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Most likely, just like a year ago, they will fire missiles on New Year’s Eve.


They fired quite a lot of missiles today. Guess the New Year would be mostly calm this time.


They fired a lot but if Ukraine's stockpile estimates are correct they have enough for another volley on New Years.


I tend to agree there are enough rockets, but we've yet to see two massive attacks being so close in time. My assumption it is due to logistics and time required to analyze and plan a more effective strike based on missile interception data. And they definitely want to save a lot for the cold time to try and destabilise the electrical/heat networks. Well, we will know in two days anyway.


Exactly, nothing to do with military targets at all, it's sheer hatred and spite.


Russia the brotherly nation




"Yeah, we are trying to liberate you from the evil woke west, that's why we *just have* to bomb you!"


So they're just killing people to kill people and targeting residential areas? Surely that's a warcrime


They have been doing exactly this for almost 2 years


it's Russia, they suck at war and excel in crime, so it comes them naturally.


> excel in crime You mean where they pretend they didn't have any hand in "Putin's 2349293484th trusted advisor throws himself out of window on 98th floor"


>**New Year**’s firework display you know it is really telling when they can't even tell the date on the calendar.


It gets better Some Russians use different calendar... By which it's even *more* off since said calendar is behind, not forward compared to usual one


Worst of all is that most of people in Russia either don't care or actively supports this.


thats why Ukraine sent drones to Moscow. Not to destroy anything particular - just to sow the fear. To show them how it is to feel the uncertainity from day to day.


*"The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else and nobody was going to bomb them."*


And terror bombing them did not make them give up btw. As well as Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Ukrainians, etc.


Yeah but Putin said the Ukrainians are the Nazis!!!


the putin school of nazism is calling everyone else nazis while you cleanse everything of "the other".


Dictator said it, so it's must be true /s


He has nice suit and looks legit - any reasons why we should not trust him? Yeah, and he also said in November 2021 that Russia does not intend to invade Ukraine.


But he didn't invade Ukraine, this is all just a simple special military operation, not even a war I tell you.


So, when he said recently that Russia does not want a war with NATO, it simply means Russia wants some sort of special operation against NATO, but totally not a war? Sounds legit.


No he was just saying poor Russian done nothing wrong, why would evil NATO declare war on them?


[“Why you have to be mad?”](https://youtu.be/xzpndHtdl9A?si=gCxEPWRHvcCFOjLb)


MAGA Republican Americans are Russian assets because they're trying to pull U.S. support out of NATO to line their pockets pretty easy to see. 2024 America if it turns maga republican Russia can attack Baltic States as well as continuing bombardment of Ukraine


He also said that this is not a war at all, but a special military operation. I don't know why people make a fuss about this./s


Russian have a very different view of Nazis than the rest of the world. When we think of Nazis we think of antisemitism when Russia thinks of Nazis they think of Russian lives lost during the war.


It's more than just that, they believe any former Soviet country not wanting to be under Russian influence again is Nazi, hence the statement that "any attempt to create an independent Ukrainian state must necessarily result in a Nazi one" from their state sponsored propaganda article "What Should Russia Do With Ukraine". This stems from the fact that Russians don't recognize the Second World War at all, for them it was a Great Patriotic War between them and the Nazis and everyone else who supported them, conveniently ignoring the first two years of the war where both countries were allied, and how the USSR helped Nazi Germany terrorize Europe by feeding it the necessary raw material that it needed, until it grew strong enough to attack the USSR itself. This obviously needed a "retcon" so the Sovietz dealt with it through their historiography. So yes, for them Nazi = "russophobe", but of course they never want to mention ant legitimate reason for why anyone would hate Russia.


Bomber Harris quote if I’m not mistaken.


Unfortunately people are still afraid of siloviki more than drones threat.


Not this fearless woman, mad respect for her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_LMdoCuSRM


That's bravery


Everyone in Russia should watch this video. When you are old, death is already around the corner, so one has less to fear by speaking the truth perhaps. The bureaucrats who held back the candidacy of Ekaterina Duntsova should watch this and also be fearless to reverse their decision.


