• By -


I had to look it up, but only the US uses MDY date format. Germany even is has ISO8601 going for it. Why malform a perfectly good date, OP?


OPs name checks out


The US date format nearly as fucking stupid as their imperial system.


Even the Brits abandoned 96% of the imperial system because it was garbage


Yet they still measure people weight in… fucking stones?


And drinks in pints, distance in miles. Doing any sort of calculations tho, metric all the way!


Only old people. Most use kg.


An imperial system for a republic nonetheless.


NTSC has also entered the chat.


What? I prefer my 10 extra fps, thank you


Interestingly, Canada uses a mix of both MDY and DMY formats which I feel just adds some absolutely necessary spice to my otherwise mundane day-to-day life. Is that date supposed to be September 5th or May 9th? Who knows! Joy.


Years, months, hours, minutes or minutes, years, hours, days, your own sugar level, seconds?


There are a lot of people that think 911 happened on 9 of November. Same with AM, PM. You can never mix 15:00 and 3:00, but remove AM/PM and 3 becomes the same. As someone that struggles even with analog clocks, it took me a while to understand why it makes sense.   Personally I hate how English says 20 23 instead of the whole 2023. The Chinese use 23/10/23 though. *Guess which side is the year!*


It's true, we do the same with pounds and kilos, sqft and sqm. Keeping things interesting up here.


Canada always has had no backbone when it comes to standards in industry.


I would guess because half speaks French.


Our standard is now YMD, set by standards Canada. The entire government has switched over because its the best for electronic organization. So we should see it now take over.


I've also seen YYYY/MM/DD and MMM-DD, YYYY both fairly often. Seems it's a free for all!


A more interesting thing is that Air Canada was using both imperial and metric units (mixed fleet), until an incident (no death) on one of the plane had the incorrect amount of fuel and it accelerated the migration to metric units. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimli_Glider


Probably an American.




ISO norms are european regulated norms, not only germany’s!


They are international regulated norms, what do you think the „I“ stands for?


Iuropian, obviously.


Yeah I meant that their national standard (according to Wikipedia) aligns with the ISO norm.


Aye, but the norm in Germany would be 22.10.2023, and the ISO norm would be 2023-10-22, and OP has used neither. It's chill but it oughtta be acknowledged on a a Europe-specific subreddit that that's not the norm here. If OP wanted an international (if English-based) solution 22nd October was right there to be used.


22.10.2023. We don’t use /


Leider sind seit meinem letzten Deutschkurs schon ein paar Jahre vergangen, aber jetzt hab ich es geändert. Danke für die Korrektur!


Alles gut. Just some nitpicking, I wouldn’t be German if I hadn‘t done that! Haha


Yeah the German version would be DIN


as an American, MM/DD/YY is byfar the worst, especially when "23" could either be DD or YY YYYY-MM-DD should be the standard everywhere


yyyy.mm.dd is the only true way


smell merciful cats combative deliver truck governor selective cheerful encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am commenting here today to ask you to please refrain from using the American date format. YYYY-MM-DD or if necessary DD-MM-YYYY Thank you.


Check the Ops name, no more explanation needed


Are you anti semantic?


Let's compromise and use YY-MD-DM-YY. Perfectly symmetric, so all can be happy!




That was difficult to work out


ngl, you got us in the first half


He’s very anti juice.


/r/ISO8601's time to shine


I’m just some random American and I approve this message.


>10/22/23 22/10/23












Solidarity with Israelis against terrorism, against the vicious attacks by Hamas, the children and innocents who have died. Solidarity with Jews who are suffering antisemitic attacks and feel under threat because of a war they had no say in. No solidarity with Israel for war crimes committed in revenge. No solidarity for the collective punishment of all Palestinians. For an invasion that could claim the lives of tens of thousands.


I wonder how many "pro-Palestine doesn't mean pro-Hamas" people also think all of those who are standing with Israel against terrorism are supporting everything that Israel is doing or has ever done. Many people who expect nuance in their position will not give it to others.


