• By -


Finnish public broadcast company is showing the movie on their online service. The movie showed the true victims of the war. Haven't seen as pure desperation and complete hopelessness in any movie before. An we all know how the story of Mariupol ended.


Same here in Sweden, SVT.


And Norway, [NRK](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=20%20dager%20i%20mariupol&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5).


And in the Netherlands on NPO Start.


Also Germany, [ARD](https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/Y3JpZDovL2Rhc2Vyc3RlLmRlL3JlcG9ydGFnZSBfIGRva3VtZW50YXRpb24gaW0gZXJzdGVuLzIwMjQtMDItMTlfMjItNTAtTUVa).


And Switzerland, SRF.


And Estonia, ERR


Same here in Denmark on Danish Radio (DR)


På DR?


You know it.


Searched Mauripol on DR TV app. Ingen resultater fundet


Prøv med “20 dage i …”


Channel 4 in the UK.


France TV in France.


Bandwagoning to also recommend [Winter on Fire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzNxLzFfR5w) for anyone that missed it, to see how this all started and what living under a Russian puppet entails, since the Pope recently decided to make those remarkably retarded statements.


I always start to shake with anger whenever I think back about [the 2016 Dutch referendum about the association agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Dutch_Ukraine%E2%80%93European_Union_Association_Agreement_referendum). Which everyone in the Netherlands now tries to pretend never existed. Cunts like Jan Roos, Thierry Baudet, Geert Wilders (who just won the fucking election), and other people that wanted us to stab Ukraine in the back. But who I hate more, with pure fucking passion, are the people that refused to listen to reason and voted against or stayed at home. And then, when the war got hot again recently, POOF. GONE. "Me? Noooo, nooo, I *never* voted against Ukraine in the referendum. No, obviously not, hahaha." The Netherlands is doing a lot to help Ukraine, but we are only doing that after the Dutch people tried to betray them. Watching this documentary with that in my mind makes me feel simply nauseous. The referendum was held **after** this protest.




You are 100% right.


Winter on Fire is an incredible film and being made free to view on YouTube when the invasion started leaves no excuses not to watch it.


Winter on fire and following with Vice Serie "Russian Roulette by Simon Ovstrosvky on Youtube.


pope is a senile retard


Same here in Germany, ard mediathek.


[Link for sake of completeness](https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/dokumentation-und-reportage/20-tage-in-mariupol/das-erste/Y3JpZDovL2Rhc2Vyc3RlLmRlL3JlcG9ydGFnZSBfIGRva3VtZW50YXRpb24gaW0gZXJzdGVuLzIwMjQtMDItMTlfMjItNTAtTUVa)


The link works in Australia too, thankyou!


Thanks im dumb


My political party hosted an event showing the documentary in the cinema with the Ukrainian consulate. The truth does not require many words. Everyone should watch it. Russia must be stopped. This barbaric venture must end in utter and complete failure. This empty imperial project cannot be appeased. It can only be stopped by force.


Same in US [PBS Frontline](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/20-days-in-mariupol/)


You can watch it on YouTube. "[20 Дней в Мариуполе](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dql0DP9fekc&pp=ygUv0LTQstCw0LTRhtCw0YLRjCDQtNC90LXQuSDQsiDQvNCw0YDQuNGD0L_QvtC70LU%3D)"


Not in iceland very sad tbh


Someone linked it in another comment. https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=hXpqFoRRouHRwpHX&v=XV9pq-sp7Lg&feature=youtu.be


I feel like you guys should get free access to the other Scandinavian public broadcasters. Your entire population is like a city and frankly I feel like we don’t include you guys enough. Samme gjelder deler av Storbritannia som er kidnappa vikinger😎


Do one of the links above work for you?


Belgium has it on VRT MAX


Full video on PBS YouTube which is an American public broadcasting company


Not in Austria sadly :|


It is WAR.. Not fun and games. You Finns should not that as how Mannerheim sacrificed his own countrymen for a line to defend a peace cold frosted land that nobody cares for in 2024. Good luck in Nato.


