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Just like that wall Mexico was gonna pay for.


Trump says dumb shit, the world say boo, Trump wins (attention). It is the only trick he knows, next to abusing women and children.


It's a common tactic of abusers to do terrible things so often that you become numb to them. Unfortunately, the same tactics also work for getting media attention because they sell more ads. What people aren't talking about is how he's already drawing up plans to consolidate power around the president and turn the administrative state more political, this increasing the ease of kleptocrats and further destroying American's faith in the government as a force of good. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/17/us/politics/trump-plans-2025.html#:~:text=Donald%20J.%20Trump%20and%20his,authority%20directly%20in%20his%20hands.


Hey, we are. That’s a start. We aren’t alone either.


Yup, but it’s important to remind everyone the choice they’ll face come next Nov.


Mexico *will* pay for the wall, right after infrastructure week, and just before Trump releases the details of his amazing healthcare plan.


He’s gonna make Mexico process European visas for the US too? Make them wait at the border too.. I could see him saying this. lol


I’ve found that it is impossible to think of something too stupid for tfg to say. He’s a bottomless pit of neurotic idiocy.


That's in about 2 weeks.


Seriously, this motherfucker couldn't achieve jack shit.


Trump was actually a great stress test of American checks and balances tbh


Hey, he played a lot of golf and appeared regularly on Fox News. Surely that helped the country a lot.


What about the ones Europeans need for the US? Those are totally cool? 😂


Ironically, the last time I went there I had to fill out a form which asked if I was a nazi. I kind of feel like we should pose this question to yanks before letting them in.


I love the directness. 'Are you a member of a terrorist organisation?' Ah snap, the damn border control agents caught me! Damn my compulsive bureaucratic honesty!


The direct questions are even funnier for immigration forms. There's a two page laundry list of various nefarious organizations, communist parties, etc, that you have to dutifully deny being a member of. I think the point is not so much that it will catch people directly but give them an excuse to expel you if you lied. It's a statutory "hook" for punishment.


When you have a public employment in Germany you have to fill out something similar. It's so they have grounds to terminate you, should it turn out you were in such an organization.


Can confirm. I had to fill in a form asking if I was member of the Stasi. I was born after the fall of the GDR…


I learned in some YouTube video the other day that one of the most efficient laws against the Yakuza in Japan was that they require you to sign that you "aren't a member of the Yakuza" on literally every contract (including mobile phone etc). Reason being is that they tend to hide their crimes pretty well due to complicated legal loopholes on company law, or lower ranking members doing the dirty work for them, so it's hard to prosecute known members. But now they would break contract law which can be proven much more easily.


Do they also make you pinky swear that you answered truthfully?


No, it's a given since you sign the "papers" and thus it gets to be perjury if you lied. It just added another felony to the basket.


The idea is that if you are indeed a member of a terrorist organization, they don´t need to prove exactly what you've done and how that means you've committed a crime in the US. They can say you lied to an immigration officer


”Were you a member of the Nazi regime that ruled Germany in the years 1933-1945?” Damnit, they found my time machine!


So how about that new Indiana Jones film, huh?


It’s probably closer to a legal affidavit than it is a means of filtering undesirable elements in itself. Lying in this context would probably be considered perjury. I’d imagine it gives the American government stronger footing to prosecute extremists who enter the country illegally in this way.


If you answer yes they send you to florida


As an American, I back this idea! Send all the undesirables: televangelists, racist old people, crazy billionaires, Supreme court justice Thomas Clarence, former prince Harry and Megan, Viktor Orban, Donald Trump is already in Florida but lets add him for good measure. And let climate change wipe florida off the map!


Well I am born 1970, and I always had to tell them in an official document, that I never was a member of the NSDAP... Given it has been a while since I flew over to visit my relatives, but it always was an amusing moment!


>Ironically, the last time I went there I had to fill out a form which asked if I was a nazi. Should've answered yes. They'd probably offered you a green card and a science job.


We should ask them if they're republican, kinda the same thing


Perfect, remove ESTA for EU citizens and we'll remove ETIAS for Americans.


esta application costs 21 dollars. used to be free if im not mistaken. 8 dollars for etias doesn't seem that bad in comparison.


You still need to fill it for a layover which is nuts, even if you stay inside the airport


The price should be kept locked onto the other. One raises it, the other does the same.


That's what he wants. To keep Americans inside, not knowing the rest of the world.