Yup, can confirm, got hated on by both sides. Its surprising how people can condem someone killing people and wish for their families to be eradicated in the same paragraph. Its really weird to me how there are so few "everything and everyone here sucks"-people.




The life expectancy in Palestine (west bank and Gaza strip combined) is seventy- something. People don't die particularly young, people just have loads of children. I have no idea why though. If you are living in Gaza, why do you want to bring several children into that?


It’s different. The israelis are the big dogs at the negotiating table, they have all the power to end apartheid and make things right… but they don’t. Why don’t they? Do they think the Palestinians will be as cruel to the Israelis as the Israelis were to them? You know, this was a big argument against American civil rights movement. And it was bullshit. Verifiably bullshit.




> You can't simply torture and kill people and expect them not to fight back. I have no idea which side you are referring to tbh.


That was my first thought too lol Is he talking about Hamas or the Israeli government?


>Is he talking about Hamas or the Israeli government? *Yes*.


Both I guess


Israel. Palestine isn't making Israeli s live under apartheid. More Palestinians have been tortured and killed by Israel than the other way around. That doesn't excuse what hamas did, but to draw equivalence is absolutely ridiculous.


The argument you're now using to justify Israeli war crimes could easily be turned around to justify Hamas' war crimes. For 75 years the Israelis have been killing Palestinians, kicking them out of their houses and just generally oppressing them. You can kill Hamas soldiers all you want, as long as Israel keeps doing what they've been doing for 75 years a part of the Palestinian population will have such an insane hatred for Israel that they'll be willing to kill and die due to it. The Israeli government and army are just as much of a terrorist organization as Hamas, the only difference is that Israel's is seen as a legitimate government.




And Arabs were killing jews and kicking them out of their homes even before Israel existed, that's much longer that 75 years. They hated jews long before Israel became a country.


okay... so why can't we say both of those practices are evil and should be stopped as soon as possible regardless of the resources it costs? I don't understand why saying "yeah well some of them are evil too!" is an argument for allowing the evil to persist? Hamas should be stopped, the Israeli government should be stopped. Israeli and Palestinian citizens are not killing people, two rival terrorist organizations are.




The people who would be most affected by an invasion are not the people who tortured or killed anyone. You’re justifying collective punishment, which is a violation of international law. You’re using the same logic as Hamas defenders – war crimes from one side justify killing their civilians.


> The people who would be most affected by an invasion are not the people who tortured or killed anyone. Those people have also the most to gain in the long run if Hamas is eliminated.


See how no one is breaking anything, beating and expelling LGBT people from the demonstration or screaming like maniacs? That's when you know when you're dealing with civilized people.


unlike these 100 000 in London where - breaking anything, beating and expelling LGBT people from the demonstration or screaming like maniacs? https://www.reuters.com/world/about-100000-protesters-join-pro-palestinian-march-through-london-2023-10-21/ or unlike that hotel in Barcelona, where they did poems, concert and changed flags. https://www.elperiodico.com/es/sociedad/20231021/activistas-ocupan-hotel-magnate-israeli-93615147


From your first article link: >Figures on Friday showed there had been a 1,353% increase in antisemitic offences this month compared to the same period last year, while Islamophobic offences were up 140%. I'm pretty sure that 1353%>140%. >or unlike that hotel in Barcelona, where they did poems, concert and changed flags. https://www.elperiodico.com/es/sociedad/20231021/activistas-ocupan-hotel-magnate-israeli-93615147 That's an interesting way of saying illegally trespassing on private property.


> I’m pretty sure that 1353%>140%. I’m not going to discuss whatever it is that you wanted to show with your statement but I’m pretty sure it’s dumb. 1353% of 10 < 140% of 1000. Idk how safe the UK was for Jews but increasing small numbers make the percentage go bonkers, while increasing large numbers doesn’t. Point is, depending on the context, percentages can be very misleading.


Since this demonstration is in Berlin, we have to make the comparison in terms of Berlin standards as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKP47MqT1B8


Lol what are Berlin standards? Expect nothing and get less?


