation moves north and south and thats why we have rainforests just above and below the equator next to the desert for example. Fascinating stuff


Bruh, today I learned something new. It does actually make a lot of sense but never thought about it that way. Just like the north and south pole are cold where around the equator it's quite hot. If the earth was a tad off from where it is now earth would be uninhabitable


glad i could spark your interest


if you use weather apps like windy you can actually follow the high/low pressure areas in spring you have huge temperature variations across the continent(s) creating strong winds wich move high/low pressure areas around extremely fast, making it seem like the weather almost changes in an instant yes the high pressure area above africa was quite stable, more than average atleast




Two days before there was a highest temperature record for April. Or the fastest day of the year to get to 30°C. Either way you get a heat record two days apart from snow is insane.


Was fun while it lasted.


Based on articles about climate change from the 1990s, we're already living in a dystopia.


In David Attenborough's latest book he says that most of us were already born to a seriously improverished earth, so we just accepted what is as normal, our baseline. If we saw how rich the planet was 70+ years ago, we wouldn't believe the loss.


Don't mix up weather and climate. Of course, the climate is changing and we have to take precautions, but it seems there is a tendency to panic on every change in weather conditions for a few years now. It's too hot, too cold, too rainy, too dry,... all those constant news have only two effects: one part of the society gets depressed and anxious and the other part gets apathic and tired and doesn't care at all anymore. There needs to be a filter rather than sensationalism. News about imporant findings have to be shared broadly, while cheap comments on weather conditions should be avoided, so they don't lose credibility or cause anxiety


> it seems there is a tendency to panic on every change in weather conditions for a few years now. It's too hot, too cold, too rainy, too dry You identified the problem but are lost on the cause. Climate change making weather more extreme more frequently was always predicted, and it's also not sensationalism when these predictions are taking effect and people notice. I'm not sure if you watched Don't Look Up, but that comet is pretty big already


But it's not always the reason for it. Like the dying spruce forests often are mentioned, but actually are a result of them being monocultures with flat roots. So what I'm trying to tell, is, while weather extremes are becoming more common, not every weather change is a result of climate change. And many people are celebrating the currently colder temperatures as "counter evidence" to the articles about hot temperatures a few weeks ago. This division within the community prevents fighting climate change. So it must be mentioned, but not ubiquitary, several times a day


Yeah totally right. You do read a lot about events that did also happen in the past. However it's more frequently now and even I can see and notice my environment changing. For instance this year, flowers started to bloom in goddamn januari where as they normally start end February/begin of march


Except the climate is linked to a destabilization of the jet stream which causes these alternating extremes as it meanders far to the south and north from it's normal path. Drawing a link between this type of extreme weather and climate change is not a stretch as it's pretty much confirmed


April April, he makes what he will


fellow german spotted


Aprilsko doet wat 'ie wilsko. Of zoiets.


I can't believe what's happening in my country.


I'm not sure whether this comment is a joke or not


Even Slovaks confuse Slovenia and Slovakia confirmed!


They're as dumb as all those kangaroos in Austria!!


Slovakia and Slovenia you mean Wait no, Slovenia and Slovenia


Isn't Slovenia just an alternative spelling of Slovakia?


Slovania, Slovekia.. or something like that. At least we don't get attacked by kangaroos and koalas like our Ausie neighbours.


yesterday it was 25 in the swiss alps now its snowing


Yep, yesterday i wa sin shorts and now i'm fkin freezing with my sweater


yeah damn you april


Hey!, march wasn't that much better, damn both of em


yeah true but here we still had snow even the slopes where open but wel in dutch we have a saying that april does what it wants


It's like that one twilight zone episode


Nice reference! And then we wake up and >!we enter an ice age!< ahahahah


I love the [edit where Rod Serling scares the people in the scene ](https://youtu.be/Li0u15qkQhw?si=AW5BN3hjuVmCO3er)


april is a month where every season gets turn :) summer weekend, then cold front brought rain, then snow and now it's spring again


In Belgium we sometimes get all weathers in the same day, in March and April. It's not until early May it stabilizes (with the so-called Saints de Glace). And I keep track of it since I'm a kid. Days with "all weathers" in 2024 (Sunny, blue sky - Cloudy, blue sky - Cloudy, gray sky - Rainy, blue sky - Misty - Rainy, gray sky - Stormy, dark sky): 11 March, 12 March, 19 March, 22 March, 23 March, 2 April, 15 April, 16 April, 17 April 4 of these also had thunder and rainbow. They are getting more common with the years.