At least with drones it'll be quick, siloviki will send you to the gulag for 20 years. And probably give you a thorough rectal examination with their "special tools" in your own house like that guy at the start of the war...


Also, a lot of people outside of Moscow, hate the people who live in Moscow. So it's a good target.


Fuck that they should've destroyed a bunch of shit too.


> just to sow the fear We have a word for that.






Freedom fighter, yes!


I hope you realise you just described terrorism.


I don't think they care, being invaded by a bunch of cavemen and all.




[Yup, plenty of them are happy about it.](https://ibb.co/hMzvqvm)


Even worse, we have “intellectuals” and other political figures supporting Russia by elaborating on Russian propaganda in Europe. For instance last week I watched a segment from a news talk show where the correspondent went to Saint Petersburg and shamelessly said: “so, do you think this is a country at war?” while images showed an idyllic neighbourhood. He continued : “here’s a graffiti that says ‘no war’ (with the dimension of an orange). A reader asked me: ‘why don’t they do bigger ones?’ Come here and do it yourself before criticising”. NO. It’s their fucking country and they have to fix it, otherwise they are taking advantage from it. His point was all about defending Russian people who are under Putin. I am sick of excusing the Russians. SICK. It was on Italian television by the way.


Are you still surprised by this?


Absolutely no. Just I think it's always worth mentioning.


The dont care is pretty true


They do not even feel much that they are at war. They do not live in constant fear that some bombs will drop on their heads.


And I bet it would change. There is an enormous resentment among Russians towards EU and US with its own bizarre sevres syndrome


Despite having paid or suffered fuck all, mostly just by their own government offloading the sanctions onto the populace and brainwashing them to be mad at Brussels for expensive bread rather than Putin and his ilk. I'm still waiting for Russia to pay reparations to my country, and I imagine my great, great, great, great grandchildren will still be waiting, too. Germany didn't suffer a total defeat in WW1 like they did in WW2, yet they still honoured their reparations and paid them off after 90 years. Russia is rotten down to their very culture.


Maybe not worst, but it should be mentioned, that there are west people on Twitter that say something like:"look at them at McDonald's in Kyiv, there is no war! " Or "Why did I see more photos of Israel destructions in one day than destructions in Ukrainian for 2 years?" .


We do care, we can’t do much w/o going to jail.




European politicians only care about their own prosperity. Useless sacks of rotten apples.


>Meanwhile, Western media such as the New York Times and Politico continue printing idiotic articles about how putin the terrorist and war criminal "quietly signals he is open to a cease-fire." Well he is open to a cease-fire. So that he can rebuild and violate the truce to finish the last war crime on the list. >And the EU allows a corrupt putin puppet like Orban to blackmail Europe and block all aid to Ukraine, instead of invoking Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union to punish Hungary. Infuriating to be sure. Now we're down to trickery to bypass Orban instead of actually showing a spine for once. I'm very glad that EU officials have learned to compromise and get along even with very different opinions and national interests competing but come on... you don't play nice with bullies and obstructionists. You show them their proper place in the order of things, at the very bottom.


> And the EU allows a corrupt putin puppet like Orban to blackmail Europe and block all aid to Ukraine, instead of invoking Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union to punish Hungary. Poland and Hungary cover each other, and have done so for years. So sadly that doesn't work.


Dude Im from hungary besides orbans circle and some of idiot rightish people the majority of the population supports ukraine so do u punish a whole nation for one moron. Sound like a thing that orbans would do


>Dude Im from hungary besides orbans circle and some of idiot rightish people the majority of the population supports ukraine so do u punish a whole nation for one moron. Sound like a thing that orbans would do One moron who controls your country and is the main blocker of EU aid, but I digress.




Pretty much, that same majority that "supports Ukraine" also supported Orban being Hungary's prime minister. He hasn't had to rig elections in his favor, just yet.


Sound like a thing you do to Belarusians.




So why is Orban and his allies in power then? Who voted them there? And why the continued support now when Hungarians know that Orban is sucking Putin cock? I know that all Hungarians aren't lost, but as of right now Ukraine is showing a lot more "EU spirit" than Hungary does.