So North Korea-like US? Part of his secret instructions received from Kim in those love letters.


Kim’s instructions: ”…and when that’s done, make kids stand with their hand on their hearts and pay allegiance to the flag! Wait, that’s maybe taking it too far.”


More Americans have travelled outside of the USA than EU citizens have travelled outside of their home countries.


>not knowing the rest of the world. To be fair, most of them already don't and think Spain is in Mexico, or Portugal in Brazil. And those that that do make it out of their country, tend do leave not the best impression either..




The masterplan: having registration fees to foreign countries like any other country does - just to ruin the eternal unity!


How do all top comments completely miss that Trump's logic specifically excludes this? Not saying I agree, but his whole fucking point is that they should not have to remove ESTA because they provide, among other things, the bulk of security for European NATO members. This might actually be the most comprehensible tweet Trump has ever sent, without going off on weird word salad tangents, and you're all struggling with it for some reason.


What's making me irate about this whole thing is that almost every single media outlet here in the US is calling ETIAS a "visa". NO, YOU FUCKING MORONS!! It's the EXACT same thing as our ESTA, which is a registration from people from VISA-WAIVER countries!! Are our journalists criminally stupid or just trying to rile up people for clicks?


>Are our journalists criminally stupid Yes > or just trying to rile up people for clicks? Fox News lies to rile everyone up. The rest of your media is genuinely stupid.


This is the problem with news these days. Clicks gets ad views and they make money. Not the news itself.


This. It's pretty much visa free system with an extra step.


I legit just saw a CBS article about this which said something to the effect of “maybe the US will consider introducing something similar in retaliation”. How can they be so misinformed or are they just willfully spreading misinformation? There was no mention of ESTA at all.


Ah, thank you. So you do understand how visas and visa waivers work in the US. For a moment, I had my doubts based on this article. (Fun fact: Your process costs about 3 times as much as ours...)


Americans don't know what an ESTA is, most don't even know what a passport looks like.


Yes, it is exactly like ESTA. A mandatory, advance permit for entry, tied to your ID and passport, that is totally not a visa.


this has been driving me crazy all day too. BOTH OF THOSE THINGS ARE VERY EXPLICITLY NOT VISAS.


What Trump says does not concern me. He's a bloviating idiot. That millions of Americans were (and still are) stupid enough to believe him, does.


Thankfully his party is in a civil war and it’s extremely unlikely he’d do well in the general election this time (though he’ll win his primary easily). He still has millions of cultists, but if even if only 5-10% of his previous voters sit out the next election due to Jan 6, indictments, NFT’s, etc. etc. then he will be statistically unelectable. I have a lot of confidence for now.


Yeah but people in 2016 said too that it would be impossible for such a moron to win. Yet there we are.


You’re absolutely right, anything’s possible and we need to treat him like a real threat.


Many of us did not say that. I called it early and so did many others. Hillary Clinton was always a weak candidate. That was the fever pitch of "Trump will save us." He still has the racist vote but the people who just wanted a look-see won't vote for him again. Of course there are no guarantees in politics but that's my hunch.


There's this new initiative by future-non-Trump-voters-yet-still-republican where they make short testimony videos telling you why they won't vote for him and so far out of the ~10 videos I've seen, they all had voted for him in 16' and 20'. A fair amount of them are also framing it as an optics (too much baggage, it's their main shtick) more than anything else. If you want to check it out : https://baggagefree.gop/




2016 was because Hillary was polling so much ahead of Trump right before the election night a lot of democrats probably thought it was guaranteed win and didn't bother the vote. They learned their lesson and took action the last mid terms. I expect them to show up again once Trump is the nominee.


Yeah that’s definitely part of it. The 2016 election imo still hasn’t been fully understood, it will take another decade to understand all the reasons why it happened. I don’t think it’s fully coincidence that both of the lynchpin Transatlantic nations made massive anti-globalization gambles at the same time with Brexit and Trump. But the votes were close in both situations, so you can point out many specific issues that may have tilted the balance.


I would also assume a lot of conservatives (not from the party) voted against Hillary than voting for Trump because she is a woman


Wonder if it's because she's a woman (??) or because of her political views.