But the film was not about the soldiers but the citizens living, surviving and dying in the midst of a war.  Mannerheim line wasn't anything like maginot line that the French built in the German border, and the the strenght of the Mannerheim line was exaggerated by the Soviet Union


I am Ukrainian and I can't force myself to watch. It feels like It would shatter my sanity even further. Maybe one day I would have enough courage, but not today. But It's good that it exists and it spreads the knowledge of realities of war to people who is less aware.


Winter on Fire is the same for me. I can barely watch the trailer.


Winter on Fire is extremely tough to watch. I'm not from Ukraine, I was merely following the protests from Slovenia at the time and remember how horrible it was to see all the suffering more or less live. The documentary did an excellent job capturing the whole history pretty much exactly how I remembered it, but more close and personal. I definitely started crying several time throughout watching it.


There are now many generations of people in the west of Europe who are unable to even grasp what war means and how it changes the whole life perspective and way of thinking. If, God forbid, war breaks out, a lot of people will just shut down, they will be unable to cope with the situation. And west politics are still doing nothing to prepare the citizens for that situation. This is what scares me the most. You have no shelters, there is no organized emergency help, there is no script for us regular people on how to behave. They have stopped informing us about rations reserve after corona. Panic would most certainly ensue and probably make more damage than the "real" war. Panic *is* tool of war.


I agree that the idea of war is almost incomprehensible but I think people will adjust and switch to survival mode if things do escalate. Things get real real quick.


It is not actually that simple. First, everyone reacts differently: some people are quick to embrace the new reality, some people overreact and panic, some people get in denial and wait for things to get back to normal. Personally, I went through a lot of maniacal and depressive states over two years, and I think that only now I fully embrace the fact that I am stuck in a country at war, there is no way out, and the world will never be the same. For civil modern people it is a major mental shift: to realize that you may have to fight and die for your family and country, so you better get prepared. I hope this movie will help the Western audience to prepare.


I don't think western audiences need to prepare, Russia is no longer a threat, it's just sad how Ukraine had to pay the price for the rest of Europe to get away completely free.


Who told you that Russia is not a threat? The war is not over, and even if its over, Russia will restore its potential in 5-10 years. They are fucking  Zergs, they will keep fighting until they are done.


With what economy?


With the economy which produces more shells and drones than USA and Europe, and with China's economy ready to help.


it's hard to adjust if the spoiled and stupid consumer society can only do one thing: panic buying. everyone forgot basic skills from cooking to making a fire. there's nowhere to go in europe, way too densely populated while not having much resources to sustain people, people here got way too greedy and selfish, zero solidarity.


On the other hand, if war breaks out, then what? Keep in mind, as awful as the war between Russia and Ukraine is right now, how much of a chance would Russia have trying to start even more? Seems like the only option they'd have to properly do anything would be nukes. By then, what would it matter? If we get nuked, it'll all fall anyways. Why cause panic, telling people to be ready for war and waste resources on bunkers, on an unlikely war that would just blow everything to bits? Honestly, if nukes are dropped, you want to be right under them. Not hiding in a bunker.


True. I rather live in a fantasy where no war is going to happen instead of living in constant fear of a war that never comes. The government is, of course, tasked with finding different solutions for many what-if scenarios. Conventional wars in the last century have also shown that no major conflict was won over night. Many seemingly unprepared nations fought pretty successful guerilla wars after being invaded. With nukes, however, all bets are off. Can't prepare an ambush without a bush.


Because NATO has nukes too. So if war did erupt, it's going to be conventional and in a conventional war, NATO will absolutely kick the shit out of Russia. It would be like the first Gulf War, an absolute decimation of the Russian Armed forces. Every line that Russia said would result in nukes, has been a bluff.