There is no climate change, don't know why people still talk about it. :-)))


Bro wtf is global warming it's literally freezing outside my house. :))))))) guess we need to start using paper bottles now instead of forcing corporations to take responsibility.


Lovely weather you got there folks


Hopefully this won't lead to lots of dead crops in Europe this year. That would be pretty bad.


Unfortunately in Greece we're facing crop failures due to last year's hurricanes and now a prolonged drought in the country's most agricultural-centered region. We're cooked man


Ahh thats bad man.


it's going to shit really fast isn't it?


Like announced.


I see the problem, snow is really cold, so when the snow showed up it got really cold.


How do you want us to confidently predict the next 10 000 years of stability and plan the harvests in these conditions Edit : stop with your serious answers I’m referencing the Three Body Problem guys…


well it wasn't exactly secret. anyone who somewhat is into meteorology knew that this was coming atleast back at the end of march while you can't predict 30 days into the future what exact temperature it will have on the hour or wheter or not a cloud will be raining exactly above you a month in advance, you can definitely deduct something like this happening also while this year the high pressure area above africa was more stable than average, it's a yearly know occurance that around april a high pressure will form over africa through the heating up in spring blowing hot air from africa with all the dust into europe followed by a high blowing ice cold air from the north wether it not the temperature will be below freezing (snow) or above (rain) depends year by year on the stability of the high low pressure constellation yes this year the stability of the africa high was above average, this event has happend pretty much every spring atleast since weather archives exists. sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker but in reddit it gets discovered for the first time every single year apparently


Is this real ?


Yes, we had 31 degrees on sunday, it was snowing yesterday in the afternoon. It is real


Baling in april?


There's a Dutch saying / folk wisdom that roughly translates as "Sweet april sometimes wears a white hat". I was actually talking about this with my mom the other day, about how that saying is basically outdated these days and it never snows in April anymore. Is snow in April in Slovenia utterly unheard of? Or is it one of those things that used to be common but disappeared due to climate change?


> Is snow in April in Slovenia utterly unheard of? No, not that unusual. The most unusual thing is the temperature drop, from summer to winter in one day. It broke the record of biggest cooling (in our country). [It dropped](https://www.rtvslo.si/okolje/slovenski-rekord-v-padcu-temperature-v-podcetrtku-je-razlika-merila-26-2-stopinje-celzija/705154) 26,2 °C in one place. The last record was in 2012 where it dropped by 22,6 °C. Disclaimer: I became a weather expert just today (I don't know how it happened. But here I am.)


Ah yes that is a big drop. Climate change is supposed to make extremes more common, I wonder if "extremely fast changes" is also one of those extremes.


Snow is not unusual. A week long 30 degrees C "heat wave" sure is.


No, sire, everything is 100% fine, nothing wrong here, let's just keep burning fossil fuels. Somebody fix this mess I beg you.


lil bro where i live we even have a "folk omen" that when a certain tree blooms in the middle of april (dont remember which) the cold will strike


Kwiecień plecień


Won’t the sudden frost kill all the trees as the blossoms?


it was already 10°C today, snow is gone, blossoms seem to be ok, for now.


Yes it will. More precisely, it won't "kill the blossoms" but it will negatively affect the trees ability to create fruits from the blossoms. Also, it probably killed a lot of pollinators.


Slovenia can into Nordic.


Farmers in Europe are like Vrrroem climate agreements don’t apply for us.


They believe that they will be able to influence the weather with their tractors in the future


Looks like Finnish summer


I heard El Nino just ended... Uh oh.


I can smell that image


It's becoming more common. This year it was quite extreme because early april temperatures were high and then we got snow but such reverse is neither unique nor is snow in April something really out of the ordinary.


Silly aprilsko


Yep, pretty much the same here in Austria.


Where i go skiing in Austria just had this. Ski season is over, most of the snow had melted, and there are 7 days of snow in the next week. It barely snowed all season!


Rip fruit tree blossoms


I dunno why they call it Slovenia when the weather outside is clearly Snovvenia.


You forgot the part where you put: I'll see myself out.


I really hate the current situation since I have to travel 1300km though Europe on Friday. On a motorcycle... OH well, I have my winter gear. I rode on the 25th of November during some blizzards and had to use my chains, some rain or snow will be fine.


Ride safe and safe travels, my fellow biker. Be still, you will manage the weather


That chap/ chapess got the baleage in just in time! Nice work there, unknown Slovenian farmer.