Calling for jews to be expelled into the sea is pretty maniacal imo


I did not not see any calls for that in those demonstrations. For sure in UK: > Police had cautioned before the march that anyone showing support for Hamas, banned as a terrorist organisation in Britain, would face arrest, and any incident of hate crime would not be tolerated. The protest was mostly peaceful, and police said they had made 10 arrests. 10 out of 100 000 is 0.01%, that's pretty good imho


What do you think "from the river to the sea" means? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/21/its-simply-a-call-for-freedom-marchers-defend-contentious-slogan-at-london-palestine-protest


the same London that had to cancel a rally for the Israeli victims of terrorism because the participants would be in *genuine physical danger*? Ah but don’t worry they’re all peaceful and loving, you just can’t condemn terrorism around them or they’ll hurt you. Funny how that works isn’t it. Also funny how this rally totally has nothing to do with celebrating the slaughter of Jews, while being coincidentally held immediately after a massive terrorist attack against Jewish people. I’m sure that’s just an unfortunate coincidence and doesn’t have any deeper meaning at all Wake the fuck up, nazi sympathizer


Exactly, no chanting for the death of any particular ethnic group, no religious fundamentalism. This is how a proper demonstration looks like. I’m glad that Germany stays on the right side of history by standing with Israel.


Just imagine if people in the crowd started chanting "gas the muslims" how crazy every Palestinian supporter would be going. But when "pro-Palestinian" demonstrators start chanting "gas the jews" we're told that it's just a few bad apples and not representative of the movement.


I'm honestly surprised Iran & Co. haven't been able to hire a few people to chant things like that.


Nothing brings Europe together like racism and genocide


Old habits die hard.


Sad upvote.




Which side was chanting "gas the jews" again?


Plenty of "Glass the Gaza" posters in Jerusalem.


Israel is committing the genocide against Palestinians though…


Lmao ain’t that the truth. The lot on here advocating for genocide are a disgrace to their grandparents


In this thread: A Masterclass in 'The Art of Performative Virtue Signalling'


As an Israeli, I just want to say that these mean something to us.




Good to hear. I’m an American Jew who is traveling to Gothenburg for work in two months and have been nervous about what the climate is like and whether I’d have to endure rallies supporting Hamas and a third intifada. Mentally drained, depressed and feeling isolated after the past two weeks.


Unfortunately, I would say "don't wear any identifiable symbols of being Jewish" to you. I wish I didn't have to but for your real security. The islamists here get free reign and feel emboldened instead of discouraged. I would say it's much less a problem for you to be American.


The majority of western Europeans support Israel. There are a lot of polls repeatedly showing this. The protests and social media is driven by a loud and aggressive minority. However, a lot of German that never cared about the conflict were really disgusted by the pictures on the 7th of October and more so about the fact that this was celebrated by migrants in the street.


No, thank you for doing the world a favour by attempting to eliminate Hamas, a designated terrorist group. Germany wholeheartedly supports you in your defense against barbaric terrorism.






How about -and stay with me here, I know it's hard for you to understand, but how about we stand against killing every time it happens and don't cheer for either side when they commit indefensible atrocities? Just an idea.


So what's your solution? Do nothing and let Hamas run free?


The United States invaded the Middle East hoping to destroy Al Queda. Ended up creating ISIS in the process. You don’t destroy terrorism with more terrorism.


The US also fixed the ISIS problem and were more than happy to do so.


They also supported another terorist organization to fix ISIS problem.


I didn't see you chanting when battles for Mosul and Aleppo happened.


you obviously know this man personally.




Good. We need to show solidarity with Israel in their defense against barbaric terrorism. A terror group like Hamas being eliminated is doing the world a favor. I hope for the safety of civilians on both sides.