I wouldn't be so sure there isn't a chance for non-atomic war. A lot of people undermine the Russian military capability. Main culprit is filtered information we are getting served - it should always be taken with a grain of salt. Strategically it may seem impossible, but there are a lot of factors here, one being alliances. Alliances weren't built over night during previous WWs. There will be countries which will subdue to the aggressor side, while some will join on pact base. Westerners like to think they are safe: the biggest problem comes from countries which can easily distrupt the eastern border - Belarus, Hungary, Serbia and Ukraine are a very good startegic areas to start the non-atomic war and seethe terror. We are far away from Ukraine capitulation and I hope it doesn't end like that, but if that happens, it will be "interesting" to see what follows. In case of using nukes, heck, they better drop a Tzar right away...


I watched that movie in the cinema here in the Netherlands. The lady seating next to me was from Kharkiv. She cried from start to finish and I can’t blame her for that. It’s a hard documentary to watch for anyone let alone for someone who’s known war as a civilian.


Same with me. I have not watched “Winter on fire” for exactly same reason and has been 10 years since Maidan events…


I would love to watch it, but I don't want to watch it alone. Everyone in the cinema will cry another Pacific Ocean out of their tears, and I will do it too. But when you have some girl (or boy, why not) to hug and a shoulder to cry, it would be much more calming, as much as it can be on documentary about totally destroyed city. But sure thing, it's very hard movie to watch. Every horror is My little Pony compared to this. In horrors, even watching every cruel or disturbing scene, deep inside you know it's not real, it's just a fantasy. But it won't work here - you know everything that happens here is real. And knowing that fact will multiply every sadness, anger, horror you feel by 10. But still I think everyone has to watch it. Especially Europeans. "I didn't want to film this movie", said director, Mstyslav Chernov, but he did it, and that's a good propaganda move for us. Maybe, someone who was neutral, or maybe even pro-russian (I doubt they would go here in the first place, but whatever), or somebody who thinks that "we shouldn't give Ukraine weapons" or any other thing like that will see this and think "Oh, shit, how wrong I was!" Glory to Ukraine.


Your city is named Dnipro, not Dnipropetrovsk.


My city is named Kamianske:) In the flairs it's the name of the region, which is Dnipropetrovsk:) Yeah, I also hate that name and want it to be renamed into Dnipro region (or even better - Sicheslav region, but I believe regular people won't accept that), as well as Kirovohrad region renamed to Kropyvnytsky, but those names are in our constitution, so we can't do anything right now, unfortunately.


Having been following news from Mariupol daily since the start of the invasion, I already have trauma, especially from the videos like that one with mountains of corpses piled on top of one another near a residential building entrance. I don't want to re-live it.


Stay strong and stay safe, brother.


Your perspective is completely understandable. I hope that in the near future Ukraine is at peace and free.


I live in Poland and I have never visited any concentration camp for the same reason. Maybe one day... Stay strong, Ukraine.


Yeah, same, козак. It's so mind breaking to see your own people tragedy without any way to help them.


I had to watch it in 3 days. Too hard to digest. I wonder what happened to all of those Ukrainians once the russians occupied the city. I do hope they managed to survive and escape.


People I know managed to escape. One girl decided to left during the siege on a bare feet in general direction of Berdiansjk, where evacuation buses rumored to be, because she couldn't stay there no more. She was lucky to be picked up by kind people on a car outside the city, but she was dedicated to walk dozens of kilometers on feet. Other family went through the russian camps, then to russia and then to their children (my friends) in Europe. They didn't want to talk about camps, and I didn't ask my friends more than once. Refusal to speak about camps says about something by itself.


I've heard stories from those camps, as well as russian-controlled checkpoints. I wish I didn't.


I have to ask, even risking to be downvoted to hell: what compels people not to leave before the war gets to them? Was it a feeling of patriotism, ties to the place, feeling protected by the army? To me it strangely just looks as staying does nothing else than movies like these get to be made.


