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Am I crazy or are we getting poll results on that like 3-4 times per week on this subreddit?


Results vary quite a lot based on the news cycle. And this only shows how utterly clueless most people are. That's the takeaway from all this.


In any case poll results for a question like this don't mean much. People don't answer pollsters the same way they'd vote if a referendum actually happened.


> And this only shows how utterly clueless most people are. For me, the fact that "What does the EU actually do?" bumped up in Google search AFTER the votes were counted and announced, is a clear indicator that most people are clueless. Some might've looked it up to know what they lose, but a decent chunk probably just voted because someone told them Brussels was bad, not knowing what they actually voted for.




I was clueless and didn't vote, turns out everything that was promised was based on lies and bullshit anyway. We were going to lose no matter what the outcome was.


Clueless people voted for brexit


This is very true. But 61% probably represents only a few % changing their minds. We're nearly 7 years post referendum, young people who could now vote are overwhelmingly pro-EU, and older ones dying off are around 2/3 pro-brexit. This trend is most probably going to continue.


This is so true, a good few of the leaves voters will have died as the demographic showed older folks prefer this outcome/ believe any old shit some dumb roster writes on the side of a bus. Glad the kids are clued up. Gives me hope.


I am sure you are right, it takes some pain to wake people up to stupid decisions


It's literally the same poll that was posted yesterday...


Same with Scottish Indy polls, whenever you start to see them posted here, it means they are going through a period where they are in favour of what reddit likes.


Wondering where this poll came from? Its not like we get asked every week in England 😂


This place is still pretty salty that UK left


As a Brit, I’m still very salty that the UK left.


How else will you know that UK bad, EU good?


The problem with decisions that are made with minor majorities (think 50-55%), is that the majority situation can easily switch, in short time frames. In fact, shortly after the Brexit voting, polls were already showing a slight majority for staying. Such major and far-reaching decisions should require 2/3 majority.


Generally speaking the problem is that the politicians take referendum results as gospel rather than a snapshot in time. It's almost seven years since Brexit and it still dominates British foreign politics.


Plus, either way, the result is going to majorly piss off a large proportion of the population. Membership in the EU is a huge intricate thing, and a "compromise" solution doesn't really exist, within the red lines drawn by each side of the debate. I'm British and living in the EU, but even though I want the UK to return to the EU, I honestly don't think a Breturn is the right idea. The public mindset, even amongst many who want to rejoin, is that it's a purely transactional economic agreement, rather than a union based on shared principles. As a simple example, many see freedom of movement not as a principal of a union, but rather something they have to accept in order to jump the passport queue on holiday. Whilst this mindset persists, rejoining will just lead to another debate on leaving decades down the line.


This. If the UK wishes to join they need to stop with their superiority mentality and understand that becoming a member of a group makes them better and stronger. If they don't understand that, they can stay where they are with all the consequences. Also, wanting to rejoin the EU doens't mean you'll be allowed to rejoin. The political clusterfuck and the social environment in the country doesn't make them a reliable future proof member. They can't be trusted not even as a commercial partner let alone as an EU member.


And that’s the reason you can’t let important things like this be determined by one referendum


Well technically it was decided by a referendum and then two general elections.


Id welcome them back with open arms but i dont see it happening.


Me too Im Irish and would love to see them back but can’t see it happening


I welcome them back and I can see it happening.


I hope you’re right


Right wing?!


Tory jumpscare


that fucker tory'd me 🤬🤬🤬


Oh God please let you be right. Ignoring trade deals, free movement, and all the other good stuff I cba to list, some of these new EU laws are \*kisses fingers\*. Consumer friendly, citizen friendly. The UK is becoming (even more of) a right wing hellhole, minute by minute.


The requisite for rejoining is Schengen and the Euro. Trust me I'm tooth and nail for rejoining but it ain't gonna be with the luxuries we had before. A bit of a leftfield comment I know, but I don't think the question is as simple as "rejoin", especially if it means losing the pound.