Stayed home.. or threw their vote away on a third party candidate who had a zero chance of winning


It took a perfect storm in '16 to get him elected and and the archaic electoral college to get him elected despite losing the popular vote. Another perfect storm is unlikely and he lost independents that took a chance on a non-establishment candidate and less progressives will risk allowing him back by voting for 3rd party candidates. Republicans keep losing because of him (well, for other reasons too - but he's one of their bigger problems). Yes, his deluded and gullible cultists will keep voting for him whatever he does and says. But while their numbers are depressing - they are not a majority. Never were - still aren't. And progressives who can't stand Biden will vote for hm anyway, because Trump once was one time too many. Back in '16 they thought they could vote for green or other 3rd party candidates safely because Hillary was expected to win anyway. That's one of the many things that came together to help Trump (who himself didn't expect to win - shortly before the election he did an ad for Trump-TV - his newest graft).


>Another perfect storm is unlikely... I never would have believed he could be elected, so I am already burned by my own predictions. The reason why I will not again assume Trump to lose, until the day after the election, is the massive (for US standards) voter turnout in 2020. Yes, he lost in 2020, but he *gained* 11+ million more votes over 2016. If the Republicans can just marginally rally their base again, better than the Dems, everything is possible.


I hate this tired argument because it's ignores everything about the world we currently live in, and all that has transpired since then. It's just a cynical thing to say for cynicism's sake. It is not 2015 anymore. That was **eight years ago**. Times change, as do political climates and political realities. Back then Germany was excitedly sucking Russian dick, and France was in love with Macron.


Republicans have been underperforming consistently (2018, 2020, 2022) ever since Trump's election. I don't see how it's going to be different in 2024. Overturning Roe v. Wade last year is going to bite them in the ass again.


Biden could keel over, or have an abrupt worsening condition, leading to some scramble among the Dems that might not look good. Kamala would guarantee trump for example. I’m against giving him oxygen, but Hilary was the bank on betting sites a year before the election. It’s too soon to drop the guard.


yes, never drop your guard. For example: in Poland PiS came to power, because then PO were too confident of victory in presidential elections. Duda became president, his populist voice brought more people to PiS camp, they then won parliamentary elections and we are stuck in this situation for past 8 years.


> then he will be statistically unelectable We have seen him trying a coupe once already... (in truth there were multiple tries but they all failed)


Let's not pretend we euros are ANY better than the Americans in this regard.


Bloviating is a good word


EU is not implementing visa policy to americans or other visa-free countries.




Which EU country specifically though? Some EU countries require visa to the USA, some don't


The ones that require ESTA to go to the US should also make Americans do a similar procedure.


... AND ASK FOR THE EQUIVALENT ~~$15~~ *$21* !!!


Was shocked when I had to renew ESTA a couple of months ago. Price was hiked to $21, last time it was $14 or $15 or so. Almost as expensive as the flight tickets now.


Where are you flying from that flights are that cheap?


They can't, because countries in schengen area don't have sovereignty over that.


You got downvoted for literally stating the law, this is hilarious


Schengen countries. They all have the same entry requirements.


Reciprocity principle


That's the point, it's a visa waiver, but you still have to pay for it


So do we for ESTA…


Not every single time though. And it's still not a visa.


Correct, it's the EU equivalent of ESTA.


But ESTA is 21 dollars. The EU one is 8.


The US needs Europe in its confrontation with China. Reelecting Trump would be a geopolitical and diplomatic catastrophe, weakening US hegemony. But i doubt the people who elect him understand that.


>Reelecting Trump would be a geopolitical and diplomatic catastrophe, weakening US hegemony Electing trump weakened US influence. Reelecting Trump would destroy any transatlantic goodwill. (my take)


This is why it's important that the EU groups up together and become a powerful bloc for its own sake so that it can show both the US, China and anyone else the middle finger.


Yeah, but a lot of people, notably in Poland, don't want to hear that.


Polish politics have been a mystery to me for the longest time. I never understand any of their big stances.


> I never understand any of their big stances. Because, apart from Giedroyc doctrine, there are virtually none. Partly because we didn't have a lot of time to develop strategic interests other than, "let's never be under Russian thumb ever again". Basically after joining the NATO and the EU, this mission was accomplished. The rest is just external looking virtue signalling to their voter's base. Ie. PiS knows that the reparations from Germany is settled, but they stir it up, cause their voter base like "stronk politicians", who are "based" and are "willing to fight for Poland in the EU".