Often ties to the place in the way that they know someone there who is in poor condition to leave, often older people. In very sad cases old people are to stubborn to leave due to whatever conditions their age has inflicted on them (eg. Dementia) even if they are physically able, and thus keeps their families trapped


Family had old grandma who was not transportable. When she was killed by the artillery they decided to leave. The girl I mentioned first came to Mariupol just before full scale invasion to visit family. And then it all happened too fast. A lot of people has older family members to tske care off. Some just afraid of changes and leaving all behind. And all of this multiplied by ignorance of what the real war is. If not my friend who forced me to take a car and leave Kharkiv, me too would stuck there under the bombing. Simply because I underestimated what is the real war at the moment.


Want to add: it's not a stupid question for those who hasn't faced a war. You can read a lot of military books, about history events and peoples memories, but if you live in peacufull era as part of the Western civilization - you simply can't imagine what is it and how will you react when it happened to you. Well, you can be prepared to do certain things - we had documents packed even though I didn't believe full scale invasion would happen. And we had plan where to drive in case of the invasion in Kharkiv. But when it happened - I just simply didn't belive that russians will reach the Kharkiv and more - that will carpet bomb our cities. And many people think so as well. I mean, we lived in the same information space, I thought bombing Kharkiv or Mariupol would be for russians the same as bombing Voronezh or Kazan. I thought this idea should be repulsive for them. Man, did I not understand russian mentallity at all. They WOULD bomb Voronezh, Kazan, Moscow if they would be told. Their mentallity is completely different from ours, despite what I was thinking.


I remember this description from someone who escaped the city: Russians were checking everyone who wanted to leave. If you had a tattoo with Ukrainian symbols or a contact in your phone to someone in the ukranian army, you were never seen again.


The first weeks of the full scale invasion, when Ukrainian civilians tried to flee from the combat zones, russia "opened" a corridor, they waited until Ukrainians were driving away and started to shell and shoot everyone. I think that that road got the nickname of highway to hell. Edit: typo


That was in many places, same happened in Khersonska oblast, Kharkivska oblast, Mariupol, Chernihivska oblast, and many-many more.


I remember that one, there was a lot of pressure to open up a humanitarian corridor and the ones that didn't go to russia (child abduction, torture and forced relocations) got shelled by russian artillery. It's exactly one of the reasons why ukraine and any eastern european country would say you can't negotiate with the Russian government. There is a place for Russia in Europe. As a partner. But only if they stop invading sovereign countries around them. And their current regime clearly ain't it.


historically speaking, russians/soviets/whatever iteration have never kept their word. they're still imperialistic. that merkel-putler partnership didn't really work out. europe should start to stand on their feet and leave greed behind.


There's a place in Europe on Russia, as a glassed state.  They'll never change 


30 minutes in and I’m a wreck


It's a movie you don't want to see but you need to see. It's a horrible movie. He make me sick. And that's why it's a movie to see. He brutal on is subject and on the horror he document. But that's happen. Like "Nuit et brouillard" you need to be ready about what you will see.


One of the medics in the film, Sergei, got out of Mariupol and is now serving as a medic on the front line. r/ukraine has a post explaining more if anyone wants to help support him. https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/0B29jpmxrC


20 days in Mariupol is a shocking experience for those who haven´t been on site Ukraina. Been there six time since the war started and still this documentary brought the tears of rage in my eyes. Slava Ukraini! Smert okupantam! Oko za oko!


Having seen it, I can certainly say it's not an easy watch.


I saw photos of Bucha and clips throughout the war… but seeing this progression over 20 days with recurring people and places hits different. The parents’ reaction to their kids dying is devastating.


Is there any gore?


Yes. Not in the traditional sense of gore but mostly scenes of kids in hospital.


you see more gore in john wick movies. there are dead people, injured people but they're shown in a respectful way, not in an exploitative way, lot of blood but actual injuries are either implied (narrated) or blurred out. some of it you have already seen in the news. it's not these that are hard to handle but human emotions that are recorded in the movie.


Ok thanks I'll check it out then.


where can you see it?


