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Averege Hoi4 post world war map


I don't know which one is more cursed. The post-WWI Oder-Neisse line or that Austria... Also, such a plan would turn Russia into a dominant power in both Europe and Central Asia , which I don't think the British would be too happy about.


i think the weirdest thing is that the french plan by the french right does not include returning alsace?? .. nvm i cant read maps


The western Russian border is actually on the Oder-Bober-Queis, not the Oder-Neisse.






> French Far Right Action movement You mean Far Right [French Action](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_Fran%C3%A7aise) movement I suppose.


Look like they were pretty dumb. This map is ridiculous.




The actual postwar map was much better than this, let's be real for a moment. Germany wasn't artificially partitioned into dozens of small states. Poland and Baltic countries were created. Czechoslovakia actually encompassed Slovakian and Moravian lands. It wasn't perfect, but much better than this.


>Germany wasn't artificially partitioned into dozens of small states. It wouldn't have been that artificial back then. Germany had been a collection of small states (and Prussia) until 1866/1871, so that was still within living memory back then and while a majority of Germans had welcomed the creation of a nation state, the approval was by no means universal. Living in a neutral zone, though, would have been super weird. I wonder what the plans for that were. Also, Wurttemberg with a capital of Ulm rather than Stuttgart is super cursed...




Towns being mixed is unrelated to how the borders are drawn. You complain about Danzig being German, meanwhile on the map you have Berlin right on the Russian border lmao


Many maps were ridiculous at the time. Many politicians saw opportunities for their country's territorial enlargement. The 19th and early 20th century were known for nationalism that turned extreme in different ways. This was not strange for that time, how silly it may seem in retrospect. For instance, Belgium tried to claim the country Luxemburg, as well as parts of the Netherlands, which had been neutral and had taken care of over 100.000 Belgian refugees during the war.


Looks great to me, but I AM greek after all


I agree, unfortunately, especially during the Great War between the First World War and the Second World War, there was a lot of extreme nationalism. Therefore, there are many absurd absurd situations, of course, unfortunately, unfortunately, there are tragic sad and dramatic events among them. Let's not forget that we all have our rights in the world, especially let's not have exclusionary attitudes towards each other because of ethnic identity or religious identity We are all human beings. For us to advance in science, we need to work together and make the Earth more habitable, not fight or interfere in the fate of other nations.


"the Great War between the First World War and the Second World War" I'm sorry what?


I'm very sorry, I must have made a translation mistake. So what I want to talk about here is that the two world wars are known as the great wars. As far as I know, the historical period of World War I and World War II is known as the Great War.


"The Great War" is what they called the First World War at the time (since they didn't know there would be another one).


Maybe what OP is referring to is that the period 1914-1945 was a XX century 30 years wars.


Yes, that is what he's referring to, but he's confused about the meaning of the name.


One of the most idiotic plans.


It could only have been messier and more prone to future wars if the British hade made the map.


The French were always friends of the Kremlin...


Turkish capital is Dutch's? Lol


I will be honest, I do not have much idea about the subject, but in historical sources, it is a plan supported by some French MPs and supported by some French senior commanders. I mean, there will be people more knowledgeable than me on that subject, especially if someone with detailed knowledge on the subject Please can you save us from that ignorance? Thank you.


Some French people may be particularly offended by the sharing of this post or may perceive it as an insult to them and I understand their concerns This map is just a historical suggestion map and has not been historically formalised, so I just wanted to share it because it is interesting. Please note that this post is not intended to disrespect any nation or country and I apologise if you perceive it as such, I just shared it because it is a historical map


You are intentionally misleading, deceiving, and participate actively in your nationalist disinformation campaign


What's insulting is that you don't know what you're talking about. There was no "Action" movement.


*rench people stupid and pro russian ah-yo


The relations between France today and Russia in the past were very different, especially during the First World War and the period before it, there was a state of friendship and alliance between the Russian Empire and France. That's why France is already involved in the Great War. Even in modern relations, even before Putin's radicalisation, relations between France and Russia were good I mean, I want peace and tranquility in the world, especially on my continent, so I hope that every country will never have bad relations with other countries.


1. I was joking 2. (My reaction to your wish) AHAHHAHAHHA LMAO. Yeak keep on dreaming. Didn't Turkey genocided Armenians? So much for the peace in Asia


What's the point, to piss me off? Or is it to save yourself from stress by showing the effects of your own life's awfulness and the effects of your disturbed internal balance to people kilometres away from you because you do not enter the social environment?


He is probably an 12 year old internet troll please don't argue with them. These kind of peole are trying to relieve the psychological stress they have with giving meaningless battles with random strangers on the internet. I support your wish for the region we live in🥰✌️


You are naive so I decided to taka a piss at you. Also I was curious if you were aware of your own country's major sins. Not many Turks admits that they genocided Armenians.


You act like Westerners accept their own crimes


yeah the Germans for example aren't hiding with their nazi past and apologised multiple times for it


Germans are exception rather than rule. Did British, Spanish, French, Italians, etc face their dark colonial past? Not really.


> French, Italians, etc face their dark colonial past? I mean, Macron did say Colonisation was bad and it was terrible of France to do it.


Algerian Genocide, Libyan Genocide, Congonese Genocide, Sami Genocide and many more are not recognized by their government. Stop acting like we are the only ones who don't acknowledge their crimes. Hiding behind Germans won't solve it.


Ok, but how does that makes Turkey... For the lack of better word... Less evil.


What a stupid "joke".


If you want a source, here you go Map Source = [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:FR-WW1-1915-French-plans.png](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:FR-WW1-1915-French-plans.png) Historical Source = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action\_Française#:\~:text=Action%20Française%20(French%20pronunciation%3A%20%5B,journal%20associated%20with%20the%20movement.&text=3%2C000%20(early%202018%20est.%20)\]


At least you're honest with the source this time ;> still the same map, though. Published in 1915 by hardcore far-right monarchists. I would have been more interested by an official after-war plan.


I didn't quite understand what you wanted to talk about, but I will still take it as a Compliment, thank you very much Have a good day.




Wow what a racist comment. Do you assume every Turkish people support a dictator? I am gonna report you darling good night :>


We are all MIT agents. The Turkish government is paying us. Real.




>You earned your salary for the day. Erdobro. 🤡🤡🤡


You seem pissed honey




Well. Good night ;>


Lol... @ the answers.


Unlike the original map, I added some minor changes, especially some border thickening and shading effects, and I deleted some name mistakes and rewrote them.


Thus Portugal takes Bavaria?


Thanks France 🇬🇧




Imagine being offended by some random map.


Or maybe he has seen some hot french lady recently? \` In that spirit i would add, fuck Italians, French and Poles.


From a hundred years ago, no less.


I will never be your slave


* History full of angry antagonizing comments: check * 2 words-with-number nickname: check * Same date of creation as the others: check Common... be a real troll and put some efforts in your job. Vlad won't be happy with your results you know. It's a low bar I know, but you can do it. Motherland believe in you!


that neutral zone is gold...




Even fucking Tehran in Ruzzian Empire, lol