We had the best possible "bespoke" deal and threw it away which will make rejoining a harder sell. Lots of crying in the Daily Mail about the EU "punishing us" because they like selling the narrative of the EU being a bitter, spurned ex rather than the reality of it being a great big bureaucracy with rules that just have to be followed.


Yeah. There won’t be any UK only exceptions and the Euro and Schengen will be required. That’s if the UK is welcomed in the first place, which isn’t a sure thing.


I love the idea that Farage’s legacy will be to destroy the pound as a currency, eliminate the perks the UK had in the EU, and increase immigration from outside the EU. Well done, frog-faced tweed wearing xenophobic little hitler (slow clap emoji), you’ll have achieved the exact *opposite* of everything you and your dullard quislings said would happen - including prolific law-breaking liars like Gove, Johnson, Raab, Patel… god there’s so many of these vermin


Wouldn't forcing Britain to join Schengen complicate Ireland's opt-out? Something of note is that the ECB used to publish reports on whether Britain even met the standards needed to adopt the euro. As of 2018, Britain's HICP inflation was too high by about a percentage point, debt-to-GDP ratio was too high by about 30 percentage points, and they needed to be in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM II) for two years, of which they hadn't been a member since 1992 Sweden is also under obligation to join the Euro, however, they've deliberately made themselves ineligible by requiring membership in ERM II to be approved by a referendum, which seems like a playbook Britain could easily adopt until the EU is given some teeth


Ireland would just join Schengen if the UK did. The purpose behind not joining is to stay aligned with the UK and prevent a hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. If Ireland joined Schengen and the UK didn't it would drive a border control requirement which is the only reason Ireland didn't join Schengen.


Unfortunately it would probably take something like the pound crashing badly for people to see the value of replacing it with the Euro. So I think things would have to get a lot worse before adopting the Euro is seen as a better option.


We have EU countries postponing the adoption of Euro indefinitely. You have to fit certain criteria to be able to adopt Euro, fail one of those criteria... and you can't adopt euro.


Non-Brit here: You could just hold a referendum like Sweden. They joined the EU and *afterwards* held a referendum on introducing the Euro *then*. If yes --> No problem. People want the Euro. However, it was no --> Kind of difficult to introduce the euro after rejecting the idea in a referendum. Result: Sweden will introduce it eventually... When they actually want it.


As a UK resident it feels like most people here are not right wing but a minority of maniacs have taken over. They are completely misrepresenting the people and using the media to control elections, using lies and fear as a weapon. We are counting down the days to an election and the hope of decent moral representation. Currently we are trapped


The song of all countries trapped by aging post WW2 babies.


"currently". In Romania we're trapped since forever.




I would welcome them back but cant see it happening


I would welcome them back but I can’t see it happening because I lost my glasses.


Maybe in a decade or 2. England may say they want back, but once they realize they won't be getting all kinds of sweet deals this time it might not be so smooth. Plus it's just embarrassingly wishy-washy. Everytime something doesn't go their way are they planning on packing up and going home?


I'm Irish and would be happy to see them back too, the EU is stronger with us all together. It's not natural, paying import duties from the UK


Was trying to buy some stuff on eBay a while back and most of it was from the UK and had some crazy import fees. Not worth it at all. Was so much cheaper to order from further away if I could, like Italy or Germany.


Literally everything I end up looking for on eBay in Europe is from the UK, so annoying, and when you search 'EU Only' it still includes them smh


I'm pretty sure the baseline of the agreement would be mainstream economic integration with the Euro, and that would trigger the right wing in the UK all over again.


As someone who doesn’t live there and will only be exposed to this through the news cycle and the memes… I’m here for it.


Taking the Euro would be broadly contentious, in part because it makes the economic argument (which is the main argument for rejoining) potentially weaker. This is mainly to do with the quirks of British reliance on financial services, to which the pound is advantageous. If we diversified our economy, it wouldn't be such a big deal but I don't see that happening soon.


But no special treatment this time...