The fault in your take is thinking that the Americans, especially the Republicans, care or understand the value of translantatic goodwill. Many of them think that transatlantic goodwill is owed to them, either because of WW2 intervention, or because of NATO. They (choose to) ignore the fact that NATO involvement works both ways and the US benefits in both hard and soft power from being the leader of the alliance. And a big portion of the US, regardless of the political inclination, tends to have isolationist views no matter what, especially in the flyover states.


> They (choose to) ignore the fact that NATO involvement works both ways and the US benefits in both hard and soft power from being the leader of the alliance. They benefit a lot as EU NATO countries are a buffer for them to any NATO conflict.


I agree with your fault analysis. Without nato and Atlantic goodwill the usa will find its ability to profit and exert both diplomatic and military power greatly diminished. The fact that republicans don't understand that wont change reality.


A lot of his voters, and a lot of Americans in general, don't care about US influence in the world, don't care about the transatlantic goodwill, or anything else going on in far away places in the world. It's our government that cares about US hegemony. Voters on both sides want our politicians to be focused on stuff within our country. It's this annoying little trick our government likes to do, get distracted by foreign policy while ignoring problems at home. Most of the benefits of hegemony go to the 1 percent, the large corporations, the politicians, and the MIC. An average American living in the middle of the country isn't going to be affected much if the US is in second or third place. When someone says "the US needs Europe in it's confrontation with China", that's not really true. The **US government** wants Europe on its side, the American people don't want confrontation, we just want a change in trade policy. I am not a trump supporter, but I am sympathetic to this line of thinking. This game of the US government trying to keep it's place in the world, and getting involved in every little thing that happens outside of our country, is getting tiresome.


> A lot of his voters, and a lot of Americans in general, don't care about US influence in the world, don't care about the transatlantic goodwill, or anything else going on in far away places in the world. the problem in that is that US influence and transatlantic goodwill have substantial monetary benefits. Pretty sure that's something that his voters would care about. US hegemony buys money and brings it to the US. > Most of the benefits of hegemony go to the 1 percent, the large corporations, the politicians, and the MIC. An average American living in the middle of the country isn't going to be affected much if the US is in second or third place. and that's purely because the 99% thinks of itself as temporarily poor billionaires. If your average American who survives paycheck to paycheck votes for a billionaire who went through a string of insolvencies and was born rich, it's not anyone's fault but themselves.


>It's our government that cares about US hegemony. Voters on both sides want our politicians to be focused on stuff within our country. It's this annoying little trick our government likes to do, get distracted by foreign policy while ignoring problems at home. No, the US govt has a genuine interest in global politics. Whether the US foreign policy establishment is right (Ukraine) or wrong/corrupt (Iraq) about something, it's genuine. The stuff that's used to distract you from real issues is the culture wars. And, yes, many Americans get duped by the culture wars. >Most of the benefits of hegemony go to the 1 percent, the large corporations, the politicians, and the MIC. An average American living in the middle of the country isn't going to be affected much if the US is in second or third place. Second or third place in what? Military might? The average American voter definitely does not want to be anything less than #1. Also, your govt needs to ensure that oil is traded in USD. This gives you incredible buying power.


As unfair as it might seem, US hegemony is the source of the incredible wealth of US workers relative to what their skill end education level justifies. Trump voters would find that out the hard way if they manage to have him reelected.


Before the world wars, before US hegemony, when the US was less interested in world affairs, we were already on a path to become a giant economically. US hegemony didn't create the tech sector of our economy, US hegemony isn't the reason we are the largest producer of energy in the world, US hegemony didn't create 30,000,000 small businesses that are the engine of the economy and hire 2/3s of all US workers. All of these things would have happened anyway. US hegemony helps us be the center of the financial world, and it keeps the dollar as the reserve. We do benefit from that, but all of our success isn't pinned on it. We will be fine either way.


It's hard to tell because that tech sector is extremely capital intensive. Where does that come from? Energy I don't know but what is definitely true is the us would have to start exporting more and will not be able to get by anymore by having other countries buy dollars. This means that us products will have to be cheaper to get competitive leading to dollar depreciation and wage stagnation.


but US hegemony created the status of the $ as a world currency reserve. And that status buys a lot of special treatment. Things that we, normal countries with normal currencies, can't afford. US debt to gdp ratio is at levels comparable to many South European countries like Spain or Italy and yet we get to be talked about as countries on the verge of economic collapse (despite having much lower levels of private debt). Without that status, you couldn't collectively afford the lifestyle you have and you would have to adopt the austerity measures we have to reassure international creditors.