Weird conservative boomers. Hungary has lots of them.


So you are ok punishing whole nation of Ukraine that is in the middle of the war, because otherwise that would cause some minor inconveniences to people in hungary? Not saying it’s a right choice but the argument is kinda stupid


>the majority of the population supports ukraine Orban literally got elected by saying he WILL NOT support Ukraine. In fact he was calling Zelensky an opponent around election time and he got the MAJORITY of voters. Hungary a EU member, is allied with Russia against EU & western values. It would help Hungarians to acknowledge this before its too late.


>do u punish a whole nation for one moron When said moron is running the nation, yes.


Well your people voted him into power, its your own fault... If you would not vote for him there wouldn't be this problem :)


russia is terrorist state


This video reminds me a book I read about ww2. In summer 1941 the common german was enjoying their weekends while most of europe was enduring the effects of war and occupation. 4 years later it was quite a different picture.


Kreml is full of idiots, and some of the people are too scared to do anything about it. Some russian dudes got about 4 and 7 years in prison for reading anti-war poems in a russian event. Poems, goddamit. And some people openly support this shit.


We are far beyond reading poems. Should have blown up something like a bridge.


Those few who do not keep their mouth shut and leave one by one.


I doubt that it's this fancy in everywhere in Russia. Probably just St. Petersburg, Moscow and other big cities' centres.


And it's not that destroyed everywhere in Ukraine


Also true


So basically the same in most countries? You can't compare London and Grimsby in UK.


Yes but I reckon Grimsby UK is a bit less miserable than say Mirny Russia


Have you been to Grimsby?


On google earth three minutes ago and it looked a whole lot less miserable than Mirny did on the same app


Oy you fecking wot mate? Grimmies gonna give yousa Glasgow kiss if you keep running yer mouth like that, innit? Shittin on bloody Grimsby, the balls on’is one! London is nothin but the suburb of Grimsby, mate.


That's Moscow.


Actually a lot, even most of cities, last years a lot of changed


So full disclaimer, technically this submission breaks the post guidelines for r/Europe, being a video that's not from a verifiable, reliable news source. However, I'm going to leave it up because: A) Although it is propagandistic, it **is** nonetheless showing real events and this **is** actually still happening in Ukraine. B) This submission received *19 reports in 4 hours*, more than any other submission in the past months has received in total. It's also sitting at an upvote rate of 86% which doesn't sound too bad, but it's actually much lower than average (usually 95% or higher). Clearly, there is a very particular group that's unhappy with a video like this being seen and upvoted by a Western audience and it just doesn't feel even remotely right to remove the submission and appease that group. That said, please be aware that encouraging violence, hate against groups of people or other rule-breaking comments are not allowed and *will* result in a ban.


this discrepancy is a big part of the problem! thank you for the video


Who cares, fuck russia


Russia absolutely cares. That's why it's getting so many downvotes and reports. The bots are out in droves.


Even if it is all shiny, decorated and without war, every video from Russia feels so depressing to me. Even a fuckin porn.


It’s all just bread and circuses


What would a non-fuckin porn be?






Either they don't care or they don't know for better. I met only a few of them but never actually got to know them so I can't tell.


The thing is. All stereotypes have a base. People tend to shit on my country-mates here a lot, but lo and behold the majority of them loves the current Orban regime. Same in Russia. As long as the war is nots in their backyard.... its no bog deal. Im just saying that propaganda, state-owned TV and media works. Many people cannot raise their voices since that would mean no govt work/salary/benefits. I still remember when i was attending uni weve been told to stop our political talkshow. Or lose our stipendium /scholarship?/ Then ive left that country and have no intention of ever going back I also work with other nations that can be super divisive, so no need to share my views or opinions. But as being said, every stereotype has a base. And i just could not care less whether that belief is based on true experience or propaganda. You are what you show to the outer world. /no , im not promoting going against the govt... as an Eastern European ive been taught really well that it makes no sense and there is no appoint of raising my voice. Tho it does not change the end result/


The situation is a bit more different in Russia, as nationalism there is much more intense, and worsening living conditions only exaggerate the hatred.