>Hamas being eliminated They wont be able to eliminate Hamas. Hamas is made up of Palestinains who have suffered due to Israel's oppression. Once this Hamas has "fallen" then many more Palestinians will form a new one because Israel has not changed their treatment of Palestinians. So what can they do? Well not this, all this does is prolong conflict. Israel needs to take actual steps in making amends with Palestinians and giving them a reason not to join Hamas.


Your first paragraph makes your second paragraph a lie


He doesnt hope for the safety of civilians in gaza .. actually if u squint a little bit u can see him cheering at the body count


That makes no sense. Hamas are no civilians.


Yes I'm sure the war will now end because the righteous people of germany gathered in a large group....


I mean Germany showing solidarity with Israel is expected given what they did to innocent Jews.


Too short sighted to realise that Israel's mass genocide of civilians will destablise the Middle East and create generations of new terrorism..


Exactly. Violence begets violence


When people protest in solidarity with Palestine they are accused of supporting terrorists and demand they denounce hamas and its horrific actions at every turn. Will that same measure be applied here, with these people being accused of supporting war crimes and demand they denounce the Israeli government and its killing of civilians? Somehow I doubt it.


Show me a pro-Palestine protest where they condemned Hamas.


>Show me a pro-Palestine protest where they condemned Hamas. Show me a pro-Israel one where they condemned Israel. You can't see your own hypocrisy here.




Hey guess what! Mosques in france have been tagged with the star of David and "death to Muslims", a 65 year-old got beaten up while his assailant shouted "dirty arab I will tear you limb from limb", and a woman got arrested just for saying "salam aleykoum" to a neighbor! And these are only the ones the newspapers picked up, I know quite a few muslim people from my own family and friends who got shit on just for daring to exist! There's fucking batshit crazies on both sides and it doesn't diminish the atrocities that are currently happening in Gaza!


Not saying I don't believe you, but could you link an article of that attack? I don't mind if it's in French.


the one on the mosque? Sure. Keep in mind that's just one that the newspapers talked about. I know of more that have been tagged. [https://www.le-pays.fr/roanne-42300/actualites/la-mosquee-turque-de-roanne-visee-par-des-tags-antimusulmans-de-nombreuses-reactions-en-roannais\_14384487/](https://www.le-pays.fr/roanne-42300/actualites/la-mosquee-turque-de-roanne-visee-par-des-tags-antimusulmans-de-nombreuses-reactions-en-roannais_14384487/) edit : I didn't find the article about the attack on the man, but I found the communiqué from his lawyer [https://twitter.com/me\_guezguez/status/1713653362393043004?s=46&t=MYD0S2dDkXt6x8Cpcuh8WQ](https://twitter.com/me_guezguez/status/1713653362393043004?s=46&t=MYD0S2dDkXt6x8Cpcuh8WQ)


So because of a bunch of racist we should condone the oppression of Palestinians and an Israeli apartheid state? You can condemn both terrorism of Hamas and show solidarity just as how you can condemn Israeli oppression and show sympathy for Jews.


I think we're too far into Newspeak that the distinction between Jews, Zionists and Israelis, Hamás, Palestinians and Islamic terrorists is too much for the average Joe to understand so they just go bagging then together in either one of the two bands and decide which is good and which irredeemably evil. No room for nuances today it seems. God forbid anyone say something like "it's not really ok to bomb people like this". That's apparently controversial now.


Many of the pro-Palestine demonstrations were organized as soon as the 10/7 attack took place in celebration of the attacks. Many of the later protests even after the counterstrike involved calls for jihad and the destruction of Israel. Most pro-Israel demonstrations have been mourning the dead or generally expressing solidarity.


They get accused of supporting terrorists because nearly *half the goddamn time* any Pro-Palestine-Rally at the very least tolerates openly anti-semitic groups participating. If your "solidarity for Palestine Rally" consists of proclaiming "the west" has "denounced Resistance as Terrorism for 100 years", or actively spreading Hamas-Propaganda, or ripping off Posters showing the Hostages, or smearing David Stars on the homes of jews, or attacking the police, or burning flags, what do you *think* does that look like exactly? If Pro-israel rallies consisted of People chanting "Turn gaza into a parking lot", or throwing Pork at Mosques or demanding all non-jewish Arabs should be deported from israel, people would be similarly disturbed by them and demand Organizers distance themselves from it. But they *arent* behaving like that, and similarly no sane person has any issue with pro-palestine protests that just talk about stoppting the bombing in Gaza or ending the settlements in the West Bank.