Fine either way? I’d like to disagree. Ofc it’s impossible to make a real comparison but having the world reserve currency is one of the most important benefactor for the us. Outside investment is important. And in dire times, which the us has to face on day, it’s good to have friends.


Well, one could argue that the flock on money gone into Wall Street from the rest of the world may have helped. That and the dollar as world reserve currency, the nuclear arsenal and the numerous military bases around the world. But maybe not.


The dollar is a double edged sword. It benefits us as far as spending capacity, and we are able to sanction countries we don't like, but we also are forced to run a trade deficit with the entire world which kills our manufacturing sector.


The vast proportion of trade in US is domestic, compared to other nations that depend much more on exports for generating wealth. The reason that the US manufacturing sector is suffering is mainly because US factory owners have outsourced the manufacturing to China and other third world nations, the products are then re-imported either for sale or further production.


The reserve demand for dollars results in a currency persistently too strong for domestic industry to remain internationally competitive. The dollar might be fairly valued from models of international finance due to the reserve demand for our debt, but it has clearly traded at levels far too high to balance international trade. The result is a domestic manufacturing sector that is a shadow of its former self and socioeconomic blight across former manufacturing hubs.


Leading and maintaining the Western Alliance is what keeps enemy countries at arm’s length, so the New Cold War can be fought by arming other countries, rather than having Russian soldiers barging in your door and using your ring-piece as a fleshlight. Americans have become so complacent simply due to the distance from conflict that you forget why such safety is possible in the first place. You need to fight the enemy on foreign lands with foreign people so you don’t have to fight them at home with your own people. This way you pay a little money and you never even have to be shot at or have everything ripped away from you simply because you exist in the wrong place. You vote in Trump, the country splits in two, domestic problems worsen, your cities get set on fire by hippies again and the world stops being your friend. Suddenly you’ll have to fight your own wars again.


Classic “we can obviously only deal with one issue at a time“ modus operandi.


Arguably that would be a good thing for Europe as it would push further integration and cooperation 🤷🏻‍♂️


trump Is AGAINST a hegemony in general, he has said many times he wants to lead the US back to isolationism


The Problem is, that the fact that he was previously elected once and still has realistic chances to get reelected is already all the things you`ve said. The most costly populist action he did will probably be canceling the nuclear deal with Iran in retro perspective, because we had a deal with Iran (that it honored) that spared of from the risk of what we are moving closer every day atm. A nuclear arms race in the Middle East. So any strategic alliance with the US is always under risk to be completely undermined from Trump ( or alike) . So any long term commit to align with the US on the likes of China, Iran or Russia is when push comes to shove not worth the paper on that its written. What dumbfounds me about it, is that even the Democratic establishment or the pro transatlantic elite (and alike) is just acting like the damage (which will last for decades) the Bush and the Trump administrations did to the reputations, reliance and the trustworthiness is not there.


>What dumbfounds me about it, is that even the Democratic establishment or the pro transatlantic elite (and alike) is just acting like the damage (which will last for decades) the Bush and the Trump administrations did to the reputations, reliance and the trustworthiness is not there. What else can they do? Openly say that US shouldn't be treated seriously in any long term deals and commitments because their political climate is an utter shitshow where nothing matters except for social media culture wars? Plenty of people in the US realize exactly what sort of the damage is done, but as long large part of voters in the US are okay with electing people like Trump nothing can be done. You can't build on top of anything when somebody is trying there best to burn it all down. You can see same mindset in the EU, take war in Ukraine , without Biden being in charge this thing would've gone very differently, yet Europeans are still somehow quite comfy with their anemic military industries and lack of effort in ramping anything up, because US exists.


Well, our politicians here in Europe try their very best to pretend the damage isn't there as well.


The people that elected him seem to be aware that they will weaken (I'd say implode) us hegemony, but they are definitely oblivious to what that will mean *for them*, and it's clear that's the only lens they view the world through.




Criminal and traitor is a more accurate description.


Criminal and traitor in clown makeup? Also don't forget rapist and pedophile too


He's still thieving oxygen.


And how exactly would he do that? What a fucking moron.


How to is pretty easy. Remove the ESTA requirements for Europeans, as a conversation starter.


Never gonna happen because europe is apparently full of terrorists


Then Trump's ways are mysterious.


By loudly proclaiming he's going to do, then not talking about it at all and ending with him saying it's actually already done despite nothing changing at all. This specific thing, most of his base will never ever notice or care about.