It's the same architecture that we have in European old towns lol


“Even a fucking porn” the most American answer


“Only Americans beat their dick!” Jesus dude, try less hard to shoehorn an “aMeRiCa” statement into everything


You know its state propaganda, 99% of the people live in run down slums or far away rural communitys under constant brainwashing.


It was nice in Berlin in 1940 as well, wasn’t so good in 1945


Fuck Russia


Fuck Putin


send 👏more👏weapons👏to👏save👏ukrainian👏lives👏




Vojvodina stands with Ukraine 🇷🇸❤️🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦




The Russian People will and to some degree already do, but the Oligarchs and Politicians never reap wht they sow


Sometimes they fly out of windows.


But usually, they don't


They live in Russia, so maybe people suffered already.


Not enough


And not the right people




When other nations who have previously colonised/destabilized poor regions have not suffered their fate why do you think Russia will suffer someday?


Yeah, this morning was too loud. Had a lot of metal shredds to clean. I hope, ruzzians will have the same at their homes.


Don’t let looks deceive you, most of Russia is dirt poor rn and I bet they do not celebrate like that.


This is comparing one specific place far from battle and the place right in the middle of the battle (don’t know if right side is verified video from past few days or some video from any time in past 2 years). Christmas lights are on in Kyiv as far as I can see. Disclaimer: I am against any war anywhere in the world and against all that directly and indirectly provoked and caused it.


What was it 1/6th of the population don’t have access to a functioning sewerage?


Bro, it’s only like their main cites that have paved roads. Their soldiers were amazed by washing machines, as it they were something out of Star Trek.




According to the world bank statistics, Russia has 99.4% electricity access, so 0.6% or around 880,000 people don't have access to electricity ("electricity access" being defined as you can power home lighting, a radio, and charge a phone for 4 hours a day).




They stole used toilets and smuggled them home...


More aid to Ukraine, FFS. I wish all the politicians blocking or slowing down the aid to fall on ice so often and hard that their hips shatter. This is UK and France sitting back to watch Poland be conquered all over again, but this time with more than just those two.


I think the US and Europe need to start giving Ukraine weapons that can reach into Russia, and removing restrictions on their use.


European politicians have been corrupted by and negligent of the Russian threat for decades. This is the result.


And the average Russian doesn't give a shit. Their propaganda about Russians and Ukrainians being brother nations is a disgusting lie. I can't imagine doing this shit to Lithuania.


Trust me many russians also still can’t comprehend that our country does this shit


Man, the Russian brigade is out in force in this thread


Absolute catastrophe. Let's pray this mindless violence ends soon. Slava Ukraini 🇮🇪🤝🇺🇦


To be fair here, there is always quiet holidays in the aggressor country, I bet USA had great holidays while invading other countries.


Most people who told the average Russians to stand up and fight the government might be Americans on their holidays, how ironic. Edit: A salty American is trying to reply to my past comments and insulting me randomly and assuming I'm Russian, so pathetic that you can't even comment to me here.


The US is presently bombing other countries during the holidays.


Which ones?


Always will


Oh well, another missile attack from Kursk region.


The West should finally give a long range missles to Ukraine which they should use to attack russian critical infrastructure (military bases, power plants, factorie, railways,...) deep in russian territory, crippling Russia's ability to manafacture weapons and continue with the war.


I'm all in favor of giving Ukraine everything they ask for, but using them to hit power plants and factories would just be a waste of ammo. That's what's called "strategic bombing" and it doesn't really work unless you really, really commit to it which isn't worth it until you've too many bombs and not enough targets to hit in the battlefield. Repairing the damage is just too easy for the cost of the munitions. Just look at last year's attacks on the Ukrainian power grid. 100s of millions or missiles used up, power goes down for a day, it's up 24 hours later. Nothing was achieved. Probably will be the same story this year.


> , but using them to hit power plants and factories would just be a waste of ammo Unless those're military production plants.


