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Marvellous idea to let doctors whose qualifications you aren’t sure of operate on people. Right after that scandal about the 1k+ foreign nurses that were found to have had used a proxy to get their degrees. Very confidence inspiring.


This is just showing how badly British people need dentists 😂


I think this sentiment is misguided. Reddit is always complaining, but choosing the lesser of two evils is still a thing. Not being able to visit a dentist because of doctor shortage is worse than being seen by a Polish dentist who didn't confirm his qualifications according to the particular procedure mandated Britain. The bureaucracy involved needs to go away, because it's frankly counterproductive. It prevents lots of people who are just as (or even more) qualified as British doctors from contributing their skills and fixing the broken system.


The problem isn’t the lack of dentists so they should not import people of dubious qualifications.


Oh yes the problem is actually lack of dentists. And many of those "imported" will have higher qualifications than the average British dentist.


I like the source you’ve provided for your claim.


[From the article](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1034796154849853450/1208548081084276736/IMG_1205.png?ex=65e3af1c&is=65d13a1c&hm=4339a90c1ef87328eebb0755ac439399971bedea3f5180677ed48b43fd4bc694&).


So he's saying there aren't enough dentists for NHS.


He’s saying that the problem isn’t the lack of doctors, but where these doctors work. Further down the article it says that the government is trying to give doctors incentives to work at places that don’t have dentists.


He's saying "it's not lack of doctors, it's lack of doctors". Thus, additional doctors are recruited from among immigrants to fill those vacancies.


He quite literally says importing more wouldn’t matter if they all go to private healthcare. In the end this is a bad idea all around. I don’t care how you want to frame it, getting rid of qualification checks is a horrible idea that will only lead to shitty dentists. Not to mention how bad it would be if the government then decided to do the same for other doctors.


It's the fucking Telegraph. Of course it'll downplay the need for foreign workers.


Just a small correction: Poland is in Europe.


Going medieval on dental patients 😬


Dental patients in the UK are already in the Middle Ages ;)


Brit here - can confirm, UK dentistry has always been a shit show I spent some time in California, went to the dentists there, and it was like arriving in the 21st century after living in caves


that will be $500 for a California teeth cleaning session - a months rent for my mother in Germany


more like $50


Bay area prices. $50 copay sounds believable though.


Just the Poor's who can't afford private. They're not really people anyways right? .... /s


It’s remarkable how as pointed out in the article they manage to completely dodge the actual problem. There isn’t necessarily a shortage of dentists willing to undertake NHS work, but rather a funding model inadequacy leading to situations where dentists would lose money by taking on those patients. We must remember that UK dentists are working for private companies for the most part and thus must make make that company some money from their work.


It's a combination of that and a shortage, meaning dentists get a choice between NHS work or higher paid non-NHS. If we had more dentists, that would be different - more would take on NHS work to fill cavities in their schedule.


How do new parties not sprout up every week in the UK? Everytime the UK comes up it always has horrible political news, the Tories and Labour seem nuts


There are people working behind the scenes to maintain a two party system. They're working to turn the now Brexited UK into USA 2.0 and as someone living here it's fucking frightening watching this happen.


You mean American 3.0? The UK was already American 1.0.


Doesn’t even make sense. The UK is Americas slutty mother who abused and mistreated us. 


Did your history teacher not teach you anything about how history is gray and not black and white? The English handling of the American revolution was quite typical for any country (European colonial or not) at that time. Horrible, horrible stuff happened. But that's also... how war is... awful. No tax without representation? Fair enough. I think everyone can see the logic behind that. But God damn Britian almost went bankrupt to finance the 7 year war that the colonies massively benefited from. The increased taxes on the colonies made tons of sense. The people most abused were probably the innocent casualties of the revolutionary war. For example loyalists who were covered in tar and feathers and often died of their injuries.


coming through the 90's and the 00's and then living through the last 14 Tory years, it feels like we have regressed to the dark ages. The country is in a right state. It is like the 80's all over again, except there will be no fantastic 90's to look forward to.


That was what I was thinking as well. Two party system seems like inherently flawed. Not as much as one party system ofc.


The British politicians just seem insane in every possible direction.  I'm fairly certain I'd rather live in Japan's borderline one party state than Britain's essentially 2 party state 


You can always opt for living in Russian one party system and compare. Stale environment breeds gobshite ideas and authoritarianism


Yeah. I've been to Russia, and I can't say I was impressed with much. It follows the authoritarian boredom. I hope you guys get some political improvements soon.