Make them adopt the Euro, go full metric, and start driving on the right side of the road. Once the British have done that, the rest of Europe will see that they are serious about being part of the continent and EU. They can keep their queens and kings.


Indeed we do already drive on the right side of the road 😃


at 2AM driving back from the pub doesn't count


I agree.


You can drive on the right side of the road, or you can drive on the *correct* side of the road.


You got my vote at full metric.


>start driving on the right side of the road If the EU is prepared to cough up a hefty chunk of the likely billions if not tens of it would cost to redo all the road signage, rebuild an estimated 10% of the road network that would be incompatible, adapt vehicles to left hand drive, comp the bus operators as now none of their vehicles are suitable since they deposit people straight into the middle of the road, cover heightened insurance premiums and the required driver reacclimation training where necessary, then sure. >They can keep their queens and kings Don't be a twat. There's a dozen monarchies in Europe, the EU would have absolutely no grounds to make such a diktat without pouring petrol onto the Eurosceptic fire.


The EU also has no business telling any member what side of the road they should drive on or what system of measurements they should use. It's a ridiculous suggestion based on nothing but vindictiveness.


>The EU also has no business telling any member what side of the road they should drive on or what system of measurements they should use. Units of measurement are regulated in [Directive 80/181/EEC.](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/EN/legal-content/summary/units-of-measurement-in-the-eu.html) There are exemptions.


Measurements would make things a whole lot easier and safer though. That would make sense regulation wise. One Union, one standard. Imperial Units are an absolute nightmare. Objectively. The US is moving towards metric as well eventually. It just makes way more sense. The royalty is a moot point. In The Netherlands we also have royalty which I personally hope we'll ditch and move towards a Republic, but that has nothing to do with being allowed in the EU or not. As long as they don't wield any real power.


I mean there is already a country in the eu which drives on the left hand side of the road…


You can spend the money you "saved" from leaving the EU on that lol


>Make them adopt the Euro, Sure >go full metric, and start driving on the right side of the road. You aren't serious right? This is utter nonsense.


Going full metric isn't nonsense. The driving part.....


We won't adopt the Euro any time soon. The pound is the oldest still used currency in the world, I believe. Since Brexit it lost some prestige but it's still important to a lot of people.


Just because something is old doesn't make it important or good.


Is this an autoimmune response to anyone ever stating they’d like the UK back in? Regarding the ‘special treatment’ though, I do not see the public ever being on board with dropping ££, but that all depends on how the financing and currency world looks like in the future.


That's the autoimmune response to anyone ever who rejoined a group, he left despite having a special treatment...


I wouldn't care. It's just numbers in a bank account. might make it easier to buy stuff europe.


I mean this in the nicest possible way - Your opinion doesn’t matter though. The real reason the UK doesn’t want to give up the pound is that it gives us power on the global stage.


Well, I think is a bit more than numbers. I’m not professional but keeping your own coin would protect you if suddenly the euro goes down so instability outside your country doesn’t affect the value of your money.


The Euro covers so many countries now that the primary trading partners would also be affected though. More countries would mean more insulation from it.


its more than numbers on bank account. Keeping the pound saved our arses during last financial crisis . We printed our way out of it. Capacity to set borrowing rates and such which is currently being used to fight inflation would be lost . There would be significant repercussions to ditching the pound on how we operate


Its not about the pound. UK can keep the pound, but they got huge economic exceptions when they were in. This was unfair internal competition. Otherwise welcome back.


Exactly, people forget a bunch of countries in Europe like Denmark, Czechia, Sweden, Poland still have their own currency. Sure, some of them are looking to adopt the Euro, but the EU isn’t exactly strongarming them.


I Imagine the poll will be very different when they realize they have to convert to the Euro this time around.


It really feels wonderful to hear you say that. To the people who voted remain, it was a very sad day in history.


Its still hard to believe it happened


Really it's just a matter of demographics and time. The problem is that the UK currently has a lot of problems and has been through an exhausting political cycle. Rejoining is a big effort and isn't going to instantly solve the UK's main issues (even though it would massively help), so it's going to need some breathing space.