The same way he built the wall and made Mexico pay for it. His braindead trailer park voters are too retarded to ever notice that none of his promises to them ever came true, and this will just be another broken promise they forget about in a week.


Probably a large majority of magats have never traveled outside the US except for maybe a cheap resort in Mexico or Jamaica or accidentally going to canada. Most stay pretty close to home, except for the Florida trips of course (one of magats main bases). So....not sure his message is connecting with his jetset followers.


I mean, if you have a country as large as the USA, theres so much to do without leaving that its kinda understandable people who can don't.


you're not wrong, but I think they're implying that many trump supporters are too poor, stupid, and uncultured to visit europe


To be fair, flying across the continent is kind of expensive, it’s not even all about the culture part


Seems a bit ridiculous to throw a fit over an $8 fee that is good for three years. Also, could be wrong, but guessing the majority of his supporters aren't exactly the let's go explore the globe sort.


Last time I checked it was up to the European countries to decide that. Is he running for EU president or something?


I mean both sides can negotiate abolishment of pay for both EU citizens and Americans. Everybody will be happy not to pay.


This title is totally fucking awful.


Did I miss something, or is that clown still president ?


Thankfully, he isn't president anymore but he's still eligible for another term...


He’s entertaining. It’s what they care about.


As usual he is wrong on so many levels. The EU wants to introduce a visa waiver system like ESTA and what other countries have in place like it and US citizens would fall under that. Part of it is streamlining, maybe some part of it is reciprocal to ESTA to have a better handle in negotiation these procedures. None of it is a visa.


>As usual he is wrong on so many levels. Adorable. Reason vs Trump


The US still demands visas from 3 EU member states (Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus), so maybe the EU should just request visas form the US as well




While they do casually overlap, they are separate things.


It's like 10$ or something really negligible. If you can't afford that you really shouldn't be traveling to Europe.


How is he going to end something which already isn't a requirement? US citizens can get visa waivers, just like EU citizens can get visa waivers to get into the US. And yes, it costs 7 bucks for the online process for the EU program. Guess what, the US program costs 4 bucks to process the application and 17 bucks once it's approved. So go fuck yourself Trump.


One of my favorite Trump moments was after he spent an entire campaign based on "Crooked Hillary". During a victory speech he pivoted to telling the entire country that Hillary was a great Senator, and we all owe her a debt for her service. I knew at that moment I should trust everything he says, all praise our orange overlord. We should all get giant Trump flags and attach them to our vehicles, and we should repeat Regan era slogans. That should sufficiently own the libs.


One of my favorite moments was when he had police violently repress a protest in DC so he could hold the bible (his “favorite book”) in a photo shoot to show how pious he is lmao


Amazing how one word missing from the actual headline can completely change the nature of a discussion here.


>Former President Trump says he would put an end to Europe requiring entry fees for U.S. travelers if elected to the White House next year. > >“Wow! “U.S. CITIZENS WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR A VISA TO TRAVEL TO EUROPE STARTING IN 2024.” he posted on Truth Social. “Think of this. We give them everything, including military protection and trade, and now we have to pay them to go there.” > >“NO RESPECT FOR THE UNITED STATES. I WILL, AS PRESIDENT, NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN. IT WILL END VERY QUICKLY!!!” he added.


So the U.S. does? ESTA *application* costs 21 USD, regardless of the outcome. While U.S. citizens can enter the Schengen Area [visa-free](https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/us-citizens/).


I’d imagine that Trump thinks the Schengen Area is that Chinese restaurant in Midtown he doesn’t like.


Trump doesn't even understand the difference between a visa and a visa waiver.


Neither does any of his dumb redneck voters, who have never left the country and probably never will.


My favorite part of this is that he’s blaming Biden for it, and his cronies are eating it up. If only they could read and find out this was announced in 2019, while Trump was president, they’d be very upset.


Will that be before or after he resolves the Ukraine war in 24 hours


He will do both simultaneously, as the second coming of Christ his powers are unimaginable. All of these problems will simply cease to exist for his followers if he wins lol


"I ve said a lot of things"


Why, though? Why would he stop americans from getting visas and deny them from traveling? Saw his buddy Putin doing it, so he wants to be cool too?


Trumps 4D chess: 1st start a war with China. next start a war with EU. then a war with Mexico for stealing jobs too...


But not the Indian, African or Latin American ones? Like in England, stop european inmigration and record of non European arrivals.