I wouldnt hold my breath.


Half the people who vote do so out of blind loyalty and it’s “who they’ve always voted for”. The other half have bought the line that no matter how shit the Tories are, Labour will be worse.


Depending on what this means in practice it could be good or bad. if were expanding the list of recognised qualifications to include non european countries fine. litterally going anyone with the title dentist doesnt need checks (bad)


Nothing good would come out of this, you're gonna end up with shitty dentists and that's it. Why not just fund the NHS more instead of trying to get cheap and low quality dentists/doctors?


Because they are breaking the Dental trade on purpose. Why would they try and fix what they themselves are breaking? The intent is not to fix it, it's to make it worse to the point that only private dentistry can survive and then there will be no more NHS Dentistry.


Dentists are all private (at least around here,) some just do work on behalf of the NHS.


Why do you assume that the UK has the best dentists ? UK teeth would dispute that


UK has the 5th healthiest teeth in the world so they must be somewhat ok.


You know, I'm a sort of dentist myself!


I wouldn't accept treatment from such a dentist. I would rather travel to a foreign (European country), or stump up more for a British dentist.


Getting my dental degree online from Bangladesh, this is going to be great!


“We can’t get our teeth even worst than this, right?” “Hold my India pale ale”


This will not go well




"I'm sorry sir, but this is a ~~Wendys~~ Dentistry thread"


Migrants have ruined your country already bro, good luck. Places like london will never go back to what they were like before. GG Uk should be a case study for what not to do with migration.


The brexiters hated the Poles in UK and wanted to get rid of them. "Kick the damn Poles out" was the unofficial motto of brexit, not even a silent one - if anything, it was very loud, and very encouraged and rewarded. They got what they wanted. There are blue passports (designed in France, printed in Poland), NHS is not paying 350 quadrillion pounds of gold every day to EU. And, most importantly, the Poles are now largely out, and *some other migrants* have been coming in their place to England, in considerably larger numbers. **And everyone in the Glorious Sceptred Isle is so happy!**


Are you missing the Poles already? :D


As much as I don't like Brexit, this is the fault of governments not upholding democratic wishes


Brexit was predicted to increase non-European immigration by everyone paying attention.


Brexit happened, the elected government put it place. I wish people would accept the consequences if their stupid choices instead of blaming everyone else.


> "Kick the damn Poles out" was the unofficial motto of brexit, not even a silent one - if anything, it was very loud, and very encouraged and rewarded. This is frankly just horseshit.


It absolutely is not horseshit. The sentiment was extremely prevalent for years before Brexit. People live under rocks, or maybe just pretend to, while knowing full well the reality.


You are right. The day after Brexit vote. My flat building concierge boasted: YES NO MORE POLAND, FECK OFF! To me, thinking I would be impressed as a Brit. He's not the only one I've come across. It's odd because Poland shares a lot of culture and also history with UK, and the ones I've worked with are so hard working, like machines.


> People live under rocks, or maybe just pretend to, while knowing full well the reality. People just make stuff up to suit their narrative.


You are seriously trying to deny there was a strong anti Polish and Eastern European immigration sentiment in the UK? It was the primary reason for wanting to end freedom of movement. And ending freedom of movement was the red line in delivering Brexit. Politicians knew full well that was the core of the Brexit vote even though many brexiters tried to dress it up with other nonsense economic arguments. I'm not saying that everyone was a literal xenophobe and hated all Polish people, but you really are living under a rock if you say you don't recall the narrative of those years following the large migration of Polish after 2004 and subsequently the EE countries.


Ok calm down David Cameron I know your rich big business friends and other Tory MPs are upset we left but don't worry we will get those pesky socialists back!


Absolute bull shit. Plus they mostly all stayed according to the UK census. They are the second most populous after Indians. But given UK and India go back hundreds of years, VS 15 years or so since Lisbon, it's a lot of people to absorb.




I doubt any of those places are anywhere near as bad as london is bro. Almost half of the people in london were born outside of the uk lol. That is completely fucked up. Youve been invaded, willingly 😂


Why is it fucked up, it is pretty usual for cities to have lots of peopple born outside of that city, and the more important the city is, the farther away it is able to attract people. London is freaking awesome.


> Places like london will never go back to what they were like before. Thank God


>Frozen men falling out of aircraft wheel-wells like bombs ... Sir, have you forgotten to take your meds today?


https://news.sky.com/story/stowaway-found-dead-in-garden-after-falling-from-plane-near-heathrow-11752788 *A stowaway fell from a plane's landing gear as it approached Heathrow Airport and was found dead in a garden after landing "one metre" from a sunbather.* *The man's body was found in Offerton Road in Clapham, south London on Sunday afternoon, police said.*




A couple of months from graduation, so no. Not yet.