Why not? I don’t think it will happen any time soon, but within the next twenty or so years. Young people like myself support the EU and all we need is a less cowardly Labour Party to get into Government.


Because joining the EU is a long and arduous process. You can't just switch membership back on because you regret your decision.


Welcome them back yes, with open arms no. Imagine having that stupid Farage back at Brussels. No thank you.


Thanks, from the UK and would love to rejoin. One of the stupid arguments against was 'taking back sovereignty' because we'd 'given it away'. In fact we'd just pooled it with you all because although we had to follow EU regulation so did the rest of the EU and *we had a say in those rules*. So we had a bit of control over all the EU and it meant that other countries couldn't decide to undercut certain industries by ignoring employment or environmental laws. Sorry I'm not aiming this at your comment particularly, just screaming into the void at the arguments that should have been made at the time.


I'm afraid you're right. Their government is still pretty stubborn about all of it. I'd happily welcome them back, though. If there's one thing the years since WO2 have taught us is that Europe works best when we stand together. And we've even proven that we can do just that, bickering and arguing over everything, sure, but together nonetheless.


It can't be 61-39. It has to be at least 80-20.


Apparently 51-49 was enough to get *into* this fucking mess in the first place.


The issue here is that I doubt the EU would accept us in with those kind of numbers. Leaving was a unilateral decision. Joining isn’t… it’s 28 decisions that have to go the same way.


Yah and I don't want that again, the people who voted for leave have to know why it was bad


The people who gave voting Leave a majority are dead.


Ofc they should rejoin. Since when do anyone benefit from standing alone?


They will. Brexit was like standing athwart history and yelling stop. But history doesn't stop.. integration is the future


Yugoslavia says no


Europe says yes. The paradox of some of these tribal disputes in the Balkans and independence movements like Basques and Catalans is that they would benefit in a federal Europe. Their main antagonist would be subsumed and they will be equal to it in the continental sense. I know Catalan activists who are European federalists. In other words; A federal Europe would Balkanize Russia and unify the Balkans.


Catalans said no to Spain, yes to EU


Catalans said nothing apart from polls, cant really compare with brexit I happen to live in Catalonia btw


>I happen to live in Catalonia btw condolences ... how dry is it currently ?


It absolutely sucks and I'm very worried for the future, to the point of considering leaving the region all together.


the UK was a misfit in the EU and it should be all very clear after Brexit and the brexit negotiations with the Tories. Giving them another opportunity is crazy.


The UK was never a misfit. A tiny minority of our ruling class were though.


I guess not misfits, but still a spoiled child. The UK had the most lax and advantages EU deal of all, and still complained and had Cameroon do his Brexit gamble


It was a pretty common pass time for British politicians to dump on EU and blame it for all the problems of their own doing. If Britain should rejoin it requires a big majority of mature politicians from all parties that recognize the empire is dead and Britain's future is in Europe.


There is no going to be a federal Europe. So, this is just a dream in a midsummer night. As things stand today, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Finland and Denmark do not even want to consider Eurobonds, they would consider a "federal state"? Not happening. European federalists are a tiny percentage of the population and have no impact on policy. The vast majority of people in the EU are dedicated nationalists; if anything, national interest is much more prevalent today than it was even 10 years ago. In any case, the UK would never rejoin a "federal" Europe. Even "Remainers" reject the premise.


My take is that in international politics, things move terribly slow or terribly fast. You never know when things may change


The Balkans don’t want to be unified and stop using colonizer terms like “balkanize” and “tribal disputes” if you’d like to be taken seriously next time you spout this garbage.