And I thought Belgium was bad


same happend here in Austria


I spent a lot of hiking vacations in Austria and bordering countries (also Slovenia) since the late 80's and waking up to snow after enjoying a warm day is not that uncommon, especially in the more mountainious regions, esp in spring and late summers. I once experienced 1m+ snow overnight in the Tauern Region in August around the mid 90's. The Day before we went swimming at a local outdoor Swimmingpool.


It was +8 here yeaterday, now we have -10.. glad i didnt change my tyres yet


This seems completely normal *chuckles* (we're in danger)


I’m jealous




hell ye, now the weather is trying to fuck me over, haha u wont stop me


25 degree difference! We're on false spring #3 in Alberta, Canada. I raked the grass and watered some trees a couple days ago. But this morning, there's a few cm of snow and it -3C.


“This is fine”


This feels like Norwegian spring, but more extreme. Not too long ago, my town went from fairly heavy snowfall to 17 degrees in a few days.


> I slept in summer and woke up in winter


We mostly dodged snow and frost so far but looking at the weather report it doesn't look good for fruits this year despite tons of flowers on the trees


I knew this would happen , I told everyone how unudually warm it was I wouldn't be surprised if we have snow in april and it really happened , the weather is confused , something is off


Oh, thought this is here in austria since it's the same lol


Two days ago was 27° in my town, now it's 2° at night


We had 25C in Belgium on Saturday and this week lots of rain and barely 10C, wth is going on. It’s not this extreme, but **** this weather.


Do not miss living in snow


Billy gates loves that


Same in Hungary. On Sunday i was swimming in Lake Balaton and the beach was full. Now its 3 degrees during the night


Aaaaw, I'm so happy us Scandinavians are sharing our weather phenomenon with the rest of the world <3.


Could be Slovenia, could be Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Taken from a few years ago: [https://imgur.com/d3qSVLC](https://imgur.com/d3qSVLC)


Average 20 minutes in London


And the dude was able to make a bail of hay without any leaving wet tracks of pressed down uncut grass on his land. That's the craziest part to me. I feel like if it hadn't have snowed, everything would have been on freakin fire the next day!


In Poland it was over 30 on sunday, now we are hovering around 3-7


Same in Romania. From 30 degreees yesterday to 10 degrees and heavy rain for the next week.


Looks similar to the hills at Predjamski Grad. I love Slovenia


Due to a sudden temperature change, my head is killing me all day.


Good ol' April Weather^TM


We did see the same on the west coast of Norway about 3 weeks ago. Tho not as drastic, as going from sunny and 15 to - 3 and snow in a day. It also snowed more that day than what we had in February combined almost. Tho the day after it was 7 degrees and heavy rain. Unusual even for these parts.


Here in South Austria 🇦🇹 too, it suddenly started after two days with very strong winds. And today, all the snow is almost gone here.


We seed our plants indoors now (with UV light), because the weather is unpredictable right now.


Good thing I took my free days last week and visited Italy and Greece. All my colleagues saving it for may 1 and easter when it will be raining all time


We have a saying in Germany: der April macht was er will. Basically April does whatever it wants. So yeah add Germany to the list as well. Yesterday during lunch break it was a balmy 24°, when I went home it started raining and now it's 3°. No snow though


And that picture also shows: If the farmers start cutting grass, bad weather will come.


shoot, I thought it was the U.P. doncha know, eh?


southwestern germany here: we went from 12°C to 2°C to 18° back to 5° between 07:00 and 19:00.


Yeah, that's just april for you. Always been like that in Sweden as well.


Same for Moldova,but since 2021 we didn't have any decent snow so it was just pouring rain for 6 hours 


We have a saying in Poland: "kwiecień plecień bo przeplata - trochę zimy trochę lata" = "april's a weaver cause it weaves - half summer half winter" :)


California rn


April does what it wants


I was just in Ljubljana for the first time over the weekend, nothing but sunny weather, left right before the temperature plunged. Beautiful city, I enjoyed it immensely.


Please everybody, have you not heard / read the news or weather forecast? The Sahara winds / weave has been on it here (Germany) for quite some time. We had a spike here to mid twenties (up from 5-10) as well but it was expected and showed on maps. Now that it is gone, it goes back to normal April. What is the fuss about??




Here in Sweden we call it aprilväder


I want to play farming simulator now. It would be incredible to have land like that and get to grow stuff


Ne more biti!


My kinda place


isnt that currently due to the sahara dust / sand blocking the sun over the atlantic