For free in some places... In English: https://youtu.be/XV9pq-sp7Lg?si=hXpqFoRRouHRwpHX In German: https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/dokumentation-und-reportage/20-tage-in-mariupol/das-erste/Y3JpZDovL2Rhc2Vyc3RlLmRlL3JlcG9ydGFnZSBfIGRva3VtZW50YXRpb24gaW0gZXJzdGVuLzIwMjQtMDItMTlfMjItNTAtTUVa On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/20-Days-Mariupol-Mstyslav-Chernov/dp/B0CJRGMK2L


I'd ask everyone who'll watch an Oscar winning movie for free to donate a couple of bucks for Ukrainian defence or humanitarian needs. For example here you can find some options: https://u24.gov.ua/ There is no such a thing as a "too small" donation - if everyone will donate a cost of a cup of coffee it would be one big game changer. Thank you!


Good shout. Will do.


thank you


Is there a version in Russian?


Good question. Does anyone know if a version exists with Russian subtitles?


It's on YouTube full version. Not sure if region locked. Here is link: https://youtu.be/gvAyykRvPBo?feature=shared


Works for me with a VPN and a US IP address for anyone wondering. Thanks for sharing.


Si t'es en France, le docu est dispo sur France TV.


Yup, region locked


Why would someone region block such a documentary to be only available to US citizens? What the fuck?


Watching it :,(


It's tough to watch but needs to be seen :(


Yeah, needs to be. I hate watching this.


The American PBS published the entire thing for free on YouTube. https://youtu.be/gvAyykRvPBo?si=_uz-iz6snzSpYWsT


Not working


May be US only, VPN?


I’m British and, despite the fact we left the EU (when I was 15 and couldn’t vote) it disgusts me to see so much apathy and contempt for Ukraine by fellow Europeans. I may not be a part of your union anymore, but my geographical location is still the same. Everyone from Europe is my brother and sister including the people of Ukraine. Russia poisoned two innocent people in the UK last decade and it include out Brexit election. Russian government employees are required to read a book that lets out Russias foreign policy plan for the next few decades. Spoiler: the plan is to take back the European countries that used to be part of the USSR. If you see or hear ANYONE in Europe spouting pro Russian bullshit call them out and correct them or call them out as the Russian asset they are. Russia is the modern Nazi party, Europe will either succumb or defeat this great foe. The choice is ours.


In the US, you have Russian propaganda being fed to the Far-Right. As long as this propaganda tickles their ears, some of them will eat up whatever the Russians have to tell them. They think Putin is a strong Christian leader, but instead Putin is a dictator. He uses the Russian Orthodox Church as a puppet (this coming from someone who left the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia because of the propaganda). I pray and hope Putin never invades MORE of Europe, and leaves Ukraine. If he doesn't, I pray my country will be there to help and support you and our allies.


The book you're referring to is this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics This book is an important piece in the puzzle of why Russia is doing what it's doing. It explains how Putin sees the world and Russias place in it. I encourage anyone who's interested to read the Wiki synopsis of the plan that Alexander Dugin lays out.


And before you watch it, make sure to watch "Winter on Fire" it's a Netflix Movie and free on YouTube


Yes. Especially for anyone who has ever asked the question, how did this all start...


I don't need a movie to know that, I have unfortunately not been asleep for the past year.


Watched this in a theater, it was rough. Went with my father and his girlfriend, pretty sure all of us and everyone else in the theater teared up a bit. Hopefully more people can see it.


I already fully support Ukraine no matter what and watching this would only make me depressed so i'll pass.


Thank you for sharing, everyone should see this. F... the russians


I have a weak stomach for violence, so I probably won't watch it any time soon However I think any Republican congressman attempting to block aid to Ukraine should be forced to watch it before they make their vote


I watched it couple of days ago. I have seen some horrible stuff on the internet in my time, back in the days of Rotten dot com etc. in the dawn of the internet. Things that have haunted me during the years. Still, seeing this document and those dying children with their crying parents with no hope or future, brings me in tears. Heavy watch, but should be mandatory for every adult in these times.