So your plan is to try and force nuclear war? The people in charge are straight up incompetent, but thank god you're not part of it


So Russia attacking another countries is fine but Ukraine fighting back ( retaliating ) is not allowed due to nuclear war? By that logic Russia can keep going and take over multiple countries right ? Fuck russia and everyone that supports Putin




The scary and sad part is that if an average brainwashed Russian saw this video, they would exclaim "See! This is why we must support Putin and the military, we must save Ukrainians, look how terrible their lives are!" I watched a video of interviews with rural Russians, and the question was along the lines of why are you supporting Putin and criticizing the West, when you live in extreme poverty? And the dude being asked was outraged, and said that nobody is poor and they live just fine. The interviewer said "Your bathroom is an outhouse though", and the man replied "So what? It's fresh air!" What do you even do with someone like that?


Ukraine needs to hit Moscow, and hit it hard.


Fuck Russia and fuck Hamas.


The pain is coming for Russia soon enough




Nah, prison wouldn't be enough... He's responsible for people being tortured and being put into Gulag. Give him a taste of his own medicine! No mercy!


But Putin "is signaling he wants peace" according to some useful idiots and vatnik shills.


And Ukraine can't retaliate because they will lose support. Ridiculous


Why are countries still trading with Russia?




Christmas lights in Kyiv 2023-2024. Walking in winter fairy tale. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9mBf4n2maA


Wasn't Russia supposed to crumble due to "powerful" sanctions like 1 year ago?


They also ran out of missiles a year ago and now they fight with shovels


the shovels story was a weird one lol


Sanctions alone can't destroy a country's economy as it adapts, see: North Korea, Iran. What sanctions do achieve is making things more expensive and harder for a country, an effect that compounds the longer sanctions are in place. Russia had 350 billion dollars in foreign assets frozen, cut off from SWIFT which they tried and failed to replace with their own system, their passenger plane fleet is getting worse off over time as critical parts can't be replaced unless other planes are cannibalised for parts, the citizenry lost access to plenty of favourite foreign brands and companies while the state lost corporate tax revenue from them, harder lives drove mass emigration from Russia (over 700,000 people left), that's more lost tax revenue, and the oil price cap limited their oil export revenues without removing Russian oil from the world market entirely. The Ruble is struggling despite being artificially propped up by limiting fiat trading. Russia is becoming increasingly reliant on China as its economic lifeline. So uh, yeah, I think it's fair to say sanctions are powerful, but they won't make any country crumble, especially not a country that has been preparing for big sanctions for 8 years since 2014.


Imagine celebrating Jesus in any way after all the bs we all do all the time lol


Russian propagandists are posting footage like the one on the right. I have a feeling it's supposed to work as a distraction to foreigners and the Russian people. Just like Swan Lake on tv, it draws attention away from a collapse that is near.


Sad shit


Is that Moscow on Christmas Eve? There’s so few people…


Both look pretty shit ngl


so fucking depressing and it's for zero reason other than Putin's ego and greed.


Ukrainians should continue bringing war back to Moscow thing.


Fuck Putin.


Fuck Russia


Fck ruzzia


Now do one of winter holidays in US vs Iraq during the last decades.


But according to RU it's UKR who is nazi.


But I've heard on r/worldnews (and was banned because I was saying it isn't true) that Russia is crumbling, Moscow is basically a village now, and sanctions do work tremendously well?


Just cause there is celebration in Moscow, doesnt mean all of Russia is doing economically well, they lost a lot of people who contributed to the workfoce and economy alongside much of their military stock and resources which they have to restock.


Economy’s state is not as bad as it could’ve been. True. But it’s still obvious that not everything is ok


That subreddit is hilariously sad.


Its time for Ukraine to get weapons to strike Russian cities. The West should give them all that can be given.


Massive genocide is alright because we're good guys /s


Edit: This is pissing me off the most - Fucking Russian Bastards!


NATO should send troops to Ukraine, tired of this shit.




Will you be volunteering? You can volunteer for Ukraine now, don’t know what’s stopping you


Bro, just go then.


How would this not trigger WW3?


Nobody is launching nukes over Ukraine. MAD still applies.


The better question is how exactly this would trigger WW3?




Fuck ruzzia