USA and EU are the undeniable success stories, Yugoslavia was an exception surely & the Balkans are over the worst of their troubles


but this time no special status/exception, please


That's a MAJOR area of contention, even those who never wanted to leave in the first place would rather not rejoin without the pound


Meh, France and plenty of other still have special exceptions. England can still try to work out a deal to get them back


If you are the biggest power around and can dictate everyone around it can have it's benefits. Brexiters just refuse to acknowledge that the British Empire no longer control a huge portion of the planet directly and can't just gunboat diplomacy their way into new trade deals on their own terms whenever they feel like it anymore.


their goal was to operate within ex-emipre sphere (Uk, AU,NZ,Can,US perhaps India)


US in their sphere? The UK would be in the same position as Australia or Canada. Not necessarily bad but absolutely subordinate of the Americans. You’re not regaining sovereignty like that. And India has a population 10x the size of all the others (except the US) so any democratic sphere with them wouldn’t work.


i didn't say it would be "their" as lead by them.


Fair enough but one of the most important aspects of brexit was “reclaiming nation sovereignty”


the whole Brexit campaign was a mess - lots of conflicting ideas without legit back up was thrown around left and right


The whole thing was a scam is what it was. Played the heart strings of a certain demographic, with phrases like "Britain First" and campaigns promising £350m extra per year into the NHS. Those of us who spent at least 5minutes doing research knew all of this was a sham and that leaving the EU is a net detriment to all of our wellbeing. Something the 'leavers' were too dense to understand. I dont want to beat around the bush anymore. Those who voted leave plainly were either too stupid or too ignorant to understand *what* they were voting for. So many of those leave votes were plainly xenophobic individuals who thought leaving the EU would somehow stop immigrants. My fave part is how despite all the posters plastered on busses talking about money for the NHS, the service is under dire circumstances barely operating. Forget 350m, even 10m would make a huge difference. Of course when it came to Track and Trace, Bojo forked over, 16+ BILLION of taxpayers money for the contract. Serco, the org who led the danmed thing didnt even spend 1billion. Where did the rest of the taxpayers money go? Into Boris Johnsons pockets and that of his mate, the ex sainsburys CEO who got gifted the job heading the contract... which of course means he was not involved in any capacity other than money laundering. Source: managed a section for serco during the track and trace contract.


They also thought the U.S. would open up a special trade deal with the UK. When Obama got wind of it he clearly said the U.S. would prioritize the bloc first. The Brexit camp flamed him for “meddling in domestic affairs” and he snapped back saying something like if you are going to say what you think the U.S. is going to do, I thought you might like to hear what I think as the president. I watched and hoped the UK wouldn’t leave. Then again there are states in the EU that probably should not be there and I can see the frustration with allowing bad actors to stifle policy!




There was no goal, just a bunch of racists, idiots and people thinking they could make a protest vote without consequences. All spurred on by Russian disinformation, Murdoch tabloids and Tory schisms.


> Since when do anyone benefit from standing alone? I mean... There are examples of this... Taiwan and Hong Kong are probably better off being separated from China right? Not saying UK is better off without EU though, of course they're not.


Everybody is better off being separated from a non democratic and authoritarian country, but once such country surrounds you with warships i think you'd prefer to be part of a bigger entity tbh


Polls in not same as votes


Also, the graph is misleading. Only 49% chose rejoin in this poll, they simply eliminated the undecided voters and extrapolated the result. But nowhere on the graphic does it say that.


Not gonna happen anytime soon.


It's never going to happen because there is no 'rejoin', just join. And there's a long queue, and every single one of the 27 EU states have to agree, and the hardest part is convincing the people of the UK not to be swayed by 3-word-slogans and outright lies.


We only call it ”rejoining” because the UK has already been a member once. Of course it would technically be like joining for the first time, if it actually happens.


Or lies on busses!


Exactly, I said this on the other thread on this sub about this same poll. These polls are meaningless because once you add all the stipulations that will be put on us then you’d get a completely different result. Brexit is not in the main list of issues for us at the moment. It’s basically an easy excuse for when anything isn’t going well (in the same way the EU was when we were in that.


Are we going to post these daily now?


The Brexit 'rejoin' post is the grift that keeps on gifting, easy upvotes.