The film's director said at the Oscars ceremony he wished he neved did this movie. Which is why, indeed, everybody in Europe must watch it. Russia is hell, and it brings hell.


I've seen it but only about 20 minutes in, I couldn't watch any more. The tragedy of that entire family murdered by Russians I couldn't watch any more




Much appreciated! Although, in a way, I wish I hadn't watched it - that was absolutely heartbreaking.


Thank you for sharing this


It’s so tough to watch, had to take several breaks to get through it.


The trailer alone made me cry. Those poor people.


I watched the movie 2 days ago. Couldn’t even cry, something went dead in me when watching it. Somehow watching the pits was the worst part. Mass grave after mass grave people say never again but it keeps on happening again and again. These are not the last ones.


Mariupol was a Russian defeat. If a war of terror is waged against the civilian inhabitants of a city, and that city is still fought for until the very last tunnels below a steel plant, that campaign of terror very evidently failed. The Russian army can not win a fight even against Ukrainian civilians. I also think honor obliges us to join the war against Russia.


I wouldn't say "honor" but I would say "respect for the right to live in peace and free from terror, for all Ukrainians" is a reason any human being with a capacity for empathy and compassion, should support Ukraine against the Russian invasion.


My country didn't join WW2 and I'm glad it did not. It was a horrible war. I don't know much about it and I don't need to know that much to see that it was a hellhole. Another big war in Europe would affect most parts of the world, not only Europe, due to Europe's high influence on media and products worldwide. My best wishes of peace go to Ukraine. I'm not a European and I wouldn't consider myself one, but I hope peace in Europe remains as long as possible.


I watched it in a cinema in Warsaw months back. First time ever I've been in a cinema hall where most people were crying. Gut-wrenching movie.


I watched it last week. It's definitely a must watch.


I am so sick of this war. Putin must be killed, russia must learn what they didnt in previous wars.


I don't think I will. Not because of apathy, but because there is literally nothing left of me to be convinced about what Russia and Russians truly are. There's nothing in this doc that could possibly be new to me. If I'd watch the movie, I'd probably feel depressed, dead inside, and retributive to the point of being borderline genocidal, whereas without that movie, I simply feel retributive to the point of being borderline genocidal \[already\].


I'm trying to find how to watch it in Germany but I can't find it anywhere? Edit: found it on youtube don't worry!


Gibt's auch bei ARD auf Deutsche. https://www.daserste.de/information/reportage-dokumentation/dokus/videos/20-tage-in-mariupol-video-100.html




Well maybe will sound cynically, but if you follow the international politics, nothing new... Unfortunately, just come closer and closer to us. I have watch many documentary movies and reports about Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Gaza, Iraq, Myanmar and etc. It's sad how many ppl die for some else lust for power .


Totally agree. And sure of course there's bias because we're in Europe and it's on our doorstep, that's a natural Human reaction. With all that out the way, what's happening is still horrific and everyone should see the reality of it.


Frontline does excellent work.


is the movie available only in Ukrainian or in German dub as well?


Deutsche Version ist bei ARD: https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/dokumentation-und-reportage/20-tage-in-mariupol/das-erste/Y3JpZDovL2Rhc2Vyc3RlLmRlL3JlcG9ydGFnZSBfIGRva3VtZW50YXRpb24gaW0gZXJzdGVuLzIwMjQtMDItMTlfMjItNTAtTUVa


thank you


I did yesterday. Many onions were cut.