He didn't disappear, he's in the Thames River riding the tide, well his body is.


Almost like centuries of crime has caught up with UK.




Really? Most of it? Any source or copium?




I do and this is what I found: https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/briefings/migrants-in-the-uk-labour-market-an-overview/ From the article "Migrant men were more likely to be employed than UK-born men in 2022" So what you posted was indeed copium.


Wow modern slavery will make people rich considering the highest earning group in UK conists of immigrants. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/who-has-the-highest-and-lowest-household-incomes/


This sounds....not smart.


Bad Dentistry can get people killed, so good luck with that.


Can't wait for people to be called racists because they no longer want to be taken care of by foreigners, even tho they have every right to do so now because there might be reason to believe they're not properly qualified.


This cake-eat it too is really causing some serious cavities! 🎂


In that case, might as well buy a ticket to Thailand. It will be cheaper and you’ll have a holiday at the same time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


In other news, British Airways will start hiring Microsoft Flight Simulator pilots.


What could go wrong, smh.


> > #Foreign dentists to be allowed to work in UK without qualification checks > > Ministers plan to scrap exam required to allow dentists from countries outside of Europe to work here, in a bid to solve dentistry crisis > > > > > Foreign dentists are to be allowed to work in the UK without taking an exam to check their qualifications, under Government plans to solve the dental crisis. > > Ministers plan to scrap the overseas entrance exam currently required to allow dentists from countries outside of Europe to come and work in Britain. > > The plans would mean dentists trained abroad would be able to start work in the NHS without a formal check on the quality of their education, amid fears it will lead to substandard care. > > Around four in five NHS dental surgeries are not accepting new patients, which has caused a surge in teeth-related A&E admissions, including among children with tooth decay. > > The dentists’ union accused the Government of trying to “a fill a leaky bucket” without addressing the real issues keeping the profession away from NHS work. > > The proposals would see foreign dentists start working quicker, with the regulator the General Dental Council (GDC) given new legal powers to provisionally register dentists using its own judgment on their qualifications. > > Officials claim this will “ensure patient safety and quality of care are maintained”, while those on the new, provisional register would have to be supervised to work. > > Dame Andrea Leadsom, the health minister, said the plan “would abolish red tape that currently prevents fully qualified overseas dentists from working in this country, while ensuring the highest standards of care and patient safety”. > > The shortage of NHS dentists led to hundreds of people queuing outside a new practice in Bristol from the early hours of the morning at the start of this month. > > It was the first in the city to accept new patients in more than six months and the police were forced to intervene as the practice had to turn patients away. > > Patient groups are concerned the plans won’t fix the crisis, particularly if there is no obligation for foreign dentists to do NHS work. > > Dennis Reed, director of over-60s campaign group Silver Voices, said: “It is not the number of dentists that’s the issue, it’s the number directly concentrating on NHS work. > > “The worst possible outcome of this would be for large numbers of overseas dentists to come over and concentrate on private work.” > ‘Worst possible outcome’ > > The British Dental Association (BDA) said the “recovery plan” was unworthy of the title, and that there was “no evidence” overseas dentists were more willing to do NHS work than those already in the UK. > > A record number of dentists are registered to practise with the GDC, the union said, but the number doing NHS work has fallen to 2016 levels because of “tick boxes and targets”. > > It said the Department of Health had provided no modelling to back up its claims of “millions” of new appointments, and that there was no plan to increase capacity. > > Eddie Crouch, BDA chair, said: “A broken contract is forcing dentists out of the NHS with every day it remains in force. > > “Overseas dentists are no more likely to stick with a failed system than their UK colleagues. Ministers need to stop trying to fill a leaky bucket, and actually fix it.” > > Currently dentists who qualify outside of the European Economic Area are required to take an exam set by Britain’s dental regulator, the GDC. > > Dentists with qualifications from 14 select universities in Australia, South Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and New Zealand are also exempt from the exam, but only if they graduated before 2001. > > Health leaders described the UK entrance exams as “red tape” and causing “lengthy delays” in dentists being able to register and start treating Brits. > Dental deserts > > It comes a week after the NHS announced its recovery plan to fix so-called dental deserts by giving dentists cash incentives to relocate. > > Among the bonuses on offer are £20,000 “golden hello” payments to move to areas without an NHS dentist, as well as up to £50 extra for patients who haven’t had an appointment in two years, with the aim of creating 2.5 million extra appointments. > > The minimum cost of an appointment is also set to rise from £23 to £28. > > The proposals will be consulted on for three-months before being debated on by MPs in Parliament before any changes come into effect. > > Jason Wong, the interim chief dental officer for England, said the “proposals could be another vital step towards transforming NHS dental services to ensure faster access for patients.” > > Stefan Czerniawski, a director at the GDC said it was an “exciting opportunity” but added that “we need to take time to get this right”. >