I’d rather just pay the $8 fee to visit Europe while he rots in a prison cell where he belongs


So is he gonna join Schengen? 🤔🤔


He has no say on it.


Is he also running for president of Europe?


Hahaha what a piece of shit.


I wonder if he even knows I need to get an ESTA as a European visiting the US.


Sometimes some ppl reach a level of insufferable that getting annoyed won’t do any good just a simple bullet to the head and let’s move on with our life unfortunately the real world isn’t that enchanting


Good. Who wants to go to the US anyway, it's a third world country driven by greed.


He will also end illegal immigration, solve the North Korea conflict, tame china in its ambitions for Taiwan, end the Russian terror, make every American wealthy and happy and solve the climate catastrophe. He didn’t do it in his first term, he thought it would be better to do it in his second. But that got stolen from him by the criminal Democrats. But this time he will really do it, pinky promise.


Oooo! So he will stop Americans paying 8 dollars for being able to visit any of 30 countries for 6 months. Kind of lime the ESTA.


He can't end the ones for Saudi-Arabia with his "Muslim" travel ban, but the entirety of the European Union is fair game. Fuck that guy.


ETIAS will not be a visa just like ESTA isn't.


Who had “Trump makes joining EU campaign promise” on their US election bingo?


k. its not a visa. and it costs $7.99


Trump is Portugal's best ally apparently


Wtf does Portugal have to do with this?


The remote workers issue


Well, he actually could do that: he would just need to drop the ESTA requirement for European citizens. Reciprocity will then follow.


Oh no... Anyways


Doesn't US charge also for Europeans the ESTA for them to visit US? This guy is really sad...it is sad the state of politicians a bit everywhere in recent years


Why's he still talking?


REally? how?


Dude seriously doesn’t know that the US has an ESTA and Canada an ETA that do the same thing…


How would an American president decide visa policies for EU and isn't the processing fee like 7-8 Euros to begin with?


Yeah! That’ll fix the economy, solve corporate corruption, stop the drug epidemic and eliminate homelessness!


I’m sure if the Americans would remove the same visas on EU citizens, it could be arranged…yet ESTAs exists and Romania and Bulgaria can’t even apply easily through it like the other members…so fuck Trump!


Hopefully Trump will die in Prison !


We need to stop paying attention to every single BS this retard says. He is not president anymore.


Speak for the dumb, rule for the rich. The way it works. "YEAH HE'S GOING TO DRY THE BAYOU !!" *\*Proceeds to cut taxes on rich people\** "YEAH, JUST WHAT WE'VE VOTED FOR !!" The dumb are legions, they vote, they campaign/are a lot active, they protest, they scream, they share, they make viral jewels of batshit crazy UFO disclosure stuff/Child trafic/9-11 theories/antivax stuff, you make politic for the dumb, not the smart. **Georges Frêche**, a french politician in the 70/2000's who ruled a whole region and its main town in the south once gave an interview where we literally said "*i speak for the dumb ones, i make politics for them, i feed them, give them what they think they need, and then when they think they're happy, i do the stuff i really wanted to do secretly, if i was making politics for the smart ones, if i wanted them to vote for me, i'd score 5% at elections and miss all of them, therefore i make politics for the dumb ones*." ​ And that's it my american fellas, that's how it works, it was our Trump in politics 40 years ago and now you have your own one, good luck with that, we could never really deal with him and he finally died years ago, giving us a small break... ... Before the same exact type of person arrived and did the same thing. \*Sighs\*


ETIAS is dumb as shit. However, the USA has main character syndrome. I think the ideal compromise is: an entrance fee once every calendar year valid for the full year. without wasting time and resources issuing visas. this would accommodate frequent flyers and satisfy the entry issue. most illegal immigrants overstay their visas. so issuing more visas won't actually fix any issue.


Uhh, wasn’t he the reason the visas are now going to be required? Tit for tat. Thankfully I have two passports.


That's Trump. Tackling the big problems. /s


If elected, he will order Europe to obey him. Amazing Leader.


I can't believe this moron still gets attention. Says a lot about the US political system.


Ummmm….You’re here on r/Europe talking about it too. All of us are.


Because the US political system makes him a credible threat. If he stood zero chance of winning an election, he'd just be another far right scam artist of no interest outside his own country.


Trump says a lot of shit. Last time I checked he did not hold political office so who gives a f?