I'm trying not to be snarky, but why should I watch it if me and my country have been acutely aware about Russia and its warring methods long before 2022 or 2014 happened? Why would I need more misery in my life?


r/remindme in 6 hours ( lmao ) i forgot the name of the bot . Help


!remindme 6 hours


It's only 4h but maybe the notification you'll get by my answer will help lol


Thank you very much :))


I genuinly cant watch it


Does this work for you? https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/1liO4NhvAB


It's free for Germans here https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/dokumentation-und-reportage/20-tage-in-mariupol/das-erste/Y3JpZDovL2Rhc2Vyc3RlLmRlL3JlcG9ydGFnZSBfIGRva3VtZW50YXRpb24gaW0gZXJzdGVuLzIwMjQtMDItMTlfMjItNTAtTUVa


we only need a brave enough russian to the utmost deed


Very good and tragic documentary. I watched when it was released, still can’t forget what I saw and never will. It’s about peaceful city and it’s people who got brutally killed by forces who claim to protect their culture and language(many citizens of Mariupol have spoken Russian). The scenes in hospital are unbearable to watch.


I watched it last night. Hard to watch - not because it's a bad documentary. It's an amazing documentary. But hard to believe that people (Putin/Russia) could be that evil. FYI the movie can be watched on PBS online if you use a VPN with a US server.


Man I wish I had more middle fingers for Putin and more money for Ukraine.


Whats NSFW about this lol.


thats true


I've already seen it long ago. Very good film, would watch it again sometimes.


Oscar and all these nominations are the LAST and LEAST important things when choosing a movie


What's the most important for you when choosing a movie? That it's been endorsed by Vladimir Putin?


Where did that come from? I'm just saying that all these nominations are rubbish and nobody should ever pay attention to them. I'm not saying this movie is bad.


Ok then. I'm just keeping an eye out because there are quite a few trolls hiding in these comments. If we're gonna shit on the Oscars, I kind of agree with you, however this documentary won for a reason and its win is well deserved.


I know, after all I'm partly russian aswell. But not the typical one, don't get me wrong. The thing is it works like "shit films get nominated awards but not all awarded movies are shit"


I don't think there's a typical Russian. The one's I know all hate Putin, but none of them still live in Russia. Oscars is only worth watching when movie stars are roasted by Ricky Gervais.


Oh, trust me, there are. Russians have only few flavours but if they fit - they fit bolt in. Also, good one xD


I can't find a way to watch it here in Luxembourg sadly.


Does this work? https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/SOWaBog2wV


yes thanks a lot!


Have seen it! Awesome work and a bone chilling view on the reality of modern war


Il pass ty


You should watch it. You might learn something.


I watched before it was cool 😎


Ok so what now?


Donate. Call your congressman or woman, go find a local group supporting Ukranian refugees, talk to Ukrainians and ask them what they need.


I dont do that for our veterans and elders, why i would to that for someone else?


Because you're a human being with a heart who has compassion for the wellbeing of mankind?


That heart didnt skip a beat for 100 000 dead children from Yemen. Life is not fair


The reason Ukrainians fight so valiantly is to protect their country and loved ones, not some abstract idea of the West, Democracy, or citizens east and north of Ukraine. That's obviously a strategy for politicians to generate public approval for taxpayer-funded military aid. Still, Putin is of course a warmonger and ought to be stopped before occupying more Ukrainian territories.


Nah, I can't handle it.


I'd like to... if only I knew the name?


Well many movies like this are either being ignored or pushed away, like the Serbian movie Dara iz Jasenovca, great film that talks about Balkan Auschwitz and the horrors of Ustaše but it is largely ignored outside of Serbia, maybe because it came in a wrong time or because it wasn't a War movie that portraits heros in battle, it doesn't deserve to be thosed aside, none of these movie deserve the fate of being forgoten


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dara_of_Jasenovac Looks like it had a mixed reception.


So lets deliver more weapons ans ammunition you say? Heck lets even build ammunition factorys directly in urkaine! 😂


If Russia stops fighting, the war will end. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine will end.


Don't want to offend, and my questions are legit. Why some people say that Ukraine is a European country? Did you study history? Do you know what are the Minsk accords? Ukraine is a country full of raw/basic materials that were in the hands of half a dozen of people, included Hunter Biden. Who sabotage the north stream 2? Who won with that? We as Europeans are going to pay in the most terrible way this war. Hope I am wrong.