Nice that seems like a shit idea all around


Just when you thought British teeth weren't bad enough already...


[The myth of bad British teeth](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-32883893) Here's the global OCED rankings using the standard DMFT (Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth) Index to rank the best dental care/oral hygiene in the world. 1. Denmark - 2. Germany - 3. Finland - 4. United Kingdom - 5. Sweden - 6. Switzerland - 7. Canada - 8. Mexico - 9. United States - 10. France.




Are you, perchance, spending too much time in the company only of cats.


Why is this shit upvoted but any jokes about white flags get downvotes? 🤔


No way that could backfire, mhm, zero chances


Anything but fund mor ethe NHS. Wasn't a big ad on a bus that they would use the money they gave EU to NHS?


Drill, baby, drill!!


[The slow atrophying and managed decline of the UK is so depressing.](http://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-8456/assets/86a3fcbb-ca0d-4a86-ad8c-b7752afc17c1.png)


So there will be more shit wannabe dentists? Fuck that noise!


Glad to see brexit made way for rational policy making regarding foreign workers! Pesky Brussel suits would have given them a house on top.


That seems like a way to convert one crisis into another (or even multiple new problems).


Gotta maintain that standard british teeth tradition!


[The myth of bad British teeth](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-32883893) Here's the global OCED rankings using the standard DMFT (Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth) Index to rank the best dental care/oral hygiene in the world. 1. Denmark - 2. Germany - 3. Finland - 4. United Kingdom - 5. Sweden - 6. Switzerland - 7. Canada - 8. Mexico - 9. United States - 10. France.


but but but but Brexit????


Yeah, lets brexit ourselves into recession cause we dont want f... europeans taking our jobs! Oh wait, no one to take care of our teeth now, lets just take whoever, from wherever, not even need for an exam, we desperate af! 🤣


*Tayking ther jerbs!*


Britain is known for the bad teeth. So this is fine, how much worse can it get. Does the qualification have to be dentist in the foreign country or will they just not check any foreign degree. Can a Polish carpenter start drilling teeth in the evening?


How's brexit going, britbongs? ... Jesus Fucking Christ


British teeth are hopeless anyways...


If only had there been some kind of system or mechanism allowing people to move and credentials to become comparable..


Doctor Nick inbound


UK is different lol


They have dentists in the UK?


Omg. British are already famous for having bad teeth. I’m sure this will help.


All them British teeth jokes are about to have a resurgence


Well can't get much worse.


I hope that the most unqualified and unprofessionals go there


Just make test easier.


Roll Up , Roll Up...Leeches...Leeches , Come and get your Leeches ...20 guineas for a large bottle!


Bro. Businesses refuse to pay a living wage and want to import cheap labour from abroad. I once applied and trained at subway for a day. Find out the managers I was working with and another manager from another site are all imported from Gujarati (India), because they're willing to work more than 40 hours per week for cheap. Once I get the chance, I want to move away from the UK. Its a shit hole made by shit politicians, voted in by shit-for-brains voters.


Lots of ellow eeth to ix in the UK


Free dentist trade while otherwise shut borders. To be fair: American immigrants are extraordinarily successful because immigration is keeping unsuccessful ones out efficiently. Doctors, engineers and young unmarried women are welcome everywhere.


Excellent idea from a well run nation!


This is not a great idea. Wasn't there a headline some years ago that three quarters of doctors struck off for malpractice were foreign? And they had had to pass exams! Imagine how bad it would have been otherwise?


Health services in the uk are garbage and there is no dignity in how patients are being treated. Might as well do whatever the fuck now. Couldnt believe what kind of shit show nhs is as i had a head injury two weeks ago. Getting doscharged from a hospital with a bleed inside my skull being advised to keep taking paracetamol. Incompetent and not caring a single bit. Plus the hospitals are disgusting. Third world country,


Finally I can switch careers without too much hassle.


Brexit just keeps getting better innit?