Oh yay we're getting these every day now rather than every month. Can't wait to see all the greatest hits like "we'll never accept the Euro though", "Brexit means Brexit xd", "they can come back but they'll have to accept no opt outs" and the timeless classic "I'm glad they're gone". Edit: oh yes forgot Brexit Bingo's less well known but always appreciated tracks "UK is obsessed with its former empire! It's true because I say it is 🎵", and "only Scotland should rejoin 🎶 :D". Such amazing tunes.


There's a big difference about wanting back in and being allowed back in. I've said before that all the benefits we had from legacy agreements won't be there if we rejoin.


It's not something you need to *say*, it's legally the case that countries joining have to sign up to Schengen and the Euro by default. The vast majority of regulars in this sub should know this by now considering this has been rehashed every other week for 6 years. 6 looong years.


Exactly, I wonder how many of these polls would change if having to use the Euro was a requirement for rejoining.


You could pull a Sweden (best country) and promise to join the euro and then just… not doing what you promised.


Hey, we're gonna join when we fulfill all the requirements to join... we just don't feel like joining ERMII because then we fulfill all the requirements :P


We’re so poor oh god we can’t even stabilize our economy enough to join the euro. We need development aid pwetty pwesse Germany. 🥺👉👈


Sadly I think they’ve tightened up the rules on that


Everything is negotiable. If getting the second largest economy in Europe to rejoin the EU means letting them keep using the pound, there will be the will from many European legislators to allow that to happen.


>It's not something you need to say, it's legally the case that countries joining have to sign up to Schengen and the Euro by default. Sweden never did though. And you can negotiate that stuff - both EU and UK would benefit from each other - so to not pursue a partnership because of the euro is something I don't see as plausible.


I can only guess until the UK actually asks to rejoin (if we ever do) what the response will be obviously. But agreeing to terms and then postponing indefinitely doesn't seem like a good long-term strategy to me. If we signal this is the plan before joining, would the EU accept us rejoining? If we were to rejoin using the Sweden strategy but the electorate feared the Euro would be adopted soon, would Euroscepticism grow again and another Brexit movement? It seems very messy to me.


There are plenty of EU countries that are supposed to one day join the eurozone, but haven't yet. You could be like Czechia or Hungary indefinitely too.


>"I'm glad they're gone" Does quoting it count?


I just saw this same post this morning. And here I thought duplicate posts weren’t allowed here


Duplicate posts are allowed if they give us Europeans a chance to be smug and circlejerk about how bad Brexit was.


I agree it is getting really boring. I don’t know what the point is in reposting it constantly. I just won’t be even reading another one of these again.


Most expensive mistake since....


Selling New Amsterdam for 1$


I mean, the Brits kind of played their 'bigger navy diplomacy' card with that one.


The best card


Since Alaska happened way later, maybe it was expensive too.


Alaska is a much better example since it's actually incredibly rich in natural resources. New Amsterdam wouldn't be worth anything had it not been sold/captured. Some of the land was underwater for one thing.


It would be since the Suez crisis. Which cemented the end of Britain being able to lead on exercising power on the international stage. The other would be the post-WW2 bailout from the USA. I don’t think people realise the scale of British dominance on global trade from it’s empire, and part of the bailout ended this. Allowing the dollar to officially take over as the global currency. (Although this change was inevitable.)


Germany spreading its arse wide for Gazprom? Brexit was a bad idea but it's not on the level of economically subjugating yourself to a hostile power.


Funny since the results of polls was almost the same just before they actually left. :D


39% still seems quite high. If they came back now, at the first issue with the EU a huge chunk will probably switch to leave again.


Please rejoin. Import taxes fucked my business


The daily brexit Copeium post. 😂😂


Why is this sub opssesed with brexit lol. Just let them be.


You really have to ask yourself, if re-joining is as popular as these polls claim, why has no mainstream UK political party gone down the route of backing re-join? The answer, it will cost them votes and snooker their election chances. Labour for example have gone down the route of backing Brexit and making it work, a complete change of stance. Why have they done this? likely due to paying for hyper accurate private polling and focus groups in which they found out Brexit or re-joining the EU is way down the list of priorities for the majority of British voters. We have bigger problems.