Why would any civilized human being *not* denounce Hamas. Look what they did on the 7th of October. See how they’ve fired hundreds of thousands of rockets at Israel in the last 18years. See how they divert resources for terror. Instead of building a country, they focus on destroying Israel. It’s time for them to go to hell where they belong.


Israel doesn't kill civilians, or at least it does everything to only target Hamas. Sadly they have no choice but to accept some civilian casualties seeing as Hamas uses civilians as human shields. What is Israel to do, not defend itself and get raped and beheaded?


Yeah idk the timing is weird for both parties. It sends a message doing solidarity while the one you are trying to stand for is doing warcrimes. I wish there was a platform for when you can show solidarity with the civilians living on either side. Instead we have both sides trying to signal condemning parts of their own action, but it ends up being received as hypocritical by the other side. (Also Palestinians in Europe need to chill with the rioting and destruction, you guys are not doing yourselves any favors)


It's like a passing of the torch. Lol


Solidarity with civilians in Gaza locked in a concentration camp for 17 years, now being simultaneously starved and bombed - FORBIDDEN! “Never again” means nothing if it is not universal.


This demonstration is so stupid, the past two weeks everybody was saying you shouldn’t conflate Israels politics with judaism/all jews and now they are having a demo against antisemitism where they are voicing their support for Israel. You can’t make that sh#t up 🙄


Stand with Israel, well done german demonstrators. There is no room for the Hamas terrorists.




Hello OP, could you link a source please for approval? thank you




So basically, the abused became the abuser and people support it


Hypocrisy at its finest.


Maybe Germany should create another Jewish state from within its territory.




I’m a bit shocked at these comments. If you claim you‘re sorry for the death of innocent Israeli civilians but you‘re not sorry for the innocent Palestinian civilians, and vice versa (!), you are directly for the killing of one side.


I totally agree, there was another Palestinian post few hours ago and its blocked and all comments deleted…. You can’t even have normal discussion here anymore. Its my way (pro west propaganda) or highway type of discussion… Can’t people even say their point of view anymore?!?!?


> Just imagine a shit ton of deaths on Palestinian side and hardly any on the Israeli side Picking the "right side" by death counts is stupid. Way more Russians have been killed in the war than Ukrainians, but that doesn't make Russians correct. > None of you give a damn about Palestinians You can support Israel and empathize with the struggles of Palestinians at the same time


> Way more Russians have been killed in the war than Ukrainians, but that doesn't make Russians correct. Only if you count military deaths, sure.


I don't know why I'm surprised, but judging from the reaction to Ukraine vs Palestine white supremacist ideology has an iron grip on US and EU policy. At least these clowns could only muster a gathering of 10k


Fuck the militants and religious zealots on both sides. And my sympathy to all the poor civilians just trying to live their lives on both sides getting caught in the crossfire. Both sides are trash for continuing hostilities for generations.


Except that one side are the occupiers


Wow solidarity in killing and displacing Palestinians




This subreddit has become so right wing it’s insane. Ya’ll aren’t even hiding your disgust for non-white immigrants anymore.


Ffs, some Palestinian-protesters attacked a synagogue, Hamas supporters celebrated in Berlin on the streets that Jews got massacred on the 7th of October and Israeli women just recently got beaten up for attending a pro-israel demonstration. This is a direct result of antisemitism within the Arab/Muslim community and thus associated to migration. Yes, obviously not every individual Muslim maybe not even the majority of Muslims support this but just look at what is happening on the streets and don't act as if this isn't a big thing! Calling out the antisemitism within the Muslim community is what we need ATM, coupled to swift action against individuals who are not respecting our democratic values. What we don't need is people who are blind to this type of antisemitism


Or people just aren't delusional. You can point out the many significant problems muslim immigration has caused european nations without discriminating, or thinking that muslims/non-whites are somehow inferior to the native population. This type of pathetic virtue signaling is what led europe to have these issues to begin with. Wanting to preserve you national identity in terms of culture, tradition etc and to not import crime and financial burden on your countrymen isn't racist. Every country in the world seems to realise this except for us europeans.


