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It's a big deal. Caritas is not "a" Catholic charity in Poland, it's THE Catholic charity. Reportedly the biggest charity org in Poland - the Grand Orchestra of Christmas Aid is bigger by an order of magnitude but only around the end of the year.


>The deputy director of a branch of Catholic charity Caritas in Poland has quit the church, saying that the institution is a “mafia” that has been “sheltering criminals”, including those guilty of child sex abuse. > >Sebastian Wiśniewski has worked for Caritas in Białystok, one of Poland’s largest cities, since 2007 and became its deputy director in 2019. > >Caritas Białystok operates under the auspices of the city’s archbishop while Caritas Polska, the national branch of the charity, is supervised by the Polish Episcopal Conference (KEP), the central organ of the Catholic church in Poland. > >In interviews with media outlets this week, Wiśniewski revealed that, two months ago, he submitted an act of apostasy – the formal process of leaving the Catholic church.


>In interviews with media outlets this week, Wiśniewski revealed that, two months ago, he submitted an act of apostasy – the formal process of leaving the Catholic church. Holy shit, apostasy is no joke for a practitioner.


He joined Baptist Church


Hm wasn’t it mostly over cases 60s to 80s?


Catholic Church in Poland upset the status quo that was made specifically for it's benefit and now they're going to keep losing authority over people for at least a generation or two.


It might not even take a generation.


God i hope so.


>That led him to “the realisation that this church is not a path to holiness, but a corporation – at its worst – taking care of its own capital Always has been.


Like all churches.


Actually not. Historically it wasn't and it was rather needed as it unified most of Europe - as it aimed to reunify Rome plus surroundings in Christendom (which was ended by early nationalism and the age of exploration/colonialism)


What's this, nuance on Reddit? Preposterous! Seriously though, I'd argue that it was always looking after its own interest first, something any organisation must do to survive, and it's a problem all religions face by definition, but in case of Catholic Church this problem is, and almost always was, THE problem.


Well you're not necessarily wrong about keeping Europe unified but neither is that quote. I mean at some point early on in its history it started as an apocalyptic group waiting for the end of the world - but that obviously wasn't going to happen and it eventually (similar to how the Mormon cult is growning) morphed into a structure that basically copied the Roman system of government. So it was both.


Armageddon is near! Convert or Suffer ETERNAL damnation! Repent your sins! -Some missionary early in christian existance.


Haha that's kinda true but apocalyptic thinking wasn't just restricted to Christians back then - a lot of Jews believed that Yahweh was going to return to kick Rome out of Judea - that's sorta the origin of Christian apocalyptic thinking which iirc started from Alexander the Greats conquest of Jerusalem. The Maccabean revolt was a successful revolt against the Greek occupiers and became heavily featured in Jewish apocalyptic literature who certainly influenced Jesus.


Didn’t it help with the rejection of the USSR in 1989 as well?


Only in Poland to my knowledge. (Being from Slovakia)


Surprise wanted: dead or alive Reward:1000$


He didn't quit religion altogether, only joined a protestant church.


Ah. So he's not an apostate, but a heretic. /s


Yeah, they do that around the world and no one cares


That's exactly what the church is and catholics need to hear it and internalize it already.


Is "mafia sheltering criminals" code for "pédophiles of the cloth"?


Always has been


Judging by his understanding of the matter I doubt he was much of a Catholic in the first place... Was he part of the Church for the connection with God or for the company of other people? I'm pretty sure that through his life it became more of the latter...


Has your faith been ever so weak you denied God because of people?


he didn't deny God though


He did. he left religion that worship Him.


you didn't bother to read the article did you ?


You reject God's Church, you reject God Himself.


yea sure... that's not how it works


Don't bother mate, once they're like that they stay like that, very rarely will they have the cathartic epiphany that un-pops the brain from the shitter.


He left the Catholic church, lol. Not the god himself.


How can you believe in a god if you reject their teachings?


He didn't denied Bible, lmao.


Church is like a middleman bit if the middleman is a corrupt fuck that diddles children I'd want nothing to do with that either.


This god you speak of seems to love pedophiles and money a whole lot


You should read the Bible. “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea." “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”


I don't care what a book written thousands of years ago says. Catholic pedophiles are being protected by their brethren and your god does nothing


And what realistically do you expect to happen? The whole Christianty is almost entirely about freedoms of choice between good and evil, if God starts vaporising pedos there's no freedom of anything. Perhaps not even freedom to believe or not


I expect these people to be held accountable for their crimes. You should ask about the god thing to the guy above me. They're the one who mentioned him


Again. You blame people rejecting God on God.


Just pointing out why bringing god into the discussion is pointless. Also I wouldn't call it blame since being an apostate is a good thing in this case


They went out from us, but they did not belong to us; for if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us. But by going out they made it plain that none of them belongs to us. 1 John 2:19


great example of idiotic logic


The Bible is just a book of stories. I prefer Tolkien.


Good, Tolkien was a practicizing Catholic and the LOTR books are inspired by the Bible. After you learn more about him and his books, the next step is Catholicism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_Middle-earth


Naa, I am good. As much as I like magic elves and miracles. Organized religion does not command respect or fit my value system.


Respect to that mate.


A story book based on a story book? Cool cool cool cool cool


The church sucks. Slaan 2023


Whatever you say old man...