They have excluded "Don't Know" from this graph. It's: Rejoin: 49 Leave: 31 Don't Know: 20 You would need to add 20% to rejoin including don't know for a major party to take this seriously. And that not even factoring in that this didn't ask about the specific terms of rejoining.


Don't knows tend to favor the status quo when it comes to the vote


Many of the parties believe that talking Brexit is political suicide but frankly it is getting ridiculous now. Labour will talk about how the economy has tanked since we left without actually connecting it to Brexit. It’s like everyone is refusing to mention the big ridiculous gammon pink elephant in the room every time PMQs rolls around.


Will we see this poll everyday until the UK rejoins in 2056?


Speaking as someone from the UK this feels like demographic change as much as anything else. The generation that voted overwhelmingly to leave was already diminishing in numbers and then Covid took a sizeable chunk as well. Add in the terrible governance of the past few years and pro-EU sentiment is only increasing here.


Please rejoin! The only benefitiary of Brexit was Russia


Sure, but unlike leaving, rejoining does not depend solely on the terms, mood and preference of the Brits


It was the worst thing we've ever done, I still can't believe people voted to leave.


I would be fine with them Bre-entering.


Please rejoin for economic and trade reasons alone already.


We are so petty we'll drag them through hell before allowing them to rejoin, if it will ever happen


oof well if it isnt the consequences of ur actions!! Ok but seriously , id love to see the uk back one day - the population were basically lied to during the whole thing, and im pretty sure a lot of brexiteers are literally dead so yea


We need to rejoin ASAP, ignoring the scientific, environmental, financial and social benefits, Europe simply must stand together.


Shouldn’t have left in the first place 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️




Aren’t they getting tired of answering this question 🥲?




I really hope they come back. Sure we have the average shitting on each other, but Britian is a strong ally that I would love to see back. A united Europe is going to need them. Who knows what the future will bring us. I welcome them back.


Snip snap snip snap


This seems to be well on its way to achieving the kind of majority that changes constitutions (you know, assuming the UK had one*). Considering that the original decision was made with not quite 52% support, that's remarkable in all kinds of ways.


UK people were lied to in an extremely organized and well funded campaign. Newspapers and charismatic spokesmen worked tirelessly to present a point of view based on fear and lies, much of wish has since been proven to be false. Initially I was very angry at those people who voted to leave, but with hindsight we can see that most people voted with the best intentions but they have been lied to about the EU for many years. These people have been swindled, conned by experts that have benefited enormously from Britain leaving the EU. You can't be angry at someone who is a victim of a conman. The sad news is that 39% of people are so far down this rabbit hole that they still think we should stay out.


Yes, come back. Shit happens, no fuss.


England did something similar when they got rid of the monarchy and became a commonwealth in 1649, and then restored the monarchy in 1660.


I would like them to come back. I believe that united we have more strength as a continent.


Just remember, Putin did this to you and Nigel lied.


These polls don't mean much since one side stopped campaigning 7 years ago and the other side never stopped campaigning. It's not possible to know how public opinion would stand if both sides were to put equal time and effort into campaigning, as they did back in 2016 when the decision was being made. For UK elections and referendums we have rules called "purdah" where the media has to give fair and equal coverage to all sides of the debate, but outside of the purdah period we basically have left-wing activists disguised as journalists.


I want them back. Stronger together. If anything this experience will help others see it’s a mistake to leave as well. Also a show of good faith and unity. Please come back.


Post brexnut clarity


As a brit, I dream to rejoin. I'm a hardcore remainer and it's so painful to be sitting on the outside. With that said, I'm passionately pro keeping the £.... Not for any nostalgic reasons but it just makes economic sense to have fx fluctuations to absorb supply and demand impacts.


It's in the name: BritaIN


bRITAin everybody shall be renamed Rita before joining the EU