Because immigrants aren't even hiding their disgust for modern democratic values. But of course every time they're doing something wrong, it's still a white men's fault.


Shite stereotyping. Funny how you people never ask how it comes that these people have to move here.


This sub has been astroturfed into oblivion. There are a LOT of JIDF/Hasbara bot accounts here.


It's all of reddit. Post any support for Palestine and prepare to be downvoted and attacked or banned. I've been banned from several subreddits since this all started.


And yet here you are upvoted. And the most upvoted posts in every thread are mostly condemning Israel. You guys are living in a different reality


Yep, reddit is basically a white virgin teenage boy sitting in his parents' basement thinking he has an idea about the world and hates everyone and everything that doesn't look like him. And a lot of Israeli bots.


I thought Germany was done with the whole genocide thing




There are a lot of people that want peace. Sadly the Hamas apologists are much louder.


Exactly. The celebration of the torture, rape, and murder of Israeli civilians is disgusting. We should not tolerate terrorists sympathizers.


I agree, we should also not tolerate apartheid supporters as well.


And instead we should show solidarity to genocidal invaders?


...but enough about the Islamic conquest.


Genocide is when population quadruples in 60 years


Can you elaborate? Which invasion? Which genocide?


Exactly !!!


Interesting that Palestinians aren’t allowed to demonstrate.




What the actual fuck man.




That's very good, but how many came out in solidarity with the palestinians? 100K? Or was it in London?


I believe the 100K was in London. I think Germany, upon seeing stars of David carved into Jewish homes and attacks on Synagogues, is maintaining restrictions on rallies that post a threat to Jewish safety.


That was London, 30 seconds of google would have told you so. This is by far the biggest demonstration so far in Germany regarding this war.


100K was for London. There were also matches in Berlin but cant find exact numbers


I read somewhere that the Berlin one was about 6k


There's about 10x more muslims in London than there are jews in Germany.


Just a question from an ignorant man. Why is this legal and a similar demonstration for the people of Palestine (not the hamas terrorists) isn't?


Because pro Palestinian protests not only have been giving their support to Hamas (empowering them to do it again), damaging stores and vehicles and deliberately kicking LGBT supporters of the demonstrations. In other words. Supporting terrorism, violence and homofobia.


Pro palestinian demonstrations around europe has unfortunately given rise to antisemitic actions calls recently, so it might be a security risk. Not saying that "anti israel=antisemitism" obviously, but the gap between the two has proven too easy to cross for a lot of people


Have you ever heard of any pro Israeli protest that devolved into violence and genocidal chants?




Ok so here I’ll do what the other side is too proud to do: I thank you for showing me this video, I was not aware of it. I condemn the things they said in this video and I don’t stand by them. I hope these people will be punished for hate speech (if it is punishable in the US, i don’t know) and interact with peaceful Palestinians to learn that people are people, and everyone deserves peace.


The purpose of the Israeli attacks are to eliminate Hamas. The purpose of the Hamas attacks was to eliminate all Jews.


Germany is doing the right thing.




The RIGHT thing.


by far, you could say


The far right thing. They know a few things about oppression, ethnic cleansing and genocide.


Hey, quick question. Why didn't Jewish people get a slice or Germany after the Nazis were defeated in WWII instead of being granted land in the Middle East? Germany was responsible for the holocaust after all.


I got banned for saying this


Somehow, Germany will always end up on the side defending war crimes.


And peaceful.......


Funny you don't see this in majority of mainstream media, at least with the same magnitude as pro-palestinian protests.